How successful/well off guys do things differently.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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Considering my current way of life, I wouldn't call these guys successful. In fact, I would even go as far as call them somewhat tools. Due to unfortunate circumstances, I didn't get my self going until I was in my 30s, and already hit six figures in three years after that. And that's me owning my own business. So I wouldn't exactly consider them "successful." Working hard doesn't always equal working smart. They likely did hustle for that dough but I wonder how much work they used and how much was a waste. Or how much they already had.

Breaking news to you and every single guy on here who believes in the Red Pill garbage...
This is why I never take your takes seriously, Jesse. Once a cuck, always a cuck.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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Considering my current way of life, I wouldn't call these guys successful. In fact, I would even go as far as call them somewhat tools. Due to unfortunate circumstances, I didn't get my self going until I was in my 30s, and already hit six figures in three years after that. And that's me owning my own business. So I wouldn't exactly consider them "successful." Working hard doesn't always equal working smart. They likely did hustle for that dough but I wonder how much work they used and how much was a waste.
LOL bro STFU, hating on dudes who made it and then coping. We get it, you messed around in your 20s and did not take your life seriously while others were busy making something out of themselves. Now your "business" took off into your 30s and you are jealous of guys who got there sooner.

Nothing about you says winner in life or with women. No winner is on every single thread picking fights with people or envious of what other men have because he doesn't have his life together.

These dudes are slaying more than you, making more than you, and living a better life than you. There is nothing about you that says wealthy or slayer, not one shred of evidence. Have fun living your internet fantasy where you pose as some guy with his life together as the ones living in reality continue to get ahead.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
Reaction score
LOL bro STFU, hating on dudes who made it and then coping. We get it, you messed around in your 20s and did not take your life seriously while others were busy making something out of themselves. Now your "business" took off into your 30s and you are jealous of guys who got there sooner.

Nothing about you says winner in life or with women. No winner is on every single thread picking fights with people or envious of what other men have because he doesn't have his life together.

These dudes are slaying more than you, making more than you, and living a better life than you. There is nothing about you that says wealthy or slayer, not one shred of evidence. Have fun living your internet fantasy where you pose as some guy with his life together as the ones living in reality continue to get ahead.
I never said I was hating on them. I'm saying your narrow life in Miami doesn't represent the rest of the country. Slaying in Miami is not the definition of success. Not by any stretch of the mile. I could take out 10K and go down to Miami and pretend the game. I can waste 30K to 50K living in high end airbnbs with friends to share the costs and pretend I have work there. I know the game. I've seen it. It's not impressive.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
@Solomon coming through big on this thread but tbh, he is talking about extreme examples. Dudes making millions, even in NYC or Miami or LA, is somewhat rare. I am talking about dudes making around the $150k to $300k a year club, that is actually quite common. In fact, it is insane how much companies pay but almost all of these guys threw away their lives in certain periods. I mean I am even full of regret of partying too hard in my early 20s because these dudes were working 70 to 80 hr work weeks and really putting in the grind.

I am not shocked of the reaction though, I have been in the game community for years and noticed that it is rare to find dudes who have their $hit together.

People also say "well that is only in Miami or NYC", the reality is, the hooking up and casual sex is only going on in these major metros. The rest of the country is basically dudes getting hitched at 21 and starting a family, if you do not get hitched by then, you are SOL and an incel.

Dudes with 6 pack abs, 6 figure incomes, and at least 6ft in height are not that rare in major US cities, these are the dudes who are taking all of your dates on the apps and the ones a lot of these women are going for.
Obviously, It's not the norm and Jesse check your DM, I sent you something that will blow your mind(no homo). 100K in Miami/NYC/LA isn't that big of a deal but 100K in Chicago/Minneapolis/Madison will have you living like a king

I remember back in the day I use to go back and forth with @Bokanovsky but I have grown to respect him he reminds me of one of my ahole friends who turned me into a Trump supporter, in before people call me a sell-out

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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You find it strange that I agree with you on some points but not on others? Would that be considered unusual in Alabama or wherever you're from?
No, it is just that you keep tiptoeing the line between whether we get along or we don't and then you take personal shots. Look man, I get it. You are only on this forum and likely other places for the politics. I get that the women in Toronto don't have much patience or love for you and your wants and needs.

I just find it appalling that you are on a game forum and attacking dudes for talking to women or cold approaching them. I find it weird from you and others that you attacked me when I was cold approaching and talking to women. All the while, you don't have much success with women to speak of and are solely in all of this for the politics.

For all I know, you are a nice guy and a good dude, we have agreed on stuff before. However, I do think that dudes like you are the reason the Red Pill and Manosphere went from teaching men to get better with women into being a bunch of religious zealots and political nutjobs.


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
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These guys are very socially aware to get in the position they are. They are able to relate to almost anyone, not just women. Like most other men, I’m looking for sex and compatibility. Ambitious women are a plus, but not required.

Calling out women for their laziness and entitlement won’t get you very far in life
Well, I don't mean financially ambitious. But passionate to some equal manner in at least something.

Yeah, looking for sex is a low bar. Any girl with a hole can fulfill that need. If she looks more physically attractive, all the better.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
I never said I was hating on them. I'm saying your narrow life in Miami doesn't represent the rest of the country. Slaying in Miami is not the definition of success. Not by any stretch of the mile. I could take out 10K and go down to Miami and pretend the game. I can waste 30K to 50K living in high end airbnbs with friends to share the costs and pretend I have work there. I know the game. I've seen it. It's not impressive.
Like for not attacking me and trying to debate, I applaud you for this.

These dudes are not faking it and slaying in Miami is abnormally hard compared to tier 2 cities man. FFS, I went to West Palm Beach and had so much more interest from the local women. Heck, even when I go to Ft Lauderdale I do alright. Miami is an unforgiving market so anyone who can do well here has my respects, there are levels to it.

And no man, you cannot pull off what you claim with 30k because it is not just about money, it is about a bunch of other things like class, connections, social skills, actual game, reading people, and a host of things.


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
Reaction score
Breaking news to you and every single guy on here who believes in the Red Pill garbage, no one as a man is coming to save you. The market gets more and more competitive every single year as more and more men are left to rot. Most of these men will live a life like herbivores in Japan who just watch porn and play videogames all day. It has already made news with less men asking out women.

Welcome to real competition and the real world. You see decades before? We were living in a bubble and were sheltered from harsh reality. Now it has come full circle and you have more and more guys who are getting a rude awakening.

Either improve your lot or enjoy your rot.

That is the only thing none of these morons on Youtube complaining want to tell you, PS, they are benefitting off of your misery in a financial way. Love Andrew Tate all you want, he benefits off of incels and conning them.

No one is coming to save you and your incel friends other than you. The world has gotten more competitive and it will continue to get more competitive, either improve your lot or enjoy your rot.
I don't think many of these guys are terrible rotters. I think a lot are, just as the bell curve would imply, somewhat in the middle.

I have seen way, way too many guys settle for women below their SMV because of hypergamy to the top 5-10%.

Just like in real world economics, I don't believe the top 5-10% of companies should hoard all the wealth. I think there should be laws that prevent Microsoft from buying every company that pops up that may be a "threat". And I think these laws should be enforced, not merely exist. I don't think monopolies are good for a healthy economy. I don't believe the top 5-10% of people should own all the land. Nor have all the women.

I think this is a reasonable stance to have.

Feudalism has its limits. Eventually the serfs find a reason to change the system.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
You must live in Albania...or some alternative universe. Go to any big city in North America and there are TONS of people who make over $100K (and many who make over $250K). In fact, if you're making $100K in a city like NYC or LA, you are barely scraping by.
I said well over 100k, I'm also specifically referring to young adults that are under 40. Very few people between 25-35 are going to be making anything much beyond 100k. The metro exceptions you bring up, such as LA or NYC, are definitely legitimate. However, if you are making 150k in these metros you are not going to be some high roller like @Jesse Pinkman is talking about. It's complete nonsense what this guy is bringing up.

Give me one example of a job that a person under 35 could have that would be paying 250k per year and NOT be living in NYC, LA, etc. Less than 1% of adults in this age bracket will have such an income.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
I don't think many of these guys are terrible rotters. I think a lot are, just as the bell curve would imply, somewhat in the middle.

I have seen way, way too many guys settle for women below their SMV because of hypergamy to the top 5-10%.

Just like in real world economics, I don't believe the top 5-10% of companies should hoard all the wealth. I think there should be laws that prevent Microsoft from buying every company that pops up that may be a "threat". And I think these laws should be enforced, not merely exist. I don't think monopolies are good for a healthy economy. I don't believe the top 5-10% of people should own all the land. Nor have all the women.

I think this is a reasonable stance to have.
The reality is that dudes who work trades long enough can make six figures, I have seen it. Do not make excuses for most loser men, especially not in the game community. A lot of these men do not have their lives together. When you are living with your parents at 30 and driving 2 hrs out to game? What are priorities?


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
Reaction score
The reality is that dudes who work trades long enough can make six figures, I have seen it. Do not make excuses for most loser men, especially not in the game community. A lot of these men do not have their lives together. When you are living with your parents at 30 and driving 2 hrs out to game? What are priorities?
Yes, but they are still working the trades and have no status in the modern woman's eyes, irrespective of making 100k+. Their SMV will be significantly compromised by the simple fact that they are doing honorable and necessary work.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
Reaction score
I said well over 100k, I'm also specifically referring to young adults that are under 40. Very few people between 25-35 are going to be making anything much beyond 100k. The metro exceptions you bring up, such as LA or NYC, are definitely legitimate. However, if you are making 150k in these metros you are not going to be some high roller like @Jesse Pinkman is talking about. It's complete nonsense what this guy is bringing up.

Give me one example of a job that a person under 35 could have that would be paying 250k per year and NOT be living in NYC, LA, etc. Less than 1% of adults in this age bracket will have such an income.
The only exceptions are trust fund people, sons or friends who get into their friend/ family company on nepotism alone, or the engineers who work at top tech companies. And even then, they have to save up before they are considered at million dollars. And that takes three to five years at minimum. They aren't true millionaires.

If you want to dig into the truths, ask Jesse what nationality all these "rich people" were.

Like for not attacking me and trying to debate, I applaud you for this.

These dudes are not faking it and slaying in Miami is abnormally hard compared to tier 2 cities man. FFS, I went to West Palm Beach and had so much more interest from the local women. Heck, even when I go to Ft Lauderdale I do alright. Miami is an unforgiving market so anyone who can do well here has my respects, there are levels to it.

And no man, you cannot pull off what you claim with 30k because it is not just about money, it is about a bunch of other things like class, connections, social skills, actual game, reading people, and a host of things.
I can be broke and have all the things you state someone needs to do well in these high tier places. Money does open doors, there's no lie there. But there's a lot of nuance being left out in simply saying that this is normal.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
I said well over 100k, I'm also specifically referring to young adults that are under 40. Very few people between 25-35 are going to be making anything much beyond 100k. The metro exceptions you bring up, such as LA or NYC, are definitely legitimate. However, if you are making 150k in these metros you are not going to be some high roller like @Jesse Pinkman is talking about. It's complete nonsense what this guy is bringing up.

Give me one example of a job that a person under 35 could have that would be paying 250k per year and NOT be living in NYC, LA, etc. Less than 1% of adults in this age bracket will have such an income.
Literally most people in the medical field, yes even nurses, are making that much. Doctors are making that much and so are dentists. Business owners are making that much. A lot of guys do not even report their actual income the right way so they actually make more than what the job says after bonuses.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
Yes, but they are still working the trades and have no status in the modern woman's eyes, irrespective of making 100k+. Their SMV will be significantly compromised by the simple fact that they are doing honorable and necessary work.
Wrong. A lot of women out there love dudes who are making money through trades and even have a thing for them because of their toughness.


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
Reaction score
Wrong. A lot of women out there love dudes who are making money through trades and even have a thing for them because of their toughness.
Lol, I sincerely doubt this but sure, your word against mine here. Look at miami at the successful guys you cited. I don't see any tradesmen there.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
I never said I was hating on them. I'm saying your narrow life in Miami doesn't represent the rest of the country. Slaying in Miami is not the definition of success. Not by any stretch of the mile. I could take out 10K and go down to Miami and pretend the game. I can waste 30K to 50K living in high end airbnbs with friends to share the costs and pretend I have work there. I know the game. I've seen it. It's not impressive.
My definition of success is being able to buy your mother a house( no monthly payments, fully paid)and a nice car (Mercedes Benz) I have not done it yet but one of my buddies has, It's a personal goal of mine, I do agree with you that slaying women gets old maybe it's cause I'm older now I value women's company beyond just sex but also for companionship and affection and also now that I'm 40 I rather be watching Harry Potter or an Anime with a beautiful girl than be running around in clubs. LMFAOOO

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
I can be broke and have all the things you state someone needs to do well in these high tier places. Money does open doors, there's no lie there. But there's a lot of nuance being left out in simply saying that this is normal.
I disagree with this and this line of thinking has sunk the PUA community and game community. So many loser coaches telling guys "oh u live with ur parents at 30? I can get you laid!". No bro, you should not want to live with your parents at 30 and should want to live by yourself.

However, I do agree that this is not always normal but guys doing well with game are not normal. Lots of rich dudes out there struggle with women and dating. That being said, much better to be rich and having a crappy dating life than be the typical dude in the game community who is broke, living with parents, trying to have a great dating life, and still fails at it.

The story of the rich guy struggling with women is sad. What is more sad is a guy who is broke, trying in game, cannot get laid, and does not have his life together.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
No, it is just that you keep tiptoeing the line between whether we get along or we don't and then you take personal shots.
I'm afraid you've got it all wrong. I'm not tiptoeing any line, nor am I trying to be your friend...or your enemy. If I see something that I agree with, I will comment accordingly. And if I see something that strikes me as hypocritical or contradictory, I may say something about that too. I couldn't care less if we get along. This is an anonymous forum; we will never meet in real life.

It's too bad that you take things like this personally. You need to grow a thicker skin and stop giving a fvck about what other people think.


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
Reaction score
What you fail to understand is there are plenty of well off men who struggle with women nowadays. You are essentially saying a guy's level of income/financial status is directly correlated to his success with women.

This is true after a certain point, the line in the sand has been redrawn and is significantly higher due to female hypergamy going unchecked.

Now, a guy has to be well off, but also very good looking, socially adept, have the social circle, have everything. Yet you also say that tradesmen making six figures are doing excellently with women. How can both of these things be true?

My point is that most of these guys, like the one's you cited in your opening post, have come to their wealth and overall means through rather nebulous or unlikely paths. Because usually, to get to that level of financial success, a significant tradeoff must come.

Look at investment banking, medicine, law, engineering. Do you know the type of people that go study law at harvard/stanford/yale. I can assure you that they are not swimming in women like your opening post.