Dating outside of one's own race...

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Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
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Call it what you will, racism, personally preferred lineage, personal preference, etc.

Let me tell you im asian and my bro has been in LTR with his jamaican gf for about 4 yrs already, they met through college. Of course a LTR, everyone in our family had met her. Then 2 yrs ago my mom stressed and *****ed to my bro about her. It was of course an illogical argument..she was just pissed, when in fact..i didnt really see anything wrong with her.

Anyway lotsa **** happened in between, but now my mom dun care no more as long as my bro is happy, and he is. Well lucky for my bro he moved out after college. My mom isnt racist i know for a fact. But it was the fact that she wanted to continue the asian lineage/bloodline. And if they did get married, my mom wouldnt know how to speak english anyhow with her side of the differences exist already.

Let me just say the same will probably happen to you and maybe even worse, kick you outta the house, well gl however this turns out.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
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Big Ole apple
Originally posted by Iamnotacrook
Yeah, I live in Jacksonville, Florida... and I'm 19. I could imagine how I might be on the recieving end of some discrimination, but I stand for justice... and when I'm right, I don't care if it kills me. Better hope I don't kill them first.
I like your attitude bro,
But it seems to me as if you and your mother don't have a close enough bond. I mean, you're wondering if she's a racist. Isn't that something you'd know about your mom? I mean have you ever seen/heard anything spiteful and racist come out of her mouth? Seriously, get to know her. Let her know your feelings, if she doesn't like/respect it too bad.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2005
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Jacksonville, FL
She's prejudiced. We are not close enough. Her mother was a furious drunk, and she moved out as soon as she could. When she was 16, she was on her own. She interrupts me when I talk. She basically has no idea how to be a good mother. Noone wants to live like that. I don't have much real world sense, but I'm about fed up. I suppose you're on point in saying I should start working full-time.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2004
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I used to date a filipina chick awhile back and I dont see what the big deal is. If I like a girl then I'm going to date her whether she is white, black, or orange. Its not a big deal, she would get over it eventually.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2005
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Jacksonville, FL
Re: Re: Interracial dating, etc.

Originally posted by DJ_in_making
:rolleyes: mmm hmmm.... a product of the civil rights era. meaning......
I think Dino's response was simply saying that you can't FAULT them for their views, which I believe is true for anyone. If you had the same brain, and the same thing happened to you, you'd react in the exact same way...


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2005
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Austin, Texas
Originally posted by backbreaker

Usually white people ARE more racist than black people.
HAH ! You must be smokin' crack if you think that ... every word out of most Black people's mouth is something racist (Ex/ n1gger, cracker .... )

Anyways , back to the subject ...

I know exactly what you mean dude with the parents not approving interracial relationship .... I date a lot of Hispanic chicks and my folks flip out all the time about this crap and have told me if I date a Mexican ... Im banned from their house ....

just a croc ..... I just blow it off and go somewhere else and explain to the girl that they're just old school and raised differently ...


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2002
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your mom might not be a hard line racist but what she's saying is racist. I'm a black male and I have to say it doesn't bother me to see sisters dating a white guy. In fact, it makes me feel happy 'cos it gives me hope for the world. I date any girl regardless of skin color or religion. We need to stop stereotyping and being so mad at each other in this world. Date whoever you wanna date man, your mom is wrong, and we live in the 21st century now, you can date whoever you want.

Spirit Fingers

Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
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What fvcking century are we living in? I can't believe people are still so backwards as to believe interracial sex is wrong. Take the Confederate flag off the back of your pickup truck, stop watching NASCAR and get with the times.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2005
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Chicagoland area
I think Dino's response was simply saying that you can't FAULT them for their views, which I believe is true for anyone. If you had the same brain, and the same thing happened to you, you'd react in the exact same way...

>>> That is what I mean, ImnotaCrook. I've been thinking over your original post and I'd have to kind of agree w/someone else who posted something , I can't recall who it was just now, but he said in his post your mom's not "a hardline racist". That probably does sound right; to make that kind of distinction was what I was originally aiming at. Is she , I'm sorry to say this to you Imnota, but is she a prejudiced person to some degree? I would say she must be yes. Because when you think about the whole thing, for such a vehement response to something like this, to threaten to throw her son (you) out of the house over it, there clearly is a good degree of ....... well....... vehemence there. And what could be the cause of such extreme refusal to accept an interracial relationship? Well, sadly, we must conclude, such an angry emotionally charged response could only be rooted in bigotry. Otherwise there's no real reason for it. So, I'd have to partially take back what I posted in my original response to you where I said I don't think your mom's a true racist per se (I said something just about like that). I'd probably rephrase it to, yes I think she is racist , not "hardline" (as in, not Klan robe-wearing, white power-shouting extreme hater) but , let's say, your "garden-variety" run-of-the-mill level racist. Capisce?

Now , what should you do about that? Keep dating or talking to this girl you're interested in. I think it's the right thing to do. Forget what anybody from your mom, to simpletons like Homophobic Joe (who's clearly got quite a few issues going), say, and follow that heart of yours. See ya. ~D


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Originally posted by TxCowboy
HAH ! You must be smokin' crack if you think that ... every word out of most Black people's mouth is something racist (Ex/ n1gger, cracker .... )

Anyways , back to the subject ...

I know exactly what you mean dude with the parents not approving interracial relationship .... I date a lot of Hispanic chicks and my folks flip out all the time about this crap and have told me if I date a Mexican ... Im banned from their house ....

just a croc ..... I just blow it off and go somewhere else and explain to the girl that they're just old school and raised differently ...

The fact is there are more white racist than african american racist.

Look at Polictial parties for example.

Democrats, entire, well nto entire, but a main part of their platform is to help underprivliged blacks with different healthcard/school/walefare programs, but whenever the case may be, ,they are quick to turn on african americans to make a political point (case in point, 2000 election, hurricane katrina). The republicans see african americans as the source of all evil/debt/crime in america.

What color was the senator that recently said on CNN that to bring down the crime rate in america that all Black Kids should be aborted?

Even when subrban white kids listen to gansta rap and start selling drugs for no reason other than it's "cool", that's racism, because its' assuming that that is what all of the "cool" black kids do.

If would be a pretty racist remark if I sad all white girls are ******* giving sluts. That's not the case, and even though *******s are cool, ,that's not the point.

I am getting off track. You shouldn't hate anyone because of the color of their skin. If someone in your family is biggoted, just understand that their opinion does not equate your opinion.

and I have dated girls of other races whoose parents didn't like me because of my skin color, but once they actually met me and found out i was a person, and not just "that black guy", I have never had a parent that didn't like me. Most mom's dont' want their daughter dating the "typical" black guy, or the one that is pretraied by the media... hell if I have a daughter I don't want her dating that guy either.

If you can afford it, you need to man up and move, and not just because of the whole dating thing, but you are a man, and ovbiously you and your mom have a major disagreement on a major social issue.


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
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I understand your mom is worried about your safety, there is some truth to what she is saying. But the other stuff she is worried about, is going overboard.

Whites more racist then blacks...what are you smoking dude? Check out the hate crime statistics, before you generalize!

Blacks can go to white bars and they will be accepted, yet 9 times out of ten a white male would be jumped if he set turf inside a black bar or club. I have lived in multiple cities and the trend is the same in every city i live. For the white guys who think i'm full of $hit, go to an all-black bar and try and hit on black women.

I personally, could care less what a persons color is. If they are cool they are cool--if they are an a@@hole, they are an a@@hole.


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
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Backbreaker, if white people are so racist, why date white women? You preach about the media generalizing, but you are doing the exact same thing!

.........Republicans are racist, what did Daddy Bush sign, to benefit minorities while in office?


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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I was dining out doors with a HB9.9 black chick, and while I was in the bathroom some black kid walked past and said 'why are you that white dude?"

Luckilly he was gone by the time he came back or it could have got ugly, but what's the best thing to do in that situation? I'd probably just laugh and say, "hey what are you doing with no girl?"


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by tristan22
Backbreaker, if white people are so racist, why date white women? You preach about the media generalizing, but you are doing the exact same thing!

.........Republicans are racist, what did Daddy Bush sign, to benefit minorities while in office?

Did you not see where I said that ALL white people aren't racist?

I would think maybe, maybe 2 percent of the white population is racist. That's still alot of people.

I don't like Black Rasist, ,it's not a race thing. I am not preaching anythnig.

A White person who doesn't like a black person becasue of the color of his skink, it just as stupid to me as the black guy that doesn't like the w hite person because he is white.

All racism is stupid, it's just that there are more white racist then black racist.

You are right about the clubs... Hell I hardely ever go to black clubs.. not becaus I don't like black people, but the "white"clubs are just better.. more people... better bands, ,etc.

I'm not going to go to a black club, simply because it's a black club. This isn't the 1940's.

Did you not hear when I said my last GF was black? Her pic has been posted on here a couple of times, do a search on my name, you will see it.

Most of my GF's have been black. Now that I am getting older, and I am not in high school, I travel, I go different places, I see more people, ,therefore I have expanded what I am dating/sexing.

I had a conversation with one of my best friends the other day, well not the other day, a while ago, but anyway, he said he would never date outside of his race because his family would look at him funny. And I told him that's fine, that's their problem, not his.

to the guy that said that you wouldn't want to have a kid outside of your race.. As a black man, that's 100% fine by me. I mean, some people have their perferences, and I don't find that to be the least bit racist. However, ,saying they won't LOOk like you is silly... you are the dad.. They may not be the same COLOR as you, but they will still have the same features.

Like I said, the prettiest kid I ever seen is Troy, my EX GF's 5 year old neice who is mixed with black/white/italian..

And don't get in a political arguemen twith me, you will loose, ,espically if you are trying to make the arguement that Bush is not racist, even though I don't think Bush is a racist.

I will say this, ,and leave it at this, the reason why african americans are pretty much the scapegoat for both political parties, is not because of white people, but because of black people. As long as our, as a hole, importance is on music videos, basketball and drugs, we will be in the same particument. By not picking up a book and learing something, putting an emphisis on education, we have no idea of what's going on, become weak minded and have no idea of what's going on (that's why preachers are usually the msot important political figures in the african american community.. when I was 5 or 6, President Clinton made a speach at our church).. Growing up, the only time I ever saw a white person at my church.. well let me stop lying, ,I went to an a black southern baptist church, but there it was very multicutural, about 80% blacks in all... but usually every 4 years, the only time you saw some politicans in the church was right around election time.. That's because most african americans don't know the issues at hand and put themselves in a position to be lead by anyone and everyone, and at the same time be the scapegoat of the United States.

so my problem isn't with white people.. I like white peoplel... lol, I like aLL People, but i was simply pointing out a fact of life, that inheritly there are more racist white people then black people in America.

Perfect example. When a white person dates a black person, the parents usually get mad and tell them they need to stay in their own race (ie this post).

A black person dates a white person, it's usually "you think your too good to date a black woman"


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
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No you will lose if you get into a political argument with me :D

It's all good though, i've been called racist here at SS and i've never relayed what ethnicity i am. This goes to show you the ignorance that's circulating around here.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
i never called you a racist.

a little healthy debate never hurt anyone :D


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2005
Reaction score
Chinatown =p
date whoever u want

im asian and ive dated white gurls, i just prefer my asian gurls

both racism and reverse racism is stupid

get your weight up, not your hate up


Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Monte Carlo, Monaco
i call my homeboys niga's... and they are black :p im from the philippine's but im down with it... u got to have it like that or you'll end up being capped...

fyi, if your white.. don't do this.. or you'll have to watch your back


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
"And don't get in a political arguemen twith me, you will loose, ,espically if you are trying to make the arguement that Bush is not racist, even though I don't think Bush is a racist."

Umm, wait, what?

"but i was simply pointing out a fact of life, that inheritly there are more racist white people then black people in America."

Do you want to give some statistics on that?

"When a white person dates a black person, the parents usually get mad and tell them they need to stay in their own race (ie this post)."

'Usually' my ass. That is a very rare occurrence that happens maybe 1% of the time, at most.

"The republicans see african americans as the source of all evil/debt/crime in america."

This is the single stupidest statement I have read at this board, and I'm including every troll post I've ever read. Democrats are the ones who are at fault for black poverty. Why? Take what you said about Democrats and how they look at blacks, first. Then realize that those who perpetuate the "black" stereotype, entities like MTV, are skewed toward the liberal/democrat side. This stereotype is the same one that bashes black people who "sell out" and "go white". With more black people perpetuating this to each other, the black people stay down out of peer pressure, and then the Dems can go in and get the black votes.

This furthers my point:

While an obviously sarcastic sign, it makes a good point on why it's patently absurd to think that Republicans, and not Democrats, are the most anti-black.


Dec 15, 2004
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Where I live a white kid will not be jumped on if he enters a black bar. Three years ago,me and all my white roomies would go to the most ghetto bankhead (the bounce) kind of clubs. No one ever stepped to them. The only comment you would hear was, "go white boy go white boy," when they would dance.

Why are black people poor???

Political reasons: Less funding for poor public schools. Even if you wanted to learn-- there is only so much that can be learned in a hood school (please don't even try to refute this.)

Lack of an affordable healthcare system (Im not talking about universal healthcare) for the poor family (not just black), a single injury or illness can quickly drag them even further down the spiral of poverty, Have you ever seen how much a visit to the ER costs?

Social issues: I believe in the whole horatio alger pick yourself up attitude, but I also know that this is easier said than done. It takes an extreme amount of self-efficacy for a kid to walk the straight and narrow in the hood. It is easier for middle class people to preach the virtues of hard work, when we've lived the ideal lifestyle from day one.

Also, perceive helplessness and victimology (made up term)- Many believe that they can't make it, because the system is stacked agaisnt them. Even if they attend college, make good grades, and play the good negro -- Society will still not accept them.

It is odd that poor whites and poor blacks have the exact same problems. They are more similar than different, yet there is tension.
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