How successful/well off guys do things differently.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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I'm afraid you've got it all wrong. I'm not tiptoeing any line, nor am I trying to be your friend...or your enemy. If I see something that I agree with, I will comment accordingly. And if I see something that strikes me as hypocritical or contradictory, I may say something about that too. I couldn't care less if we get along. This is an anonymous forum; I will never meet you in real life.

It's too bad that you take things like this personally. You need to grow a thicker skin and stop giving a fvck about what other people think.
Talk to me about a thicker skin once you get the balls to go up to a woman you don't know and talk to her. Until then, have fun in your little echo chamber where you get to complain about liberals all day.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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I have a bet going with a friend who says that I will suck in Miami. But I want to prove to him I can pull one hot honey there. And if I get at least one, he owes me one thousand dollars. Cause money isn't everything. And I know the type of guys who go down there to game. You think they arent playing the game, but they are. They're just throwing around money to compensate for not having to do it by luring gold diggers instead.

But in the end, chickens come home to roost and these guys get exposed without their money. You can't run away from nature.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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What you fail to understand is there are plenty of well off men who struggle with women nowadays. You are essentially saying a guy's level of income/financial status is directly correlated to his success with women.

This is true after a certain point, the line in the sand has been redrawn and is significantly higher due to female hypergamy going unchecked.

Now, a guy has to be well off, but also very good looking, socially adept, have the social circle, have everything. Yet you also say that tradesmen making six figures are doing excellently with women. How can both of these things be true?
Okay that is where the mixup was. I never said wealth = a guy having success with women. Plenty of wealthy dudes are cucks that suck with women. No type of guy has success with women most of the times. Plenty of hot guys date ugly girls because they never had game. However, I will make the case that it is better to be wealthy and sucking with women than be the typical PUA guy who is broke, trying, and still struggling with women with nothing to show for it.

My point with the thread was that the guys who are successful and fixed their lives on many fronts get girls in an efficient way that PUA guys do not.

A lot of what these guys do, your average game guy can do but does not.

1. You can change from a crappy venue to a nicer one, game guys do not do this

2. You can next crappy women, game guys do not do this

3. You can build abundance, game guys do not build this

There is a correlation between what successful men with money do differently that game guys can learn from but choose not to.


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
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Okay that is where the mixup was. I never said wealth = a guy having success with women. Plenty of wealthy dudes are cucks that suck with women. No type of guy has success with women most of the times. Plenty of hot guys date ugly girls because they never had game. However, I will make the case that it is better to be wealthy and sucking with women than be the typical PUA guy who is broke, trying, and still struggling with women with nothing to show for it.

My point with the thread was that the guys who are successful and fixed their lives on many fronts get girls in an efficient way that PUA guys do not.

A lot of what these guys do, your average game guy can do but does not.

1. You can change from a crappy venue to a nicer one, game guys do not do this

2. You can next crappy women, game guys do not do this

3. You can build abundance, game guys do not build this

There is a correlation between what successful men with money do differently that game guys can learn from but choose not to.
Yes I agree with you. But my point is that these are very, very significant outliers. Just look at any other means to acquire wealth, the actual realistic way to do in this country. You have to study your ass off. You are not going out to game women, you are hitting the books, studying, going to residency, coding your ass off.

This is assuming you are self made as possible and not riding mommy and daddy's piggy bank.


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
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You are essentially saying a guy's level of income/financial status is directly correlated to his success with women.
can't be true. Biggest slayer I know is a semi-unemployed lumberjack/tree surgeon. Pretty broke (until fairly recently when he really lucked out with bitcoin but that's irrelevant). But he's exceptionally good looking. The slaying stories I have about him are stuff of legend. Admittedly I don't live in a rich area though. But i'd still expect him to CLEAN UP in Miami lol

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
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I have a bet going with a friend who says that I will suck in Miami. But I want to prove to him I can pull one hot honey there. And if I get at least one, he owes me one thousand dollars. Cause money isn't everything. And I know the type of guys who go down there to game. You think they arent playing the game, but they are. They're just throwing around money to compensate for not having to do it by luring gold diggers instead.

But in the end, chickens come home to roost and these guys get exposed without their money. You can't run away from nature.
I have seen guys that get laid and pull in Miami and those that do not. Money has little to do with it even though a lot of these guys have it. It is more about the soft skills and what I mentioned in the OP. These guys:

1. Go to the right venues at the right time

2. Abandon bad venues and times fast

3. Don't waste time on girls that play too many games

4. Use their money WISELY such as having better logistics and access

5. Have access to cool stuff that not even money can buy, like Maxim events or exclusive parties girls want to be in

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
Yes I agree with you. But my point is that these are very, very significant outliers. Just look at any other means to acquire wealth, the actual realistic way to do in this country. You have to study your ass off. You are not going out to game women, you are hitting the books, studying, going to residency, coding your ass off.

This is assuming you are self made as possible and not riding mommy and daddy's piggy bank.
That is just coping man. Lots of dudes out there who have good social lives and still have great careers, it goes hand in hand. For example, a guy who is off to college and in a frat is not only having access to more women but also setting himself up to qualify for more careers. He is building his network and finding new opportunities. Meanwhile, the guy sitting at home at 19 is not doing the same thing.

The actual nerds who study all day do not get that far. It is the guys who socialize, network, and find the right resources in school that get far ahead.


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
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can't be true. Biggest slayer I know is a semi-unemployed lumberjack/tree surgeon. Pretty broke (until fairly recently when he really lucked out with bitcoin but that's irrelevant). But he's exceptionally good looking. The slaying stories I have about him are stuff of legend. Admittedly I don't live in a rich area though. But i'd still expect him to CLEAN UP in Miami lol
He probably would. An uber good looking guy is perfect for many of these rich girls in Miami or NYC.

We all know money is what compensates when you lack looks. Look at a guy like Sean O Pry. Do you think this guy needs a lot of money to pull?



Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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Respectfully but this thread is nonsense to a person who doesn't roll in those circles or is naive about how the upper class lives
Jesse isn't lying. Once I hit the 6 figure club in 2020 my social circle and lifestyle began to change completely (mind you I was making 38K just 3 years before that) shortly after my career in the fashion industry was done and I had to switch up due to covid (I got into crypto heavy during the 2021 bullrun)

The last 4 years I've been a member in various social circles with people making salaries ranging from 6 to 8 figures.

  • Most guys became rich during 2017 ICO crypto boom (I knew them before they became rich but they were already doing well pre-millionaire status) One guy is worth 50 Million and another guy makes 20-30 Million annually. Their lifestyle is something out of a movie just ridiculous luxury, travels etc
  • One guy is a 5'2 private plane pilot who makes 6 figures and travels the world, slays some of the hottest women, I didn't believe it until I saw him pull in front of my own eyes and also various women confirmed being with him.
  • Another guy made millions by drop Shipping and also runs a popular YouTube channel currently engaged to a model
  • One guy works in tech making over 150K+a year and dates hot smokeshows all the time. He easily IMO has the best game amongst all of us even though he's not the richest but the guy has crazy charisma
  • One my best friends is 28 years old and has been a millionaire for 3 years now due to drop shipping. The kid is one of the smartest people I know and he's already traveled damn near half the world
Most of these guys are in their early to mid-30s. I'm actually the oldest in the group at 40(and the brokest lol) I can tell you firsthand those guys aren't living like a guy making 38K or even 60K a year. They live in the best parts of town, drive the best cars and some of them their reputation precedes them(I'm speaking locally of course)

When they go to the club they do not have to hit up set after set. If they go out it's because they choose to. In a social circle like that you do not have to cold approach unless you choose to, You can meet girls in your social circle in regards to exclusive parties, events etc. This may sound like rubbish to an average person I get it but unless you have experienced it yourself it's easy to be dismissive. You ever wonder who those guys are that you see at the popular club every weekend with bottle service and hot chicks? it's mostly likely those guys. Not only do they have the money but also the social proof to match. The thing about people who are rich(or well to do)is they tend to hang around other rich people. Why? Because of the realitability factor not saying rich people don't hang out with normies but it;s easier for Thousandaires to relate to other thousandaires for millionaires to relate to other millionaires. Also you don't have to worry about freeloaders or people who want handouts

Once again this may sound like rubbish, I could post pictures and video footage but what's the point? people will say they are fake or I'm insecure. All I will say is this if you are part of those circles you know what I'm saying checks out. It is what it is

To add on people wonder why do you still post here? because I work 12 hours a day, and I have been on this site since I was 24 this site has helped me out tremendously during my journey from a broke 24 year old making $13 an hour to where I am now. If I can give back value and inspiration to those who inspired me. Then why not? I'm not here to brag my journey in the last 15 years is pretty well documented on here
There is a lot to respond to here.

@CAPSLOCK BANDIT and @characternote Bring up a the truth to a lot of this, which is guys that are full blown frauds OR were from tremendous wealth. I know a guy from LA that I consider a friend that I enjoy talking to and spending time with. However, he is definitely a bit of a phoney and exaggerates a lot about his accomplishments lol. Anyway, he has made this claim for a while now of running a very successful company in medical device sales. It always felt like a bunch of b.s to me, I just didn't really care because I enjoyed his company and it made no difference to me. Anyway, I later found out that his parents were incredibly wealthy and that they paid for everything. He literally just went to the gym, played basketball and had sex with women lol. The company was legitimate, it's just the success of it was severely exaggerated haha.

Hell, I'm a fan of Donald Trump but that guy had massive success because of his familial wealth that got him started. You could take the same individual with the same work ethic and all that but give him an upper middle class background and he'd never have become anywhere near as wealthy as he is/was.

Making 6 figures or being a millionaire really doesn't mean all that much and you need to take things into context. A millionaire could be someone with a paid off house in a major metro area for instance, which is actually a liability. A millionaire could also be a person with 7 figures in investments, which is a way more impressive place to be in my opinion. A 6 figure earner sure might bring in 250k, but he lives in NYC and after taxes and basic cost of living how much is remaining? You could have a dentist that is pulling 250k in a medium sized metro at his private practice, but you aren't factoring in his costs to run his business and the fact that he has over 500k in student loans.

As for the bottle service, that's a bunch of b.s These are just dudes that throw money around but it doesn't mean much. There is a guy in my metro I've known of for years that is super popular and hits up the clubs, gets bottle service, etc. Anyway, I found out through someone that knew him that he was a huge fraud and was crazy deep in debt lol. There are a few other examples similar to this that I can cite, it's a big thing in the Scottsdale nightlife scene.

Here is the thing, this type of stuff exists but it's so unusual that its not worth considering. You guys are on here talking about celebrity status type wealth, which is a tiny subset of the general population. BTW, most millionaires actually live pretty normal lives and don't engage in reckless lifestyles like this.

The examples you mentioned I can easily break down.

- ICO guys that had massive wealth honestly got lucky and got in at a good time, trust me I'm familiar with this lol.
- Private Pilot is believable but there's way more to that story than what you mentioned. I'd also be wary of the possibility he was just paying for escorts.
- The tech guy making 150k is believable, though depends on the metro. Most guys in this field are nerds and don't do well with women, this is an exception.
- The 28 year old example seems the most reasonable, though again being a millionaire does not mean you have some crazy lifestyle.

There's a huge misconception that being a millionaire means you live like Shaq or something.

A millionaire could have a nice 3/4 bed house paid off in a nice place/area like AZ, NV, IDAHO, etc. Then he could have 500k in say investments. A guy like this could easily blow his wealth, only a total moron would live a crazy lifestyle like is being mentioned here lol.


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
Reaction score
That is just coping man. Lots of dudes out there who have good social lives and still have great careers, it goes hand in hand. For example, a guy who is off to college and in a frat is not only having access to more women but also setting himself up to qualify for more careers. He is building his network and finding new opportunities. Meanwhile, the guy sitting at home at 19 is not doing the same thing.

The actual nerds who study all day do not get that far. It is the guys who socialize, network, and find the right resources in school that get far ahead.
Ah, the good ol frat guy finance/business major archetype. Must be nice to be able to do that, I can assure you many of these guys come from significant privilege. I would know, I remember a lot of them firsthand from college myself.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Talk to me about a thicker skin once you get the balls to go up to a woman you don't know and talk to her. Until then, have fun in your little echo chamber where you get to complain about liberals all day.
Yeah yeah. Everyone who disagrees with you is bad with women. That is such a passive aggressive, Canadian thing to say...and you are not even Canadian. lol.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
can't be true. Biggest slayer I know is a semi-unemployed lumberjack/tree surgeon. Pretty broke (until fairly recently when he really lucked out with bitcoin but that's irrelevant). But he's exceptionally good looking. The slaying stories I have about him are stuff of legend. Admittedly I don't live in a rich area though. But i'd still expect him to CLEAN UP in Miami lol
I have only seen broke guys like that, even despite looks, "slay" in broke areas where women are not used to well connected men with means. If she can have a rich guy's boat party and access, she is choosing status over looks any day. I have known far more handsome dudes settle for ugly chicks than actually slay. As for stories, anyone can make them up.

I do not see him cleaning up in Miami based on his looks alone as Miami is stacked with handsome men who have wealth and access.


Master Don Juan
Aug 31, 2018
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I have only seen broke guys like that, even despite looks, "slay" in broke areas where women are not used to well connected men with means. If she can have a rich guy's boat party and access, she is choosing status over looks any day. I have known far more handsome dudes settle for ugly chicks than actually slay. As for stories, anyone can make them up.

I do not see him cleaning up in Miami based on his looks alone as Miami is stacked with handsome men who have wealth and access.
who knows. As I say, I don't live in a rich area so I can't say for certain he'd clean up in Miami, but i'd bet money he would. I literally can't imagine it any other way. As for stories, I don't mean ones he's told me/made up. I mean crazy stuff that i've seen time and time again with hot young girls THROWING themselves at him in all kinds of scenarios with my own eyes


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Around 2023 or so, I started making friends with guys that were wealthy, decent looking, and charismatic. I do not mean millionaire wealthy but easily cracking $250k+ after taxes on a good year wealthy. Here is what I have noticed with them in terms of how they do things.
From what I've seen, the average red pill response to this is that these are Beta Bucks guys who are attracting gold diggers. But I don't agree with that. Women are attracted to successful men, for a variety of reasons.

Of course, some women are attracted to unsuccessful men, but that's a different story.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
who knows. As I say, I don't live in a rich area so I can't say for certain he'd clean up in Miami, but i'd bet money he would. I literally can't imagine it any other way. As for stories, I don't mean ones he's told me/made up. I mean crazy stuff that i've seen time and time again with hot young girls THROWING themselves at him in all kinds of scenarios with my own eyes
I see this working in a broke flyover state, no offense to you. FWIW, I have had friends who were nobodies in Miami or LA go to a place like Boise, ID and end up just cleaning up with women. It is not about him being handsome as much as it is about the women not having enough options.

Jesse Pinkman

Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2022
Reaction score
From what I've seen, the average red pill response to this is that these are Beta Bucks guys who are attracting gold diggers. But I don't agree with that. Women are attracted to successful men, for a variety of reasons.

Of course, some women are attracted to unsuccessful men, but that's a different story.
TBH, my point on this thread was not even "make more money so you can get more girls". My point was, the guys who are successful in life are doing things differently with women that is resulting in them having better results than the typical Game Guy even though the typical Game Guy can do the same things. He can pick better venues, not waste time on crap venues, not waste time chasing girls that are not interested, and a lot of other things.

There is just a shift or a gap in terms of behavior of PUA guys that they just don't get which is why a vast majority of men in the community are incels.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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I remember back in the day I use to go back and forth with @Bokanovsky but I have grown to respect him he reminds me of one of my ahole friends who turned me into a Trump supporter, in before people call me a sell-out.
You are like a completely different person now! I thought that someone hacked your account haha.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
The reality is that dudes who work trades long enough can make six figures, I have seen it. Do not make excuses for most loser men, especially not in the game community. A lot of these men do not have their lives together. When you are living with your parents at 30 and driving 2 hrs out to game? What are priorities?
Let's keep it real live in an overpriced, pretentious, all for show city. Last you said you barely had furniture at your place and some girl busted your ass for that. That's not exactly having your life in order. Priorities son!