Dating outside of one's own race...

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Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2005
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Originally posted by skeeloo
would i date and sleep with whites, asian and indain girls? yes i do

would i marry or reproduce with any of them?

does that make me racist?
i dont think so.

im all for preserving your race.
i agree with the dude that said preserve your race. i want my kids to look like me too.
The best way to get your kids to look like you is to have sex with the people that most look like you. It goes from other races -> your own race -> your sister -> your mom


Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
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Originally posted by diplomatic_lies
In that case you should breed with your sister, as that ensures pure genes (since your sister's genetic coding will be similar to yours).
ahahah, Joe the Homo got burned!


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
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Yeah she sounds racist... But then again if someone said black men will become angry and attempt to kick your ass or stab you to death for dating a black girl, I would problem kick that person's ass. I'll leave the stabbing to death to people who want to go to prison though. ;)

I've dated white girls before, I've never really had any major problems with that.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
This thread was fvcking painful to read. I think a mod should escort it to the door.. ;)


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2005
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Re: Interracial dating, etc.

Originally posted by DinoCassanova
I don't think your mom's actually truly a racist, per se. I mean unless she goes around constantly using racial slurs in a very virulent way and/or she actively discriminates against anyone. She's 50, so she's just a product of a different generation where interracial dating was not taken as lightly as it is now (and even now it's not taken that lightly by some, particularly in certain areas).
Well, 50 is cutting it pretty damn close to the cutoff point for her ignorance to be a "genrational thing." She saw what was going on during the 1960's...she should know better. If she doesn't, well, I'm sorry, but the original poster really has a backwards woman for a mother. I'm glad that he has different beliefs.

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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Originally posted by diplomatic_lies
In that case you should breed with your sister, as that ensures pure genes (since your sister's genetic coding will be similar to yours).
Ill have as many girlfriends as I want whether they be white/asian/latinas whatever. But the day I decide to marry ill pick a woman that looks like me so my kids look like me. I look like my dad and I would love my son to look like me as well. I must be a klan member for thinking this right?? You people make a big deal out of anything! :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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Originally posted by Joe The Homophobe
Ill have as many girlfriends as I want whether they be white/asian/latinas whatever. But the day I decide to marry ill pick a woman that looks like me so my kids look like me.
You have the right to marry within your race if you want.

However, you do not have right to tell other people who to marry. Your earlier post:
date outside your race is fine, just don't go around having babies with people outside your race.
Everyone has the right to date and marry who they like, regardless of what the KKK thinks.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
everyone has the right to be attracted to whomever they are attracked to and to form a relationship on whatever grounds they want to and to marry whomever they want.

it is not up to another human to determine your mortality. that is between you and whomever you believe your maker to be.

if you want to marry a blue eyed red headed 18 yr old = fine
if you want to marry a gray headed 81 yr with bifocals = fine
if you want to marry a blonde headed man = whatever

i personally dont see anything wrong with interracial marriages and i personally believe that the more interracial marriages with offspring will one day make illnesses like sickle cell diease obsolete because it slowly takes those genes that cause things like that out of the gene pool, which in turn makes for healthier decendants.

in this day in age, our society shouldnt be so brainwashed by interracial couples. i mean come on, this is not the fifties.
its not like the first time any of us have heard of this.

the kkk is a american terrorists organization. go look up some fbi information about american terrorist, you will see them on the list. they are no better than the organizations that bomb abortion clinics . that is just a different american terrorist organization. so is jeffery domers organization.


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
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I don't have a problem with interracial dating (hell my city is about 50/50 when it comes to dating) whatsoever. Date whomever the fuk you feel like dating.

But i do have a problem with certain ethnic groups pulling the race card and then dating a female of the race they make accusations against. Can you say hypocrite/racist?

Everyone acts like white women are some sort of prize. Why is this?


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2005
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Originally posted by Iamnotacrook
I'm white. My mom says that if I get a black girlfriend, I can't live here anymore. Her argument is that black men will become angry and attempt to kick my ass or stab me to death, and that decent white girls would stop dating me, and that mixed races don't fit in, etc, etc.

My mom is 50 years old, and this is seriously pissing me off.

I really don't see the big deal. If that's true, what gives them the right? Odds are, I would probably provide a much better upbringing for a child than anyone who'd try to cause me harm for dating who I want to date, and I'm completely against racism. Why would I even WANT to date girls who would hold that against me?

Still, she says I can't have a black girlfriend and still live here.

The only problem is that I already DO have a black girlfriend. We're not exclusive at this time, but we're leaning towards it. I'm abstinent now, so sex isn't in the picture yet, and the girl in question is a virgin. However, I tend to have a much better time with her than any of the other girls I've been dating, dancing with, and generally leading on...

I honestly think my mom is racist. What are your thoughts?
Well, you can't blame on your mom. I bet people of any RACE in america (over the age of 45) would be against race mixing. Its the way it is. Every race has its own stereotypes, but black (and hispanic) people have the worst repof all. But i do see bm/wf couples time to time but I can tell you this on first hand since i am living in a most diverse part of the world - Southern California. I remember my grandfather straight up told my sisters not to date blacks or mexicans. He was basically against everyone. But funny thing is that he was never against them date or marry asians because he thought their skin was light enough to pass them off as white. :down:

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
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Originally posted by backbreaker
well, no race is equal, but he is right that there are more athletic blacks then any other race...

The reason for that is that slave owners used to breed slaves, to make really strong slaves.

That's why 83% of the NFL and 80% of the NBA are African American... not to mention the 3-5 or so players that are actually from Africa in the NBA (Loul Deng, Disanga Diop, Mutombo, etc)
yeah, probably a lto of truth in that, also the weak would normally die on the slave ships.

Its the same with australia, they are generally sporty and atheltic, and pretty big guys, because the strongest survived on the prison ships over there.

Backbreaker, again you talk a lot of sense in this debate.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
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Big Ole apple
Screw interracial reproduction!
I want my kids to look like me! EXACTLY freakin' like me. I don't f*ck w/ anyone outside of my family, let alone race! A distant cousin @ most! Period.

That's just my beliefs people, you'll have yours, and I'll have mine.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by DJ_in_making
Screw interracial reproduction!
I want my kids to look like me! EXACTLY freakin' like me. I don't f*ck w/ anyone outside of my family, let alone race! A distant cousin @ most! Period.

That's just my beliefs people, you'll have yours, and I'll have mine.
I think you made your point; albeit a bit disturbing. :confused:


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
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I love white women, i'm just asking why every race bends over backwards to get their hands on a white female. Even racists, will go after white's crazy! Just look at all of the posts here at SS directed towards "i'm a minority, i want to date this white girl, but her parents don't like me." Or White girls don't like me because i'm ____________."


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
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Did you read the article from that link I posted? It will help you understand.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
you know what... my EX caught me looking at a white girl at a restrant one day, and asked me the same question...

"why I men like white girls soo much"

Well, I can't speak for anyone else, this is just me...

I see and get the whole "the white women are the prize" theory. It makes sense, white women are glorized on the TV, Magazines, of course you want to be with them.

I am telling you personalily that's not the case for me. First off, I date ATTRACTIVE, INTERESTING WOMEN. NOw if she happens to be white, so be it.

Any African American who looks at a white girl as a prize is silly and doesn't know his history.. Africans problbably have one of the most storied histories on the face of this planet... Everyone on this planet came from Western AFrica (etheopia).

With that said, I don't look at white women and say "*****, you are below me either".. I mean, we are all equal, but I am just saying, ,dating a girl because she is "white" is silly... Iknow guys who sleep with white women just because they are white, and they won't even be cute white.. just white...

White guys don't get mad when you date white girls... they get mad when you start taking the FINE white girls that can have any WHITE guy.. Something I learned from experience ;)

And no I don't mean all white guys silly people who are getting ready to start a post saying that is generalzing all white guys, it 's a joke.

I had a girl that was white when I was a senior in high school show alot of interest in me.. we started dating, but when I woke up and reazlized what was going.. she wasn't dating ME, she was dating a BLACK KID, we broke up. She expected me to do certain things, suprised when I didn't do certain things, just making stupid generalzations. I saw her not to long ago and one of my friends that knows her told me she "only dates black guys" which is silly, judging someone that you don't know before you know them.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
That article is great BTW, but misses a key point...

Beauty, for as long as the earth is round, for the most part, has been about ONE thing...


Symetry and Defination.

Anythnig ASymetrical or curvy is not considered as beautifl as something that is symetrical and has defination.

White, black, green, purple, red, doesn't matter.

Like.. who is that women I hate more than...OH, Jill Scott..

Now, if you haven't seen her... she is not easy on the eyes..

But all of her songs are about her being Beautiful, and her supporters will tellyou that you are brainwashed to believe that white slim women are the thing that's in...

No, Jill, you aren't condered to be good looking because you are... curvy ,meaning FAT.

I get more attention wh en I am 165-170 and 7-9% body fat then when I was 200-210 and upwards of 15% body fat.. Is something wrong with society because of that.. no, I got my fat ass in the gym and because of it, my face is more slinder, more symetrical and I look better.

Actually, there are some features about white women that do turn me off.. Long slinder noses I don't like... I don't like long faces, and I am not crazy about blondes either.

Some things about what the author said in that aritcle...

I am black, and Nappy Hair IS BAD Hair.. sure it was okay to have nappy hair when you live in Africa and have never heard of hair products besdies berries and water.. today there is no excuse for nappy hair. Luckly, I have pretty good hair, even when it's thick it's not nappy... There isn't a black person that I know that WANTS nappy hair.. there are some that don't take care of their hair therefore it's nappy.

I have seen many attractive black women (free on 106 and park) that have Afro's and have "textured" hair.. but that doesn't mean it's nappy...

Nappy means it Naps, which means it curls up in little balls. Nappy isn't think. Some girls think I am sexier when I DON'T cut my hair (it's not cut now, I am experimenting)

That girl in that picutre? that's not nappy hair... that's actually pretty good hair... lol, I have seen nappy hair, and no one wants kids to have nappy hair.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
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Originally posted by Iamnotacrook
I'm white. My mom says that if I get a black girlfriend, I can't live here anymore. Her argument is that black men will become angry and attempt to kick my ass or stab me to death, and that decent white girls would stop dating me, and that mixed races don't fit in, etc, etc.

My mom is 50 years old, and this is seriously pissing me off.

I really don't see the big deal. If that's true, what gives them the right? Odds are, I would probably provide a much better upbringing for a child than anyone who'd try to cause me harm for dating who I want to date, and I'm completely against racism. Why would I even WANT to date girls who would hold that against me?

Still, she says I can't have a black girlfriend and still live here.

The only problem is that I already DO have a black girlfriend. We're not exclusive at this time, but we're leaning towards it. I'm abstinent now, so sex isn't in the picture yet, and the girl in question is a virgin. However, I tend to have a much better time with her than any of the other girls I've been dating, dancing with, and generally leading on...

I honestly think my mom is racist. What are your thoughts?

UMMM...Didnt read your post-sorry-but...You sound dumb-no offense-it doesnt matter man! If a woman find you attractive you will F8ck-No tricks...Also again no offense but fu*k what your family has to say-if she makes you feel good and you make her feel good then I dont see the problem-I'm a mixed man-half Native American and half Black-I've dated pretty much every race-yea there's been problems-but what do I care? Ultimately you live for you and not other people-no matter how much they mean to you-its AUTONMY man...

"Turn fear Into Curiosity"
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