And while neurotypical men will likely be pretty good at learning what's "creepy" if taught, we (autists) will always run into the problem where our instinct is prone to "creepiness" (Yeah, we can learn about a few specific behaviors that are creepy, and thus refrain from said behaviors. But there are thousands of instinctual behaviors that can never be trained out of us)
i know people will always say to never compare ourselves to others, but the types of guys, men, who i envy and resent the most, whom have never once in their entire life, been labeled or perceived as creepy or weird, making women uncomfortable when approaching or making advances on them, sure yes they have been rejected, rejection happens to everyone, for me personally, its not rejection that bothers me, its the manner or way in which it happens.
If a woman rejects me because she was never interested in the first place, i can accept that, but if i accidentally made her uncomfortable or creeped her out, get perceived as weird, made her uncomfortable, thats the painful embarassing feeling. It makes me and i'm sure tons of men who have gone through that, feel like a mental/social retard.
Another fuel to fire in which people and society just expect us guys, men, to naturally understand and get it, they expect us to like be born with the instinctive knowledge of how to never behave creepy or weird, uncomfortable around women, and if we men make social mistakes that cause women to react negatively like that, people and society and the law will usually not be so forgiving towards men, men will suffer social consequences, like getting kicked out of a bar for example, and yes, obviously women can get away with never ending up in a situation like that because women are never expected to make advances on a guy they like, and if the roles were reversed, womens advances will never under any circumstances be viewed as creepy or weird, dangerous, thats the harsh double-standard there, but it makes sense though.
And the mindset me and many guys have, let's say if we were to actually get better at approaching/talking to women, interacting with them, attracting them, getting results, the scars or wounds, bad memories, from all of those painful/awkward interactions that happend with women will never completely/fully heal, the pain will never go away completely.
Another thing that has also filled me with anger and rage a lot over the years, is people and society, like to say us guys, men, are supposed to enjoy/embrace the role of taking the lead and approaching, making the first move, being the initiator, they always make arguments like "us men have it better because we don't have to wait like women do, we don't have to do the waiting".
That enrages me a lot, because thats like saying men can literally get results with women anytime they want, which is complete BS, just because a guy approaches and makes advances, pursues, takes the lead, initiates, there is no guarantee the woman, or women, are gonna be receptive to his advances. Thats one thing i will never understand when people and society argue that men have it better because they don't have to do the waiting around.
Reminds me of a comment one guy said years ago i will never forgot, it got me so mad, its not appropriate for me to say what was on my mind when i read what he wrote.
But yeah, the creepy-weird/uncomfortable label, double-standard, is the main thing i've always hated about the state of affairs, social dynamics between men and women.