How successful/well off guys do things differently.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
Let's keep it real live in an overpriced, pretentious, all for show city. Last you said you barely had furniture at your place and some girl busted your ass for that. That's not exactly having your life in order. Priorities son!
Whoa Duke, from talking to me about Seeking and its benefits to now turning on me, whats up with you. FWIW, before that I normally had girls in NYC who did not care if my place was fire and I was living with roommates there too so that was handled. I also moved places so I did not have the couch situation sorted, its done so now.

I am not a millionaire but I have my life in order.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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If I had to go to America to have sex with hot babes, I would prefer to stay in rainy Amsterdam, smile at the 'hot' American women visiting my fair city, and then find some sexy European women to enjoy.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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Literally most people in the medical field, yes even nurses, are making that much. Doctors are making that much and so are dentists. Business owners are making that much. A lot of guys do not even report their actual income the right way so they actually make more than what the job says after bonuses.
Bro, doctors don't even get into their careers until they are 35 or even closing in on 40. Not all doctors are making as much as you think either btw, and they also have a high degree of student debt. The same thing goes for dentists, its not uncommon for dentists to be close to a million dollars in student loan debt.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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The only exceptions are trust fund people, sons or friends who get into their friend/ family company on nepotism alone, or the engineers who work at top tech companies. And even then, they have to save up before they are considered at million dollars. And that takes three to five years at minimum. They aren't true millionaires.

If you want to dig into the truths, ask Jesse what nationality all these "rich people" were.

I can be broke and have all the things you state someone needs to do well in these high tier places. Money does open doors, there's no lie there. But there's a lot of nuance being left out in simply saying that this is normal.
This thread is honestly one of the dumbest things I've seen on here in a while lol.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
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OP's observations don't surprise me, though the preoccupation with income in this thread is weird. IME if you are not a complete bum and you have a decent social/professional network you don't need to do the typical pua cold approach stuff to meet girls. And you don't even really need the conventional markers of success, you just have to be moderately interesting. I have friends who are artists and musicians (i.e. broke-ass but with a dynamic social network) and they do just fine.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
There is a lot to respond to here.

@CAPSLOCK BANDIT and @characternote Bring up a the truth to a lot of this, which is guys that are full blown frauds OR were from tremendous wealth. I know a guy from LA that I consider a friend that I enjoy talking to and spending time with. However, he is definitely a bit of a phoney and exaggerates a lot about his accomplishments lol. Anyway, he has made this claim for a while now of running a very successful company in medical device sales. It always felt like a bunch of b.s to me, I just didn't really care because I enjoyed his company and it made no difference to me. Anyway, I later found out that his parents were incredibly wealthy and that they paid for everything. He literally just went to the gym, played basketball and had sex with women lol. The company was legitimate, it's just the success of it was severely exaggerated haha.

Hell, I'm a fan of Donald Trump but that guy had massive success because of his familial wealth that got him started. You could take the same individual with the same work ethic and all that but give him an upper middle class background and he'd never have become anywhere near as wealthy as he is/was.

Making 6 figures or being a millionaire really doesn't mean all that much and you need to take things into context. A millionaire could be someone with a paid off house in a major metro area for instance, which is actually a liability. A millionaire could also be a person with 7 figures in investments, which is a way more impressive place to be in my opinion. A 6 figure earner sure might bring in 250k, but he lives in NYC and after taxes and basic cost of living how much is remaining? You could have a dentist that is pulling 250k in a medium sized metro at his private practice, but you aren't factoring in his costs to run his business and the fact that he has over 500k in student loans.

As for the bottle service, that's a bunch of b.s These are just dudes that throw money around but it doesn't mean much. There is a guy in my metro I've known of for years that is super popular and hits up the clubs, gets bottle service, etc. Anyway, I found out through someone that knew him that he was a huge fraud and was crazy deep in debt lol. There are a few other examples similar to this that I can cite, it's a big thing in the Scottsdale nightlife scene.

Here is the thing, this type of stuff exists but it's so unusual that its not worth considering. You guys are on here talking about celebrity status type wealth, which is a tiny subset of the general population. BTW, most millionaires actually live pretty normal lives and don't engage in reckless lifestyles like this.

The examples you mentioned I can easily break down.

- ICO guys that had massive wealth honestly got lucky and got in at a good time, trust me I'm familiar with this lol.
- Private Pilot is believable but there's way more to that story than what you mentioned. I'd also be wary of the possibility he was just paying for escorts.
- The tech guy making 150k is believable, though depends on the metro. Most guys in this field are nerds and don't do well with women, this is an exception.
- The 28 year old example seems the most reasonable, though again being a millionaire does not mean you have some crazy lifestyle.

There's a huge misconception that being a millionaire means you live like Shaq or something.

A millionaire could have a nice 3/4 bed house paid off in a nice place/area like AZ, NV, IDAHO, etc. Then he could have 500k in say investments. A guy like this could easily blow his wealth, only a total moron would live a crazy lifestyle like is being mentioned here lol.
1. The people that I mentioned that are wealthy from crypto are public figures (not saying celebrities but they are very well known in the crypto community) The first crypto guy who I talked about is very well known in the crypto community, owns a popular crypto company The other made it in Forbes magazine everyone in my city knows who he is, the guy owns a dozen supercars. The article is 7 years old(he's easily made a 100 million since this came out think of him as the black Dan Blizerian lmfaooo), if you do enough digging you can find who he is as he has a huge Snapchat following to the point that snapchat is paying him 15K-30K a month to just snap his lifestyle, however, I have been in this guy's Bentley and Roadster not saying this to brag but once again I know these are outliers I will not disagree with you on that

2. I do agree with you that location matters hence I said earlier 100K goes further in Minneapolis/Chicago/Madison. I do not live in NYC/LA/Miami as a guy who lives in Minneapolis a 100K after taxes as a 30-year-old man puts you in the top $0.5%. The average guy here makes $44.7K a year. Cost of living here is cheaper than LA/NYC/Miami hence your money guys further. Most of the guys I know invest in cryptos, stocks or both. They are not blowing their money all on bottles and clubs if anything they are actually smarter with their money than your average guy making 50K a year hence they got in the position that there in.

3. You Got guys making hundreds of thousands and millions a year . Splitting the cost of 4 bottles at the club let's say it's 10K that's like you spending a $100 on a date if you make 50K it's not hard to believe. Once again some of these guys are making millions annually so wtf is 10K to them? Now let me be clear I don't go clubbing these days at 40 it's a waste of my time but heck once in awhile when I was younger why not? (not saying every weekend)

4. Yes we are talking about high-status men, who da fucc wants to be average? what's the point of being on this site if you just wanna be mediocre thought we were here to be our best versions?. I'm not saying we should strive to be celebrities not at all. However, I think everyone should strive to be financially free or at least VERY comfortable IMO if you 30+ and don't even have 10K in your savings minimum you have your priorities all fucced up and need to focus on stacking some savings. Your financial security matters first and foremost to you first! trust me I know what it's like being broke and the effects of it on your mental and physical health I can tell you stories of lonely nights succumbing to drinking every night. Those are dark days that I do not wish on any man that's why I'm saying get your money up before you try to go out there

5. ICO guys get lucky? part of is luck but honestly, with the crypto guys I know is timing they just get in early "Mr Smith" as I call him the guy in the Forbes article got in crypto around 2012/ But I won't disagree with you luck matters but with crypto I've learned it's all about timing. YOu can get in a **** coin (like I did with Shiba Inu) and make tons of money if you got in earlier not because you're some sort of crypto guru. Half of these crypto influencers have no clue wtf they are talking about lmao

6. I know your mind can't fathom a guy who is nearly a midget (5'2)boinking hot girls without paying, I get it, but once again if you got local clout and money you are playing the game at a different level. Compared to the guy mass approaching and swiping for hours upon hours on tinder.

@sangheilios you know brother it's no beef and you're one of the few members I respect. I know bro this sounds delusional but had I not experience these things for myself I would totally think like you do so I don't blame you. The reality is most women who are attracted to these men are attracted to the lifestyle meaning that they wanna be around where the fun is, the pool parties, VIP nights, traveling to Phoenix and DR etc a lot of these women aren't golddiggers per se they just enjoy the finer things and also want to be able to brag on their IG story that they are where the party is at. Not everyone cares about money but girls sure as heck do care about having fun in luxurious places with fun guys

In the last 2 years I myself have dated women who would not have given me the time of day on swipe apps or infield but because we met through social circle they gave me a shot. The girl I dated last year was a trust fund chick, former bartender and model she was older and still hot there's no way this girl would have given me the time of day if we didn't meet how we met and guess what I never had to buy her shyt or take her on any trips the only thing I would pay for is dinners and guess what she would pay as well

p.s. Jesse Pinkamn has known me for over a decade outside of sosuave he can vouch I'm not telling tales
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Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
You are like a completely different person now! I thought that someone hacked your account haha.
It's called growing up and seeing the world through a more mature lense, never thought I would get to a point where women were far less important than getting money or my own mental health but eventually you realize there is more to live than MEOW


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
Reaction score
It's called growing up and seeing the world through a more mature lense, never thought I would get to a point where women were far less important than getting money or my own mental health but eventually you realize there is more to live than MEOW
MEOW is still important. We're still men with T. We want DOG in MEOW from time to time.

Jesse unfortunately comes from a city where he is confusing gold digging *****s for quality women. Even Miami has its share of chubby overinflated egos. The only reason cities like that get away with "hot women" is cause the majority of women here in the west are fat, ugly, and or act like men thanks to feminist policies and culture. If anything, people in Miami are like tools who are paying what...$150K just for some women who happen to be skinny?


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score

I thought you were citing people you personally knew, that's very different.

I believe that people that got wealthy through investments and business understand what it takes to acquire that in the first place, so they have much more respect. In contrast, someone that won literally won the lottery or had some sort of talent, a product of genetic lottery lol, does not. There's a reason why most NFL players end up bankrupt for instance. You have a bunch of guys that are honestly very talented athletically/physically that came into a high degree of wealth at very young ages out of practically nowhere.

I agree with your comments about financial freedom and having that aspect of your life in check. Most people are broke AF today and many are literally living paycheck to paycheck. There are even stats showing high income earners are falling in this trap, in fact many of them.

Me personally, I value financial freedom but I enjoy a simple lifestyle and honestly don't have any crazy desires. Many women would consider me boring or reject me because of it.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2023
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To go to a good school by default you need a significant head start in life with family wealth. I'm assuming you mean US Ivy League.

Moral of the story is, none of these pathways are really accessible for 99.9% of the population. Still good that you uncovered that the upper tier of american society can flourish like no place else.
This is not true, a good school does not mean only Ivy, there are lots of "good" schools with solid programs where "normal" people who work hard and make decent career decisions can thrive.

Even within the Ivy, the idea that only those from "elite" backgrounds have a door in, has been diminished over the past two or three decades. The Ivies are bringing in more students from varied socioeconomic backgrounds than ever. There are more people who get practical degrees in engineering, accounting, or computer science from "normal" schools who outearn Ivy-level graduates in probably half the majors they offer.

All of the pathways he mentioned are potentially accessible for probably 80% of the young population. Grit and attitude matter. Want to be a VP at a company or highly compensated lawyer? Guess what, working 60 hrs a week is the price you pay. Everyone says 60 hrs is somehow unbearable, that you can't have a life outside of work if you do this. Not true, as long as your time-management is solid, you can stomach 55-60 hr weeks most of the time. Let's say 55, in at 7am-out by 6:30, giving yourself 30 mins to eat. Workout in the morning at say 5am or so, and your evenings, as well as your weekends are 100% free.

Bump it to 60 hrs? You can keep the week schedule and put in time on easier tasks for a couple hours weekend mornings, or have working lunches (my preference) work until 6:45 or 7, and still have weekends completely free. "Some" might call that too much, but "some" aren't the high achievers, better than average results require better than average input.

This isn't a class or upbringing story. Do those born into means have a better shot, well of course, but that's not even close to the whole story. This is an effort and accountability for your own success story.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Advice from the old lady:

I personally observe what Jesse and Solomon and other affluent people in this thread say to be true.

Everyone I know and am friends with is at least affluent, many are millionaires themselves, like me, and some are very rich.

I started making over 150K at age 30 or so and it has gone up from there. I also branched out from my STEM career into investment real estate and now that also puts $ in my pocket.

I did not go to an elite school, rather a major state university, I studied hard, was ambitious and sought knowledge about how to become financially successful. I have a 7 figure net worth, live well, dress well, own nice things and have time & money for leisure.

And I’m a chick. Furthermore I supported my family after my 1st husband had his business fiasco; and had a full time stay at home spouse while doing this. That’s a heavy lift for me and we lived in an affluent area, kids did private schools and were afforded a nice lifestyle by my hard work & ambition.

My kids grew up seeing the effort and sacrifice it took to create the lifestyle they enjoyed. They all have work ethic as a result.

Yeah. It’s different. Unsuccessful people do not think the same way as successful people. It makes a tremendous difference.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Yet another example of the ever widening gap between the haves and have nots. Of a rather small minority amassing way more than the majority.

Does that seem like a good, stable society to you? What happened to such societies historically, do you know?
USA, for all its problems, is the most upwardly mobile society in the history of mankind. There are so many opportunities for advancement, it's kind of ridiculous. If you want proof, just look at how many immigrants and first generation Americans are becoming rich. And we are talking about people who came to America from sh!thole people whose parents/grandparents were literally wiping their @sses with their sleeves just a few decades ago.

If you are not stupid or lazy, you can do very well. The problem is that half of the population is stupid and lazy. And they have the same right to vote as the other half.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
Breaking news to you and every single guy on here who believes in the Red Pill garbage, no one as a man is coming to save you. The market gets more and more competitive every single year as more and more men are left to rot. Most of these men will live a life like herbivores in Japan who just watch porn and play videogames all day. It has already made news with less men asking out women.

Welcome to real competition and the real world. You see decades before? We were living in a bubble and were sheltered from harsh reality. Now it has come full circle and you have more and more guys who are getting a rude awakening.

Either improve your lot or enjoy your rot.

That is the only thing none of these morons on Youtube complaining want to tell you, PS, they are benefitting off of your misery in a financial way. Love Andrew Tate all you want, he benefits off of incels and conning them.

No one is coming to save you and your incel friends other than you. The world has gotten more competitive and it will continue to get more competitive, either improve your lot or enjoy your rot.
You got any scary music to go along with this post?


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
MEOW is still important. We're still men with T. We want DOG in MEOW from time to time.

Jesse unfortunately comes from a city where he is confusing gold digging *****s for quality women. Even Miami has its share of chubby overinflated egos. The only reason cities like that get away with "hot women" is cause the majority of women here in the west are fat, ugly, and or act like men thanks to feminist policies and culture. If anything, people in Miami are like tools who are paying what...$150K just for some women who happen to be skinny?
That's why that 150K if you can work remotely would be better spent in Madison/Chicago or Minneapolis yes you won't have hot latina women but in Minneapolis, you got hot Asian girls(and nordic blondes), Madison hot blond white girls. If that's what you want your money will go further in those places. If my 5'2 midget friend can make it anyone can that's why I have no sympathy for guys whining about not having success with women but than you find the poster is 40 years old, making 40K average looking but wants to bang hot 22 year old college chicks lmfaoooo

I thought you were citing people you personally knew, that's very different.

I believe that people that got wealthy through investments and business understand what it takes to acquire that in the first place, so they have much more respect. In contrast, someone that won literally won the lottery or had some sort of talent, a product of genetic lottery lol, does not. There's a reason why most NFL players end up bankrupt for instance. You have a bunch of guys that are honestly very talented athletically/physically that came into a high degree of wealth at very young ages out of practically nowhere.

I agree with your comments about financial freedom and having that aspect of your life in check. Most people are broke AF today and many are literally living paycheck to paycheck. There are even stats showing high income earners are falling in this trap, in fact many of them.

Me personally, I value financial freedom but I enjoy a simple lifestyle and honestly don't have any crazy desires. Many women would consider me boring or reject me because of it.
I do know these people personally...Once again I could post videos and photos of me and these people but for what? for people to call me insecure or a try-hard? this debate is not that serious if anything I'm enjoying this debate because we are getting to one of the roots of the problem that most men will never know what it's like to deal with women when you are on top of your A-Game financially and status-wise. I'm not saying i'm at the top but I can smell it and that's what motivates me not women, but to be finacailly free and live the way that God intended for me to live

Advice from the old lady:

I personally observe what Jesse and Solomon and other affluent people in this thread say to be true.

Everyone I know and am friends with is at least affluent, many are millionaires themselves, like me, and some are very rich.

I started making over 150K at age 30 or so and it has gone up from there. I also branched out from my STEM career into investment real estate and now that also puts $ in my pocket.

I did not go to an elite school, rather a major state university, I studied hard, was ambitious and sought knowledge about how to become financially successful. I have a 7 figure net worth, live well, dress well, own nice things and have time & money for leisure.

And I’m a chick. Furthermore I supported my family after my 1st husband had his business fiasco; and had a full time stay at home spouse while doing this. That’s a heavy lift for me and we lived in an affluent area, kids did private schools and were afforded a nice lifestyle by my hard work & ambition.

My kids grew up seeing the effort and sacrifice it took to create the lifestyle they enjoyed. They all have work ethic as a result.

Yeah. It’s different. Unsuccessful people do not think the same way as successful people. It makes a tremendous difference.
The sad part is people will say that we are bragging but we are not, trust me I was making 30K-40K most of my 20s and 30s than I had my breakthrough at 36 and life has changed. But the goal is to become a millionaire and beyond!

If you told me 4 years ago I would be overlooking the city with the hottest chick in my state I would have thought you were lying. If a ugly bloke like me can make it, anything is possible!

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
What is your definition of unsuccessful? Can you give a description of such a person?
Everything is relative right? Bear that in mind. People also value different things. Some people are school teachers or police officers, but those are not careers that create wealth. People in those positions can still be wise with the money they do make but they are not going to become rich doing those things.

An unsuccessful person is someone who fails to apply themselves toward something in life. Someone who is lazy and expects not to have to make effort. Someone who has envy or jealousy toward those who are achievement oriented, who rationalizes their own failures or laziness by disdain, or privilege or whatever thing they actually envy.

Plenty of that readily observable in this thread too. You can actually SEE the difference through the content of this thread how different successful versus unsuccessful people think.

How you think matters the most.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score
Plenty of that readily observable in this thread too. You can actually SEE the difference through the content of this thread how different successful versus unsuccessful people think.
Yes, I can.

What I don’t see, but sense is:
1. Successful: rich
2. Unsuccessful: everyone else, including middle-class people who keep society running, whom without, we’d live in a third world country.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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TBH, my point on this thread was not even "make more money so you can get more girls". My point was, the guys who are successful in life are doing things differently with women that is resulting in them having better results
Being successful doesn't necessarily refer to money, but it helps. For example, it's hard to consider yourself successful if you can't pay your bills.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
USA, for all its problems, is the most upwardly mobile society in the history of mankind. There are so many opportunities for advancement, it's kind of ridiculous. If you want proof, just look at how many immigrants and first generation Americans are becoming rich. And we are talking about people who came to America from sh!thole people whose parents/grandparents were literally wiping their @sses with their sleeves just a few decades ago.

If you are not stupid or lazy, you can do very well. The problem is that half of the population is stupid and lazy. And they have the same right to vote as the other half.
You are totally correct but there is a lot that goes into it. The American culture and economy revolves around consumerism, keeping up the Jones', etc. It is a cultural norm to be in some sort of cycle of endless debt and spending on things you don't need. There have been a lot of numbers coming out where even high income earners are living paycheck to paycheck and that Americans are carrying record amounts of credit card debt, this is partially related to economics but also lifestyle. Most people have a tendency to spend beyond their needs and on things they don't need. One thing I specifically remember during the pandemic was when the stimulus checks were given out many big items at places like Wal Mart and Costco were priced around that amount. So a TV might be $1200, etc. lol.

If the majority of Americans took on a frugal or even minimalist lifestyle it would be terrible for the economy. It's actually incredible how much people spend on things like eating out or even on something as simple as getting a coffee at Starbuck's.

I think the notion of getting rich or living these lavish lifestyles though, like some of the posters on here acting like it's common, is really that not that feasible though. This super high degree of wealth is very often due to luck. An NFL player for instance was lucky because he had the genetics to have the athletic talent to be able to play at such a high level. He also had to be lucky to have the ability to play while growing up, not get injuries and even to just have interest in it in the first place. However, this type of stuff is very unusual and really not something to seriously consider.

A person can do quite well with career for sure but there is a limit to upward potential. Overwhelming majority of working people make a similar amount of money. These super high income earners are in some sort of highly competitive field. Not just any med student can become a brain surgeon for instance. Some people have a higher degree of natural talent for sure.

The thing about wealth is that most people don't really get there by just working a job, they made sound investments or took some risks and had to get creative. You have to put your money to work, which is also a concept most people don't understand. There is a reason why finance is not a major subject taught in school. If everyone was financially free it would completely change the dynamic we see in our country.

I'll also add that many people today are legitimately struggling to pay for even just their rent and basic essentials. Getting into a spot where you can start to build wealth is very difficult for young adults today. There is a much greater requirement for creativity and work ethic to have the same lifestyle that older generations would have had.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
Let's keep it real live in an overpriced, pretentious, all for show city. Last you said you barely had furniture at your place and some girl busted your ass for that. That's not exactly having your life in order. Priorities son!
This thread is all a bunch of nonsense. The guy claims to know all these super highly successful people on a personal level that are living baller type lifestyles. No guy that has an empty place would be associated with guys like this, as he'd be trying to emulate their lifestyle's to try to fit in lol. @Jesse Pinkman probably follows some instagram famous douchebag that lives in Miami that is a VIP at the clubs there or some ****.

@Jesse Pinkman and the others on here. Have any of you guys ever stopped to think if these very wealthy young guys are not involved in illegal stuff? If a guy is 35 or younger and living this type of lifestyle and NOT a celebrity or pro athlete or something along those lines it's either his parents are insanely wealthy OR it's this.