Latinoman said:
I am 10 years older than you. And have been around...a lot more than many people my age. Very few people get taken for $150,000 (not once...but TWICE). Add the other drama.
Okay we need to back up a moment here.
First off, I'm a player. Not in the sense of picking up women, but in a business sense.
Not a whole lot of folks play in the hundreds of thousands or the millions category when it comes to money. And anyone who DOES play in that ballpark (for large gains) had better be prepared to lose a lot more than you gain as you find your groove.
I don't buy mutual funds and invest in a 401k's, my money moves in and out of real estate and business ventures. I don't know your situation but from what I gather you aren't in the same position as I am, therefore you really don't have the proper perspective to allow you to comment on this.
Have I made mistakes? Absolutely. One of them was trusting a childhood friend (who had never given me any indication that I couldn't trust him) unconditionally. Will I ever make that mistake again? Of course not.
Why the hell do you think I'll be the first to tell you that you gotta watch your back AT ALL TIMES?
Throwing this stuff in my face does nothing to lend credibility to your argument that I am a poor judge of character, because you don't play the same game I do, and therefore cannot understand it completely even if I go into detail.
I am not naive. But when a 36 year old man CONSTANTLY complains about the amount of "low quality" women out there...and then goes on saying he parties with drunks, cheaters, swingers, and strippers...I don't know...but it does not take a genius.
-Most of my friends do drink, but NONE are "drunks".
-MOST people cheat, and most of the time the rest of the world is clueless.
-I have met swingers (if you can even call them that) through friends, but I only see them once in a while, I don't call them up to hang out. One person I DO hang out with from time to time (the one whose wife showed me her hooha) I often purposely avoid spending time with because we are just different people. He helps me out with work stuff though, so I am kind of obligated.
-I have NEVER socialized with strippers outside of a work setting. The closest was when a couple of them were at a birthday dinner awhile back.
See how you take everything out of context?
And HOSTING parties does not make a status out of anyone. His status should be based on his accomplishments. The CONSTANTLY hosting in a way...a cry for attention. He is very desperate for acceptance.
A cry for You usually bring up valid points but this is so off base I'm beginning to wonder if I can take anything you say seriously. Seriously dude, I might host one real party per year. I have people over from time to time, but I don't have parties every weekend or even every month.
And as such, my status has NOOOOOTHING to do with hosting parties. Have you been paying attention the past few years? :nono: My status comes from owning a WELL KNOWN BUSINESS that is seen and remembered by MANY PEOPLE because of the crazy TV commercials, and also the fact that people know that I am a mover and shaker in business and real estate.
I don't host parties...I get laid. Heck, I'm in a relationship with a good woman right now. If I can do it...ANYONE can do it.
I hate to point this out, but you are a serial boyfriend who is calling ME an AFC. There's something wrong with that.
You bragged about your girlfriend dumping you and having another one less than two weeks later. And from what I gathered that's pretty much what you do. To me, that's not healthy. That's what branch swinging monkeys do.