Over the weekend I called Terri and we shot the sh!t. My phone game is getting so much better. I love it too, coz the phone game when you stop and think about it is pretty much isolation to drop some conversation skills and get to do a lil leg work to make things easier and find out how to play her in person.
She told me she is a rules kinda girl and doesn't kiss until the 3rd date, blah blah blah. I kinda believed it but at the same time, so many chicks say this sh!t that it kinda rolls off my back.
Later on, we are getting are
text on and it went a little something like this
[text messages]
M: So what you up to this Easter holiday? Cooking for anyone or any plans
Terri: No plans and no-one to cook for? What are you up to?
M: I was gonna go to
X but I don't trust this weather
Terri: Oh okay. Well I don't think I want to be lonely in this house for much longer
M: Hahaha. If that is your way of asking me to come kick it, I can swing by for a bit, yea
Terri: Hahahaha I like how you misinterpret things
M: Awww man, I misinterpreted what you said? Here I am picking out a cute outfit to wear to your place and putting on my fav cologne
Terri: LMAO. Your hilarious
Terri: So what time you thinking of coming?
Yuppers. So I get ready but end up running a little late. I got sidetracked on my turntables and burned an extra half hour than I intended mixing some tracks. On a sidenote, I FINALLY made a heap of progress with my beatmatching. Give me some prog. house and I'm just nasty right now but I'm murdering the hip house and electro house as well. Even vibing to some soulful house as well when I get that feeling.
So I'm riding to Terri's place and she texts me asking if I wanted to go to some Easter function with her to a friend's house. Hmmmm. Isolation vs being out of place with a bunch of strangers. I pull over the ride and text her back saying I don't want to, and then I call her a couple minutes later to tell her that if she wants to go to her friends party she can go and we can kick it another time. She says she doesn't wanna go really.
I arrive at her place and she is outside, and might I add nowhere near as cute as I remembered her. Beer googles in full effect that night I suppose. I thought about just riding past her and into the sunset like an rhinestone cowboy but heck I need the practice.
We get inside her house and well. How do I describe it? Well... You know when NBA stars go back to their hometown and show a tv film crew the world they grew up in? And then they get to their old house and it is like a testament to how bad they wanted to get out of the hood? Well, that's how crappy her apartment looked. I expect someone famous to have live there before and disliked it so much that they always practiced their trade extensively to the point that they are making millions now, because they knew the alternative was walking into that home.
But anyways, that's not whats important when it comes to a girl so although it was kinda offputting, it can easily be overlooked if everything else is on point.
But it wasn't.
First, her face was just meh. And when I say meh, i mean MEH. MEH to the point that I need to put on caplocks and shout it for the internet world to hear. The funniest part was that while we were chilling out she put on music and this song with Jeezy, Julez and Rick Ross called Brown Paper Bag. It was about drug dealing but of course I thought of putting a bag over this chick's head and had to pinch myself to stop from laughing as the song played in the background
Now, lets talk about how the chick was dressed. She was wearing a striped tank top and some polka dot pajama pants. Yes nigga. I said striped tank top and polka dot pajama pants. Woooooow! Just stop and imagine going to holla @ a girl wearing this. It looks like she just rolled out of bed and straight onto the set of an episode of "What Not to Wear" on The Learning Channel.
While looking at her ridiculously bad get-up, I couldn't HELP but recognize that she aint shave her legs. Yuck. This is probably the biggest physical turn off a regular woman could have for me. Whatever. I need the practice so I suck up my pride, hide my face and head inside the house of this woman.
After a brief (and I do mean brief) tour of the house I ask her whats on the itinerary. She laughs and says nothing yet. So we are inside, on a sunday, with nothing to do? I don't want to whip my d!ck out instantenously upon entering the door but there aint much else to do in the place so I was tempted
I tell her lets watch some tv and she says she aint got cable. Wow. Okay, so I'm like what the hell are we gonna do to keep busy. She giggles and says I dunno. Yea I can see where this is headed. I flip on one of the three channels she has and it is Clevland Cavs vs Boston Celtics.
While watching the routing that the Cavs are giving the Celtics, I am thinking about how little of a fvck I give for this woman and within seconds, the C&F goes into muthafvckin overdrive. Long story short, I get her topless and start feeling up them tittays. Decent for an older chick but I've seen better for sure, lol.
You guys know how it goes. Push/pull Escalate, back track, rub through the panties, back to the stomach, moan etc etc. Pants come off and she pretty wet so I'm fingerfvcking her, mostly just to make sure the intimate parts of a female's anatomy are still in the same places as the last time I was with a chick.
I whip my d!ck out so that she got something to do to keep her busy, but I've already decided I aint gon fvck her so its really just half-hearted everything. To paraphrase Meatloaf, "I would do anything for a nut.... BUT I WON'T DO HER!!!"
After me not trying to kiss her or really do anything to take things further, she starts complaining and saying we should stop. I tell her yea you right. Grab my stuff and bounce. She really didn't expect that and was trying to get me to stay, but once the teeniest bit of blood flowed away from my d!ck I was ready to get the fvck outta there.
Not gonna call her again and hope she does the same. She knows where I work (d'oh) so imma be amicable if we cross paths but if I never saw this chick again, it would be too soon. On the plus side, I turned around a chick who had previously cut me off so that gives hope for all the future potential flakes I will likely encounter once I am in full swing over the upcoming weeks. Can't wait.