Dating outside of one's own race...

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Don Juan
Oct 5, 2005
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Chinatown =p
george bush doesn't care about black ppl :woo:

they dont call it 'the whitehouse' because of its paint

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by dyce
george bush doesn't care about black ppl :woo:
the irish immigrated to new york, lived in the ghettos, got out. The italians immigrated to new york, lived in the ghettos, got out. Blacks are still in the ghetto!

Hispanics are now ahead of blacks economically in the USA. That is amazing knowing that most cross the border risking their lives with little money and work lower paying jobs than the average american citizen plus they don't know english. Not only that but the mass immigration of hispanics to the U.S didn't start not that long ago so in a few decades they already moved past blacks.

Nothing against black people but it is time to stop blaming whitey. When hispanics who come here without even knowing english are owning more homes and starting more business and are better off economically, you look at them and say how come whitey isn't keeping them down?


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by MetalFortress
"And don't get in a political arguemen twith me, you will loose, ,espically if you are trying to make the arguement that Bush is not racist, even though I don't think Bush is a racist."

Umm, wait, what?

"but i was simply pointing out a fact of life, that inheritly there are more racist white people then black people in America."

Do you want to give some statistics on that?

"When a white person dates a black person, the parents usually get mad and tell them they need to stay in their own race (ie this post)."

'Usually' my ass. That is a very rare occurrence that happens maybe 1% of the time, at most.

"The republicans see african americans as the source of all evil/debt/crime in america."

This is the single stupidest statement I have read at this board, and I'm including every troll post I've ever read. Democrats are the ones who are at fault for black poverty. Why? Take what you said about Democrats and how they look at blacks, first. Then realize that those who perpetuate the "black" stereotype, entities like MTV, are skewed toward the liberal/democrat side. This stereotype is the same one that bashes black people who "sell out" and "go white". With more black people perpetuating this to each other, the black people stay down out of peer pressure, and then the Dems can go in and get the black votes.

This furthers my point:

While an obviously sarcastic sign, it makes a good point on why it's patently absurd to think that Republicans, and not Democrats, are the most anti-black.
I like how you ignored half of my post to try to make a point, like the half a paragraph that I used to say that democrats were just as responsabile if not more for being a part of the reason of african american poverty.

I will be the very, very first person to tell you... the republican party isn't racist.. Quite the contary, however democrats will lead you to believe that because of their political platform (i.e. read my post again). Because most african americans are uninformed about politics, they don't know that their own pollitical party really don't give a damn about them execpt for their vote... African American votes are EXTREMELY imoportant to Democrats, so much so that if African Americans voted the majorty republican, I could never see ademocrat winning.

However, with that said, and what I was trying to get it, repupublicans aren't just knights in shining armor either. Tax cuts? No child left behind is an absolute joke. Bush attempting to put the hurricane katrina effots off on the lower tax brackets.

To answer your other questions.. I do not think Bush is a rasist (I think he probably is a classist)... anyone IMO making the arguement that bush is a racist is uninformed of facts and is making generalizations, lol, I wasnt using double talk.

Stats? Sure, here you go:

It's pretty much 3 to 1 as far as Anti White hate crimes to anti black hate crimes. So now, like I said, it's silly to sit here and try to argue that the majority of all racist are african american

And the funny thing? I don't even believe in hate crime stats. you can't justify all white vs. black crimes as hate crimes. What if I beat up a white guy because he hit my girlfriend? that's not a hate crime... but someone will classify it as that without all of the correct informormation.

I guess all in all it gives you a good understanding of whats going on however.

'Usually' my ass. That is a very rare occurrence that happens maybe 1% of the time, at most.
I don't know what race you are, but I am black.. I am going off of EXPERIENCE, I have no facts or stats to back that up. When I would go to the movies with my old GF's or girls I was talking to that were white or hispanic, or whatever, anythnig besides pure african american, I would get from time to time "why are you with a white girl?" or "you think you too good to be with a sista" or "what does she have that I we don't have " (always from women, never from men)

I also know first hand, that most of their moms, ,well about half, didn't like me originally becaue I am african american.

I mean, it doesn't bother me, and I don't hvae an agenda or anything, it's just what I have experienced.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by Joe The Homophobe
the irish immigrated to new york, lived in the ghettos, got out. The italians immigrated to new york, lived in the ghettos, got out. Blacks are still in the ghetto!

Hispanics are now ahead of blacks economically in the USA. That is amazing knowing that most cross the border risking their lives with little money and work lower paying jobs than the average american citizen plus they don't know english. Not only that but the mass immigration of hispanics to the U.S didn't start not that long ago so in a few decades they already moved past blacks.

Nothing against black people but it is time to stop blaming whitey. When hispanics who come here without even knowing english are owning more homes and starting more business and are better off economically, you look at them and say how come whitey isn't keeping them down?

This is probably the stupidst, most biggioted statement i have ever read on this board.

Do you think before you speak?

Do you even KNOW anything?

Okay, from reading your post, you would think EVERY african american, including myself, is sitting in a one room shack in Harlem.

You would also think that there are NO Italians or Hispanics in Harlem, when in fact there is a Spanish Harlem.

Yes blacks are still in the ghetto, whites are still in the ghetto, hispanics are sitll in the ghetto.

Your generazlation was unwarranted and just outright stupid.

Black people do pull themselves up. My mom, as much as Id on't like her toay, grew up with no dad, her and her younger sister, and grew up in a house that literterly had an oak tree growing in the middle of it.

My mom went to school, got straight A's, went to college, got on the Deans list, and recieved 3 Degress in business and communcation and now makes over $150k a year.

I mean, I GET what you are trying to say, you just said it wrong. And no, as a hole, hispanics aren't doing better than blacks, becasue alot of hispanics in this country are unaccounted for because they are illegal aliens.

however again, I get your point.. Generally, hispanics aren't lazy.

You are trying to say what I said about 10 posts ago... white people don't hold black people down, black people hold black people down\ by not educating yourself.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2005
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Chicagoland area
Why are black people poor???

Political reasons: Less funding for poor public schools. Even if you wanted to learn-- there is only so much that can be learned in a hood school (please don't even try to refute this.)

Lack of an affordable healthcare system (Im not talking about universal healthcare) for the poor family (not just black), a single injury or illness can quickly drag them even further down the spiral of poverty, Have you ever seen how much a visit to the ER costs?

Social issues: I believe in the whole horatio alger pick yourself up attitude, but I also know that this is easier said than done. It takes an extreme amount of self-efficacy for a kid to walk the straight and narrow in the hood. It is easier for middle class people to preach the virtues of hard work, when we've lived the ideal lifestyle from day one.

Also, perceive helplessness and victimology (made up term)- Many believe that they can't make it, because the system is stacked agaisnt them. Even if they attend college, make good grades, and play the good negro -- Society will still not accept them.

>>> That's all exactly on target SelfMastery. It's a socio-economic situation that keeps poor people poor. And the fact that blacks happen to be a large part of that is due to the pattern they have become caught up in AND to a deeply institutionalized racist mindset within the power structure in this country (which European immigrants like the Irish for example, did NOT have to truly deal with). However, the good news is that there is a growing black middle class in this country, which shows that slowly but surely more black families are starting to emerge from poverty and all of those nasty things that go along with it. In the future however, things will be made more equal in this country. For example, Newsweek reported last summer ( I remember because I clipped and saved the article) that this country is going to be fully half-Hispanic (either native-born 1st generation or immigrant Hispanic) by the year 2050, possibly slightly earlier. I like to hear that because to me the Hispanics, be they native-born or immigrants, remind me very much of myself and my family (also immigrants, from southern Italy). They have the same work ethic, the same religion (generally), and many similar cultural qualities. This country will not belong solely to the heterosexual WASP male (whose lineage here goes back to before the Civil War, or even further in some cases) forever. Immigrants, blacks first (forced immigrants), and Chinese, and Irish, and Italian , and Polish, and now Hispanic, have truly done the hardest most backbreaking labour that has built this country into what it is today, while the WASP male has largely sat back and watched from the halls of power.

So, that's what you're witnessing right now in this nation. Massive, if very very, almost glacially, slow, social and socio-economic change, and that's what gets some ignorant white people , usually racists (like one on this thread; whose name I won't mention but I'm sure you can pick him out) , so crazy with fear. Their fear of this change, these changes, in the social structure, the hierarchy, which they see coming, is what makes them reactionary. What drives them mad is the fact that many of the socio-economic grievances that immigrants and minorities have are starting to be, and are going to continue to be, addressed and redressed more and more in this country. The future of America belongs to people who were previously considered "minorities", and to immigrants and their children, be they so-called "legal" or otherwise (there's no way anyone's going to stem the tide of so-called "illegal" immigration here either; that's another fact that they are having a hard time dealing with). The years of "WASP power, WASP privilege" are truly in their autumn. Hope the WASP's enjoy all the beautiful fall colors.

Peace, ~D


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Joe The Homophobe
date outside your race is fine, just don't go around having babies with people outside your race. You will destroy your lineage and history and most likely the kid won't look nothing like you.
Believe it or not, mixed race children are usually *superior* genetically to their parents because good genes tend to be dominant (if bad genes were dominant, humans would be pretty pathetic). And since different races are better than each other at certain things (whites on average more intelligent than blacks, blacks on average more athletic than whites because they make more testosterone = better physiques, asians on average more intelligent than whites, etc. and the good things are dominant), the mixed-race children, on average, will tend to inherit the better things from each parent.

The lineage isn't destroyed if they have kids; the kids don't dissapear all the sudden if they are mixed-raced. The children just become part of the lineage.

If you actually care about a family-history of being mono-race, then go ahead.. I myself don't take pride in what other people whom I ever knew did, had sex with or looked like.

The kid will look like both parents unless all you see in someone is skin color. In fact, white facial features are mostly dominant.

In my case, I'm mixed asian-white. I look completely white (white skin, white facial features) so I took after the white side of the family. The asian side is short and the white side is average. I'm 5-9 now and still growing. I have a high IQ and I'm good at math (asian side). I got good genes from both sides.

If anything, focus on the individual and not what race he belongs to. Race is an arbitrary factor. Just because a certain race averages a certain IQ, height, skin color, etc. doesn't mean that an individual of a certain race will be like that. I know asian people that are above 6 feet. I know black people with 140+ IQs. I know white people that are short and have <80 IQs. I also know white people that are tall and have 140+ IQs. Seriously, just do what you want and care less about what other people think.


Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Monte Carlo, Monaco
Originally posted by SELF-MASTERY
Where I live a white kid will not be jumped on if he enters a black bar. Three years ago,me and all my white roomies would go to the most ghetto bankhead (the bounce) kind of clubs. No one ever stepped to them. The only comment you would hear was, "go white boy go white boy," when they would dance.

Why are black people poor???

Political reasons: Less funding for poor public schools. Even if you wanted to learn-- there is only so much that can be learned in a hood school (please don't even try to refute this.)

Lack of an affordable healthcare system (Im not talking about universal healthcare) for the poor family (not just black), a single injury or illness can quickly drag them even further down the spiral of poverty, Have you ever seen how much a visit to the ER costs?

Social issues: I believe in the whole horatio alger pick yourself up attitude, but I also know that this is easier said than done. It takes an extreme amount of self-efficacy for a kid to walk the straight and narrow in the hood. It is easier for middle class people to preach the virtues of hard work, when we've lived the ideal lifestyle from day one.

Also, perceive helplessness and victimology (made up term)- Many believe that they can't make it, because the system is stacked agaisnt them. Even if they attend college, make good grades, and play the good negro -- Society will still not accept them.

It is odd that poor whites and poor blacks have the exact same problems. They are more similar than different, yet there is tension.
Cocaine's a helluva :D


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
would i date and sleep with whites, asian and indain girls? yes i do

would i marry or reproduce with any of them?

does that make me racist?
i dont think so.

im all for preserving your race.
i agree with the dude that said preserve your race. i want my kids to look like me too.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by dirtyvibe
(whites on average more intelligent than blacks, blacks on average more athletic than whites because they make more testosterone = better physiques, asians on average more intelligent than whites, etc.

just look at this post no race is better than anyother if you believe every bull**** that some scientist spew then you got problems.:rolleyes: i cant beleive what some ppl post.
on who's account did you come to all that conclusion anyway
black scientist will always claim to be superior, same as whites, and same as asians. dont be ignorant .


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville, FL
Now, see, I'm seeing more problems with that... because now you want YOUR KIDS to continue the lineage. Well, what if their idea of continuing the lineage is destroying it? What if they don't LIKE the idea of racial lineage? In other words, you have chosen to follow a lineage, and also chosen that your kids will follow the lineage. You can't make that choice for them.


Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
i think that its bull****....the reason that im saying this, is becasue i was kinda in the same situation, im black and i was dating a hyspanic gurl, and everyone goes crazy, and i thought that i had whtie friends....until i was conversating with there cousins....then they all turned on me! i just dont know anymore, i really dont!


Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
nm the sympathic post from before..i just figured out why he has so many problemssssss.....well im not going to flame, so im out!


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
well, no race is equal, but he is right that there are more athletic blacks then any other race...

The reason for that is that slave owners used to breed slaves, to make really strong slaves.

That's why 83% of the NFL and 80% of the NBA are African American... not to mention the 3-5 or so players that are actually from Africa in the NBA (Loul Deng, Disanga Diop, Mutombo, etc)


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2005
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Austin, Texas
This is a dating advice forum and we're having a civil rights battle ...

i think this thread has gotten a lil too sidetracked here .... :D


Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
no really what did u guys think was going to happen when the base conversatiton was race.......


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Joe The Homophobe
date outside your race is fine, just don't go around having babies with people outside your race. You will destroy your lineage and history and most likely the kid won't look nothing like you.
In that case you should breed with your sister, as that ensures pure genes (since your sister's genetic coding will be similar to yours).


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Big Ole apple

why do these topics always go into politics and black/white debates? Stay on topic people, the topic was

his mom is not approving of his interracial relationship. Is she racist?


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Big Ole apple
Originally posted by Joe The Homophobe
the irish immigrated to new york, lived in the ghettos, got out. The italians immigrated to new york, lived in the ghettos, got out. Blacks are still in the ghetto!

Hispanics are now ahead of blacks economically in the USA. That is amazing knowing that most cross the border risking their lives with little money and work lower paying jobs than the average american citizen plus they don't know english. Not only that but the mass immigration of hispanics to the U.S didn't start not that long ago so in a few decades they already moved past blacks.

Nothing against black people but it is time to stop blaming whitey. When hispanics who come here without even knowing english are owning more homes and starting more business and are better off economically, you look at them and say how come whitey isn't keeping them down?
:rolleyes: Joe buddy, if your posts made any sense @ all, people would bother reading 'em.
First you compared Irish people to black people, which would normally stop making me read the post altogether. B/c news flash Irish people are WHITE!!! It so dumb when people say Irish people overcame oppression as though they were some sort of other race.:crackup:
Another thing you should know is that NOT every black person is in the ghetto, contrary to popular belief. There are blacks who have overcame the oppression and are well off economically, why don't you congradulate them?
Unless you were poor and then got money, don't talk. You were probably born into wealth so stfu!


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi

According to your link, the ratio of anti-black to anti-white hate crimes is 1:3. According to my link, the ratio of black people to white people is 1:6.5. Sure seems like there are more black racists to me. Beyond that, not every racist commits a hate crime. But black society as a whole is more racist than white society.

Also, in response to your response to Joe, Latinos have been ahead of blacks economically for the last 35 years. Source:

As far as the parents' reactions, you can't go by circumstancial evidence and then try to present it as fact. If a girl was raped and her best friend was raped, then to them, most girls have been raped, which is simply not true.

" will be the very, very first person to tell you... the republican party isn't racist"

Um, hey, you just said Republicans look at blacks as the root of all evil, debt, and crime. Stop trying to talk out of both sides of your mouth. Most republicans look at those who choose to be reliant on the welfare system, as the root of all evil, debt, and crime.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville, FL
Originally posted by bbestar
i call my homeboys niga's... and they are black :p im from the philippine's but im down with it... u got to have it like that or you'll end up being capped...
I'm not afraid to use the N word, it's just a matter of whether or not it belongs in your mouth. I had a white friend who kept using the N word around a few of my black friends, putting a huge stress on the "nigga"...

needless to say, two of them ended up kicking his ass pretty badly, haven't seen him since.
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