You didn't really look 280 in the pics you sent. Maybe the scale you were using was f****** or something.
You should also try and weigh yourself under the same conditions every two weeks. So first thing in the morning after you go to the toilet and before you eat, wearing only boxers.
So that was weight=245lbs
Waist-44 and a half "
Round belly button- 50"
Now you have something to compare against in another two weeks.
Try and get videos of the squat and deadlift as well. And list your weekly cardio.
This is for your deadlift, READ AND APPLY:
And keep it up, you are doing well.
PS-Remember that if you are carrying quite a bit of extra fat, that you will have to squat and deadlift a good percentage of that weight whilst you are lifting. So as the fat comes off, your lifting numbers will "artificially" get higher faster, than someone who is at say 10-12% bf-if you get what I mean.