Yes i do, and its a reminder, this is a statement i fully agree with it, and i believe it applies to men more than women, if you're a guy, the World is never coming to save you, but it is the opposite for women. Like one guy said, the world is not gonna change in the sense to adapt to your autism.
Yeah, that also only adds fuel to fire in which people and society, the world, they just expect us men to have common sense or the social intuition, for knowing how to be 100 percent creep-proof or weird-proof when interacting with women, and when a guy does mess up or have an embarassing interaction with a woman in which he does creep out the woman or makes her uncomfortable and he is sadly not aware of it until he see's her reaction, thats the painful embarassing part, it can easily make guys not want to bother to interact with women ever again, but at the same time, if a guy does that, thats a death-sentence to guarantee he won't have any women in his life.
Because the unfair reality is that, if a guy never interacts with women, he won't get them, but if a woman never interacts with men, she will still get men.
Sometimes i have had the mindset over the years that, women, not men, are the only gender that are owed a relationship, men are never owed anything from women, but it's like men owe women, but women never owe men.