Week 10 day 2: Not exactly sure what to think of today. It started off pretty ****ty. I was suppose to meet up with my best bud to do some day gaming. The ****er shows up an hr late, leaving me with 1-1.5hrs to do daygame. Then as soon as I start saying "lets just start approaching people", he starts to chicken out and makes excuses saying "lets go to a bar instead" and I tell him "look, if we are going to a bar, then you better ****ing approach girls". He gives a hesitant look and he ultimately decides to do cold approaches with me downtown instead. So we start walking around, I see a two set, I'm like "here's a two set, let's go approach", he makes excuses again so I abort. He tells me he went out with one of our friends, who is a dumb **** and really is a piece of **** of a human being but gets women because he just doesn't give a ****. He tells me him and the other guy went out to a day time club and scored and brags about it. He tells me he can only approach girls when he's tipsy and some other bull$hit. So we continue walking, and he starts talking on his phone. I'm starting to get pissed off at this point. Then he calls up one of our mutual friends who is one of the biggest *****'s on the planet. Not only that, he has shown numerous times from his past behaviour that as soon as he gets a chick, he ditches his friends. This is total disrespect and shows a lack of a backbone. I don't really consider him my friend but my best bud still considers him one of his best friends, so I just have to deal with it. He tells me after the call, that our "mutual" friend is coming down in a bit. I tell him "I don't want to hang out with him" and he's like why. So we start walking, and I'm like I need to approach then he makes more excuses. This time he says he wants to walk over to the guess store to buy clothes. At this point, I just had enough and was ready to snap and rip his head off. I just turn around and walk away while my best bud is calling me to come back. I was extremely pissed off at this point. I called him up because he tells me he is good with girls and I want to watch him in action so that I can model him. At the very least if he is too chicken to approach, he can help push me out of my comfort zone to approach girls. I need a push from someone before I can start approaching but he even failed at this one task. Considering that he was the one who gave me this ****ty advice which pretty much ruined my life and made me fail my courses, I think the least he could do is help me improve my game. How hard can it be to motivate and push your bud to approach girls? If your too chicken to even do that, might as well just go jump off a bridge. He called me a few minutes later after I walked off, but I ignored his call. I think if this happens again one more time in the future, we will no longer be friends. From now on, I don't ever want to hear him talk about his skills with girls and none of that bull$hit. If we are going out, we are only going out to hang out and have a few drinks or something, nothing more.
So as I was walking away from my best bud, I was still pretty pissed off and needed something cold to drink. I walked into the indigo bookstore and went to the starbucks and bought myself an iced tea. I was no longer in the right mental state and was in a very negative and bad mood. It totally killed my vibe. I walked around the bookstore, and I noticed one of the girls was shaking her hands in some weird ****ed up way. I wanted to imitate her but I hestitated too long and she ended up walking away. Then I see a cute girl looking at one book at one of the tables. I make my way over there subtly and then end up right beside her. I grab a book and pretend to look at it, but again, I hesitate too long and she takes off. I was pretty pissed off at having blown another opportunity. I call it quits for today at this point because I'm really pissed off.
I head over to my salsa dance class. I'm still pissed when I show up to class and I'm not really in a talkative mood. One girl engages me but I'm not really in the mood to talk. So we all partner up and start dancing. As we are all preparing, I'm just moving my hips side to side, and my potential chinese HB6 plate sees me and laughs and I smile back. So then we start dancing and switching partners. I end up dancing with the potential plate and we both ask how we are doing. I decide today I wanted to test chase amante's strategy of using bait to get the girl to ask questions about you to invest more into the interaction. I don't give her a straight answer but leave out bits and pieces about my trip to bc tp try to get her curious and make her ask me questions about it. At this point, I had already tried it with a few other girls in the class with a 50% success rate. I tell her that I'm feeling great and amazing when she asks me how I'm doing. She starts to ask me questions when I don't really tell her why but then the instructor says to switch partners before we get to really talk. So at this point, my pissy mood starts to dissipate and I'm starting to get back into the groove of things. I start to relax more and just have fun.
I know today was the last class so my goal and intention was to at least get my potential plates number before class was over and I never see her again. So class ends and we all start to put the chairs back. I see the potential plate walk up to the front of the class, I subtly follow her and sit down right in front of her. She grabs her phone and listens then hangs up and sits right beside me. We make small chit chat, and at this point I knew it was now or never. I proceed to ask her:
me: so you go out to these social dance clubs right?
her: yeah
me: cool, lets go out to one this week
her: sure, I usually go out on saturdays
me: ok
me: I grab my phone out of my pocket and hand it to her
me: what's your number?
She starts typing in her number
her: send me a text after so I have your number too
me: ok
at this point, we all get kicked out because they are closing the room. She picks her phone out of her pocket as if waiting for me to text her. I text her and she says "I got your text". Before I get a chance to talk to her again to make arrangements, they again tell us to leave the building. I walk down the stairs but some jackass interrupts her and she ends up engaged to him. I walk down the steps and I notice a cute looking girl HB7 standing beside me. I approach her without even thinking about it.
me: hey, is this your first salsa class?
her: no, I just stopped by to check it out
So at this point, I end up chatting her up instead of my potential plate. Then that arab chick ends up interrupting us and says to follow her to get to our next class. My potential plate is still talking to that guy and the arab chick is leaving so I'm forced to leave all the while talking to this new cute girl. So the new HB7 follows the arab girl and me and her walk and talk all the way to the class. She kind of reminds me of my oneitis albeit more shorter and not as good of a body but she has a prettier face. I do about 20-30% of the talking and let her ramble on about her school and work, etc. I actually found her quite boring and I didn't know what I said to make her talk so damn much, but it was working. I threw in bits and pieces again of bait to try to get her to ask me questions about myself. It seems to worked as she started to ask me questions about me as opposed to always talking about herself. I knew I had to build some rapport and make it easier for me the next time I see her so I asked for her name and introduced myself. So we all end up at my bachata class. The new chick says she has classes early tomorrow but wants to sign up for salsa in july so we exchange goodbyes and she takes off. Looking back, I could have been a little more smooth and tried to number close. I could have invited her out to go dancing with me and asked for her number. She probably would have said yes. I guess I ****ed up but I guess for now, she is a future potential plate who I might see in july when I do salsa again.
I'm so focused on just improving my conversational skills with women and trying out all these new techniques that I lose sight of the real purpose of my interactions with these women which is to get their number and get them out on a date with me. Overall today wasn't too bad. I number closed one of the girls although I think she will come with another class mate but at least now I have alittle more time to game her. I also met another cute girl, who can potentially be a plate in July.
I'm meeting up with the guys from rsd nation tomorrow so hopefully they will help push me to approach girls and come closer to overcoming my approach anxiety.