The age old lipmus test for KBJ's is understanding gray areas in DJing.
First of all, why in the **** would you want to game a girl that isn't NICE or doesn't want to date nice guys? Why would you want a girl that wants to be slapped and cursed out all the time? you that damn desperate?
Look, women don't like AFC's. Women Don't like Jerks. There are certain Traits about both that are likable.
A little "AFCness" if that's what you want to call it, can take you a long way with a woman.. that's assuming you are already in with her.
Every once in a while, with the focus on once in a while, stay up with her eating popcorn, watching movies and talking about gossip about her girlfriends.
It isn't necessarly the AFC'ness that turns off a girl from an AFC guy. It other words, yes, girls perfer MEN, but it's not the flowers per say or the love poems or the candy or the gifts per say that make a woman not like you.
It's the thought behind all of thoose things.
If I have nothign better to do every other day then to write bad poems to a girl, any girl, I don't have alot going on in my life. If I have to constantly buy gifts to show my love to a girl, it means I have nothing else to give.
more than anything however, 99 out of 100 times it means you are needy, your live has no purpose of it's own. No girl wants to think that your livelyhood depends on rather she wants to be with you or not.
perfect example. Girl I used to mess around with. Out of this world looks. Had this guy who was on her... was a true AFC. won't get into specfics, just trust me, as AFC as it gets.
And the guy wasn't bad looking.. actually he was/is a model.
I stopped talking to this girl about a month ago, but the last time we talked she was still strinning him along, would kiss him but wouldn't let him touch her, stuff like that.
She would spend time with him when she was board but wouldn't take it beyond that.
When I asked her about it ,she said there were alot of qualities about him she liked, but at the same time, he was too damn needy, and that he told her all the time how perfect she is. She told me she couldn't date him because he was putting her up on a pedestal (her exact words) and she couldn't live up to the portrait he had painted for her.
If that were the case, ,that girls were just turned completely off by AFCness, no AFC's would get a girl. That's why AFC's usually get girls, because the AFCness can be, if not over the top, cute to girls (note the word girls, not women), but gets old quick. When the women is enjoying the relaionship and having fun, the guy is thinking about marriage and starts worshiping her even more. It then really gets bad if you are my age, and she likes to go "hang out"... not that you are her BF, you don't let it happen because you are scared she might "do somethign" and you cant' afford to take that hit to your ego, that your princess might cheat on you.
the key is to find the desriable traits in both parties.
Women don't like jerks because they curse women out and are always critizing and don't give a damn about women... if anyone thinks this, you need to wake up. They like Jerks because they go for what they want. They are more sexual... or better yet, they express their sexuality better than AFC's., whereas AFC's are so scared of rejection to their ego to make a sexual move on the girl.
AFC's, although they are...well.. AFC, are good to talk to, good listeners, are usually more romantic then Jerks.
Now, I don' tlisten to women often... more times than not they dont' even know what they want or talking about, but I listen if it's important to them.
Be romantic from time to time. Don't be afraid to show a woman you have a romantic side every now and then.
However, both eventually loose the girl (if she is worthwhile) because neither can justly handle conflict. Jerks go out of their way to put women down, because they can't handle the heat themselves... and a REAL woman, one that has her head on straight and knows what she wants, won't put up with a jerk. She might **** him, but no chance for a relaionship.
What other reason does a jerk have for isolating his GF from people and events, always talking down to her, abusing her, other than low self esteem and trying to provent his ego from being hurt.
AFC's are the same way, but instead of putting them down, ,they just go out of their way to advoid conflict at all costs... I used to be that way... I would get into an arguement when I knew I was right or I knew I could win, but would stop just to stop arguing..something my mom taught me
A Good Guy, which is what you should strive to be, has morals and doesn't compromise them. Everything else revolves around that.