Does EVERY pretty girl have a boyfriend?

Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
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Leeds, UK
penkitten said:
to put it simply, i feel bad for you. to live in a world where you become bitter due to approaching women that have rejected you based on whatever reasons they have, which has led you to think this way.
life really is all about learning, you will learn that not all the pretty girls are taken just like i had to learn that not all the good men were taken.
the good things come when you are not searching for them.
It's not a matter of 'opinion'. Guys who approach, even good looking quality guys, find this out for themselves. They'll go out in the field, approach women, attract them and 'hook sets' but they soon find out they're taken anyway or there's a queue of guys trying to get in with them.

This isn't about rejections. It's about overpricing. Women are being heavily persued and men aren't, so guys are left single and girls are left in a position of power rationing the sex.

I'd prefer you to just say, "yes I'm a woman and therefore I have sexual choice and I ration out the sex like all the other women". At least it reassures guys they aren't "losers" because they can't land that HB8 who has 10 guys gunning for her. It's supply and demand, simple.

Have you seen the stats where at the age of 22 the median girl (in terms of sex) gets laid MORE THAN TWICE the median 22 year old guy? So yes, that means what I'm talking about is very real.

Another point: Most of the girls I've met, have actually been VERY FRIENDLY AND NICE women. They haven't been bvtchy or weird or condenscending. They are just sought after so highly. A few in particular have even texted/phoned me and explained WHY they won't meet me on a Day 2 in some depth. They didn't have to. I have LOTS OF GUYS to beat.



Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Men pursue many hot women.

Hot women pursue very few men.

Ironically the man that is pursued by many women is a man that doesn't care.

The man that is pursued by many women is a man that has value. He makes

himself valuable.

Not for the sake of women or for society's sake. He makes

himself valuable for his own sake.

Now look inside yourself and become that man.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
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Mad Manic said:
It's not a matter of 'opinion'. Guys who approach, even good looking quality guys, find this out for themselves. They'll go out in the field, approach women, attract them and 'hook sets' but they soon find out they're taken anyway or there's a queue of guys trying to get in with them.

This isn't about rejections. It's about overpricing. Women are being heavily persued and men aren't, so guys are left single and girls are left in a position of power rationing the sex.

I'd prefer you to just say, "yes I'm a woman and therefore I have sexual choice and I ration out the sex like all the other women". At least it reassures guys they aren't "losers" because they can't land that HB8 who has 10 guys gunning for her. It's supply and demand, simple.

Have you seen the stats where at the age of 22 the median girl (in terms of sex) gets laid MORE THAN TWICE the median 22 year old guy? So yes, that means what I'm talking about is very real.

Another point: Most of the girls I've met, have actually been VERY FRIENDLY AND NICE women. They haven't been bvtchy or weird or condenscending. They are just sought after so highly. A few in particular have even texted/phoned me and explained WHY they won't meet me on a Day 2 in some depth. They didn't have to. I have LOTS OF GUYS to beat.

Yes mate, right on the money. Penkitten, this is not about rejection or bitterness or otherwise. Maybe it's because I live in Britain too and can see what MM is talking about.

Often, I'll see (and some of these girls are my good friends) girls who are quite 'cute' as you put it turning guys down left right and centre because they want the top dogs. Nothing wrong there you might think. However, what becomes obvious after a while is that too many of them overplay their hand. They turn down decent guys because they delude themselves into thinking that the best-looking/richest/most popular guys are gonna come after them. Problem is, these 'cute' girls are not hot enough to interest the top dogs and so are perpetually in this state of turning down decent offers whilst receiving no interest from above. It's quite sad to see.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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Mad Manic, the situation is simpler than you think. Penkitten was not single for years because she overvalued herself due to male attention, blah blah. She was single for years because she was an unmarried mother. She just couldn't have the dating life of an equally good-looking, unattached woman.

Anyways, Snowman23, it's not in your head. A healthy, attractive guy is more likely to be single than a healthy attractive woman. Today, women are taken off the social scene when they have kids, but the guys who knocked them up are right back out there gunning for the same ever-shrinking pool of childless women. Also, deal-breaking obesity is higher among women than men.

Obesity is real; the breakup of the 2-parent household is real. There actually are going to be more unattached men than women at your average social function. It's not just in your head.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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got to agree with chrisz.

chrisz said:
Men pursue many hot women.

Hot women pursue very few men.

Ironically the man that is pursued by many women is a man that doesn't care.

The man that is pursued by many women is a man that has value.
he got it nailed right there.

as for the whole, girls go for the top dogs thing, men DO just the same.

what i find interesting is (and maybe someone else has experienced this) is when you go after a particular girl. time passes. you get better. as chrisz says; you become that man and she starts chasin after you. and then all of a sudden your not interested anymore. your onto bigger and better prospects. except, now, its these ones you cant seem to get. time passes. soon enough they come around. but by then your past it. its just this never ending cycle of up and up.

another thing that irks me is when you see a hot chick. she's the goods. your the goods. and instead of just getting together like you should. someones gotta play games. games that raise / lower /conceal value. i mean hello? ****en hell. lifes short ya kno. could get smashed by a bus tomorrow for all i know. lets just get on with it shall we. its just this gay a$$ game that we play and we have to i know but damm....can be annoying. i sure wouldn't say fun.

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
50% of pretty girls have bfs
40% of them will tell you they have a bf so they don't hurt your feelings and say the truth (not interested in you, you are not at their level)
10% do not have a bf, will go out with you when you ask them out, or will leave their bf for you (if you have good game)

You have 3 options.

Option 1: You either work on your game, sarge, and approach countless pretty girls till either your game gets good and they say yes when you ask them out, or you steal them from their bf's. This is you RAISING YOUR LEVEL. (this is the hardest of them all)
Option 2: you get lucky and find a pretty girl that isn't already taken and finds you attractive.
Option 3: you lower your standards and instead of going for the 8's you just go for the 7's (cute, but not hot)

My advice is to simply grab your ballz and start sargin! My life changed when I approached 10+ girls in 3 something hours. I only approached girls I found attractive, I asked most of them out. Life is too short for option 2. You will find yourself waiting and waiting to get lucky and hope the Lord puts a nice girl in your way. You should never go for option 3 unless you are really desperate.

Don't wonder if that pretty girl already has a bf, let those words come out of her mouth or forever wonder what could have been if you approached. It's 50/50 if it works or not in your favor.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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swifTy said:
another thing that irks me is when you see a hot chick. she's the goods. your the goods. and instead of just getting together like you should. someones gotta play games. games that raise / lower /conceal value. i mean hello? ****en hell. lifes short ya kno. could get smashed by a bus tomorrow for all i know. lets just get on with it shall we. its just this gay a$$ game that we play and we have to i know but damm....can be annoying. i sure wouldn't say fun.
That man isn't afraid of being a man. That's why he doesn't put up with games. He knows that he has 200 other hot women waiting in line for him that don't play games and would love to enjoy the privilege of spending time with him.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Because of today's hors - Boyfriend = pimp!!!


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
MM is totally right about everything he says. It's kind of sad but it's true. And it's even worse than what he's saying, because he was working on the assumption women reject guys because they can get "better" guys, but he didn't even critique what females consider to be "better". What females consider to be the "better" man is objectively actually usually the worse guy and we just contribute it to "game". But honestly what it really comes down to guy who is the biggest liar, phony, and just in general delusionally confident and least ethical is "better" according to the woman. And also it's a fallacy to say that a guy's looks and finances aren't a big factor in being a top dog. It's just, as a man he has to have game and personality on top of looks.

Penkitten, you really did dodged MM specific questions. It's OK, no female will ever admit to the fact that they have these huge advantages over most men in all the ways MM mentioned. And you being an honest female that I think you are, you can't honestly deny it so you just don't address it. I'm still a little surprised though because of the females on here you've been the one that seems most willing to accept these types of facts.

The bottom line, a very small percentage of males, maybe 10-20%, are tying up all the attractive females and most all of the girls above a median or 6-7 level. A lot of these guys don't even want the girl. They will see another guy talking to her and roll in just to interfer and ****block. There's no doubt a small percentage of men are tying up a majority of the desirable women. And women are stupid enough to let it happen. You're not going to become a top dog based on just game either. At least not on game you learnt as a young adult. You're going to have some looks, youth and probably a little money too.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2007
Reaction score
I pretty much agree with Ace Of Flames.

Look your not stealing anyones GF.
She meets you and then she makes the choice
in that she either stays with him or dates you.

With that fact you have no reason not to persue
these HBs.

So the big question is...
What do I do when she says
1. I'm kind of seeing someone.
2. I have a boyfriend.

Act as if it dosen't even matter to you.

Say that's cool give me your number.
Say How thats working out for you? Give me your number.
Say yeah and the sky is blue give your number.

The point is to be an Alpha Male who is relentless
in his pursuit of hot chicks.


Jun 16, 2000
Reaction score
Toms River,NJ United States
ketostix said:
MM is totally right about everything he says. It's kind of sad but it's true. And it's even worse than what he's saying, because he was working on the assumption women reject guys because they can get "better" guys, but he didn't even critique what females consider to be "better". What females consider to be the "better" man is objectively actually usually the worse guy and we just contribute it to "game". But honestly what it really comes down to guy who is the biggest liar, phony, and just in general delusionally confident and least ethical is "better" according to the woman. And also it's a fallacy to say that a guy's looks and finances aren't a big factor in being a top dog. It's just, as a man he has to have game and personality on top of looks.

Penkitten, you really did dodged MM specific questions. It's OK, no female will ever admit to the fact that they have these huge advantages over most men in all the ways MM mentioned. And you being an honest female that I think you are, you can't honestly deny it so you just don't address it. I'm still a little surprised though because of the females on here you've been the one that seems most willing to accept these types of facts.

The bottom line, a very small percentage of males, maybe 10-20%, are tying up all the attractive females and most all of the girls above a median or 6-7 level. A lot of these guys don't even want the girl. They will see another guy talking to her and roll in just to interfer and ****block. There's no doubt a small percentage of men are tying up a majority of the desirable women. And women are stupid enough to let it happen. You're not going to become a top dog based on just game either. At least not on game you learnt as a young adult. You're going to have some looks, youth and probably a little money too.

Not sure if I agree or understand your statement. Sounds like you are saying only 10 to 20% of males are attractive looking and getting all of the women?

That is too low of a number.

Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
mahon83050 said:
Not sure if I agree or understand your statement. Sounds like you are saying only 10 to 20% of males are attractive looking and getting all of the women?

That is too low of a number.
No, he's saying about 10-20% (more like 10% based on what I know in real life) are getting the women that are fvckable.

Yes way more than 10% of men are above average looking (obviously, by definition), but lots of these are single and rarely get women anyway because they need great game, some luck, lots of approaching willpower, x, y and z, yadda yadda yadda.



Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
Once upon a time I might have agreed with the OP but not anymore. Its well phrased but really its just self pity. There's plenty of single attractive women out there. (How many do you actually need??) You just need to APPROACH.

Any guy I know who approaches consistently has no problems with hooking up with good looking chicks (you gotta have some game as well, not as much as people here are making out though).

There is no scarcity problem. Just a lack of effort on your part.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
90 percent of guys are pyssys...

hell it might even be higher then that.

how many single hot women there are is irrevelent there is plenty for any guy who can make it happen.

maybe all the teens and 20 year gold girls in england are taken.

but there is a whole ton of single women in there mid 20s in the united states.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Mad Manic said:
No, he's saying about 10-20% (more like 10% based on what I know in real life) are getting the women that are fvckable.

Yes way more than 10% of men are above average looking (obviously, by definition), but lots of these are single and rarely get women anyway because they need great game, some luck, lots of approaching willpower, x, y and z, yadda yadda yadda.

Yes that's what I'm saying. Think of women as money, 1% of the populaton control a huge proportion of the wealth. Sure a lot of guys work hard, are intelligent, educated, but they're still not rich. It's the same dynamic with women.

I'm questimating the numbers but some small percentage of women are more desirable and attractive (8-10) probably around 20%. 15-20% of men have these girls all tied up and then they go dipping into the pool of 6-8's too. I'm saying it's unequal distributed for men, but not for women. Most women, even 5-7's, can get a guy who's 5-10, but they only demand a guy who's 8-10.

Bottom line a crappy sh!tty woman can get so many guys even top dog guys, but only a few men can have those kind of options. It's simple supply and demand, women are in higher demand and shorter supply than men are so women are overpriced and overvalued.

90 percent of guys are pyssys...

hell it might even be higher then that.

how many single hot women there are is irrevelent there is plenty for any guy who can make it happen.

maybe all the teens and 20 year gold girls in england are taken.

but there is a whole ton of single women in there mid 20s in the united states.
Frivolous, this is BS. you're still sounding like the feminist male that you did before. I see you haven't changed at all.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
vorbis said:
Once upon a time I might have agreed with the OP but not anymore. Its well phrased but really its just self pity. There's plenty of single attractive women out there. (How many do you actually need??) You just need to APPROACH.

Any guy I know who approaches consistently has no problems with hooking up with good looking chicks (you gotta have some game as well, not as much as people here are making out though).

There is no scarcity problem. Just a lack of effort on your part.

You must not know too many guys. I know a bunch of guys who go out and approach all the time. But you know what? They work their azz off, improve somewhat, but you can't change reality and the male/female dynamic. The attractive girls are few and far between and are like mini-celebrities at the club surrounded by an entourage of AFC orbiters, female friends that ****block, random AMOG's running game on them etc, none of which want your random approach. Approaching doesn't quarantee you sh!t, Any club I've been to had no shortage of guys doing approaches, but always a shortage of attractive women willing to be pulled.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
ketostix said:
Yes that's what I'm saying. Think of women as money, 1% of the populaton control a huge proportion of the wealth. Sure a lot of guys work hard, are intelligent, educated, but they're still not rich. It's the same dynamic with women.

I'm questimating the numbers but some small percentage of women are more desirable and attractive (8-10) probably around 20%. 15-20% of men have these girls all tied up and then they go dipping into the pool of 6-8's too. I'm saying it's unequal distributed for men, but not for women. Most women, even 5-7's, can get a guy who's 5-10, but they only demand a guy who's 8-10.

Bottom line a crappy sh!tty woman can get so many guys even top dog guys, but only a few men can have those kind of options. It's simple supply and demand, women are in higher demand and shorter supply than men are so women are overpriced and overvalued.

Frivolous, this is BS. you're still sounding like the feminist male that you did before. I see you haven't changed at all.
what are you talking about?

when I go to bar or place where guys try to get chicks...most of the guys stand around doing nothing the entire night...unless they happen to be in a group setting..very few I see are taking action.

this place is confusing as hell..I have no idea how what I wrote has anything to do with:
fem·i·nism /ˈfɛməˌnɪzəm/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[fem-uh-niz-uhm] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.
2. (sometimes initial capital letter) an organized movement for the attainment of such rights for women.
3. feminine character.
so im a feminstic male because I said most guys wont take action on the attractive women that are out there?

please explain


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
ketostix said:
You must not know too many guys. I know a bunch of guys who go out and approach all the time. But you know what? They work their azz off, improve somewhat, but you can't change reality and the male/female dynamic. The attractive girls are few and far between and are like mini-celebrities at the club surrounded by an entourage of AFC orbiters, female friends that ****block, random AMOG's running game on them etc, none of which want your random approach. Approaching doesn't quarantee you sh!t, Any club I've been to had no shortage of guys doing approaches, but always a shortage of attractive women willing to be pulled.
Clubs and Bars are logistical nightmares for pulling women. You need high status combined with proper planetary allignment to score consistently in these environments.

You have a better shot approaching women at the supermarket, bookstore, or park.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
ketostix said:
You must not know too many guys. I know a bunch of guys who go out and approach all the time. But you know what? They work their azz off, improve somewhat, but you can't change reality and the male/female dynamic. The attractive girls are few and far between and are like mini-celebrities at the club surrounded by an entourage of AFC orbiters, female friends that ****block, random AMOG's running game on them etc, none of which want your random approach. Approaching doesn't quarantee you sh!t, Any club I've been to had no shortage of guys doing approaches, but always a shortage of attractive women willing to be pulled.
this is 100 percent fact.

I think we are talking about 2 different things..I was refering to 7-10s..not 9-10.

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
Reaction score
Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Yes, all 90% of girls have boyfriends. And 90% of guys are single.

Based on world census information, this means that 10% of all men have 9.4 girlfriends, while you have none.

Sucks to be you.