Hey all! Sorry I haven't posted in a while.. and its not as if **** hasn't been happening. ParaElvis - All good.. hey in a sense didn't you use them for self esteem!

And there is nothing wrong with women in their early 20s.. I'm quite fond of them.... but it really depends on what your looking for. DJ2L8 - Awesome to hear you progressing... its weird when you get that energy and everythings just keeps flowing huh? Just make sure that you don't let yourself clam up before the party.. cause otherwise it will feel like as if you've made 0 progress.... which isn't true. Mantra - Wikid post on the anxiety points.. I don't think that they ever go out. Frankly I read back on my posts and think what the hell?? Did I really do that!? And I know I can.. but its always the case of meeting new challenges... let me share with your guys whats been up over the last week.
It all started last week some time after my last post.. HBSupermarket (from a few posts ago) has sms’d me to hang out. I replied that I was too tired and that we’d hook up tonight. Couldn’t be assed seeing her and thought it was good to neg her.. besides last night WTF would we have done… go out for a coffee?? Called her tonight.. its pouring with rain. Suggest she comes to my place “to watch a movie”. She agrees and says that’s what she was thinking. (I love it when I don’t have to move my ass at all.. and they just come!)
Anyway she arrives and we start picking movies.. she is trying to Kino me and I do some back… great. We pick a movie and it starts playing.. I make tea.. sitting on couch close. I kiss her.. then go back to wathing movie.. its scorpion king and I really don’t give a ****.. so I go back to kissing her.. she is responding well. And has no hesitation.. I start running my hands over her breasts, they are nice and big.. hmmmm yummy.. would have liked them firmer.. but boobs are boobs. Anyway.. start running my hand under her clothes and masterfully undo bra with one hand.. she is all systems go..

Take off her top and bra.. suck on be breasts.. start feeling up her ***** through her jeans… again no complains so I go for the belt…WTF?? What is with this belt.. can’t undo it.. can’t figure it out.. I look at her and say “hey you gotta help me with this thing!” She laughs and shows me how to operate it.. ok guys.. this belt was seriously ****ed… whoever “designed” it has daughters… LOL She laughs that I couldn’t undo belt but comments on how well I handled the bra..

(We are still on couch.. and its not as confortable.. ) so I tell her.. lets go to the bedroom.. we go there.. ok it doesn't take a genious to know what happened there and this aint a board to whack off on so I'll keep details to myself. She is all happy and I’ve just made a new FB.. life is good. (Gotta be carful that she doesn’t come in the GF zone.. but that’s no problem.. told her I’m leaving for a week.. so won’t see her for a while.. phew! In fact I still haven't told her that I'm back from my trip but I'll contact her soon. Again she aint my playboy fanatasy.. but for a little bit of movies its all good)
Later the next day I rang one of the girls from the club and caught her at work. She says she’s at work and can’t talk, so I tell her “oh.. ok well call me when your done” She agrees and hang up. She doesn’t return my call and I just decide to let it slide. I haven't called her in a week and will call her tomorrow. I always give 2 chances. Besides she was supposed to have called back and she agreed and flaked.. bad sign.. sign that she is a waste of time. MOVE ON.. (Will call her once more and if she flakes again.. game over.. for her!)
The day after that I was going to another town so organized to stay over at a fb’s house. (well a friend.. but lets call her a FB cause every time I’ve stayed at her place that’s what we end up doing). On the phone she sounded somewhat down and sad.. she said **** day at work.. blab la.. whatever.. i didn;'t think much of it.
After meetings etc. all day got there and was expecting to just head to bed with her and spend a night of casual tumbling. Anyway.. was I wrong.. she has issues.. emotional issues over some guy that she loves, who is playing her.. and she proceeded to explain everything to me. (And boy is the guy playing her! He's got some great moves that have just got this chick hooked... respect to the dude) Don’t get me wrong she is also a great friend and a smart woman so I don’t mind chatting to her about all sorts of stuff… but her negativity killed my mood and by the end of the night I didn’t even feel like sex anymore… anyway in bed.. physicals take over and even though I didn’t feel like it I start kissing her and stuff and she says “Can we not do it tonight?” Which shat me off.. just in principle.. She then apologises for refusing me sex and says she feels terrible.. LOL anyway.. put me in a negative mood and was pisssed off even though I didn’t want it. A point to learn here I think is that as a good Don Juan you should be aware of your targets position.. I mean beware of the woman who gets too attached .. cause you may be causing her pain and also cause if she is a crazy she could **** up a lot of your life. Just a point worth mentioning.. anyway.. left the next day feeling like **** and she called me to say “hi” which was actually to apologise that she had been such a weird ***** and made me feel ****. I am leaving in two days with a plan to seduce my friend/host but feeling down.. and I was feeling so positive earlier.
I left a few days later.. (to another country..) but again not feeling like full game so dunno what i'm going to be like for my seduction plan. Didn’t talk to anyone on the plane or the airports.. Usually I am friendly and will chat with heaps of people.. anyway none of the people really interested me.. but whatever. Got to destination and my friend/host sms’ me saying that she can’t make it to the airport and that I’ll have to meet her in the city.. this makes me feel **** again cause it sounds like a flake.. but instead I bust on her flake and say that I “expect a home cooked meal tonight”. Anyway catch up with her.. cheek kiss.. hang for a while.. friendly but nothing magical.. I am thinking i really need to escalate this and quickly or I will lose that golden opportunity and consolidate in the "friendship zone". I start easy by kino with her by holding her arm in arm as we walk away from her place.. this soon moves to hand holding.. and then I just go in for a kiss.. she doen’t resist and actually enjoys it a little too much. We have two parties to go to tonight.. and I am thinking.. awesome.. 2 parties and almost guaranteed sex. Going to be a good trip. Get to party one and decide to show her that I am not clingy so I start chatting to all the women I see around.. dancing etc. She brings me drinks and food… LOL was great. I also chat to some woman for a while who literally says to me “Dam I can’t believe that the only guy worth screwing is already leaving. If you want to hook up with me while your in town get my number from blabla.. so I say But I don’t know her so I won’t be able to contact you. So she says I’ll give you my number then.. and she puts her name and number into my phone. Then she says See HBXXX that’s my name… cause if you don’t know my name you won’t be able to call me.” HBHost sees me get HBXXX number and seems a little sad.. but whatever... brilliant.. if I was a bit sharper I would have tired to setup something with HBXXX and HBHost.. HBHost is BiCurious..(Found out a few days later) and DoubleD could have had some extra special fun

Something for next time.. we cruise to the next party.. HBHost is kinoing DD without DD prompting and things are looking good. Get to the next party and I get opened by a HBShortie.. hmmmm yum really hot girl if only shie was taller i'd ditch HBHost.. We flirted for a good half an hour… but then (since target is HBHost) I bail and and start looking for her to show her that I am still interested in her.. I find her by herself.. kiss her, chat for a bit then take off. I meet some other random chick and start flirting with her.. she is into me and almost isolates me.. I’m thinking.. ****.. I need to get away from this chick or HBHost is not going to dig this **** and I won’t bet getting goodness for the next few nights.
Anyway party goes on.. most people start leaving and I end up on a couch with HBHost who starts dry humping me.. cut a long story short I’ve had waaay too much sex over the last 4 days. Then I come back home today and I feel like ****… and why? Simple.. it isn’t “love” it isn’t “that special connection” sure I was cute, charming and irresistible.. and HBHost could be a “great girl” fact is she loved it just as much.. actually probably more than me.. at the end of the day I just got puzzy and a weird feeling of going from constant puzzy back to (infrequent puzzy).. and that gentlemen feels crap. LOL but at least I’m motivated.. I know what I need… if I had plenty of FBs back here.. I wouldn’t have even blinked twice about coming back if I had 3SMSs saying "Can I stay with you tonight??". But HBHost is better than HBSupermarket(only local current FB).. Hell it’s a different way to look at the situation.. cmon weekend.. lets go find more girls!
I know I’m supposed to work on rejections.. but there has been no chance.. I mean at the airport today there was the ugliest unfriendliest slut I’d ever seen. I’m sure I could have collected a rejection from her.. but I don’t see how that would have helped me.. Hey I’m happy to put my balls on the line if there is a reward.. but for now haven’t had a chance.
Life is great.. I just feel a little funny today going to bed alone. Thank god HBHost in another country.. or hello GF for DD and back to AFC with my ass..