
Master Bates

Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
Tha Realnezz said:
With a name like Master Bates you should be the last one calling someone a "moron".

"Right now" I just got back from work and i'm about to go to class from six to ten.

What are you doing other then being a loser?
Jesus you're an idiot.


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
lol...I'm sort of in with Vypros and Georgey here. We're all guys here, highly into fun and self-improvement, and as soon as someone says something we believe is naive or just plain wrong, we go all out and start calling them 'fukks'. lol, I don't know about you, but I think something is badly wrong here.

Original poster: *LOOK*. Many guys go for a girl they find attractive yet approachable and reasonably friendly. I get the impression you have a "shoot him down" attitude. You have spoken of cheesey lines that you've heard your brother use and subsequently used on you, and of 'lame approaches'. Well then what do you *WANT* GIRL? Do you want the big handsome knight to whisk you off your feet and onto his white horse. The world does not revolve around you. It sounds like many guys have approached you, used what you consider a 'lame' line to start up a conservation...what is wrong with THAT? If he likes you he must approach somehow. Please answer me that question honestly and truthfully.


Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
First of all, post a picture of yourself. You might be fat or ugly. Second, nothing is wrong with you. If your even remotely attractive, guys have tried to holla, you just weren't paying attention or you were looking for a more aggressive guy.

WHy at 19 do you want a boyfriend? What will having a boyfriend give you what you don't now?

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
It don't take a rocket scientist to figure out the ***** is ugly.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2007
Reaction score
oh for the love of everything, I didn't think all of this DRAMA would start over a fvcking question..but okay

1. the guys that approach me are weird example:
one guy followed me half way home
one guy started walking next to me, rubbing himself on me
one guy kept following me in his car, yelling at me to get in (c'mon)
another one was across the street saw me started running towards me, when he finally reached me he gave me his, pager, cell and house number (which was funny)

*so do I shoot guys down, fvck yea..but in my opinion they all deserve it..and a hell of alot more

you consider a 'lame' line to start up a conservation...what is wrong with THAT? If he likes you he must approach somehow. Please answer me that question honestly and truthfully.
First of All I judge guys on his approach, I mean if your coming at me like your going mount me from behind..what do you seriously expect me to do...bend over..?? (NOOOOOO)

the lines don't bother me..some are actually pretty good (to be honest), but it's the initial approach that will determin if the girl even gives you the time of day.

Either put out or stop acting like a b!tch unless you want to be alone with your vibrator and oprah for the rest of your life.
lol, thats FUNNY I wish there was an icon that would give the finger.. in all seriousness
I'm either a ***** (if I don't put out), a slut (if I do put out) or a tease, damn there is absoutely no WINNING


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2007
Reaction score
I am positive that your'e myspace WH*RE!QUOTE]
you would be WRONG!!

dunno..I would **** a alien if it had Flower Tucci's body so i'm thinking you got a poo-poo body..
a "poo-poo body"....:crackup: I'm not even going to comment on this..

C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner\Desktop\chest.jpg

Fvck: ok fine there are a to choices
I'm either FAT and UGLY, or average

I mean does it matter, after all even ugly, fat people need love..right??

Step It Up

New Member
Apr 9, 2007
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2_intense2 said:
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner\Desktop\chest.jpg
That won't quite work.

I mean does it matter, after all even ugly, fat people need love..right??
People don't always get what they need.

Step It Up

New Member
Apr 9, 2007
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2_intense2 said:
copy and paste it..cause I don't know how else to put a pic..
Hmm, although I suspect you're joking I'll say it anyway, for others on the Internet to view an image you must be it on a webserver. Try uploading your image to


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
ryannath said:
Wlydefire, why would a guy wanna be exclusive with a girl that he has NOT had sex with? And, why would a girl wanna do the same thing? See, that makes no sense. This girl said she wants a bf. Now, how is she gonna get a bf? Oh, I know! Sex! She wants sex. That's one of the reasons she wants a bf. You are giving this girl bad advice when obviously she wants a bf and you are telling her, no you don't have to have sex first to get a commitment, when most of the women in the world are the same way. They go for the sex first, then commitment, just like guys.

Wlydefire, and you also say "If you can't trust a guy to be exclusive with you sexually then you clearly cannot trust him to have been responsible in his past (bad STD risk) or be responsible in the event of an accidental pregnancy." Honestly, if she wants a guy to be sexually exclusive with her, she needs to have sex with him! If she doesn't, there is a good chance the guy will be looking elsewhere for sex, and that means higher STD risk like you said.
High quality relationship material men don't have a problem waiting while for sex. In fact, smart men prefer to wait awhile too...because it lets two people get to actually know each other well enough to find out if they are compatible. A guy who rushes into sex first doesn't tend to actually really think about whether or not the girl is right for him in all other areas. It's just asking for a big headache and a hot mess later. I'm not saying to spend a bunch of money and all that...but get to know each other a bit.

Bottom line...if a guy is so selfish and inconsiderate to demand a woman have sex with him before they know each other well enough to know if they are interested in a relationship then he's only interested in using her for sex. Sorry...but just as I advise the guys here how to weed out users, I'm going to also give this girl advice that helps her weed out the users.

Guys who are interested in real relationships never have a problem waiting a bit for sex. The only guys who have a problem with it are the guys who never had any intention of getting emotionally involved big loss.


Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
gosh this thread has turned to garbage. a girl asks for help and it starts flame war 5000? come on guys, ur actin like 7th graders.

to the original poster. i'll give my take on the situation

from wat ur tellin us u r atleast decent looking if not a total dime. If guys holler at u all the time then u must be attractive. that's not the problem.

from wat ur sayin and from wat i read, u seem like a cool girl that dont take sh1t, which is good and respectable. that's not the problem, and is actually a turn on to me, but thats not the point

from wat i read, most guys u talk to either wanna fvck u or treat u like a friend.
that could be part of the problem.
some of ur guy friends might like u alot, but are too afraid and AFC to make a move on u. most guys r like that these days, they think they can win the females over by beint here friends first, which is sadly not true, as good as it sounds. so the problem might be in them. maybe u can try to show some romantic interest or give them a few signals, to get them goin and let them know it's ok to be alittle flirtacious wit u. try flirting more with men.

as for the other guys that holler at u. dont waste ur time with them. they are wimpy jus like the other guys, only from a distance, and are prolly jus gonna hit and quit it. ignore these guys.

the other part of the problem could be u. maybe ur personality turns guys off. maybe ur negative ( i cant stand negative chicks). idk. idk enough about u to frame that part completely. but be more flirty with men. we dig that from a chick. also be more sexual. sexuality is attractive to men. u dont gotta to be all slvtty with it, but be suggestive. dont be a all uptight with him.
men also like self respect. now, u can have sex before a relationship (which is probably better), but have self respect too. dont put out unless u really like the guy and deem him trustworthy enough for a relationship. u dont need sex to start a relationship, but it helps alot. like others said, if u r gonna make him wait too long, he might look for it elsewhere.

that's my take this from wat i was givin. I could help more if i knew wat u like in men, ur standards. and maybe a bit more about ur personality. the type of people u hang wit. how u carry urself. alittle more info please


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Tha Realnezz said:
It don't take a rocket scientist to figure out the ***** is ugly.
Here's a clue, are NOT impressing the 19 year old girl with your posts. We all know that is what you're attempting to do...and it's fvcking weak so knock it off. You are on the internet...on a forum. Trying to fake alphaness with retarded posturing and puffery is pathetic...and it never works. It just makes you look like a weenie.

Now...close the window with the forum and go back to feverishly masturbating to whatever cheesy internet porn you use to release all your sexual frustration because your idiocy on this thread is getting mighty old.

You're dismissed...


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Wyldfire said:
Sex is not "simple" for a 19 year old teenage girl. Too many guys use girls at that age and it messes them up emotionally for a very long time and can be very traumatic. Sex is actually not "simple" at any age...there are risks of pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
You mean like your son, gramma? :crackup:

Anyhow, 2_intense2 - if you're 19 and have to come onto a forum to ask why you ain't got 50 men trying to weasel their way into your pants - the answer is real simple: you're ugly.
2_intense2 said:
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner\Desktop\chest.jpg
(And apparently not too bright either, lmao!)

So, wyldfire's idea is NOT going to work for you. Playing hard-to-get only works if you're HOT. But if you're not - then your only chance is to keep giving out free samples to out-sloot your hotter competition.

Guys only wait for really hot girls...but if you're ugly - best you can hope for is a quick mercy phuck. Sorry, but this ain't 1955 anymore! Guys don't wanna wait! Waiting = WASTING OUR TIME! So, you can be HOT, EASY or ALONE - now take your pick!

And have a nice day! :D


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
wayword said:
You mean like your son, gramma? :crackup:

Anyhow, 2_intense2 - if you're 19 and have to come onto a forum to ask why you ain't got 50 men trying to weasel their way into your pants - the answer is real simple: you're ugly.

So, wyldfire's idea is NOT going to work for you. Playing hard-to-get only works if you're HOT. But if you're not - then your only chance is to keep giving out free samples and out-sloot your hotter competition.

Have a nice day! :D
I didn't tell her to "play hard to get"...I told her to respect herself if she wants guys to respect her. If a girl refrains from sex outside of a relationship then it helps her avoid men who treat women badly.

Oh...and it was a false alarm with my son...his gf isn't pregnant and they have put off getting married...although they do still plan on getting married when they are older. His girlfriend is a sweetheart who adores him and treats him great and he treats her great too. They're happy. Ideally, that's how relationships should be...where BOTH people are happy with the situation.

I'm not a grandma yet! :cheer: PHEW!


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
lol...I'm sort of in with Vypros and Georgey here. We're all guys here, highly into fun and self-improvement, and as soon as someone says something we believe is naive or just plain wrong, we go all out and start calling them 'fukks'. lol, I don't know about you, but I think something is badly wrong here.
I agree, and anyone who doesn't is a fukk.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2007
Reaction score
let me just start by saying I never said I was smart...:rolleyes: ..I mean I'm not an idiot (at least not all the time). for the record I'm not into computers and creating a website or any thing like that. Personaly I'm more into books, and medicine..(for the record).

I have never been called ugly so many times in my life then these last 48 guys SURE know how to make a girl feel good...

the whole posting a pic, sorry I'm not smart enough to figure it out.. this is my last attempt, and if it don't work FVCK it...plain and simple


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2007
Reaction score
Are you only a torso with one arm?
omg, how did you know??,you've discovered my secret..:eek:
but seriously; I just took the pic like 1h ago with my camera your obviously not going to get high quality picture or a full picture. But if you want I could take a picture of me giving you the finger to show you that I got two arms..:rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
you have to show us what you actually look like, not just your chest, for us to properly diagnose your problem


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score
your too picky. you have to give some guys a chance.