Girls that genuenly want a nice guy?


New Member
Mar 12, 2007
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I think Hollywood and, by extension, our dating culture misleads many men about how to properly court women. Many men are taught to be overly polite and overly agreeable, which makes them overly unattractive to most women. We’re also taught to focus our affections on one target, as countless romantic movie scripts involve couples who are “meant to be.” In actuality, women are weirded out by obsessive men and are turned off by guys who act like their salves.

If you look at this from an evolutionary standpoint, it starts to make sense. At a base level, females are attracted to the alpha male, the male who is the strongest and most confident, and thus has the best genes. These are the qualities women look for in the initial stages of a courtship. Confidence, ****iness and self-assurance.

They show a woman that the man is superior to his peers. These aren’t necessarily jerkish qualities, but often men who are emotionally detached and sel-centered (in a word, jerks) do have these qualities. In addition, women are attracted to men who don’t hide from their sexuality and their desire to mate, and often “nice guys” will try to conceal these qualities because they think that displaying sexual interest is somehow rude.

Popular culture has taught men to deny their evolutionary impulse to aggressively pursue a wide range of women, and to make themselves a servant to just one. No wonder there are so many unhappy single men out there.

I used to be a self-described “nice guy.” Pretty much all my adult life, I focused my affections on one woman. I bought her flowers, took her out, gave her gifts, encouraged her to express her emotions and agreed with her opinions.

I ended up being laid to cheated on and humiliated. She crushed me emotionally. In the aftermath of this, I resolved to change my approach to women and life. I started working out more and started to make a life for myself independent of women. I realized that I had placed too much of my emotional happiness in the hands of that one woman. It made me too vulnerable. I needed the sort of emotional and social stability that didn’t depend on her or on any other person. I needed to provide that for myself.

“I’m not going to become a “jerk” per se. I simply going to adopt the qualities that women found attractive in jerks, which include self-confidence, a degree of ****iness, a sense of humor, passion and emotional independence. I still retained all my good “nice guy” qualities as well, which include intelligence and the ability to be affectionate and giving.

With that said I would like some feed back from women. Is this some what correct or completely False. On what women want in a man.


New Member
Feb 12, 2007
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I agree

I guess its really simple concept. You have to be different from the everyother guy she encountered. Find out what she is missing. Generally a hot girl wants a ******* because everyone trys to suck up and buy her a drink to have her attraction. a average girl wants a nice guy because her self esteem can't handle a *******. I guess thats basically it you have to sorta find out for yourself what she wants.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2006
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Vovchandr said:
How do you figure out if this one is that one.

Im sure some of you will argue, but what im saying that there are girls out there that genuenly (sp?) want a nice guy, not a complete door matt but just a nice guy who just does nice things all the time.

I see those all the time

So how do you know if this one is the one like that

They all say they want a nice guy but most of them dont as we all know, but every once in a while there is this one that truly does
A woman who wanted a niceguy, the tooth fairy, and you went to a restaurant... when the bill came, who had to pay?

You did. The other two don't really exist!

It is my full belief that while women SAY they want a nice guy, or that they want someone "sweet" they really don't.

The mature women, however, I feel will look for a man of integrity, who won't cower. And I feel that if they understand dating, then they probably won't use "nice" to describe their man.

My ideal situation would be that I can do a lot of considerate, unselfish, and wonderful things because I love seeing her happy. And I'll think of those things without being asked, begged or nagged. And she will want to do the same for me. A rough day comes, and she can help out. (Not only that, but that she would really want to help out), and that I can pick her up if she has a rough day.

Right now, a lot of younger people don't get that. I want to do something to make someone happy. But not really because I'm a wimp or a pushover, or ALWAYS having to please everyone, but because it's a good thing to do.

And on occasion, because I will do these things (yes, sometimes it's for selfish reasons, and sometimes it's just to get the damn thing done), women see that as wimpy.

Yet to me, it's taking charge. If someone sees that as wimpy, then they just won't get it. That's their stupidity and loss.

No one wants to pray at bible study? I'll do it. Someone needs some utensils when I'm at a restaurant? If the waitress looks stressed, I'll get up, walk to someone else, get it myself, and bring it back.

To me, it's no big deal, but some people will just not see it as the way you intend it, and will find fault in it. But that's them.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
It's been written a million times here that women do not, in general, like jerks because they're kers, but because they're also other things: hot, a rock star, confident, assertive, masculine, sometimes funny, whatever. Just like a lot of us go for b1tches we think are hot. Often jerks and b1tches are simply that way because they can be.

That said, I do think being a jerk is a plus for getting "no strings" sex, because a jerk is seen as more disposable, and many women have the projected belief that a "nice guy" would be hurt if they had sex without a commitment.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
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Wyldfire said:
Yes, women do want a nice guy...but a woman's definition of a nice guy...NOT a guy's definition of a nice guy. Men and women define "nice guy" in a completely different way.

To women, a nice guy is exactly that...a guy who is a nice person.

To men, a nice guy is a desperate, clingy guy who only ACTS nice because he thinks it will get him into the girl's pants and heart. He pretends to be a friend when all along he wants more. He does favors with expectations that it will make the woman fall in love with him.

The difference between a woman's "nice guy" ad a man's "nice guy" is that the woman's definition is of a genuinely nice person who has no alterior motives by being nice. He's just nice because he likes being nice and that alone makes him feel good inside. His motives are pure. A guy's "nice guy" is really a fraud...he's not really very nice at all because he is scheming, lying and pretending to be someone he's not, like things he doesn't and everything he does and says is riddled with unspoken expectations. When those expectations aren't met he resents people over it...even though he never says he is expecting anything.

I'm a woman who likes the female definition of a "nice guy". I can't stand the male definition of a "nice guy"...they are dishonest and phony.

Hope that helps clear it up for you.
Very True, every guy who desires to be a DJ on this site should read and learn from this. :yes: