for the record KB i was just being silly, for the most part. I am in know way shape or form a racist.
i am only prejudice of people who try to hurt others. Im all for doing whatever the heck you want just so long as you are not bringing others down.
I actually have more white friends than black.
Now i guess ur gonna tell me u have "A" black friend. And u cant believe how well mannered he is. Heard it all before.
I work in heating & cooling and have to go to peoples houses to troubleshoot.
Then out of nowhere, i hear " i know a black man and he was so nice." Then end up saying something totally racist. Even had whites calling in telling flat out lies to my manager trying to get me fired.
They will sit there and call blacks lazy, but when i go to school to learn a trade and take care of my own. They wanna get me fired. Thats why i work twice as hard as my white employees.
It kills me that u think blacks are more racist than whites. lol. hilarious. No blacks i know are racists. u may have had one occurence where a black guy said something stupid to you.
Try living with it every day. Not saying all whites are like that. I dont see color at all. Always keep a good white friend around.
Just saying it sucks bc now i have to deal with the stupidity of racism bc of other ignorant people.
U had to have seen the shows where they make-up a white guy to be black, well dressed, speaking proper english. He gets told at a job interview they are not hiring.
Then the same guy, now white gets hired on the spot.
My point is yes there are plenty of black racists. but it stems from the hate that whites have inflicted upon them. But our racism doesnt have the power to ruin a white persons future. unless physical.
How come there are millions of black jokes which are the most hateful sinister things u could say.
could somebody please tell me just one white joke.
*Oh and as far as the CIA flooding inner city streets with crack to fund a Nicaraguan War.......Read through this...............