How successful/well off guys do things differently.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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Advice from the old lady:

I personally observe what Jesse and Solomon and other affluent people in this thread say to be true.

Everyone I know and am friends with is at least affluent, many are millionaires themselves, like me, and some are very rich.

I started making over 150K at age 30 or so and it has gone up from there. I also branched out from my STEM career into investment real estate and now that also puts $ in my pocket.

I did not go to an elite school, rather a major state university, I studied hard, was ambitious and sought knowledge about how to become financially successful. I have a 7 figure net worth, live well, dress well, own nice things and have time & money for leisure.

And I’m a chick. Furthermore I supported my family after my 1st husband had his business fiasco; and had a full time stay at home spouse while doing this. That’s a heavy lift for me and we lived in an affluent area, kids did private schools and were afforded a nice lifestyle by my hard work & ambition.

My kids grew up seeing the effort and sacrifice it took to create the lifestyle they enjoyed. They all have work ethic as a result.

Yeah. It’s different. Unsuccessful people do not think the same way as successful people. It makes a tremendous difference.
So, at the age of 30 you were making 150k in around '99/2000 with a regular paying STEM career? Did you have anything past a bachelor's degree?

Being a millionaire does not mean you live a lifestyle like this guy is talking about. Decent sized homes in metro areas like Boston, NYC, LA, etc. are going to be close to a million dollars, if not more. Property taxes alone on homes like this will be in excess of 10k.

Even once cheaper states that people are/were flocking to (AZ, TX, FL, etc.) are now becoming comparable to the major coastal metros.

It wouldn't take much for some dumbass to completely squander something like this by living the lifestyle he is talking about. People that spent years building up their wealth don't do the **** he is talking about lol. If you have a home paid off and 6 figures invested at under 40 you are significantly above average. This is a spot I have been in for a while now with an average income and I guarantee there are a huge number of people that are hard working and decent people that would kill to be in the spot I'm in.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
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USA, for all its problems, is the most upwardly mobile society in the history of mankind. There are so many opportunities for advancement, it's kind of ridiculous. If you want proof, just look at how many immigrants and first generation Americans are becoming rich. And we are talking about people who came to America from sh!thole people whose parents/grandparents were literally wiping their @sses with their sleeves just a few decades ago.

If you are not stupid or lazy, you can do very well. The problem is that half of the population is stupid and lazy. And they have the same right to vote as the other half.
It is in theory, but keep in mind, these immigrants are not the types @Jesse Pinkman is mentioning. These are exceptional people working in law, investment banking, engineering, computer science, they are not slaying poon by any means. They came to work hard, study hard, and their likely outcome is to become beta male providers to some girl who is worse than them in many categories.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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It is in theory, but keep in mind, these immigrants are not the types @Jesse Pinkman is mentioning. These are exceptional people working in law, investment banking, engineering, computer science, they are not slaying poon by any means. They came to work hard, study hard, and their likely outcome is to become beta male providers to some girl who is worse than them in many categories.
What he mentions is true, there are some immigrants that do incredibly well in the U.S. However, these are often those that are quite talented and intelligent and coming from backgrounds with a lot of family support. These individuals are exceptions, as there are significantly more that come in that remain in the underclass of America.


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
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This is not true, a good school does not mean only Ivy, there are lots of "good" schools with solid programs where "normal" people who work hard and make decent career decisions can thrive.

Even within the Ivy, the idea that only those from "elite" backgrounds have a door in, has been diminished over the past two or three decades. The Ivies are bringing in more students from varied socioeconomic backgrounds than ever. There are more people who get practical degrees in engineering, accounting, or computer science from "normal" schools who outearn Ivy-level graduates in probably half the majors they offer.

All of the pathways he mentioned are potentially accessible for probably 80% of the young population. Grit and attitude matter. Want to be a VP at a company or highly compensated lawyer? Guess what, working 60 hrs a week is the price you pay. Everyone says 60 hrs is somehow unbearable, that you can't have a life outside of work if you do this. Not true, as long as your time-management is solid, you can stomach 55-60 hr weeks most of the time. Let's say 55, in at 7am-out by 6:30, giving yourself 30 mins to eat. Workout in the morning at say 5am or so, and your evenings, as well as your weekends are 100% free.

Bump it to 60 hrs? You can keep the week schedule and put in time on easier tasks for a couple hours weekend mornings, or have working lunches (my preference) work until 6:45 or 7, and still have weekends completely free. "Some" might call that too much, but "some" aren't the high achievers, better than average results require better than average input.

This isn't a class or upbringing story. Do those born into means have a better shot, well of course, but that's not even close to the whole story. This is an effort and accountability for your own success story.
Accessible for 80% of the population? Do you know IQ is distributed on a bell curve? Grit and attitude can only get you so far, if you have worked with or studied with some of these people who are intellectual workhorses you quickly realize that competing with them is like racing with an anvil on your back while they have the newest nikes fresh from the store.

I would know because I mostly achieved what I did through this grit and effort like you mentioned. So I know very well the limitations of this "theory". Making a business and buying low/selling high is not what I am referring to when I talk about this topic.

What is your career and educational background?


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
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I would love to see these "effort" guys prove they can get a top LSAT score, top MCAT, get a PhD at a top school through effort. Become a top engineer at Nvidia or Google. Just lol. Yeah bro just trust me, anyone can do it if they try enough. It's just like lifting weights at the gym, just put in the work bro.

Anyone can make the NFL bro, or become a CEO. Come on bro stop being lazy.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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Accessible for 80% of the population? Do you know IQ is distributed on a bell curve? Grit and attitude can only get you so far, if you have worked with or studied with some of these people who are intellectual workhorses you quickly realize that competing with them is like racing with an anvil on your back while they have the newest nikes fresh from the store.

I would know because I mostly achieved what I did through this grit and effort like you mentioned. So I know very well the limitations of this "theory". Making a business and buying low/selling high is not what I am referring to when I talk about this topic.

What is your career and educational background?
This is something a lot of people don't really understand that well. Here's a good breakdown of where we are going with this.

Jordan Peterson | The Most Terrifying IQ Statistic (

Intelligence level definitely plays a huge role, a person with an average IQ is not going to be able to become a nuclear engineer for instance. Some people aren't even intelligent enough for more "average" type jobs, such as being a nurse or police officer.

Aside from intelligence, there are other traits to look at as well. A guy in a hyper competitive field like business or law is going to need to possess a certain temperament to be able to thrive and be successful compared to his peers.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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What exactly does your dream of financial success, freedom or whatever you want to call it look like to you? Meaning, how do you see yourself living, what type of lifestyle, etc.? What types of people do you want to be associating with? blah blah blah lol


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
I would love to see these "effort" guys prove they can get a top LSAT score, top MCAT, get a PhD at a top school through effort. Become a top engineer at Nvidia or Google. Just lol. Yeah bro just trust me, anyone can do it if they try enough. It's just like lifting weights at the gym, just put in the work bro.

Anyone can make the NFL bro, or become a CEO. Come on bro stop being lazy.
I think there is a cultural element in America where you need to be highly successful and seek prestigiousness. Going to a state university is seen as less prestigious than say a big name private school, even though you'd save tons of money. We can make the same argument with career for instance. A lot of people look down on trade jobs or things like truck driving, all of which can pay really good money. The reality is that many men don't have the natural aptitude to be doctors, engineers, etc. Some people have natural abilities where they would be better suited for certain fields or pursuits compared to others.


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
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I think there is a cultural element in America where you need to be highly successful and seek prestigiousness. Going to a state university is seen as less prestigious than say a big name private school, even though you'd save tons of money. We can make the same argument with career for instance. A lot of people look down on trade jobs or things like truck driving, all of which can pay really good money. The reality is that many men don't have the natural aptitude to be doctors, engineers, etc. Some people have natural abilities where they would be better suited for certain fields or pursuits compared to others.
Spot on.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2023
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What is your career and educational background?
Education: In high school I was, above-average performer academically, but not top-tier by a long shot. And we're talking in a rural and relatively low-income county in northern Pennsylvania, the bar was not very high. I went to an average Catholic college (60-65% acceptance rate) studying accounting, and an accelerated MBA program.

I studied more than most in my high school, and only got above average results. I've never taken an IQ test, but imagine I'm not too much better than average. I kept up those habits in college, and buckled in to move through the CPA exams. It wasn't talent or natural ability, trust me.

Career: Went to work in internal auditing for a publicly traded bank, earned my CPA license, moved into the finance function, was promoted to Chief Accounting Officer, and that's where we sit now. Youngest individual with an officer title in the company by quite a few years.

My point was more along the lines of controlling the variables you can control, primarily time. If I only studied or worked a "normal" amount, I wouldn't have amounted too much. Proper time management was really the connection I was trying to draw to the original post in this thread, how all of the examples of "successful guys" probably have strong time management and willpower to get to the positions described.

I think if the "average" guy optimized their time properly (properly not perfectly, burnout is never productive), avoiding TV/movies, no mindless scrolling, no video games, wasting away drinking too often, etc..... and applied that time to career, health, and intellectual growth, that after a few years, they'd no longer be "average".

Correct that not everyone can generate the top-tier results, or even top-tier effort, but everyone can give MORE effort, and that counts for something.


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
Reaction score
Education: In high school I was, above-average performer academically, but not top-tier by a long shot. And we're talking in a rural and relatively low-income county in northern Pennsylvania, the bar was not very high. I went to an average Catholic college (60-65% acceptance rate) studying accounting, and an accelerated MBA program.

I studied more than most in my high school, and only got above average results. I've never taken an IQ test, but imagine I'm not too much better than average. I kept up those habits in college, and buckled in to move through the CPA exams. It wasn't talent or natural ability, trust me.

Career: Went to work in internal auditing for a publicly traded bank, earned my CPA license, moved into the finance function, was promoted to Chief Accounting Officer, and that's where we sit now. Youngest individual with an officer title in the company by quite a few years.

My point was more along the lines of controlling the variables you can control, primarily time. If I only studied or worked a "normal" amount, I wouldn't have amounted too much. Proper time management was really the connection I was trying to draw to the original post in this thread, how all of the examples of "successful guys" probably have strong time management and willpower to get to the positions described.

I think if the "average" guy optimized their time properly (properly not perfectly, burnout is never productive), avoiding TV/movies, no mindless scrolling, no video games, wasting away drinking too often, etc..... and applied that time to career, health, and intellectual growth, that after a few years, they'd no longer be "average".

Correct that not everyone can generate the top-tier results, or even top-tier effort, but everyone can give MORE effort, and that counts for something.
For sure that is true. Maybe you are more talented than you give yourself credit for. But look at societies where actually people have to give a lot of effort, for example China or Japan. This hyper competitiveness has many downsides for society as well, I don't think it is healthy or natural for people to be in this mindset. Having drive and having the capacity to work hard, some would argue, is a talent in itself. A balanced life is probably best and healthiest overall.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
Being pvssy obsessed can ruin your trajectory or destroy the castle you have built. If you want to be successful and maintain success, then you are going to have to be sexually disciplined no what ifs. No, you do not have to be a complete monk, but you have to have the ability to know when to keep your penis in your pants regardless of how hot the girl or easy the opportunity is or settle with the right girl as opposed to shuffling plates constantly. I am in sales, and my income is great(200k), but I am still recovering from some setbacks which is having me go Dave Ramsey mode for a couple of years, so I can actually build stuff. It is much easier to do this with a GF as opposed to being out in the field hunting for women IMHO. My sales career has been short, but I have seen too many guys with BEYOND comfortable positions in the company destroy their lives over some mediocre pvssy at sales retreats.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
Being pvssy obsessed can ruin your trajectory or destroy the castle you have built. If you want to be successful and maintain success, then you are going to have to be sexually disciplined no what ifs. No, you do not have to be a complete monk, but you have to have the ability to know when to keep your penis in your pants regardless of how hot the girl or easy the opportunity is or settle with the right girl as opposed to shuffling plates constantly. I am in sales, and my income is great(200k), but I am still recovering from some setbacks which is having me go Dave Ramsey mode for a couple of years, so I can actually build stuff. It is much easier to do this with a GF as opposed to being out in the field hunting for women IMHO. My sales career has been short, but I have seen too many guys with BEYOND comfortable positions in the company destroy their lives over some mediocre pvssy at sales retreats.
What the hell kind of sales are you in to be pulling 200k in TN? lol


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
What the hell kind of sales are you in to be pulling 200k in TN? lol
To keep it simple, I am in a smart person sales industry that requires some certification (MBA minimum) or industry experience coupled with a bachelors. It is not the Always Be Closing type sales/Buyer to consumer shvt you see being peddled by the YouTube gurus. In addition, I work remotely for a company outside TN lol. The bullshvt they are peddling on Youtube is more geared towards mall kiosk hustlers than lucrative sales.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
To keep it simple, I am in a smart person sales industry that requires some certification (MBA minimum) or experience. It is not the Always Be Closing type sales/Buyer to consumer shvt you see being peddled by the YouTube gurus. In addition, I work remotely for a company outside TN lol. The bullshvt they are peddling on Youtube is more geared towards mall kiosk hustlers than lucrative sales.
Ok, that makes more sense instead of some b.s sales job like you were selling hot tubs or some **** lol.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
Yeah, the reason I am in financially recovery is from a B.S sales job I took that I thought sounded great :rofl:
You remind me of these people that go door to door trying to solicit random services and products lol. I live in a desert in a semi rural area and a while back had a guy come to the door trying to sell pest control services. He made some comment about how they clean up the black widow webs, which are very common here, and something about scorpions lol. I remember saying something about how I wasn't interested, and he literally just stood there in the door for several seconds staring at me haha. I literally had to say if he needed anything else before he left lol.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
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I still dont know what the topic of the thread is.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
I still dont know what the topic of the thread is.
It started off with the OP talking about how he knows all of these super successful guys and how their "game" is different. He then was elaborating on how these relatively young guys were pulling incredibly high salaries and living a high lifestyle. The topic then deviated over to discussing spending habits and lifestyle and how it attracts women, getting into certain social circles, etc. The thread then spilled into income and wealth building, debt and then career lol.

There's been a lot of b.s on this thread for sure lol.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2021
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is a good-looking charismatic guy who knows how to flirt with women like there is no tomorrow
How to flirt is such an important esoteric thing that nobody seems to be able to articulate to many socially awkward people on here. You've stated he is very good at flirting with women. It would be helpful to the site to go into detail about the context of his body language, what was said between him and the women etc...