I don't.you don't find early 50s broads attractive.
That's an interpretation of Iron Rule of Tomassi #5, but far from what Rollo had in mind when he wrote that iron rule.As for Iron Rule #5, think of my preference for older broads as my version of taking birth control into my own hands.
I can't recall a time in my life where I was attracted to a physically attracted to a woman 50+.oldest I've been attracted to is 50, and she took really good care of herself.
In that case, you're going to be in for a world of disappointment as you age.I don't.
When I was under 25, I could admit there were attractive women in their 30s/40s. Right now, I still find women near my own age attractive. However, even an attractive 40 year old isn't looking as good as most 20-25 year olds.
That's an interpretation of Iron Rule of Tomassi #5, but far from what Rollo had in mind when he wrote that iron rule.
I admit it's somewhat rare for me to be into 65+ (but it happens)oldest I've been attracted to is 50, and she took really good care of herself.
can't imagine 65+. grannies? wot.
Interesting how much we have in common. Per your profile, you're even younger than me. Yet you prefer the same age cohort I do.Genuinely enjoying this thread. Just finished reading through it start to finish. Lots of informative and interesting inputs.
I'll admit my age preference is nearly identical to that of @GoodMan32, and my attraction to older women has only intensified since my divorce (ex-wife similar age to me).
I've come to a point now in my life where I love myself, my independence, my economic stability, my free time, my hobbies, and my physical and mental well-being, all which are things older women often love/feel as well, and therefore wanna continue living their lives that way. For that reason, older women are the perfect match for me.
I no longer want a full-time relationship with big plans and living in the future rather than the present. I just want a hot (at least for me and @GoodMan32), feminine, stable, and relaxed partner to be with on weekends, days off, or holidays, when I'm in need of feeling loved, desired, and feel masculine and sexy. Most older women want the exact same thing, unlike young women, whose standards have massively inflated and exclusively dates up to chase the best (and often unrealistic) living standards in the future.
Talking about looks, I also find that women below 30 look like girls to me. It's not that they're not attractive, I just can't imagine a partnership with them, including sexually. Maybe it's just a part of my personality, or my style, or maturity in comparison to my age. I also find that I thrive among older individuals in general as well. Most people at my job are also significantly older than me, and it has made significant (positive) changes to my personality.
Speaking of hot coworkers, my current job crush is a woman in her 60s, and soon we'll have an event and I'll be approaching her real deep this time. We've spoken and danced before, but I was married at that time, so wasn't really approaching back then.
Here's actress Helen Hunt back in her early 50s.I can't recall a time in my life where I was attracted to a physically attracted to a woman 50+.
When I was under 25, there were times where I found women older than me physically attractive. A lot of woman are older than a guy who is under 25. I don't think it would be unusual for a 20 year old man to find a 30 year old woman physically attractive.
Most men have some level of disappointment as they age.In that case, you're going to be in for a world of disappointment as you age.
As it is, it sounds like you aren't exactly thrilled about a 40 year old (even an attractive one). When you're 50 (which will come quickly; less than a decade away), you'll have a hard time getting a 40 year old at all (I remember you've said before on the forum that once you dip 10 years younger, it becomes next-to-impossible to get into her panties, as the broad thinks you're too old)
That would be true on one variable (age). When you're 50, 45-50 year old women are going to find you more appealing because you're in an age range that they consider acceptable. It's unknown how they'll perceive you at 50 on other variables. Income/net worth start to become more important in initial seduction and retention in later years.I'm going to become more appealing to my preferred demographic as I age.
Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.
Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
Why stop at 65? I hear there are some 80 and 90 year olds at the nursing home. You can take your pick!Most men on here appear to be into younger women.
I am in somewhat of the opposite position. Despite being 32, I prefer women in the 45-65 age range (I might even be willing to go above 65 on a case-by-case basis).
Is there anything different about the approach a man should use when trying to get a woman significantly older than himself?
Also, seeing as a decent chunk of that age range is old enough to be my mom, how do I get past the "I couldn't bring myself to do a bedroom session with a guy young enough to be my son" roadblock that a lot of older women have?
Income/net worth being important as you age depends on the woman. My aunt, post-divorce, ended up dating a man who was then in his late 40s whose income/net worth was nothing special (in fact, he had quite a bit of debt). They're now married.Most men have some level of disappointment as they age.
45+ men who find themselves dating again often find they have to drop their standards in order to get someone.
Many 45+ men are having sex with the same 45+ woman that they've been having sex with for decades. Those guys take some solace in the fact they had sex with her in the better looking years.
That would be true on one variable (age). When you're 50, 45-50 year old women are going to find you more appealing because you're in an age range that they consider acceptable. It's unknown how they'll perceive you at 50 on other variables. Income/net worth start to become more important in initial seduction and retention in later years.
I don't find 80 or 90 year olds attractive.Why stop at 65? I hear there are some 80 and 90 year olds at the nursing home. You can take your pick!
Not hating. Here's a 103 year old that you may find hot and irresistible. You do you.I don't find 80 or 90 year olds attractive.
I draw the line somewhere.
I don't find her attractiveNot hating. Here's a 103 year old that you may find hot and irresistible. You do you.
Woman, 103, credits this 1 fruit and special green juice for her longevity
Pearl Taylor has become a star on TikTok, where she gives her advice about happiness, love and healthy habits.www.today.com
If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.
Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.
This will quickly drive all women away from you.
And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.
There are a lot of men (almost always married men) in their 50s/60s in monogamous, long term relationships who have been having sex with the same similarly aged to them woman for 20+ or even 25+ years. A lot of them aren't thrilled about having sex with their 50s/60s aged wife but they have had long shared history and met her when she was more physically attractive.Then there's the 65 year old I've been banging since she was 57. My attraction to her is fading. If it weren't for the fact I met her when I was more attracted to her, I'm pretty sure I'd cut her loose.
Interestingly, I nailed said 65 year old yesterday.There are a lot of men (almost always married men) in their 50s/60s in monogamous, long term relationships who have been having sex with the same similarly aged to them woman for 20+ or even 25+ years. A lot of them aren't thrilled about having sex with their 50s/60s aged wife but they have had long shared history and met her when she was more physically attractive.
Keep it up and she might blow you in the elevator.Even though she didn't verbalize it, she made an expression/noise that essentially said "Come on, you know you're more than slightly above average"
Bruh, at least recognize that women communicate differently than men. If anything, the fact that she keeps talking to you probably means you're giving off good vibes. Women typically aren't as direct as men—they often communicate in a more subtle, indirect way.Speaking of older broads, I mentioned on the forum that my next door neighbor gave critiques on how to redo my business cards.
When I ran into her the other day, I told her I took a better picture for the revised business cards. Then I told her "I'm glad I was able to get your input. When you're only slightly above average like me, a good picture is key."
My goal was to get her to tell me I'm more than slightly above average.
Even though she didn't verbalize it, she made an expression/noise that essentially said "Come on, you know you're more than slightly above average"