This is a good post, but you still carry the "status=money hungry greedy ba$tard who is out to screw everyone" tone, which is BS. You equate status directly with "making money". It doesn't necessarily work that way. Status is nothing more than other people holding you in high regard socially. I could be driving a 1986 corolla hatchback and I would still have status because people ASSUME things and with a little bit of this and a little of that it isn't difficult to achieve high status WITHOUT A PENNY.Latinoman said:Do you know why many men that have "status", manage to be married with a desireable woman...or at least find a desireable woman for a girlfriend? A lot of us do.
But...what happens when that "status" goes away? A person loses his job or business or fame.
Many times the ones that end up dumped (by wife or girlfriend) or cheated (by wife or girlfriend)...are the ones that relied on their "status" to get those women interested on them. These are the ones that used false confidence to get those women interested on them. Because a man which confidence is based on his status, is a man that will collapse when things don't go his way.
True confidence can be better measured when how we act when things are not going our way. If you are struggling through life and you manage to get your 3-5 children and wife to have ZERO concern because they trust you are going to provide them with the security they need...that's in my eyes is what a man with TRUE confidence brings to the table. He brings the trust of those he leads.
Being a TRUE Alpha man is the loneliest thing in life as a TRUE Alpha man make the toughest decisions...the decisions that might impact how others might view him...but at the end...the best decision nevertheless. When I left my wife...I knew I made the correct decision. People talked crap about me for making that decision...but it was the correct one. Time is proving me right.
I have a LOT more respect for the man that cleans my office than some of the big shot I meet throughout life.
When I talk with women...I NEVER bring my work position or salary or who I meet with as part of my job. And if the topic arise...that's something I rather keep low key. For all I care...they can view me as the gardener or landscaping guy. It is irrelevant to me what others think about me.
My job does NOT define me as a Man. My salary does NOT define me as a Man. My home does NOT define me as a Man. Because if I ever lose any of those Masculinity should remain the same. Sure...I focus in my career, because that is something I take serious. But it is not going to define me.
This is how we are very rely on your "status" to swim in the sea of life. I rely on my "character" to do the same. But here is the and I can lose our status by simply losing our means of making $$$. But our character?
Everyone is soooo quick to jump on anything I say an blow it way out of proportion. Who said I RELY on my status to pick up women? I have stated this many times before.....most women become attracted to be BEFORE they know where I live or what I drive or what I do. Why? Because I possess traits that are attractive to the opposite sex, some of which stem FROM my status, some of which resulted IN my being able to attain status. It all feeds on itself.
Do you think I talk about work to women? Only if they ask me questions about it and then I usually steer the convo in another direction. And that's what I am saying about most of the women I date not really knowing who I am when they get involved.
See, status is most effectively built based upon social proof. Of course, if you tell someone you are a heart surgeon, you automatically have status when you meet someone. But it's different when people talk you up. Now you are "the best heart surgeon in the city/state/country". If I tell a woman I own a business and she hasn't seen my commercials or doesn't know my friends, I get a LITTLE status for being an entreprenuer. When I meet a woman through some of my younger friends, I have uber status based upon the principle of social proof which amplifies it.