DJ Boot Camp,
Week 6, Day 2 (Monday), Part Two:
9 PM: I arrive at the gym (trumpets blare. just kidding). I'd been meaning to go to the gym early in the morning, but I overslept. Therefore, I'm at the gym in the evening as usual. It's very crowded. Tons of sorority hotties everywhere. There are too many HB8's to even attempt to count. There's a waiting list for the exercise bikes, and I use this wait to my advantage. There's a HB8.5 Asian waiting for a bike.
9:15 PM:
Me: You waiting for one of the recumbents?
Her: (she doesn't seem terribly enthusiastic. she's not making eye contact and is actually looking past me looking for a staff member). Yea.
Me: Are any of 'em going to be available soon?
Her: Umm, I think it's going to be at least 8 or 10 minutes at the earliest. She crinkles her nose a bit.
Me: Aw, that's not too bad, you in a rush or something?
Her: Well, my favorite tv show is on right now, I can't miss it! She seems to brighten up a bit.
To make a long story short, the ingredients for success are not there. She's looking past me, and she isn't smiling much. She's not really arrogant, but the vibe is lukewarm at best. I sit next to her when I get my turn, but she's into her tv show, and I'm just a little turned off by her turned up nose, so to speak. I know I'm supposed to keep trying until I get a definite no, but this target seems to offer a very low likelihood of success. I let her be.
9:40 PM:
I go to the mats to stretch. The chipmunk cheek filipina is there again (see Sunday's report). I razz her big time:
Me: you again?! you must be stalking me!
Her: Noooo! Smiling.
Me: can I go anywhere without running into you?
Her: she laughs and smiles.
Me: ...and you've got the Laker jersey on and everything. Should I call you Jeanie or Paula Abdul?
Her: Nooo! She's smiling and laughing.
I get her name (cindy) and ask her if she's giving any dancing performances soon. She says her group is pretty much done for the year. I ask her if she's gonna go to clubs now since she loves to dance. She says yea, but she needs to study, since finals are coming up. She then waves 'hi' to a guy; he comes over and gives her a hug, but seems totally uninterested in interacting with her. Odd. She says hi to a girl next, and chats her up for a minute.
Me: so you know everyone here, huh? you must be a player.
Her: Nooo (laughing), I was just waving hi, I know them....
This filipina is very, very nice, smiles a lot, but she gives me these short, short answers, forcing me into a slightly uncomfortable 'twenty questions' mode which is a little draining for me. Like last time, I just stop talking to her since I have to completely carry the convo. After a couple minutes, she gets up and leaves:
Her: see you later! see you later!
Me: ok, bye.
Evaluation: I'll just try to number close this chick next time. I feel like I'm wasting my time with her. Of course I'm not really wasting my time since I have to stretch anyway, but you know what I mean. I'm expending effort and am irritated by the uncertainty, so I'll just get closure next time by trying to number or date close, and just get the 'no' (the most likely outcome) out of the way. Some girls I figure just need time, but I don't see any escalation on her part, even though I'm running the c & f routine. My assessment: she's very friendly as a habit and a general rule, but my sense is she shows no special interest in me. No biggie.
10 PM:
I don't feel like waiting for a b-ball game to start, so I get back on a bike to finish out my cardio. A cutie (HB8) gets on the bike next to me. She looks and checks me out immediately while wiping down the bike that another girl (an HB5 Asian girl who checked me out in a very obvious way by staring as I got on the bike) just got off. I check HB8 out, she checks me out.
Her: (smiling) I wish people would wipe down after they're done! (she doesn't have a bad attitude, she's just talking to be talking. classic pick up maneuvre. Nice).
Me: I know, and look out for that puddle of sweat on the floor!
Her: eeeew! are you serious?! (she's laughing).
I get a good vibe right away since she initiated both eye contact and the convo.
She keeps wiping down the bike. Actually, she's not being careful, and actually cuts her own hand, dripping blood onto the machine. In retrospect, she's probably too excited and nervous and 'overdoes it' wiping the machine down too roughly. She has a ring on, and this ring probably cut her finger. Odd, but girls just get nervous when a boy talks to them--they trip, stutter, blush, cut themselves accidentally, you name it.
This girl is a HB8, maybe 5' 8" or 5' 9" with brown hair with blonde streaks pulled back into a ponytail. Maybe 20 yrs. old, maybe 19. Skinny but athletic body. Very cute, girl next door face with some freckles. The only difficulty I foresee is that she's got a book, an ipod, AND a tv monitor to distract her.
Me: you've got a lot of equipment there! A tv, ipod, AND a book!
Her: oh, I don't know, I guess I need a lot of entertainment!
Based on past experience, I know I have to talk to her enough to build a rapport, but get out of there quickly enough to leave her wanting more. We fluff for quite a while. This girl is extremely conversant and follows MLB baseball extremely closely. She's a tomboy. Awesome. She also owns a horse. She gets concert tix and baseball tix for free. Awesome. After a couple of minutes of fluffing, she pulls the earbuds out of her ears so we can talk without her being distracted. After about 6, 7 minutes, I tell her I need to jet but that we can talk later. She seems a little sad:
Her: do you come to the gym often? (ps: this is a classic pick up line).
Me: yea, maybe once or twice a week. I better get going before I get kicked off the machine (there's a twenty minute time limit on exercise bikes). We'll talk later, what's your number.
Her: it's really easy to's xxx....
Me: I try writing it on my hand, but it's not working. '...wait, I'll go get some paper.'
Her: oooo... (it's pretty obvious she doesn't want me to get up and leave for any reason. she's sad when I say I have to leave and a little sad when I have to get up to get some paper to write on).
I come back and write down her number:
Her:'s really easy to remember, it's xxx, I mean, area code xxx, then xxx xxxx.
me: ok, take it easy, 'kelly', talk to you soon.
her: holding my hand as we talk: 'oooh, we have matching bandaids!'
me: hey, I get 'em at a discount.
her: really? are you like a doctor or something?
me: I do a little bit of this, a little bit of that...'
her: laughs.
About 2 minutes after I leave, I see a swarm of sorority girls surrounding HB8. Whew, what a close call! These girls probably would have acted as c-blockers and might have even physically lifted her off the bike! I caught a break, after getting routed earlier at the grocery store today. It's karma, dude.
Lesson learned: I combine techniques of c & f, fluffing, rapport building, remaining mysterious, and keeping her wanting more, over the course of ten minutes. It's ALMOST coming naturally to me now.
Lesson learned: My shyness is declining as I focus less and less on 'closing' per se and more and more on simply talking to every pretty girl I see. Almost without exception, the girls enjoy it.
Lesson learned: use your intuition and always be attentive to opportunities. You'll have to routinely deal with ****blockers, lukewarm targets, and girls who are interested but need time to get to know you before they trust you. You have to be flexible, but a few weeks of persistent approaches will give you the sixth sense and confidence you need, IF YOU KEEP AT IT.
Kiss closes: 0
Number closes: 3
Email closes: 1
Rejections for a number: 2 (or 4)
Dates: 0