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Boot Camp for The Mature Man


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Originally posted by allan976
Me: "how you doing?"
Her: "good." she walks away and gets some more stuff to stock on the shelves.
She's back after a second and we fluff about her going to school, her work, and some other stuff I can't remember. I get her name, shake her hand, and stroke her arms and back, telling her she's getting a great upper body workout by stocking shelves.
Me: "go ahead and give me a double bicep pose."
Her: Thinks for a second. "Noooooo!!" She's laughing like crazy, and she almost struck the pose for me.

I run out of stuff to say. She picks up the slack:
Me: "are you having a good day." Nice. Give the girl some credit. She wants to make this happen.

Unfortunately, I feel like shyt and am sick as hell due to the commute from hell. I want to close, but I feel like crap and decide to pick this up again.
Me: "nice talking to you, anna."
Her: "byeeee".

In retrospect, I shoulda just said: "let's pick up this conversation later, gimme your number."
1. Are you always dressed well? Everyday? The way you look iv VERY important for women. I notice that I tend to see cute girls in similar situation: when I am tired and not thinking about them at all. Just be ready with your clothes to meet women everyday: good shoes, good jeans, good shirt - at least. That will make an impression even without you talking to her.

2. You might say "Yeah, the day was incredible, felt like I was on the beach while driving on the highway. Are you a good swimmer? (No? - I can teach you...even without water. What's your email?) (Yes? when did you learn it? Was it easy? Lets swim sometimes - what's your email?)

Stop by for some lunch at the grocery store. Nothing, except for a tall HB8: 5' 9" very young chick (18?) with a smokin' bod in butt/thigh hugging jeans and tight blouse with mini sweater. I give her the eye, she catches me, locks eyes with me for a second and smiles back. Too bad she's with her mom!

She seems surprisingly bytchy and not at all shy after all!
me: 'well, I better get going. We can continue this conversation later....'
her: 'yeah, well I'll see you around at the gym...' she clearly knows that I am going to try to get a number and is attempting to cut me off at the pass (or is it just my imagination in retrospect?).

me: 'I think I'm gonna go get some work done. Give me your number and we'll talk later.'

Lesson learned: develop a rapport the FIRST time you meet a girl and close right then and there. Waiting for a second or third conversation places you in the friend's zone, or simply gives the target time to think up possible objections. Closing the first time allows you to control the frame and allows the girl to 'get caught up in the moment.'

Critiques of my approaches are welcome.

Number closes: 4 (Numbers active: 2)
Dates: 0
Why did you want to 18 y.o.? The most you can get out of that situation is to feel like a) she is dumb b) you are dumb cus what she says seem dumb.

The bytchy girl: well... probably she was not worth to try to close...Anyway "Give me your number and we'll talk later.' sounds a bit too direct and too dominating for the first time.
How about somehting more light, like "Shoudl get going. I'll talk to you later...by the way what's your email\number?" Though it would not change the outcome anyway.

Just I think many girl would cringe if they sense you are hitting on her too directly (there are people around she might think.. oh..he should not be that obvious).

Another variant: "I'll talkj to you later.. so how can I get a hold of you, what is your email?"

Another: when you are about to leave simply give her your business card (or somebody's business card - if she ask who is this - say it is my friend - so at least you will get some little social proof - you have friends who are in business). Give it to her with blank side up and say "Hold it for sec" as if you need to free your hands since you are getting...a cool pen with "So what is a good way to get a hold of you?" give the pen to her.

Yes, you conclusion is perfect! Rapport is everything!
And irght, if you wait for another time to close... well she will think that you a) were not confident b) did not really like her since you didn't even ask for her number.
They think that stupid way... they dont care that there was no time to develop rapport..they think "He didn't ask rght away - he is not interested. Why should I give my number to a guy who is not really interested in me?" So close right there!
But there is another side to it: is she is bytchy...no rapport - there is no point in asking for the number. At most you will get a fake one or a permanent answering machine and will ponder why
she is so odd.....that drains energy. Just don't close on those bytchy gals.

Thats awesome you provide actual convos scripts!!!
Did you read Leil's books? What other book you read about convos? What would you recommend to read?

And by the way, what happend to the numbers you got? you didn't call them yet? Were the girls flakes or somehting?


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes

Originally posted by allan976
Her: (smiling) I wish people would wipe down after they're done! (she doesn't have a bad attitude, she's just talking to be talking. classic pick up maneuvre. Nice).
Me: I know, and look out for that puddle of sweat on the floor!
Her: eeeew! are you serious?! (she's laughing).
I get a good vibe right away since she initiated both eye contact and the convo.
She keeps wiping down the bike. Actually, she's not being careful, and actually cuts her own hand, dripping blood onto the machine. In retrospect, she's probably too excited and nervous and 'overdoes it' wiping the machine down too roughly. She has a ring on, and this ring probably cut her finger. Odd, but girls just get nervous when a boy talks to them--they trip, stutter, blush, cut themselves accidentally, you name it.

This girl is a HB8, maybe 5' 8" or 5' 9" with brown hair with blonde streaks pulled back into a ponytail. Maybe 20 yrs. old, maybe 19. Skinny but athletic body. Very cute, girl next door face with some freckles. The only difficulty I foresee is that she's got a book, an ipod, AND a tv monitor to distract her.

Me: you've got a lot of equipment there! A tv, ipod, AND a book!

Why didn't you number close on that wiping bike girl?? Was it a wedding band? She seemed friendly...what happened?

Was : "I know, and look out for that puddle of sweat on the floor!"
Try: "I know, It seems like raining inside : look out for that puddle of sweat on the floor!"

Was: "you've got a lot of equipment there! A tv, ipod, AND a book!"
Try: "you've got a neat combo here: a tv, ipod, AND an old fashioned book!"
Or/and: "I like the color of your ipod/color composition of book cover. What's your fav song today?"

But what the heck..if she is 19, I would not even look at her.


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2004
Reaction score

I appreciate your comments and feedback. And yes, I did number close on the young lady with the ring.

One thing I would really like to see are field reports from others: mantra, rj and al77 all have listed one field report recently or stated an intention to start boot camping, so I'd like to see some follow up reports from these individuals as well as from others. How are your boot camps going?


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2004
Reaction score
DJ Boot Camp,

Week 6, Day 6 + 7 (Friday and Saturday):

12 PM: head to the gym in the day rather than at night, first because any cardio/weight work is supposedly better earlier in the day since you get a metabolism boost throughout the day, and second to see if the mix of ladies is any different (hopefully better).

Working out mid day throws off my routine however, so I wind up feeling lethargic throughout the day. Also, I haven't shaved in three days, and for these two reasons, I just don't feel I'm at my best today. I chicken out three times today with possible approaches. First, I see the chipmunk cheeked filipina AGAIN, going through her marathon (half hour plus) stretching routine. Her hair's in a ponytail and she looks even better than before. I can't offer any excuses here, I just chickened out. I wonder if I should cut my cardio short to talk to her. Nah.

After my cardio, I hit the weights. Leg work today, and as usual, I'm surrounded by chicks all around me trying to tone their hams and glutes. All the girls are 5's and 6's though. Then, I see a HB8. Tall, doe eyed, very light skinned girl, probably Latina despite her light skin, judging from her eyes and face. I check her out and we lock eyes for a couple of seconds. Again, I chicken out.

4 PM: I head to the grocery store, hoping to see the short, tan Latina HB7. She's there, but yukking it up with a fellow (male) employee. In retrospect, I should've engaged both then isolated her. I'm feeling so out of kilter today, I just don't approach.

5 PM onward: I take care of a bunch of chores that have mounted throughout the week.


12 PM: head to the beach and walk around the pier. I'm scouting this place out as a possible action date for the girl whose number I got at the gym. Tons of families, teenage girls, and older folks out. Practically zero targets worth approaching. I spot an occasional HB7 along with a gaggle of other girls, but for the most part, this is not a HB scene.

The entertainment there seeems mediocre: some kiddie amusement park rides, an arcade, and a mini golf course: all of these attractions seem weathered and under-maintained, possibly due to the salt water air, and/or due to neglect, since the beachside location virtually guarantees revenue regardless of maintenance and upkeep. I'm not sold on this location at all, as I see very few young couples here.

5 PM: I'm at a chain grocery store now. I finally see a HB who is alone and worth approaching. She's about a 7, with party/hottie ensemble kickin': tight white bare midriff blouse and hip hugging jeans showing off her curves. I see her around the store grabbing this and that, as I do the same. After about 5 minutes, I catch up to her in the liquor/beer aisle.

Me: I see you're looking for alcohol too!
Her: Yeaaah! she laughs, her face flushes, mouth is open.
Me: so which one of these wines is good?
Her: Actually, I'm not quite sure. I got this kind (shows me the brand). But, I'm just choosing based on what looks good. Her body language is good: she's smiling, with her mouth open, and her eyes are open wide. She's a tad nervous, in an enthusiastic way. We fluff and I ask her how her weekend is going.
Her: I'm working this weekend, I'm a paramedic.
Me: Cool.
This is where I continue to blow it. I just have a hard time faking interest in a girl's line of work, even though I reprimanded myself on this very point just last week. Since I don't demonstrate much interest, her interest seems to decline as well. I continue fluffing however (I don't remember exactly about what), and eventually she tells me that she's just moved into town. I ask her what brings her into my town. She says she's going to a jc in town and also for her boyfriend.

I just ignore the comment about the boyfriend. After a couple minutes more, I tell her I better get going.
Her: Yea, well I'll see you around...
Me: Give me your number and we can pick up this conversation later.
Her: She hesitates for a second. 'Well, I have a boyfriend...
Me: Damm, we talk for a few minutes and you're already telling me about your problems?
Her: she laughs, and seems completely exasperated. I can tell that I got her good. 'I don't know if that's such a good idea, I shouldn't do that.'
Me: 'We can talk, just as friends, I'm sure your borefriend wouldn't object to that.'
Her: her mouth is wide open, and she has no comeback. She's just utterly speechless.
Me: OK, well I'll see you later.
At this point, I expect her to eject instantly. Instead, she stands frozen for a few seconds, apparently confused or possibly waiting for me to try to escalate. I've already given up and exit the scene.

Lesson learned: Just because a girl mentions a boyfriend doesn't mean you're automatically shut out. When I referred to her boyfriend as a 'problem', she couldn't look me in the eye anymore since internally, she probably agreed with me. I think I could have continued to run an 'anti-boyfriend' routine for a few minutes more and gotten the number. I couldn't quite muster up the courage, but I feel more and more comfortable trying to overcome this objection. I think my main mental block is that I somehow feel it's 'immoral' or 'wrong' to hit on a girl who claims to have a boyfriend. It's pretty clear to me that some girls are either lying, or are just craving to be stolen since they are waiting for something better. Just a mental note.

For instance, when hanging out at the pier and beach front today, I noticed that many, many girls were with guys who were at best average looking, short, or had some combination of readily evident physical deficiencies and/or shortcomings. These girls are practically begging to be stolen by another guy who's wittier, better looking or simply someone new.

Lesson learned: she didn't say 'no, you can't have my number', she just raised a possible objection and I gave up. Second mental note: continue addressing objections as long as she doesn't say 'no.'

9:30 PM:
I finished dinner and have no plans. Fyck this, I want to go to a club. I head to a club downtown and am 90% certain I will go in, even though I'm flying solo. I get to the club and roll my eyes at the humongous line snaking through the parking lot. I decide to go in anyway, since I've already invested my time and gas to get there.

I get into line. There are four fatties dressed to the nines right in front of me. Behind me, two hotties get in line. The four girls ahead of me, despite their looks, get pulled out and placed into a VIP line. Apparently they can get in right away if they pay a higher entrance fee. I don't quite know what the deal is. There are two younger Black guys ahead of me. I start talking to them so I don't feel like a complete dufus standing all alone in line. They turn out to be very cool college kids. They tell me about how much it costs, and fill me in on a bunch of other clubs in town. I tell these guys I'm just going to scope out the action and scout the place so I'm better prepared for a later visit.

After forty minutes, I'm at the door. I get frisked by a cop, pay twenty (damm) dollars and head upstairs. I'm very underwhelmed by the decor. It looks like a fifties sock hop in there, with balloons, an old, creaky wooden floor and dingy booths. This looks like someone's basement, albeit quite a bit larger than a home basement.

I think to myself in line and once inside: FINALLY, A CONCENTRATION OF PRETTY YOUNG WOMEN IN L.A.! So THIS is where they're all at, I'm thinking. There's just a gaggle of 18-25 hotties here. A good third are throwaway fatties. About half however, are HB7's and 8's. There are really no model caliber HB9's or 10's, but there are so many young, dolled up 7's and 8's compared to the other venues I usually scope out, it doesn't matter to me.

As reality sets in, I know I am going to have a tough time here. First of all, it's the first time I've been in a club in about seven or eight years. Nothing's changed. The guys who do it right are generally the black guys. The Asian and Armenian and Persian guys tend to supplicate by ASKING a girl to dance. After about a half hour of observation, I can tell that asking is totally the wrong approach. The black guys just find a group of girls, join in, smile and start dancing; they don't ask, they don't supplicate, they just do it. No girls had any objection to this. And it's not an issue of race, either. I saw a couple of Armenian guys do exactly the same thing: they just joined a couple of girls and started dancing with them. That's it: confidence is the only difference.

By contrast, some other Asian and Armenian guys approached girls who were either dancing or not dancing and ASKED them, or tried to touch them. The girls recoiled, or shook their heads immediately. Assume the sale and be confident is the lesson.

As for me, I took about an hour or so just to get oriented: where are the bathrooms, which of the guys are successful, how are they successful, why are they successful? Which guys get blown off and why?

After about an hour, my ears are about to bleed. I am in serious pain. I know I need to eject, but the thump thump of the speakers and shaking floor, and the mesmerizing sway of chicks grinding to the music keep me there for a full two hours.

Lesson learned: ditch the glasses. Wear a club shirt. Wear nice shoes. Don't ask a girl for anything or offer her anything. Just dress nice, go up to them and start dancing. If they smile, touch them some more, get a number or try to kiss and/or fyck close.

Lesson learned: I may never go to a club again. My ears are still ringing. Now I remember why I didn't return to a club after a period of hitting bars and clubs every weekend: I'm in so much pain right now because of the noise level, I'm almost physically sick. I want to chase pretty young tail but I don't want to go deaf either. Maybe I could go wearing earplugs next time. :p


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2004
Reaction score

WHERE THE FYCK ARE YOUR FIELD REPORTS? I don't want to hear any critiques of my game from you keyboard jockeys (do you hear me al77?) until you post some experiences of your own. Brothers, don't live through me vicariously or leech off my efforts. You don't get to comment on my game (positive, negative or indifferent) until you POST A friggin' F.R.!


New Member
May 30, 2005
Reaction score
Hey allan976, I'm also doing the dj bootcamp, I want to post in this forum, but for some f***ing reason the sosuave.net forum can't be loaded in any machine in my city in any browser! I don't know if it is an issue of this site, but it suddenly couldn't be accessed... It begun when the threads problems the last week were solved... I'm beginning with convos of week 2 and it would be nice to post here and share impressions and maybe tricks... I'm seeing your posts and I can relate with your experiences... I'm writting my log in other site... I hope the admins can solve this problem...:mad:


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2004
Reaction score
DJ Boot Camp,

Week 7, Day 3 (Tuesday):

Have had very little chance to get out in the field. Called up the number from the gym. Another dud! I've collected three numbers and an email. The results:

Email: the girl politely declines, citing a LTR/boyfriend.

Phone Number 1: dud
Phone Number 2: the number is confirmed good, but the girl is in Vegas. I'd have to drive 4 hours to see her.
Phone Number 3: dud

Lesson learned: learn to develop an extremely thick skin with cold approaches.

Lesson learned: I'm going to try to get my future target to agree on a date first and build up significant rapport before trying to get a number. In fact, I'm going to try to get the girl out on an instant date first. My fixation on phone numbers is proving to be a flawed strategy.


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2004
Reaction score

Al77, RJAUDENES, IVEYLEEGER, PUAGDL, MANTRA, time to post field reports!

2. DJ Boot Camp,

Week 7, Day 4 (Wednesday):

3 PM:
Number closed today at the coffeeshop. I see a cute blonde HB7.5 grabbing a table in front of me. She's about 5'7", 20 yrs old or so. I maintain eye contact and she sees me and smiles at me before sitting down. I take a minute or two to let her unpack all of her stuff before I start a conversation.

Me: "you got here just in the nick of time...."
Her: she looks surprised.
Me: I point to the line of people who've showed up and are waiting for a table behind her now.
Her: "oooh, yea, exactly."

I switch chairs to the other side of my table so that I'm immediately across from her, citing a faulty chair leg as my excuse. After having re-read Gunwitch, I decided I need to hang in there and chat away for a good while so we fluff for as long as she is willing. I find out she's supposed to be in a tv show soon, and is working on her singing.

She asks me my name, shakes my hand, introduces herself, and asks me what I'm doing at the cafe. She seems very professional, business like in her approach, but what the hell, I go along.

I tell her I'm a teacher. This strikes a chord: "ooooh, you teach."

I tell her I teach college kids.
"ooooh, you look very young!"

Her body language is a bit better now, her eyes are open wide, and she's got a big smile.

She tells me some more stuff about what she does, and I tell her that if she hangs in there, good things will come to her, and that I can't stand people who give up on their dreams. At this point, she looks a little sad. Shortly thereafter, she says she needs to get back to studying. I tell her it was nice to meet her and that we should exchange numbers and talk later. She hesitates a bit, and says, "let me get your phone number."
I say "cool, yea, let's exchange numbers. And write your email down too."

After hesitating for a second, she writes down her number, her email and her name after I ask her to write that down too.

We both get back to work. Later, I discover why my talk about lazy people makes her withdraw. She first talks to a girlfriend and talks about how lazy some guy she knows is.
Later, she takes a call from the guy who she was complaining about. She is all lovey dovey on the phone, so my guess is that it's the significant other. She tells him that he should get his act together and get a job and be more motivated. Then, after trying that, she returns to lovey dovey mode and tries to get some advice from him on shopping for electronics gadgets. No wonder she was sad earlier! I was dissing her significant other. Luckily, that wasn't enough to prevent giving up a number, name and email. After taking these two calls, she takes off:
"bye Allan, it was very nice to meet you," she says loudly as she walks off.
"take care, good luck with everything."

My guess is that this is the last time I'll see her. I'll try to knock the borefriend down during our next talk on the phone indirectly. Apparently he lives several hours away and they rarely see each other. She apparently holds down multiple jobs and seems to be dying for a night out. There's potential. We'll see.

Lesson learned: don't give up on a conversation. Keep going and going. Don't become self conscious.

Lesson learned: check the phone number. I blocked my number and tried her number right away. The number is good. Last time, I ASSUMED the number was good. I could've saved myself some disappointment by verifying asap.

Lesson learned: getting phone numbers is overrated. First, try to get her to do something with you right then and there (instant date) or get her to agree to a future activity together. The number should be a means to an end, not an end in and of itself.

Lesson learned: aside from the classic "I have a boyfriend", "I don't have any free time" is a classic objection. I should've come back with "well, if/when you HAD some free time...what would you like to do?"

10 PM:
I head to another cafe to continue my work. I scope the action, this time at a coffee shop right next to a major college campus. Tons of HB7 girl-next-door hotties. I get good eye contact and smiles from two of them. I'm dead tired, but I appreciate the show of interest. This might be a good field site in future days when I am feeling a bit less tired....

3. I'm trying to get a couple of WBAFC friends of mine to cross to the other side and get out of their comfort zones. One guy has moderate interest. He went on vacation over memorial day weekend and actually got a 'head start' on week 2 convos! And I've already got him started on week 1 of boot camp. We'll see if he can do it. He was busting up laughing when he listened to my lines to overcome borefriend objections.

Another friend of mine, and I love him to death, is knee deep in denial. He says I'm 'base' for suggesting that men are motivated primarily by sex! Who could imagine such a thing?! I damm near hung up on him right then and there. Why do my friends have their heads so far up their azzes? Gotta love 'em anyway. Hate the sin, not the sinner.



Week 7, Day 6 (Friday):

I am really getting upset over my inability to deal with the "borefriend" objection. I called the HB7.5 from the coffeeshop. The girl calls me back without my leaving a message saying she thought it was someone calling related to a family problem that just popped up. I know things are going downhill from here....I tell her I hope everything works out for her family member. She says she doesn't think it will. I tell her I'm feeling unloved (since she didn't call about me), but I'm privately thinking this is a jacked up situation and I don't really know what to do. I tell her I'm going to see a movie and invite her along. She pauses for a couple of seconds. She says she has a boyfriend and that she thinks he wouldn't like it very much. I tell her that this is the first time I've called and she's already telling me about her problems. She laughs, but the situation is FUBAR. I fold, and tell her goodbye.

What a bizarre set of circumstances. I don't know if I could have won that one. I should donate $100 to this site every time I give up without overcoming at least THREE objections, as long as the answer isn't no (Gunwitch Method). I've reprimanded myself at least three times about this, and so I better put my money where my mouth is.

Keep it up PUA! Look forward to others' field reports.
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New Member
May 30, 2005
Reaction score

Well, week 1 at last is finally done. Excuse me if my reports are not very detailed, but I can only access this board in my university (the forum still can't be loaded in any other d*mn place!), and it's difficult to be very descriptive as english is not my native language. Anyway as a kind of summary, I can say that I got 50 eye contacts from women and 50 approaches. Now I can make eye contact to women who used to intimidate to me, even if they aparently seem uninterested... The "Hi" part of the exercise proposed in the bootcamp looked weird to me and I replaced it simply with a question (about time, a place, etc.) and then eject... It appears to me to be much more natural... I can say that sometime women give me a cold or indiferent reception, but I see this simply as a training to be more bold and completaly detached emotionally from outcome... It barely affect to me now... Now as a practice I try to catch tought of pessimism and replace them with encouraging self talk... And every time I see a hottie, I try to see her like a 6 (from a scale of 1 to 10) and treat her like that (in a normal way), in order to train myself to not put HB on a stupid "pedestal" and treat her like a "goodness"... f*uck that! LOL... These tricks and visualizations can seem ridiculous but I can testify their effectiveness, now I feel much more in control of myself (well, most of the time, but I'm progressing). I recommend this techniques widely to increase your mental roughness an not to take seriously the reaction on some random girl, that in your life is absolutely irrelevant...
I want to be more extensive but I don't have enough time; I hope the access problem can be resolved... I will try to update my reports as I can have an opportunity... allan976 is really ahead of me, week 2 is in process...LOL
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Don Juan
Feb 28, 2004
Reaction score
DJ Boot Camp,

Week 7, Day 7 (Saturday):

Time to take stock. Here are my 'results.'

1. email close: girl says she has boyfriend

2. phone number close: girl is four hours away. phone number still 'active'

3. phone number close: dud from bus line

4. phone number close: dud from gym

5. phone number close: girl says she has boyfriend


1. girl at airport: says ‘no’

2. girl walking to bus stop: says ‘no thank you’

3. girl at grocery store: big buxomed: ‘I have a boyfriend’

4. girl at grocery store: ‘I came here for my boyfriend’

5. girl at gym: 'I'm going with my friend shopping'

6. girl at gym, employee: 'I have a boyfriend'

missed opportunities:

1. girl at gym: stares at me during her turn towards blonde friend

2. girl at grocery store: smiles, asks stupid question

3. girl at grocery store: 'thin or thick and creamy' quote

I am a bit deflated due to the lack of dates or kiss closes or **** closes. I am also getting very stressed out by the amount of pressure I am putting on myself to achieve concrete results. It seems I am focusing more on the end result rather than on the process. I'm going to take a little more time to reevaluate so I can improve.

I'm not sure why exactly, but yesterday, I felt the worst I've ever felt during the bootcamp. It feels like my cajones have completely disappeared or fallen off! I think it's because I've gotten a reminder from one of my supervisors that I've fallen way behind in my work--I've made boot camp my primary goal and put everything else on the back burner. I may have to cut out of DJing for a while to get my priorities back in order. I need a balance here. For some reason, getting a balance between your professional and personal life is extremely difficult and now I know why some people have just stopped boot camp short. Anyone have any suggestions for doing this? I find that even as I incorporate DJ opportunities into my daily routine, the pressure I put on myself is very emotionally draining. Suggestions welcome.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Allan I just read the tail end of these field reports and they are great.

You get huge KUDOS for the gym work (never tried this) as well as other work.

Well you have also motivated me. Here is my story.

I am 31 going on 32 as well, just moved to a new town and am working in a new career. A great girlfriend broke up with me and I'm finally ready to get back out there after a rough 2 months.

So I am going to use your reports for inspiration.

I will post as well.

My deal as well is that I'm busy with work and this is precisely why I need to go out there and not waste opportunites that do present themselves.

Outside of work I have board exams to study for. I will do this and in my free time I will DJ as much as possible.


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2004
Reaction score
DJ Boot Camp,

Week 7, Day 8 (Sunday):

I've reassessed the situation and after my crisis of confidence I've decided to get more numbers. :D

3 PM:
I head out to the grocery store so I can get in my 40 minute daily walk. I also need food, and if I meet a pretty girl, hey....

See a HB8 in the store. Girl next door face and outstanding curvy body. Probably 24 yrs old, no makeup. I see her wandering around the store buying this and that. I am EXTREMELY nervous. I don't approach for 5-10 minutes, much less 3 seconds. I finally see her semi isolated in the spice section.

Me: can you give me a recommendation on one of these spices?
Her: On salt?! I don't know!
We fluff, she says she's from New York, been out here 2 yrs, works in the music industry, blah blah blah. There's a slight lull in the conversation.
Her: Well, I better get going...(she walks away abruptly).
Me: Hey, let's talk again....give me your number.
Her: turns around now to face me and gives me a line worthy of the hall of fame for the lamest objection: 'I don't go out with people.' She has a strange, devious grin on her face.
Me: 'oh c'mon, it's just a conversation.

She has no further objections at this point. I flip out my cell and enter her name, and give the phone to her to enter her number. She enters the numbers and abruptly leaves the scene.
Her: 'ok.' She hands me the phone. To be honest, I think she might be pyssed since I got her number in about a minute and a half.

4 PM:

I'm at another store. Alot of hotties out today, which is unusual for this store. Mental note: shop at this store on Sunday afternoon more often. I approach a beautiful 8.5 blonde, the kind with moles on her neck since her skin is so fair. She's wearing those J Lo glasses, long white dress jacket, jean jacket.

Me: is any of this mexican food good?
Her: I don't know, my boyfriend sent me here.
Me: so you don't shop in here often.
Her: well, I do.

Sorry guys. Froze up at the boyfriend line. Give me some credit. I still haven't given up lol!

Email closes: 1
Phone number closes 5
Rejections for a number 6
Dates: 0
Kiss/Fyck closes: 0


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Keep this clear Allan. A girl with a boyfriend is not a rejection at all.

I don't care if they are lying which sometimes they might be.

I really like your posts. You are out there doing it.

So what type of gym do you workout at? A university one.

Also I know David D talks about incorporating more places into your daily schedule. Sounds like you are doing great on it.

1) Coffee shop
2) Gym
3) Bookstores
4) Grocery
5) Libraries
6) Bars/nightclub

Sounds like you are doing alot of solo DJing like I have to do in my new town.

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
hey allan

I'm not out in the field so I guess that makes me a KB jockey! :D

Therefore I'm not going to try to give you any advice on approaches.

I have read all of your posts on this thread and it is nice to see someone who has the balls to go out there and approach.

I see that you've gotten a little discouraged lately....just think about this...

What is it you want from all of these approaches?

1. Are you looking for a girlfriend?

2. Are you looking for Multiple Long Term Relationships (as in sexual)?

3. Are you trying to improve your social skills and become more confident in this part of your life?

Well you might not be having much luck (yet) with number 1 and number 2, but guesss what, you are definetly making progress with number 3.

The rest will follow.

Great job!

You're almost there!


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2004
Reaction score
To all who have posted recently, I appreciate your words of encouragement. Having said that, feel free to go ahead and critique away regarding my (developing) game, keyboard jockeys included--that means YOU AL77 and E O!! After all, this is bootcamp. I tend to be a little bit oversensitive to criticism anyways--I realize there's absolutely no room for thin skins here during my training camp. Those are the rules, and I have to stick by them just like anyone else.


1. I do go to a university gym. The biggest plus is the plethora of 18 (frosh girls) to 24 (6th and 7th year senior) year old cuties running around. The biggest minus is that these places are simultaneously inundated with 'sunshine girls' who will LJBF ANYBODY: the indigent guy who hangs out at the coffeeshop, the 48 year old janitor, the ahem RAFC lol! Casual conversations are easy to come by, but beware, it's also very easy to confuse their knee jerk LJBF reaction as a sign of sexual interest. BTW, the sorority HB8's hit the gym with a VENGEANCE Monday to Wednesday 5-7 PM like clockwork. Sunday evenings aren't too bad for scoping and gaming either.

2. Solo DJ-ing can be a bit frightening when a wing is expected or needed. For example, in bars and clubs, you're expected to go with a wing, and it's necessary to have a wing if you drink heavily so he can drive you home (I'm in LA so cabs are not a very good option given the nightmarish traffic in our city). However, there are plenty of places you can DJ without feeling self conscious about flying solo: that includes just about every place aside from a bar or club, and you've listed many of them: stores, gyms, and bookstores. You'll find that girls are also often flying solo at these locales.


I think the thing that's tough for me right now is that I've been focusing so heavily on bootcamp, I've let my professional work slide. I have a very, very difficult time balancing my personal and professional life, and find that I tend to focus on one or the other exclusively and really need to get better at time management so that I can have the best of both worlds--this is the challenge for me, balancing work and play.

Further field reports to come....whew, I have to man up EVERY DAY. Sometimes I truly wish I could just fall back into my comfort zone and not approach, or not be honest about my faults so I don't have to improve EVERY DAY. I can truly understand why so many of my friends have given up or have never tried to achieve their dreams. DJ-ing is hard, bro, so I'll keep the words of EO and Rick in mind so I can continue the quest however agonizing, and trust me, it is agonizing....that's the raw truth; pimpin' ain't easy. But somebody's got to do it! ;)


Senior Don Juan
Apr 17, 2005
Reaction score

This is a good start, nice work, but you are posting it in the wrong place. This is for the old guys, like 25 and 30. It's a really different game. How about reposting in the main forum?


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2004
Reaction score
DJ Boot Camp,

Week 7, Day 9 (Monday):

5 PM:
Massive HB count at the gym. It's very crowded and finals are coming up, so people are getting their business done and moving on, without idling around. There are at least three targets I'd like to approach, but only one is isolated: a HB8 girl next door cutie working out her biceps. Unfortunately, I've just completed my upper body workout and fear getting injured if I try to 'work in' with her.

Lesson learned: try to approach anyway. At least ask her if the exercise machine she is using is a good one, even if I'm not going to use it myself at that particular moment.

LESSON I NEED TO LEARN: I'm seeing a few girls who I've tried to get numbers from at the gym (who've told me they are in relationships). This is awkward for me. How do you think I should handle this? Should I ignore them completely? Or, should I remain reserved but friendly?

ANOTHER QUESTION: The HB gym employee has at least two friends there that I'd like to approach. Would this make me look shady if I tried to do so? That is, would I develop a 'player' rep if I tried to approach multiple female employees or do you all think they would not care?


Week 7, Day 10 (Tuesday):

9 PM:
I head out to the coffeeshop by campus. There is a festive atmosphere near/in the coffeeshop since there is a celebrity event in the immediate vicinity with tons of gawkers and photographers everywhere on the streets.

Inside the coffeeshop, I notice a high percentage of 'repeat' customers I've seen on my previous two visits: perhaps ten people I've seen before, including some of the HB's. I scope the area in general and see the blonde cutie who gave me a nice smile and eye contact last time. However, there's also a brunette HB8 with thick luscious brown hair and big brown eyes seated in the vicinity. I grab a table right next to hers. It takes me a long time before I'm able to start up a convo with her. I've told myself I need to focus only on my work tonight, and ignore girls for the time being. After about ten minutes however, my urge to talk to her is overwhelming:

Me: so what are you studying?
Her: political science.
Me: what class is it for?
Her: political theory.

For the next five minutes or so, this is the general pattern, as I ask a question and she gives me very brief answers and with me initiating everything. I try some c & f:

me: hey, are you feeling all right?
her: oh yeah.

That doesn't seem to get things going much. She's not offended, or off put, but neither does her mood lighten up or become more intimate. I am feeling terrible at this point, since I don't seem to be developing any kind of rapport. However, I keep thinking of Gunwitch's method in which you continue the conversation with the girl UNTIL rapport sets in or until you get a 'no', regardless of how lukewarm the convo is.

During the lulls in my convo with the HB8, I chat up a HB5.5 and another HB8 seated nearby who are much more enthusiastic about the celeb scene swirling outside and around us.

The brunette HB8 switches seats periodically whenever there's a commotion in hopes of spotting a celeb. When she switches into the seat nearest me by the window, I try picking up the conversation again: I talk with her about which celebs might pop up, how to get into these star studded events blah blah blah. After about 25-30 minutes, it clicks. We discover we have a shared interest in classical music. I tell her about how many classical CD's I've bought over the years, and how much classical relaxes me etc. NOW she is into the conversation. She is making great eye contact, smiles alot, and begins stroking and pulling her hair frenetically. I hold eye contact, and begin kino-ing her in every way possible: holding her hand, touching her on the shoulder, hitting her on the head jokingly with her book, high fiving, whatever. I also tell her about various cafes I frequent, and she is also very much into cafe culture as well--another common interest. We talk some more about going out, having fun. I first tell her I hit some of the nightspots on sunset once or twice. Later, I tell her I used to go every weekend. She teases me about this discrepancy:

Her: oh, first it's once or twice, now it's every weekend. I see....

After about 40 minutes, I am getting very tired. I tell her that we should listen to some classical music together:

Her: yeah...

I tell her that we should go to one of the cafes I've talked about:

her: yeah....

I tell her we should exchange numbers. Give me your number. She begins reaching into her purse when I say this. I get out my cell and enter her name and then hand the phone to her to enter her number. As soon as I get the number, I store it. Then I press "call" and a few seconds later her phone rings.

Her: we're so close....(phone rings) Hello?
Me: hello? You there?
Her: Oh, you called me? You were making sure I gave you the right number?!
Me: No, I wanted to make sure you got my number. You got it?
Her: I think. Wait, what's your name?
Me: I show her my coffee cup with my name written on it.

Lesson learned: Gunwitch is absolutely correct: even if she seems lukewarm, keep going and going until rapport sets in. Don't give up until you get a 'no.' Even with a 'no', you can remain in the current state of intimacy and try again later to escalate.

Lesson learned: Gunwitch is right on a second point: once you get signs that she's in a sexual state: prolonged eye contact, playing with hair, and once you have an excuse to do something together and alone (listen to music), I should try to isolate her right then and there. I should have offered to take her over to my place to listen to cd's after a long day of studying.

But I chickened out, throwing out alternative offers to do things later; I remember when I started boot camp, a conversation with a pretty woman seemed like a big deal. Once I overcame this obstacle, I became impatient to move on to collecting numbers. Now that I'm able to collect numbers, I'm impatient to get these girls alone with me, rather than simply to get numbers to arrange possible and largely phantom dates later on. The moment is key. Don't chicken out.

Good luck bro's.



Week 7, Day 11 (Wednesday):

5 PM: I finally try to number close with the Latina HB7.5 I've been interested in for the last two or three weeks at the grocery store. She's been working checkout recently, and I've avoided asking for a number in the checkout aisle since I would have an audience during my attempt if you know what I mean. Today however, at 5 PM, there's no one in her aisle, and it's not very busy at all, so I make my move.

Me: hey how you doin' today?
Her: good.
Me: I see they still got you working like a dog around here. You're not stocking any more huh?
Her: No, they have me doing all sorts of things around here. She's smiling.
Me: How's school? You goin' to summer school?
Her: No, I'm probably just going to be working here.
Me: What are your plans for this weekend?
Her: she pauses. Umm, I've got some relatives coming over from the midwest, so I think I'll be spending time with them.
Me: we should get together next weekend, celebrate the end of the school year. Give me your number and I'll set something up.
Her: she pauses again. I have a boyfriend! Sorry!
Me: Aww, c'mon, don't tell me about your problems right now!
Her: Ha ha ha! I'm sorry!
Me: all right, see you later.

9:30 PM:

Stop by at a grocery store right after my workout today. I see a really goodlooking blonde girl. 21 yrs old? 5' 10", thin, barbie face, HB8. I'm tired as hell and am wracking my brain for an opener as she shops for some trail mix. Nothing comes to mind, and I freeze up. I get in line behind her. Nope, can't work up the mojo to talk to her then either. Writing this, it sounds crazy that I can't talk to her, but I was waiting for a perfect opener at the time. Big mistake.

Lesson learned 1: don't wait so frigging long to ask a girl out, get her number, etc. Do this the FIRST time you meet her. Set something up--a date, and/or a number, or even a hook up the FIRST time. Not the second or third, but the FIRST.

Lesson learned 2: try not to wait so long to approach. Have a set of tried and true openers in mind for each type of setting: gym, store, bar, etc. so you're not constantly wracking your brain for an opener.


Email closes: 1
Phone number closes: 5
(Phone numbers active: 3)

Rejections for a number 7
Kiss/F*ck closes: 0
Dates: 0
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Originally posted by allan976
LESSON I NEED TO LEARN: I'm seeing a few girls who I've tried to get numbers from at the gym (who've told me they are in relationships). This is awkward for me. How do you think I should handle this? Should I ignore them completely? Or, should I remain reserved but friendly?

ANOTHER QUESTION: The HB gym employee has at least two friends there that I'd like to approach. Would this make me look shady if I tried to do so? That is, would I develop a 'player' rep if I tried to approach multiple female employees or do you all think they would not care?
I think your openers are perfect. No kidding.

Sure dont ignore them completely...remain reserved but friendly: "Hi" is a good reaction. I am sure you are already doing it anyway.

You may develop some sort of reputation which you dont really need: some women would not care, but some would. It seems you frequent lots of other places, so there is no big point in focusing on that particular gym.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
From you posts I see you are an intelligent guy who can easily open with a good opener. At least your openers are the best from
all guys who posted here their bootcamp journals...some other guys tend to just sustitute creativity in openers for hard work: Pugsley used just one opener "Are you single?" and seemed had quite a success anyway. I can't imagine that...

Recently I talked to a HB7, and eventually asked her "Are you married?"... she "What???".. she pretended she didnt get what I said due to my accent. I repeated. She replied faster than I could think: "I got a BF!".

Originally posted by allan976

But I chickened out, throwing out alternative offers to do things later; I remember when I started boot camp, a conversation with a pretty woman seemed like a big deal. Once I overcame this obstacle, I became impatient to move on to collecting numbers. Now that I'm able to collect numbers, I'm impatient to get these girls alone with me, rather than simply to get numbers to arrange possible and largely phantom dates later on. The moment is key. Don't chicken out.

Good luck bro's.

Email closes: 1
Phone number closes: 5
Phone numbers active: 3
Rejections for a number 6
Kiss/F*ck closes: 0
Dates: 0
So you learnt how to make a convo with women in less than in 7 weeks? So bootcamp really does help!!! I am thinking about BC, but after my tine attempts I figured out I lack clarity: chicks dont get what I am saying due to my accent.

Anyway, I notoiced you had success with numbers but stated "no dates". I also noticed to tend to approached very young girl: from my personal experience with personals I figured out girls younger than 24 do no want a guy who is 30... if you approach early 20s chicks, they most likely wont respond. Moreover - for an intelligent guy like you - what would you do with 20 y.o. chick? Would you find her interesting?


New Member
May 30, 2005
Reaction score

You are right; it's difficult to get a balance between job and these kind of activities... I was on hold because a tight job schedule, but affortunately I can resume now... From my point of view my number one priority is job (to get money... If you don't have money you can do anything, including looking for girls), after that however handling this personal project of mine is top priority (I also want to enjoy life, man lol...) Don't dispair, remember you are almost reached a place that I guess 90% of the people of this place are only dreaming... You are also facing massive changes to your behaviour in a record time (2 months!), don't expect to change a lifetime of nasty habits in a second, it takes enormous energy in the beginning to make things happen (it this were easy, everbody would be a d*mn stud lol...)
To me you are doing quite good, maybe you need to perfect your techniques or look advice from somebody who has a situation like you are facing, you are reaching a stage where you are asking for more specific answers...