steviecruiser said:
Start blatantly checking out and galking at fit bodied girls in front of her. That will light a candle up under her ass real fast!
Actually THIS SHOULD ALWAYS BE DONE! not just in his situation. What players do is they see a hot girl walk by they turn their head, not shy about it at all! They don't make a comment or anything just turn their heads to check out the girl passing by, for like 3 seconds or so not much then pretend like nothing happened. Just long enough for the girlfriend to notice and get her jealous juices going.
This is obviously the opposite of the nice guy/afc who gives their girlfriend his undivided attention and would never look at another girl passing by while with her. Checking other girls out is a good way to keep your girlfriend on her toes and give her the ever important "sense of loss." The less available you are to a girl the more they want you, and when it comes to girlfriends the more they think you can leave them any minute the more they want you and will work to try to keep you (ringinging OP).
It doesn't matter if your gf is the hottest woman alive or she loves you with everything, you never let your girlfriend comfortable thinking that
1. you wouldn't have other options besides her
3. you are not capable of kicking her to the curb in an instant
Those 3 from the list above apply to the type of men that are successful with women, the players, the jerks, the a**holes. You think a player would put up with their b|tch becoming miss piggy all of a sudden?
Women look to men for leadership and if you don't provide it for them they become lost. Leadership sometimes means discipline, not in the way of hitting a woman but discipline in the way of words and neggin them for their bulls*** and s*** tests and behavior. You think a player wouldn't have noticed the gf putting an extra couple pounds and negged the s*** outta her the minute he noticed that? that's what discipline is all about. Not putting up with her bad behavior but instead giving her some verbal discipline. Girls want this in a man, they love it and they crave it. It's what separates players from afcs.
So guys, please start checking out other girls more often! and do it while your gf is with you and let her notice it! the world is full of beautiful women thus making this one of the simplest tactics for giving your gf a sense of loss. It is healthy for your relationship, do it and do it often!