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Boot Camp for The Mature Man


Don Juan
May 31, 2004
Reaction score
Finally a proper 100% text-book rejection. I was on the metro this morning on my way to an appointment and i see this cute girl. The tain arrives and I get on board and sit next to her.. I ask "is the stop xxx near road yyy?" And she replies "YES". So I say "wow.. are you an engllish native speaker.. or can you tell i'm not from around here?" And she says (in italian) "No sorry.. I don't really know why i said it.." To which I say... well your psychicc powers must be running hot today cause I do prefer english. Anyway through this short interction I see her cross her arms and cross her legs.. body language read tells me she is feeling insecure.... or maybe even afraid.. anyway not a good target. So I just shut up and start looking around. After a while I see her undo her arms and she opens me.. "So where are you from?".. i go into story and keep chatting and as I'm chatting I see her ease up a little more. I could tell she wasn't totally convinced but I though **** it.. good practise (train was failry packed and quiet) again so I asked her "Hey do you have a cell number?". She replied with a "i don't think thats neccesary".. To which I said "no problems". And then she said I'll see you again in the Metro.. and I replied "No you won't.. thats one of the great and wose things about a big city.. you never see people again. You only get one chance... then my stop arrived.. and as I glanced back shot off a cya!

It felt fantastic.

DJ2L8.. time to change your name.. i guess its not 2L8 to be a Dj after all!! Well done on your changes.. and remember in the next few days/weeks you may feel like your going back to "old self" and lost your mojo. Just push on.. and don't let it stress you... you are learning.

Mantra even though you probably won't get this HAVE FUN!! and take pictures to share with us when you get back!! Try crazy far out **** that you would never do.. kamikaze approach.. ask girls straight out if they want to come back to your room and just go WILD! Oh.. and take pics for us :D

Oh.. also.. week 5 report.. I have called around 5 girls (after 9:45 and with caller id off) None of them answered their phone.. This may be a problem.. i'll let ya all know how it goes.. hmmm need to get out there and get more numbers again.


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2004
Reaction score
Sounds like everyone is making great progress. Congrats fellas.

Anyhow, my father's been struggling with his health so I haven't been in much of a mood to do anything for the last few months. Hopefully I can get in gear in the new year and join you guys over there in Europe.

I'm actually giving some thought to taking Mystery's seminar before I leave the states. While balls-out cold approaches are great trial by fire learning tools, I want to see whether some field tested routines can help our relatives newbies like us improve our efficiency.

Anyhow, keep up the updates.


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2004
Reaction score

Hey Zentra,

Sorry to hear about your Pops. I went through it with my mother 4 years back...your focus is in the right place...family first. The ladies will always be there for you. Good luck with everything.

DD, thanks for the props. I'll see if I can keep the mojo working. I'm headed out tonight and we'll see what's happening. Am meeting HB8.5 from the club out tomorrow afternoon. The phone rapport has been good...we'll see if she's as hot as I remember. Man, loved the story about the rejection. You're right, that's 100% pure right there. But heck, that comeback you made was beautiful. When this thread is finished, that will surely make the highlight reel.

Now, I'm not the one to be giving advice on picking up, you all know that. But my closing and phone game is pretty good. Now granted, I'm not in Italy and I don't know the routine/schedule there, but DD, you may want to skip the advice in some of the other BC stuff about turning off your caller ID and stuff. 9:45 may be slightly too late for some chicks you never met. I'm thinking the combination of the hour and the lack of caller ID might freak-em-out.

I think I remember you saying that you sometimes intimidate girls with your looks. My guess is, after you've gotten their number, they'll remember you and once you call, they'll be talking to their girlfriends for weeks how this really hot guy called them. So you can use that to your benefit here...Whereas some of us others may need to be a little more covert in our ops. For the next 5, try calling after dinner time with CID on and see how it goes for you. Just a suggestion anyways. Again, thanks for the support fellas. Good luck this weekend...

Now get out there. "It's Friday, you ain't got no job, and you ain't got sh*t to do." -Chris Tucker aka Smokey.


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2004
Reaction score
Hey DJ,

How long will you stick around in Stockholm for? I have a bank wanting me to do a short project for them in Stureplan, but it may be a few months from now. Hopefully you'll still be around.

You're always going on one date or another with a SWEDISH HB 8.5 (which in my mind gets an automatic +1 bump to 9.5). You should do a social calibration post on gamin' in Sweden with the local girls. That would be useful for the rest of us.


Don Juan
May 31, 2004
Reaction score
The imporance of place selection

My night started well with my seduction of the latin teacher going a bit furthur with her wanting to dance with me and kissing me :D (then she got all weird.. and I found out she's in a relationship.. LOL.. hey I didn't know..) but after I left the lesson and the teacher it all turned to ****..

Went out to a new place tonight and it was a total waste of time.. I mean I don't know what happened.. I have never been in such a place so full of uninteresting ugly women. I hit up a few sets (just because of boredom and because it was too late to go anywhere else) but found nothing that was interesting and left at about 2am out of boredom. Hell even the bar staff were lame.. I need to organise my outings better.. can't just go with luck... that way i'll end up with too many nights like tonight! LOL

dj2l8 appreciate your phone advice in general. Waiting for Sunday to start next round of calls and the calls will be earlier and with caller ID on. :-D

My phone game needs work.. I feel like an AFC on the phone at times.. swomething I'm working on.. I can walk up to any girl and game her.. but when it comes to phone.. hmmm any in depth posts about phone 1st phone call would be great as thats my fall down at the moment. I seem to be getting about 40% second meet from phone call.. i think this can be MUCH higher. So if any of you boys got any good tips shoot!


Don Juan
May 31, 2004
Reaction score
Boot Camp Week 5 -- Update

Can't say that I got out as much as I feel i should have to develop into a REAL DJ.. but definatly getting better and better. Went out Saturday with the mASF guys.. met a whole bunch of new people.. one is a total NLP freak.. been to the Ross Jeffries seminars and has an amazing grasp of "seduction" per se.. Seduction in itself as he describes it is very much an art and is very much about seducing women.. where they at the end of it don't know why but feel a strong atraction and strange feelings for you.. powerful.. weird ****. At any rate he has great trouble with his opening game... getting that set going.

Anyway.. out with them on some street sarging.. They are hitting up sets but are so canned and obviously doing something that isn't congruent with them that they are getting blown out left, right and center. Now here is my 1st observation.. I used to think it was just about balls! But balls is just the 1st step of many.... anyway I see 2HB flyer christmas dressed girls and think.. perrrrrfect! So i open them up with "hey Santa.. i've been a good boy.. what are you bringing me for christmas?" Anyway the two guys took one of them and I worked one.. mine was being friendly and I was joking around with her.. she hands me a second flyer.. and I say.. wow.. you've given me everything... now all you need to do is give me your number. So she did.. LOL.. i flipped out my pen and she wrote it down saying "call me". Anyway she was asking how old I was .. and that i was fine as long as i was 76 down.. (which I am not.. i am 79) .. I didn't answer directly..I just said "cmon.. do I look like a kid??" Anyway.. that was that.. and it was great.. the 2 guys were impressed and it charged them to try more.

I opened up some more sets without getting too much response.. then as we're walking I spot a mixed 2 girl, 2 guy set... which to me looked as if the guys were trying to pickup the girls.. to my two friends it looked like they were all GF and BFs.. anyway.. in a moment of feeling like ****ing up the other guys I just walk in and bust up the set. I Neaturalized the guys by speaking loud and confidently and talking over the guys almost ignoring them. Then I addressed them as well asking for some opinions.. but always more focus on the girls.. one guy was mesmarised and though I was just a really nice guy.. the other one caught on what I was doing and tried to crack a funny comment to one of the girls which I picked up and amplified.. turning their attention back to me.. I had the girls laughing and enjoying themselves and the guys at one point actually saying "You're here to pick up the girls aren't you!!" Man,.. what a last ditch attempt.. anyway it failed and I number closed one of the gilrs.. kissed them both on the cheeks, shook hands with the guys and walked off feeling like James Bond.

HAHAHAHHA it was great.. other than that some random convos and things at gym... but only 2 new numbers.

Week 5 Report.. calls
Call 1 - Called HBBored from a few posts ago.. caller id on.. around 7:30. Phone rings once and then I get the busy signal. So I sms "What too busy to tak to me!!?? Let me know a good time to catch you so I can give you a verbal spanking!"
Result : SmS'd back and forth now for a bit and probably catch up with her friday night.. still haven't actually spoken to her.. apparently she's "busy" with some acting stuff she does and can't really talk. And she's all apologetic about it.

SMS 2- Thought.. hey lets try smsing to rekindle some of that lost love.. SMSd two old contacts that have fallen dead.. one with "where the hell have you gone?? Have you moved to the sudan to become a gurilla rebel?" And the other something like "I can't seem to cath you.. shame we haven't caught up you seemed like an interesting person.
Result - for now nothing from either.

Call 2 - Called the mixed set number close.. when I called she was on home phone with someone else.. when she recognised who it was her voice pirked up and she said "hey!! Sorry I have to ask you a favour.. can you call me back in 5.. I said.. I'll call you back in a bit.." Called her back and you could tell she was all awkward.. didn't know what to say or do.. I was actually fine on this one. I told her that we should all go do Karaoke (from inital convo with her this friday) She said she has to check with her friend (other girl form the mixed set). So I threw in sure.. if she's shy tell her not to worry... then i said "hey I've also got another (girl) friend who said she'd love to come.. so get organised and we'll all go. (She sounded a little dissapointed at this.. but I threw it in because of her BS about needing to hear from her friend. A little ***** slap. Anyway I told her.. you got my number so let me know. (COMMENTS on how i handled this please!)

Overall feeling better on the phone.... and have no real anxiety in calling anymore.. actually I think she felt more anxiety than I ever did! I am considering estabishing more SMS rapport with girls 1st before call.. might work better here.. less pressure for them too on 1st call. We'll see! Tomorrow I am calling Santa HB and going to try and setup a meet with her for next monday night.. weekend is already full anyway!

Game on!


New Member
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
Week 1 : Day 1

Hi All ! Today I did 2 importants things : I have subscribed to soSuave and I've started my bootcamp program !

Whow ! Now, I will present myself : I'm a BAFC , yes a real one ! But this have some explanation as I'm neither a nerd
neither an ugly person. I was born and educated in a very conservative way, I don't have brother or sisters, and as I had
some problems with girls in the past, I have never tried to date a girl, even those I fell in love with them. I had
always kept the feellings into myself. I was so scary of negative responses that I couldn't even reveal my feelings.
And you know what happen when you keep ur feelings to yourself, u became more and more cold with girls, not willing to
show that you can love them, and considerating that as a weak side of your person that you have to hide.
This was my adolescence.

In the University, I've changed a lot. I decided to change myself, this can't continue, I must transform ! I have a steady family life and no money problem so I must profit from that. Time is running !!!
I have worked on myself alot, w/t any psy help. Just by being deterministic, trying new stuff, takings courses, travelling, involving in associations...
So now I can consider myself as a normal person as I can speak to girls w/t problems, had a bunch of good friends,
use more body language and can speak in large groups. I still have to work myself but this is really improving, slowly but surely...

I still had a problem thought, and this is really stucking in me. Until now I did never go on a date with a girl. Sure, there was that girl that gave me
her number and asked me to go out. But as I didn't like her alot, I've nexted
So I have some specifics objectives : catching all the lost time , taking an accelerate course on women/men relationship, and having a girl friend !

As I've said, I've started the bootcamp today, so for this week I have to greet 50 persons with EC. First I have some questions : Do I have to establish an EC be4 greeting or just greet any passing person ? Do you greet anyone : old women, old man , youth, couple, everyone ??? Cuz I really can't greet a women walking with her boyfriend, should I ?
Week 1 : Day 1
Field Report :
I have been in 3 malls today searching beautiful girls, maybe I have been there in a bad time as I didn't really find HB.
So for today : I've greet and establish EC with 5 persons. 1 girl and 4 man.

Here is my impressions :
Very difficult to establish EC.
I didn't dare greeting ppl in groups, girls walking with their mother/father/brother/BF.
It was diffucult to smile and greet in the same time, but this is improving.
I lack some enthousiast in the "Hello".

But I did really have FUN !

Wednesday, I will go to anothe place and try to greet 20 persons, girls especially.
I've started today, so I have until next monday...

Bye and sorry for my english ! It's my third language : )


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Never underestimate the power of normal conversation as a pickup tool. I got a girls e-mail today during a normal convo, but it was for a practical reason. She worked at a place that I'm taking a job at soon. The interesting part was that I found that out in a 2 minute walk from our way out of a parking garage to the building where we both work at now. I didn't know her before today at all.

The eye contact and saying hi is cool. Two ways I stumbled on today to get more hi's than before is 1) Lock eye contact with her while she's further down the hall then smile and say hi

or 2) Look preoccupied like you are thinking about something, but then smile at the last minute and say hi to her.

There is something nice about smiling at a cute girl and having her say hi back. It gives you that little ego boost.


Don Juan
May 31, 2004
Reaction score
Week 5 Onwards

Ok called Santa Girl gamed from a while ago and the phone convo weent really well.. she was basically trying to get me out. My frame on the call was just chilled and we talked generlaly without problems. One thing i noticed is that she didn't sound awekward.. she is older unlike the others.. so probably more mature and not as easily phased. Anyway she's even called me back since and still trying to get me out.. but I don't want to see her immediatly... cause she was sick and I want to make sure she has 0 sickness left in her.

I also got an sms from HB licker.. still keen to catch back up. One of these days I will.. just been busy.. but yeah feeling better and better on phone game overall.

Last night headed out again and talked to a 2 set, a 5 set and another 2 set. Ended up email closing one of the 5 set girls. (She had a BF and was reluctant to give me her phone number but was fine with email...) actually last night was all a BF night.. was amazed at how many of them were out and had a BF.. yeah.. I know either that or my state was poor.. but I had a great time and so did they so no problems.

Actually my first set was a 2 set with one of them looking pretty average but with a SHB attitude.. I really felt like just walking away and saying "oh.. ok.. your like that.. shame." I am getting sick with women whoose **** don't stink. I don't even waste time with them. But I am going to try and mess them up with some direct comments to try and smash their ***** shields. Let you know how it goes.

I am about to head out again now .. and if all goes well should be hopping from pub to pub hitting on targets.. which should be great!

How is everyone else going!?! Haven't heard from ppl in a while. Welcome Uzzal.. and yeah.. bootcamp is great isn't it! :D


Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
DJ boot camp link is dead. where do I find it? how do I do it?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2003
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Why wait until Jan. 1st? At least get warmed up now before you come out of the bullpen on Jan. 1st.


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2004
Reaction score
Long time! I'm going DJ'ing in Iceland.

Yo, yo, yo.

DD, you've been on the phone haven't you? Sorry about being gone for so long fellas...I had much sh** to attend to, and unfortunately none of that sh** had boobs...so I dont' have any interesting stories to tell you, other than I finally met up with HB8 from the club many weeks ago (like a month), she was distracted and aloof, but she was there, and after calling me like 5 times. We'll see what's up after the new year...she was a hottie though.

DD, I give you props on the phone convo's. I think the last chick you closed and called is a good example of your improvement. In this case, you know she was feeling awkard. With a phone call, that's often license to just let loose...I wonder if it will help you to pretend that she's sitting next to you. Your face game is so good, maybe it would help to try and visualize yourself not being on the phone, but rather leaning in and talking in her ear with that ****y and funny routine you've got down so well. Just tone it down, laugh a bit and try and sound like you enjoy your own conversation. I'm sure there are lots of posts on this from D'Angelo how you should start them thinking sexual and all that crap...but the phone is just fluff. Your loosening them up until you loosen their belts...So talk about the day, the weekend, the holidays, funny sh*t that happened to you...and keep in short. 10 minutes goes by real fast... Maybe I'll write more on this later...

As you know, if I could do this in person I would be the shizz-nit. But since I'm still an RAFC, that ain't happening.

So haven't heard from Mantra lately, I wonder if he's getting down under down under...we'll see.

Lastly, I'm back in the US (a.k.a Jesusland) for the holiday, then heading to Iceland for the New Year. Absolutely 0 percent change of Djing since I'm way the hell out in the country right now...but Iceland is full-on go.

So, what the heck are you guys up to? As for me, I'm still on Week 3. Hopefully I can close that out in Iceland...

Welcome uzzal to the board. We'll try and answer your questions...quickly, no you don't need EC to say hi. To start with, greet anyone you can...get those 50 out of the way. And get your EC down. You can do that without any greeting.

Now get to work and have a merry xmas, kwanza, chanukah, whatever...


Peace out my friends...


New Member
Jan 8, 2005
Reaction score
haha "ugliest unfriendliest slut I’d ever seen"... that cracked me up.

Originally posted by DoubleD
Hey all! Sorry I haven't posted in a while.. and its not as if **** hasn't been happening. ParaElvis - All good.. hey in a sense didn't you use them for self esteem! :D And there is nothing wrong with women in their early 20s.. I'm quite fond of them.... but it really depends on what your looking for. DJ2L8 - Awesome to hear you progressing... its weird when you get that energy and everythings just keeps flowing huh? Just make sure that you don't let yourself clam up before the party.. cause otherwise it will feel like as if you've made 0 progress.... which isn't true. Mantra - Wikid post on the anxiety points.. I don't think that they ever go out. Frankly I read back on my posts and think what the hell?? Did I really do that!? And I know I can.. but its always the case of meeting new challenges... let me share with your guys whats been up over the last week.

It all started last week some time after my last post.. HBSupermarket (from a few posts ago) has sms’d me to hang out. I replied that I was too tired and that we’d hook up tonight. Couldn’t be assed seeing her and thought it was good to neg her.. besides last night WTF would we have done… go out for a coffee?? Called her tonight.. its pouring with rain. Suggest she comes to my place “to watch a movie”. She agrees and says that’s what she was thinking. (I love it when I don’t have to move my ass at all.. and they just come!)

Anyway she arrives and we start picking movies.. she is trying to Kino me and I do some back… great. We pick a movie and it starts playing.. I make tea.. sitting on couch close. I kiss her.. then go back to wathing movie.. its scorpion king and I really don’t give a ****.. so I go back to kissing her.. she is responding well. And has no hesitation.. I start running my hands over her breasts, they are nice and big.. hmmmm yummy.. would have liked them firmer.. but boobs are boobs. Anyway.. start running my hand under her clothes and masterfully undo bra with one hand.. she is all systems go..:D Take off her top and bra.. suck on be breasts.. start feeling up her ***** through her jeans… again no complains so I go for the belt…WTF?? What is with this belt.. can’t undo it.. can’t figure it out.. I look at her and say “hey you gotta help me with this thing!” She laughs and shows me how to operate it.. ok guys.. this belt was seriously ****ed… whoever “designed” it has daughters… LOL She laughs that I couldn’t undo belt but comments on how well I handled the bra.. :) (We are still on couch.. and its not as confortable.. ) so I tell her.. lets go to the bedroom.. we go there.. ok it doesn't take a genious to know what happened there and this aint a board to whack off on so I'll keep details to myself. She is all happy and I’ve just made a new FB.. life is good. (Gotta be carful that she doesn’t come in the GF zone.. but that’s no problem.. told her I’m leaving for a week.. so won’t see her for a while.. phew! In fact I still haven't told her that I'm back from my trip but I'll contact her soon. Again she aint my playboy fanatasy.. but for a little bit of movies its all good)

Later the next day I rang one of the girls from the club and caught her at work. She says she’s at work and can’t talk, so I tell her “oh.. ok well call me when your done” She agrees and hang up. She doesn’t return my call and I just decide to let it slide. I haven't called her in a week and will call her tomorrow. I always give 2 chances. Besides she was supposed to have called back and she agreed and flaked.. bad sign.. sign that she is a waste of time. MOVE ON.. (Will call her once more and if she flakes again.. game over.. for her!)

The day after that I was going to another town so organized to stay over at a fb’s house. (well a friend.. but lets call her a FB cause every time I’ve stayed at her place that’s what we end up doing). On the phone she sounded somewhat down and sad.. she said **** day at work.. blab la.. whatever.. i didn;'t think much of it.

After meetings etc. all day got there and was expecting to just head to bed with her and spend a night of casual tumbling. Anyway.. was I wrong.. she has issues.. emotional issues over some guy that she loves, who is playing her.. and she proceeded to explain everything to me. (And boy is the guy playing her! He's got some great moves that have just got this chick hooked... respect to the dude) Don’t get me wrong she is also a great friend and a smart woman so I don’t mind chatting to her about all sorts of stuff… but her negativity killed my mood and by the end of the night I didn’t even feel like sex anymore… anyway in bed.. physicals take over and even though I didn’t feel like it I start kissing her and stuff and she says “Can we not do it tonight?” Which shat me off.. just in principle.. She then apologises for refusing me sex and says she feels terrible.. LOL anyway.. put me in a negative mood and was pisssed off even though I didn’t want it. A point to learn here I think is that as a good Don Juan you should be aware of your targets position.. I mean beware of the woman who gets too attached .. cause you may be causing her pain and also cause if she is a crazy she could **** up a lot of your life. Just a point worth mentioning.. anyway.. left the next day feeling like **** and she called me to say “hi” which was actually to apologise that she had been such a weird ***** and made me feel ****. I am leaving in two days with a plan to seduce my friend/host but feeling down.. and I was feeling so positive earlier.

I left a few days later.. (to another country..) but again not feeling like full game so dunno what i'm going to be like for my seduction plan. Didn’t talk to anyone on the plane or the airports.. Usually I am friendly and will chat with heaps of people.. anyway none of the people really interested me.. but whatever. Got to destination and my friend/host sms’ me saying that she can’t make it to the airport and that I’ll have to meet her in the city.. this makes me feel **** again cause it sounds like a flake.. but instead I bust on her flake and say that I “expect a home cooked meal tonight”. Anyway catch up with her.. cheek kiss.. hang for a while.. friendly but nothing magical.. I am thinking i really need to escalate this and quickly or I will lose that golden opportunity and consolidate in the "friendship zone". I start easy by kino with her by holding her arm in arm as we walk away from her place.. this soon moves to hand holding.. and then I just go in for a kiss.. she doen’t resist and actually enjoys it a little too much. We have two parties to go to tonight.. and I am thinking.. awesome.. 2 parties and almost guaranteed sex. Going to be a good trip. Get to party one and decide to show her that I am not clingy so I start chatting to all the women I see around.. dancing etc. She brings me drinks and food… LOL was great. I also chat to some woman for a while who literally says to me “Dam I can’t believe that the only guy worth screwing is already leaving. If you want to hook up with me while your in town get my number from blabla.. so I say But I don’t know her so I won’t be able to contact you. So she says I’ll give you my number then.. and she puts her name and number into my phone. Then she says See HBXXX that’s my name… cause if you don’t know my name you won’t be able to call me.” HBHost sees me get HBXXX number and seems a little sad.. but whatever... brilliant.. if I was a bit sharper I would have tired to setup something with HBXXX and HBHost.. HBHost is BiCurious..(Found out a few days later) and DoubleD could have had some extra special fun :D Something for next time.. we cruise to the next party.. HBHost is kinoing DD without DD prompting and things are looking good. Get to the next party and I get opened by a HBShortie.. hmmmm yum really hot girl if only shie was taller i'd ditch HBHost.. We flirted for a good half an hour… but then (since target is HBHost) I bail and and start looking for her to show her that I am still interested in her.. I find her by herself.. kiss her, chat for a bit then take off. I meet some other random chick and start flirting with her.. she is into me and almost isolates me.. I’m thinking.. ****.. I need to get away from this chick or HBHost is not going to dig this **** and I won’t bet getting goodness for the next few nights.

Anyway party goes on.. most people start leaving and I end up on a couch with HBHost who starts dry humping me.. cut a long story short I’ve had waaay too much sex over the last 4 days. Then I come back home today and I feel like ****… and why? Simple.. it isn’t “love” it isn’t “that special connection” sure I was cute, charming and irresistible.. and HBHost could be a “great girl” fact is she loved it just as much.. actually probably more than me.. at the end of the day I just got puzzy and a weird feeling of going from constant puzzy back to (infrequent puzzy).. and that gentlemen feels crap. LOL but at least I’m motivated.. I know what I need… if I had plenty of FBs back here.. I wouldn’t have even blinked twice about coming back if I had 3SMSs saying "Can I stay with you tonight??". But HBHost is better than HBSupermarket(only local current FB).. Hell it’s a different way to look at the situation.. cmon weekend.. lets go find more girls!

I know I’m supposed to work on rejections.. but there has been no chance.. I mean at the airport today there was the ugliest unfriendliest slut I’d ever seen. I’m sure I could have collected a rejection from her.. but I don’t see how that would have helped me.. Hey I’m happy to put my balls on the line if there is a reward.. but for now haven’t had a chance.

Life is great.. I just feel a little funny today going to bed alone. Thank god HBHost in another country.. or hello GF for DD and back to AFC with my ass..


Don Juan
May 31, 2004
Reaction score
A final word...

Wow.. what a ride. I feel like a little kid that’s just come back from Disneyland and is feeling a little sad that he's left... so when I left you all things were going well although I was a little stuck on my phone game... I perused knowledge for *fixing* the phone game called heaps of new women just to practice and read a lot of forums to try and find a solution to my phone agony.. and I was going in circles. But the solution came...

Anyway.. since we last saw each other I have met heaps of other women three of which are now my GFs. I essentially achieved what I started PUA/DJ for.. to have MLTRs (Multiple Long Term Relationships). Its a wonderful feeling to see one GF.. have all her love and attention.. and then move onto the next.. and no i'm not just saying sex.. that’s good.. but that deep emotional connection. But to be honest now that I have it I don't really care anymore.. about being a player. I care more about connecting with people on a deeper level and perhaps helping them in some way. This is not to say I don't need help.. I still have my own problems and issues.. but in helping another person I get just as much out of it as them.

I have just read Senior Fingers Post on http://www.fastseduction.com/masf/23/201846/ and I think this opened my eyes. When we first arrive to these forums we are like WOW.. we can conquer these fears and achieve our goals (no matter how whacky!!) and we start bootcamp.. its hard and we're doing weird things that we thought not possible. Now being computer people we analyze break down and try and figure out what is "right" or "wrong".. analyze.. analyze.. and compete etc. I think that is why I was so stuck on my Phone game.. it was something I was thinking about and analyzing and worrying about... looking for answers.. technical solutions... But there are no solutions no technical answers. Hell I bought a hot chocolate for a girl i was out with the other day.. OH MY GOD?!!!? You PAID FOR HER!!! NO LOOK AT PAGE 2 OF THE BOOK!! LOL.. yeah she dumped me and and called me a dork there and then.. *NOT*.

What I am getting at is that I made the most progress while being away from all the boards and forums and everything.. I have all of this in the back of my head anyway.. I will keep coming occasionally to be inspired and motivated.. but as far as progress.. its up to me and no board is going to solve "why can't i speak on the phone", "why can't I get them to bed", etc etc.

Its late.. and I'm probably dribbling. Even though I have achieved the goal that I always wanted out of all of this I feel I still have a long journey on my seduction path.. I am by no means a MASTER but my comment to you all is this...

Pick a technique/style/method.. and perfect it. Stick to it until you are its master. Mystery talks about incongruence with routines.. says you have to try it at least 12 times before you start to own it. Some people want to be total naturals.. with 0 material.. do what you want but stick to it.. STOP changing at all times after 1 or 2 fails.. its irrelevant.. and will just keep you in a dead cycle. Ok if after 50 approaches you still get nothing with a particular thing.. change it.. but otherwise stick with it. You'll learn it.. internalize it and it will be natural for you. And you'll also have something to do/say/act when you see that perfect 9.5 and "aren't in state".

I am taking a break from the Forums and things for a while.. but I am still going and growing with this. There are no answers.. there are no real solutions.. anything and everything can work.. I have seen other PUAs pulling off the lamest **** *in my mind* and getting laid.. or PUAs doing the whole ALPHA thing and getting 0. There is a right way for every person.. try something and see how it feels to you. Give it a bit of time.. if after 12 times you do it it still feels weird change it.. if after 12 it starts to feel ok.. STICK WITH IT.. EVEN IF NO RESULTS. If after 50 you have no results flame me and change it! :) But Don't start to get good at something and then drop it just as its becoming you. I think thats the only real advice I can offer at the moment.

I wish you all the best and hope to see you all on here reading about your success'! Get out there and enjoy... this world really is beautiful.


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2004
Reaction score
Update from me - total shutdown in DJing until I get other things resolved, including a move to Hamburg, Germany!

DJ2l8, you're welcome to drop by to sarge if the Swedish blondes ever let you out of their grasp.

German girls are more expressive, and dare I say easier than the Swedish ice queens BTW. :p


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Very First Day...

Boot Camp Level: Week 1, day one....

Summary of what happened:
Said hi to one female in a store.

Analysis of what went right/wrong:
Didnt expect that all women are walking fast in the mall.
I cant just stop her and say hi, it seems very unnatural.

Lessons Learned:
Have to deal with fast moving women, shouldn't I?
Or better get into a store and "stalk" somebody in a store
there where they slow down with a nice and cheerful "Hiii!"?


Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
stockholm, sweden
yo ai77.
Don't analyse it too much. Analysis kills sponteneity, something that's v. important when it comes to random greetings. Just walk about, and say hi to people that you're walking in the opposite direction to, making sure to look at them and smile as you so it. Also fire it off a few metres before they pass you so that they get time to react and/or fire off a hi back to you.

Treat it all as a bit of a joke, a game, and don't worry if they ignore you or look at you weirdly! I actually get a burst of energy and have a good chuckle whatever the response...... do not tie your happiness to outcomes!
Keep going and rack up those numbers!!!

I'm starting week 1 again after getting to wk 5 in the autumn, as, like zenT, I've had a total shutdown of my DJ activities lately.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Originally posted by Mantra

Just walk about, and say hi to people that you're walking in the opposite direction to, making sure to look at them and smile as you so it. Also fire it off a few metres before they pass you so that they get time to react and/or fire off a hi back to you.

Man, it is hard !
1. They walk and I walk. The combingin speed is preety hihgh for them to make eye contact with me.
2. When they walk, they are kinda preoccupied ith somehting and not willing to look around.. like they are making a beeling for somehting. I find it hard to say Hi without any hint of eye contact on a high speed.
3. If I stop to reduced our combined speed they tend to go around me like I am an obstacle and again not looking at me.

How do Ii get some (even littel eye contact) from walking women?


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Chicken Inside....

Week #1, Day #2

Went to a library (to get some books on confidence) and saw there a girl.. not attractive for me, but definitely 7-8!
She's got cool super long red shoes!
I wanted to ask her "Hey I noticed you got nice shoes!
Are they comfortable?" But ..chickened out :(((
Instead I walked up to her and in harsh voice said
"Khm.. Hi!" She attemped to be polite by putting
a kind of smile on her face. I sheepishly walked away
blushing from heels to the end of my nose.
Frigging chicken.......

So How to kill that "chicken inside", guys?