

Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
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Wyldfire said:
Likewise, any female with an ounce of self respect will NOT have sex with any man who is NOT her boyfriend, fiance' or husband. Sex is not "simple" for a 19 year old teenage girl. Too many guys use girls at that age and it messes them up emotionally for a very long time and can be very traumatic. Sex is actually not "simple" at any age...there are risks of pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Diseases. If you can't trust a guy to be exclusive with you sexually then you clearly cannot trust him to have been responsible in his past (bad STD risk) or be responsible in the event of an accidental pregnancy.

Women who respect themselves do NOT have sex outside of a relationship/exclusive arrangement...period.

The way your talking is a 19 year old girl should not be having sex period. First of all what kind of guys is A 19 year old going to pull. 19 year old girls date guys between the ages of 19-23 and this is the age men are the most unfaithful to girls.

I know me personally I could not have been a good boyfriend until about 2-3 years ago 27-28 years of age. So what you have to understand is VERY FEW MEN MAKE GOOD HUSBANDS OR BOYFRIENDS AT THAT AGE.

That is why I would always recommend girls especially 19 year old girls to date guys in the 25-29 age group. Less chance of being scarred emotionally, and older men tend to be a little more respectful than 20 year old guys.

That is why is one day when I get married I would advice my daughter to date older men.....

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Wyldfire said:
Likewise, any female with an ounce of self respect will NOT have sex with any man who is NOT her boyfriend, fiance' or husband. Sex is not "simple" for a 19 year old teenage girl. Too many guys use girls at that age and it messes them up emotionally for a very long time and can be very traumatic. Sex is actually not "simple" at any age...there are risks of pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Diseases. If you can't trust a guy to be exclusive with you sexually then you clearly cannot trust him to have been responsible in his past (bad STD risk) or be responsible in the event of an accidental pregnancy.

Women who respect themselves do NOT have sex outside of a relationship/exclusive arrangement...period.

All men want sex first.
All men cheat.
All men want girls with nice a$$es and titties.
All men watch porn.
All men jerk off constantly.
All men go to strip clubs.
All men have paid for sex at least once in their lives.

Get over yourselves.

If you're not super-loyal, just a genuinley cool person,or a relative,most men see you the same way they view a prostitute.

The only compromise is if you have his kids or like I said you're just a nice person.

Either put out or stop acting like a b!tch unless you want to be alone with your vibrator and oprah for the rest of your life.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
lol at women only putting out for their boyfreind or husbands.Yeah right is that why most married woman admit to cheating at least once,more than the husbands do?

**** outta here,you broads act like your **** don't stink.

All it takes is some tall and handsome dude asking you out and most of you will throw the pu@@y at him in a few days.

lmao at this thread.I wouldn't even speak to a chic that doesn't look like she's gonna give me some in a few days.


Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
Falkland Islands, Florida
Tha Realnezz said:
All men want sex first.
All men cheat.
All men want girls with nice a$$es and titties.
All men watch porn.
All men jerk off constantly.
All men go to strip clubs.
All men have paid for sex at least once in their lives.

Hey! All men are like that. Now lets teach this girl not how to get laid, but how to become valuable and a nice piece of a55, not just good looking, but a real price to be had. :kick:

If you wanted to teach her how to get laid that is easy, spread her legs and johns will come. Youd have to teach her how to spread her legs, women dont just do that, unless they are nymphos. There is social programming involved which prevents them from becoming wh0res.

Right now she is on the wrong path. She does not know what she wants and is concerned with keeping a status quo, she is giving herself a low value.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Tha Realnezz said:
All men want sex first.
That's not what I go after first. Speak for yourself.

Tha Realnezz said:
All men cheat.
Not me. Speak for yourself.

Tha Realnezz said:
All men want girls with nice a$$es and titties.
Sure, why not?

Tha Realnezz said:
All men watch porn.
Not me. Speak for yourself.

Tha Realnezz said:
All men jerk off constantly.
Not me. Speak for yourself.

Tha Realnezz said:
All men go to strip clubs.
Not me. Speak for yourself.

Tha Realnezz said:
All men have paid for sex at least once in their lives.
Not me. Speak for yourself.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
^Then you're probably gay or muslim.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Tha Realnezz said:
^Then you're probably gay or muslim.
Either that or you're incredibly immature and short-sighted. Sorry not every man in the world uncontrollably horny. Some of us are in control of our sexual drive. :rolleyes:

Master Bates

Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
Tha Realnezz said:
All men want sex first.
All men cheat.
All men want girls with nice a$$es and titties.
All men watch porn.
All men jerk off constantly.
All men go to strip clubs.
All men have paid for sex at least once in their lives.

Get over yourselves.
You're a dumbass.

Just thought that information might be of use to you.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
The bible tells you to treat women like your sister...that explains why so many guys strike out here.

The C and F gets corny after awhile don't you think?This is a woman,she wants a man at the end of the day.

You want mystery and sexual attraction.I keep my details & feelings shut unless they pry into me.

I say less talk,more bodylanguage ..and kino(once you're dating).

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
lol aren't both of you guys in your 30's & unsuccesful at dating women?

Maybe you're lack of sex drive is exactly you're problem.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Tha Realnezz said:
lol aren't both of you guys in your 30's & unsuccesful at dating women?

Maybe you're lack of sex drive is exactly you're problem.
I'm 22 you dumb fuvk. Maybe you're just jealous that I spend time making my life successful rather than jerking off in my room 24/7, watching porn and going to strip clubs

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
^Yeah you're so succesful you're online at 2 o clock in the afternoon on a dating forum trying to convince people you don't jerk off.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
I'm just reposting my advice that is getting lost in the d*ck measuring contest that is taking place right now.

Vypros said:
First of all, let just just point something out to the guys reading this thread:

Interesting concept, isn't it? That a female thinks of a GUY when she wants brutal honesty? Something for you all to think about. Girls don't want sugar coated lines and Don Juan behaviour. Girls just want you to be a MAN, and do what MEN do--and that's be strong, have strong convictions, and convey those convictions with strength.

Just a thought for you guys to ponder...


Now, on to the thread starter...

I read the whole thread, and it's still hard to pinpoint any one thing you are doing wrong. So rather than do that, I'll say that you need to be a WOMAN.

I spend a lot of time telling the guys here that they need to be MEN and start acting like MEN, but when a girl comes here and wants advice, I will tell her just the opposite. You are a WOMAN, so start acting like one!

First of all, ATTRACTION. That's the crux of any relationship isn't it? Where I would tell a man that his looks don't matter for attraction, I'm telling you that looks matter so greatly that it's RIDICULOUS. Part of being a woman is looking good. This means that if you are overweight, that you change the way you eat (notice I didn't say "go on a diet" because the change has to be PERMANENT), exercise (you really don't want to go to the gym per se, because you don't ahve to build "muscle"), rather you need some cardio (like jogging, walking, etc.) to get your body into shape.

STYLE. You need to analyze the way you are dressing and the make up you wear. Too much make up is a turn off. Instead, you want to wear make up and jewelry that compliment your body (consult a fashion expert for this if you don't already know). The clothes you wear are probably the main thing. If you have a nice body (and you WILL if you get your diet and exercise in place) then you need to show that body off! And by that I don't mean dress "slutty" (because guys don't respect sluts), but you need to dress HOT! Let your pants hug your body just right (not skin tight), and wear cute shirts and jewelry to compliment it. You want to look FEMININE, because that's what guys are looking for--A WOMAN! Accessorize with the right type of purse and you'll be all set on the attraction end. Guys want WOMEN, and and they LOVE femininty, so for the love of God be feminine!

Does that sound sexist? Good, because "sexists" usually know the difference between men and women.

Now, onto other important things. Another major point that is stressed toards guys is to APPROACH. It is their job to come to you, not yours to go to them. So let them come to you (and trust me if you get my first piece of advice right, they will come). Just as a guy's job is to APPROACH, your job is to RESPOND!!!

The right responses to the right approaches will drive a guy WILD! Pay attention to the girls who seem to have guys fawning all over them and pay attention to the way they respond. Notice how they are not clingy? Notice how they have "options"? You don't want to give away the farm to a guy right away. You also want to make him work for it. Yes, make him EARN you, for you are the PRIZE!

Yes, guys, she is the prize too. The "I'm the prize" thinking goes both ways and creates a challenge that in turn drives attraction. Don't let a guy disrespect you. Don't call him every three seconds. Don't be bossy, MAKE HIM PICK WHERE YOU GO ON THE DATES!

Also, learn to talk right. Guys get bored when you sit around and prattle about yourself all the time. Guys have something that is your greatest ally as a woman: HIS EGO. If you learn how to stroke his ego, you'll make him go nuts! A girl who asks questions that guys can answer beautifully, will be the prize to any guy.

INTELLIGENCE. Don't get bent on just your looks alone. While they are your number one friend and ally, they aren't EVERYTHING. Most guys want some form of intelligence to their girl. You don't have to be a genious (because in fact, being TOO smart is actually not as attractive to a guy), but knowing a few things here and there and having a career goal will go a long ways.

Spend some time getting inside of yourself and getting the inside right. Figure out what you want to do and where you want to be, and then go for it. A woman who knows what she wants and how to get what she wants is extremely attractive to a guy. So figure out what you want, get your life straightened out from the inside out, and fix your appearance and you'll find that you'll have your pick of guys.

Read up on femininty and being a WOMAN. In fact, read the biography of Eleanor Roosevelt as she is probably the most classic case of feminity and strength wrapped into one I've ever known.

Those are just a few tips for you, without knowing crap about you.

Vypros said:
Also, another tidbit of advice:

You are coming to a MALE message board asking GUYS what they want from women. And, in just the same way as a guy asking a girl what she wants in men is going to fall flat, you are going to fall flat by seeking guys advice, because guys do the same thing: They know what they THINK they want, but what they actually want is something different.

So my advice to you is to go down to your local store and pick up some of those famous magazines and start reading them. Get Cosmo and Glamour and Style and whatever else you can find. These magazines are geared towards women figuring out what guys want in much the same way as this message board is geared toward guys figuring out what women want.


Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
sex is an important part of relationship. Its the first bit of attraction.

An afc will wait.

But a man wont, and after a while i finally realized this myself.

why the hell would i spend a whole lotta time with a girl, just to find out she wont **** me?

a few dates is long enough as it is. I dont like to get played and i'd rather cut my losses then go head deep in ****.

and wuts wrong with sex? I can see the trust and the STD issue being the main point. I would not want to catch an STD and it does take a while to see if you can trust someone.

On the other hand a year could go by and they could still lie. So thats life........simple


New Member
Apr 9, 2007
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clt, nc

The best way to solve you dilemma is to post your picture on here or send a link to you myspace profile. You're 19 so I am positive that your'e myspace WH*RE!

We'll judge you and then you won't have to maul over why the hell you're such D*CK repellant!

Master Bates

Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
Tha Realnezz said:
^Yeah you're so succesful you're online at 2 o clock in the afternoon on a dating forum trying to convince people you don't jerk off.
Where the hell are YOU right now? And no one said they don't jerk off. You're the one who said every guy jerks off "constantly". What I'm wondering is how you know so much about other guys' jerk-off habits. Perhaps it's time you take a break from this site and reevaluate your sexual orientation.

And no, not every guy has "paid for sex" at least once, unless you're talking about buying dinner for a date. Quit being a moron.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
With a name like Master Bates you should be the last one calling someone a "moron".

"Right now" I just got back from work and i'm about to go to class from six to ten.

What are you doing other then being a loser?
Mar 18, 2007
Reaction score
For me what I want in a gf is someone I can be myself around and is fun to be with, kinda like a best friend that you can have sex with.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
You are a loser!


Nuh-uh! Freak! F*ggot!!1


Who cares? None of us have anything to prove here. So, why don't we come together and give the threadstarter some decent advice instant of pointing fingers at each other?

Hell, it's refreshing to have to give a girl advice for a change.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2006
Reaction score
guys guys ... wuts wrong with u all?
a 19 years old girl comes here asking for help n all u do is swear to each other.
im not gona take side with anyone though i see that some of u r mistaken.
now maybe u could GENTLY concentrate on helping out 2_intense+