mrRuckus said:
She just mostly vanished after that. I don't think I really did anything to cause lowered interest other than maybe being too available.
i haven't heard from her since...
One of the most prevalent misunderstandings amonst men in general and members of this forum in particular is that women who act erratically like the woman above, or who behave in an unpredictable manner, are doing so from LOW INTEREST level. If it were only that simple..!
This belief ( in low or lowered IL) is mostly a projection by men onto women.
Any man who behaved in this way towards a woman would probably do so because or LOW interest level in her. Conversely, we would likely focus our energy and attention CONSISTENTLY on a woman in whom we had HIGH interest level... And so we conclude that a woman who treats us casually or is erratic and undependable has LOW interest level in us.
Not so, gentlemen.
Women are easily pulled every which way by the myriad forces in their lives.
Where men are single minded in their pursuit of a goal ( a HB perhaps) and will prioritise accordingly , women allow their time and energy to be diverted and hijacked by the demands of friends, sisters, family ,children, school , the cat the dog or the emotional state of the parrot...or the al.
Watch how easily women are pulled into conversations with others(even strangers) when you and she are doing social things together.
How many times have you been ready to head out for a dinner date, you are standing in her kitchen chatting, and she takes a phone call from a G/f or her sister.
What does she do even if she knows that you are late for your table reservation? She CATERS to the wishes and the needs of the caller, and YOU and your plans then come second for the duration of the call.
Women CATER to the demands and pressure from others in their life.
Have you ever been frustrated by her apparent inability to say NO to others who want something from her ?
Women naturally ATTEND to others. THey try to please everybody (but in so doing sometimes neglect or sabotage their LTR )
Women's greatest social fear is disapproval from others - even a stranger's opinion of her is highly regarded....sometimes to the extent that a stranger's demands ( or feelings) are put ahead of her man's wishes. THis frustrates the heck out of me ( and lot of men I suspect).
Women are terrible at apportioning loyalty and priority. The notion of PRIMACY in an intimate relationshio is poorly processed by MOST women and badly practised .
ASk every divorced man you know whether he felt highly valued by his Ex wife. Ask him whether she made the business of their marriage, her priority- the "main event", over and above the demands of others .
So even a woman who MAY have a high IL in you will sometimes appear to act as if she is indifferent by neglecting you or even flaking on plans for no legitimate reason.
COmbine these external forces acting on her with her habitual "worry wart" nature and you get BEWILDERING behavior..
There is no simple answer, men ... there is no CURE for this dilemma. Women mostly act to relieve the immediate emotional pressure that they feel from others ,and NOT on what will create the best long term benefit..
That is the way they are.