Who cares. As my Pa Pa would say, "She ain't studying about you."
Define "acting normal," and stop being outcome dependent.
No. When your going to a function or event, (be it school, a job, a social gathering, or walking the street. Dress with the intention of being the best dressed man there.
:crackup: Not to laugh at you dude, but they don't and won't give a f*ck. If you decide to go to the function, go with the intent of socializing, practicing game, and getting some free food and beer.
You'll never feel that your social skills are on par, even Tyler Durden admits to this.
Why you don't people in your social circle to know that you're learning game and sarging women with these guys? I know these are you folks and all, but really though, it isn't like the people in your social circle are teaching you game and sarging women with you. Besides, what's the worst that's going to happen? They'll stop being friends with you because your on a path to self improvement? It isn't like the RSD dudes are guys you know from a gay bathhouse.
Also, your reluctance to keep these two groups separate might be subconsciously f*ckin you up, because YOU'RE not completely comfortable that you're learning game and sarging women with these guys.
This is easy for me to say because I've stopped worrying about what people thought about me a long time ago, but you can't worried about people say and think about you, (especially where pick up is concerned.) At the RSD free tour I went to, Tyler spoke of people that get offended when you actually make the effort to move away from the social paradigm that society has boxed you into. For people that know you, it makes since for you to be the quiet, socially awkward and introverted Asian kid. For them, it makes you non-threatening. However, for you to move away from that box, it's not only distributing, but it's frightening to them. They'll see you making improvements in your life, then they'll have to deal with the reality of why they're stagnant and striving forward. This is a reality a lot cats can't and don't want to deal with, (especially if they feel as if they're better than you.)
Over the years, I've tried to expose and enlighten people to the DJ/PUA way of thinking, and for some guys, the philosophy is to overwhelming for them to accept and comprehend. For guys like that, I leave the subject matter alone. However, for somebody to have a negative attitude about our philosophy and way of life, then disparage you for wanting to not only be better with women, but making improvements on your life, you have to not only question as why their doing so, but whether or not you want to continue to maintain a friendship with that person. Remember one of Tyler Durden most famous quotes, "The only thing that's creepier than learning game, is not learning game."