Does "No Contact" really work?

Mar 12, 2007
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Francisco d'Anconia said:
You're problem is that you get so happy about progressing successfully during a date you just start talking and you don't stop. Consider refocusing that energy, use it to your advantage.
She is already sending me texts she must be bugged about that coffee date but she didn't ask me about it directly so I don't plan on mentioning I nixed it.
Mar 12, 2007
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She told me I have "good game" last night.. and she is calling asking ME out. I just denied having any game but we all know what's up.

I think this thread has run it's course I just wanted to post PROOF that this stuff works like a charm and I heard it straight from the HB's mouth last night.

I have not let the AFC out of it's cage one single time with this girl and I can see worlds of difference.


Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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Why go AFC at all, in the first place? It obviously doesn't work, so what's the point?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2007
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I went to grad school in a college town, which was not in a major city. Dating in a small town is hard. You want to make the most out of every opportunity, so you tend to over-analyze everything. I've done that.


Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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I hear ya, but it really doesn't matter where you are. I came from an overly-Catholic, repressed, socially deficient city (Miami, Florida) and moved to a overly-liberal, feminist, just-as-socially deficient city (Portland,OR) and you know what? I don't give a crap. That's THEIR problem, if they're miserable, not mine. I'm me wherever I go. I stopped over-analyzing and "justifying" my behavior and dealt with the fact that I'm a male, and I should enjoy it. AND YOU SHOULD TOO, BROTHER IN MALE-NESS!!! Don't AFC anymore, it doesn't work, and it never will. AFC's don't persist, they REsist. But this resistance only breeds contempt and keeps the AFC right in the same spot:square one.. It's a loser way out.Sarging is the best therapy.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
evelsteve said:
...AFC's don't persist, they REsist. But this resistance only breeds contempt and keeps the AFC right in the same spot....
Absolutely true. :yes:


Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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Thanks,Francisco. And furthermore, think about all the precious TIME you're wasting remaining an AFC. More time could be spent on making social connection, upping your possibilities, friends,etc. Hell, while we we're at it, adventures, opportunities, goals being met, not to mention GREAT sex. To me, life is like a hotel. I'd rather stay at the Waldorf Astoria than Motel 6 :) All we have is time remaining, so let's make it PUA time, not AFC time!
Mar 12, 2007
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evelsteve said:
Thanks,Francisco. And furthermore, think about all the precious TIME you're wasting remaining an AFC. More time could be spent on making social connection, upping your possibilities, friends,etc. Hell, while we we're at it, adventures, opportunities, goals being met, not to mention GREAT sex. To me, life is like a hotel. I'd rather stay at the Waldorf Astoria than Motel 6 :) All we have is time remaining, so let's make it PUA time, not AFC time!

Is it just me, or do women play games for the sole purpose of bringing out the AFC?

It seems they play sh!t tests to see if the AFC will come out and catch us in the AFC act. I think they are aware of AFC's and want to test us to see if we are one. Am I onto something here or is this in my head?

I'd like some opinions on this.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Women play games with guys who will play with them.
Mar 12, 2007
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Francisco d'Anconia said:
Women play games with guys who will play with them.

Well for example she was all over me before she went out of town. She texted me and called me when she got there. So I shot her a message yesterday and asked her to send me some pics.

I haven't heard a peep from her in 2 days now she didnt reply to my text yesterday. BUT she did call me the day before yesterday when I texted her to "call me".

The AFC in me wants me to call her but I'm not going to do it. I was just wondering if she is messing with my head because we had sex the day before she left. And when she got out of town she texted me this long message calling me "stud" and she "dreams about me"... but it's been 2 days and nothing.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
My Name is Nobody said:
Well for example she was all over me before she went out of town. She texted me and called me when she got there. So I shot her a message yesterday and asked her to send me some pics.

I haven't heard a peep from her in 2 days now. The AFC in me wants me to call her but I'm not going to do it. I was just wondering if she is messing with my head because we had sex the day before she left. And when she got out of town she texted me this long message calling me "stud" and she "dreams about me"... but it's been 2 days and nothing.
Two whole days??? :eek: She could have had a baby with another guy during that time! C'mon, are you guys married or what?
Mar 12, 2007
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Francisco d'Anconia said:
Two whole days??? :eek: She could have had a baby with another guy during that time! C'mon, are you guys married or what?

LOL I know Francisco, my mind always works against me. But she DID ignore my text. What do you think....Is it intentional to mess with my head? That is my main question.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
She's on call for you now? Does she get paid time and a half or doubletime since it's on a weekend?

What do I think about it? I'm playing with this journalist who went out of town last Monday and came back on Thursday. I hadn't talked to her since the Thursday before she left. I get a call today (Sunday) from her and she asks if I want to go see a movie with her on Wednesday. Oh yeah, she gave me her phone number too (I've known her for two or three weeks and haven't asked for it even though we've been out two or three times). Now what do you think that I think about your situation?
Mar 12, 2007
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Francisco d'Anconia said:
She's on call for you now? Does she get paid time and a half or doubletime since it's on a weekend?

What do I think about it? I'm playing with this journalist who went out of town last Monday and came back on Thursday. I hadn't talked to her since the Thursday before she left. I get a call today (Sunday) from her and she asks if I want to go see a movie with her on Wednesday. Oh yeah, she gave me her phone number too (I've known her for two or three weeks and haven't asked for it even though we've been out two or three times). Now what do you think that I think about your situation?

LOL, yeah I need to chill. See this wouldn't be a problem if I had other plates. She already told me she will call me when she gets back. I need to take a rip from the bong and relax.


Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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My Name is Nobody said:
Is it just me, or do women play games for the sole purpose of bringing out the AFC?

It seems they play sh!t tests to see if the AFC will come out and catch us in the AFC act. I think they are aware of AFC's and want to test us to see if we are one. Am I onto something here or is this in my head?

I'd like some opinions on this.
The really hot ones usually will play games/sh*t test. Remember Eddie Murphy's famous routine about "what have you done for me lately?" The girl in the routine was referring to having the man buy her something, but I look at it more as "what alpha male qualities have you displayed to me lately?" Hence the sh*t tests. It's simple biology. The female wants to see if the the mate she picked is as good as she hopes he is. As males, we only need one glance to know if she's hot and BAM! she's our mate (for a while at least), but the female, on the other hand needs constant reinforcement concerning her man's alpha male qualities. So, go ahead and ALPHA! They LOOOOOVE it. When she starts giving you a hard time, or when you think you're losing her interest, it's actually time to pass her **** tests. Now, if all fails, for some reason, and if you like her (not as oneitis, but a milder form) and want her to stick around a while longer, then keep reminding her you can leave at any minute. That usually works. Remember, women always want to be validated. Leaving is dis-validation for them.


Don Juan
Jul 25, 2007
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Altered States of America
My Name is Nobody said:
LOL, yeah I need to chill. See this wouldn't be a problem if I had other plates. She already told me she will call me when she gets back. I need to take a rip from the bong and relax.

That's what's making you "crazy"'s da ganja, mang! I had to quit...cause the sh!t makes me Beta as all hell...and thinking crazy bizarre sh!t! Paranoia x10!!

A clear mind is the ONLY way to go!!!


Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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My Name is Nobody said:
LOL I know Francisco, my mind always works against me. But she DID ignore my text. What do you think....Is it intentional to mess with my head? That is my main question.
If I were you, I'd ALWAYS keep in mind that you have to be willing to lose the girl. Never come back like a puppy dog with his tail between his legs. They'll never forget an incident like that, and they'll lose respect for you. In other words, they'll never think of you the same way and try to play you further.
Besides an Alpha male doesn't fear loss/rejection, because he can always get another woman. I've come to learn that the more women you interact with, the more chances you'll get to meet the "right one" (for me, the right one is an attractive, outgoing woman, who LOVES to give head, is bi-sexual, and is a GOOD friend at the same time, believe me, I've met and had a couple :) ).

If anything, turn the tables and send her a picture on your phone of you and a hot babe, hamming it up at a club. Or text her: "I'm at a club with (fill in the blank with a woman's name, real or fake) stop by, and hang out" like nothing happened. Otherwise she'll see you as needy, and it's all over, my friend. The message you're sending to her, and frankly ANY potential mate, is that you WANT her, but you don't really NEED her. Make an attempt to make her need YOU by informing her about all the FUN she won't have by not being with you.
Mar 12, 2007
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evelsteve said:
Besides an Alpha male doesn't fear loss/rejection, because he can always get another woman. I've come to learn that the more women you interact with, the more chances you'll get to meet the "right one" (for me, the right one is an attractive, outgoing woman, who LOVES to give head, is bi-sexual, and is a GOOD friend at the same time, believe me, I've met and had a couple :) ).

If anything, turn the tables and send her a picture on your phone of you and a hot babe, hamming it up at a club. Or text her: "I'm at a club with (fill in the blank with a woman's name, real or fake) stop by, and hang out" like nothing happened. Otherwise she'll see you as needy, and it's all over, my friend. The message you're sending to her, and frankly ANY potential mate, is that you WANT her, but you don't really NEED her. Make an attempt to make her need YOU by informing her about all the FUN she won't have by not being with you.

First of all, I hear you on being the alpha male. That is what I have done with her so far. I didn't hide the fact I have women in my phone, and she found out I had several coffee dates with other women. I don't think she liked it, because she kept texting me the next day when I was supposed to be out with other women.

As for sending her pics while I am with other women? I don't agree with that. I don't want to hurt her intentionally, that is childish. Once you hurt a woman like that, in my experience she is never the same. I'm not doing it.

The only reason she found out about my other dates is because we were drinking and she was prying and I am honest so I didn't hide it. Maybe I need to get better hiding it and maybe this is why she is playing her game now and obviously it's working because I am posting about her.


Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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My Name is Nobody said:
Maybe I need to get better hiding it and maybe this is why she is playing her game now and obviously it's working because I am posting about her.
Hey, you said it, not me :)

As far as the photo thing being childish, honestly, that sounds more like the AFC than the Alpha Male. It's your call, but women usually ALWAYS want a guy who's good with other women, or especially guys that can GET hot women. I've seen it, time and time again. I stopped wagging the AFC finger and started beating the Alpha Male chest. Again, don't be afraid to Alpha. THEY LIKE IT!
Mar 12, 2007
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evelsteve said:
Hey, you said it, not me :)

As far as the photo thing being childish, honestly, that sounds more like the AFC than the Alpha Male. It's your call, but women usually ALWAYS want a guy who's good with other women, or especially guys that can GET hot women. I've seen it, time and time again. I stopped wagging the AFC finger and started beating the Alpha Male chest. Again, don't be afraid to Alpha. THEY LIKE IT!

So you think I should hang out with other women, take a picture of me with the other woman and send it to her?

Interesting... Can I get a second opinion on this?