AFK's Month Long Test of Will

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
DAY 4: February 10, 2005

- No masturbation/porn (Day 4).
- No junk food at all for a month (exception = diet ginger ale).
- Follow Daily Workout Routine.
--> Quadriceps, hamstrings, calves
--> Elliptical, 15 min. (HIIT)
- Get at least six hours of sleep everyday. (got 1 hour)
- Do all homework first before turning on the computer.
- No AIM chatting: Replace with phone calls.
- No forum/xanga browsing except to update this: Replace with reading a magazine or book.
- No video/computer games: Replace with guitar practice or workout.
- No swearing: Replace with a slow count to 10.
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AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
DAY 1: February 11, 2005

- No masturbation/porn (Day 1).
- No junk food at all for a month (exception = diet ginger ale).
- Follow Daily Workout Routine.
--> Forearms, abs
--> Elliptical, 15 min. (HIIT)
- Get at least six hours of sleep everyday. (got 1.5 hours)
- Do all homework first before turning on the computer.
- No AIM chatting: Replace with phone calls.
- No forum/xanga browsing except to update this: Replace with reading a magazine or book.
- No video/computer games: Replace with guitar practice or workout.
- No swearing: Replace with a slow count to 10.

I hate myself. Forget girls for now. I can't expect to love someone else if I can't love myself first.

You know what? This is kind of stupid how I'm starting over. I think this is my problem. I think I can start over in life an infinite number of times. I think time will restart just for me. But I'm wrong.

I'm just going to do this for 30 days and stop starting over even if I fail. After 30 days I will evaluate my progress and have another go at it if results are not satisfying. That way I can see how I was wasting every day. Every second of procrastinating.
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AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
DAY 2: February 12, 2005

- No masturbation/porn (Day 1).
- No junk food at all for a month (exception = diet ginger ale).
- Follow Daily Workout Routine.
--> Chest, triceps, shoulders
--> Elliptical, 15 min. (HIIT)
- Get at least six hours of sleep everyday. (14 :) )
- Do all homework first before turning on the computer.
- No AIM chatting: Replace with phone calls. (had to contact a girl in Colorado)
- No forum/xanga browsing except to update this: Replace with reading a magazine or book.
- No video/computer games: Replace with guitar practice or workout.
- No swearing: Replace with a slow count to 10.

Wow. Today was pretty bad, but last week was just so hectic I needed a break I guess. But in the words of Kiwi: "no more...."
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AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
DAY 3: February 13, 2005

- No masturbation/porn (Day 1).
- No junk food at all for a month (exception = diet ginger ale). (out the whole stopped at McD's and that's all I could really get :( )
- Follow Daily Workout Routine. (got home waaayyy too late. Plus I got HW)
--> Abs
--> Elliptical, 15 min. (HIIT)
- Get at least six hours of sleep everyday.
- Do all homework first before turning on the computer.
- No AIM chatting: Replace with phone calls.
- No forum/xanga browsing except to update this: Replace with reading a magazine or book.
- No video/computer games: Replace with guitar practice or workout.
- No swearing: Replace with a slow count to 10. (swore under my breath)
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Don Juan
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
For the tenth, you were on day 4 for masturabtion/porn and succeded. The next day you were day 1 and succeded. The next day you faliled day 1? U have to add onto days, u should've been Day 4 complete, day 5 complete, day 6 failed. (Must be the low sleep)

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Originally posted by Zaine
For the tenth, you were on day 4 for masturabtion/porn and succeded. The next day you were day 1 and succeded. The next day you faliled day 1? U have to add onto days, u should've been Day 4 complete, day 5 complete, day 6 failed. (Must be the low sleep)
oh yeah. Sorry about that. I forgot to change the masturbation days, but yeah the succeeding/failing is all accurate. I just copy and paste a default post I have so all I gotta change is the yeah. I'll make sure to update it from now on. TY for bringing it to my attention and good luck with your goals.


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere between the cities of Lost and Found
I've found that it's easier if you do your excerises in the morning. So that way you make time for yourself. Usually in the evening I have so much homework to get done that I don't have time for anything else.

Try different schedules and see which one fits you best. But like Noc said, sleep is a must.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
who cares
I dont think you should start over again, everytime you fail. I mean yea you failed, did you really think you were going to follow every goal every day of one month? Instead of starting over again why dont you add one day more everytime you do or dont do something youre supposed to do. If youre working on something in real life and you fail, most likely you wont get the opportunity to start it all over again, but youll have a couple of options: get up and keep going, or just figuere out something that you know will keep you from doing or not doing what you want to do


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
Why in gods name dont you want to masterbate? Youre killing your testosterone production rate! If you wanted to be an animal, youd go 2x a day.

And you should be getting nine hours of sleep a night. If you are working out and not sleeping you are HURTING your body.

**** video games. **** TV (movies are good for you though). **** AIM (unless your talking to someone as cool as me, or running internet seduction off myspace).

Oh, and Diet Pop is not junk food. Instead of cutting "junk food" just say "overly processed food." Its ok to have french toast in the morning... but its terrible to have a snickers. C the difference?

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Hey guys. I need your help here. Help me think of some punishments for uncompleted days.

By the way, you're all absolutely right about the not sleeping thing. This chick greeted me on Friday and I was so out of it I didn't see her friend and her friend, who was also my friend, got kinda paranoid that I didn't like her or something. But in reality I just didn't see her, no joke.

So help me think of punishments please. Nothing involving my penis or sick crap like that ok you sick punks.:p If no punishments come I guess I'll hafta just make do with pure will-power. This is so hard.

It makes you feel really small and weak and insignificant.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
who cares
Originally posted by TonyTheTigerOI
Why in gods name dont you want to masterbate? Youre killing your testosterone production rate! If you wanted to be an animal, youd go 2x a day.
i thought it was the other way around. Im actually pretty sure, bc im a boxer so i need a lot of testosterone, and if i masturbate or have sex one or 2 days before i fight, i dont do nearly as good as when i cut sex and masturbation for at least 4-6 days prior to fight time. At least that just my experience


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by AFK Protector
btw Tony you got an literature on that wanking business? I'm also doing it because it wastes time and I'd rather just not. It's tempting But gimme some literature and I'd gladly take it offf. Just for you ;)
I'd like to know as well, cus from what I've read it reduces your sex drive.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
The thing is... it TEMPORARILY reduces your testosterone levels (cuz its produced in your retetestes(inside your balls) and you are getting rid of it when you ejaculate). BUT - overall... if you body stops ejaculating, it has all the testosterone it needs stored up, and does not need to produce a great deal more.

Basically... your body recognizes a need for X ammount of testosterone. Power movements, sexual intamacy, and most things that stimulate adrenalin cause a greater need for testosterone.

So when you are NOT beating off, youve already got most of what you need, and you wont produce much. But if you are beating off every day, your brain says "HOLY ****! We are way short on testosterone!" And you begin to create more.

So then, when you stop for a few days, your body is still producing at a high rate - and your desire for those adrenalin stimluating activites skyrockets.

The principal of not masterbating to increase DESIRE to approach is sound - but only if you are building up excess testosterone.

Im sorry if this is jumbled.

To achieve the intended goal, I would make a schedule. If friday and satruday are your days to make approaches:

Sunday-Tues - Beat off once
Wed - Beat off twice
Thurs-Sat - Do not Beat off.

This will ensure there is EXCESS testosterone by fri, and especially saturday. If you were just NOT BEATING OFF... then your first week you would be driven to make approaches... but after that your body would just wet dream and slow testosterone production, curbing the desire you are trying to spike.

This information is derived from a few specials i have seen on human development on TV, from direct facts I have learned in anatomy (a 200 level collge class), and inferences I have drawn by simply observing and interacting with people.

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Hmm, that's interesting. But I'm going to keep it simply because of the time factor. Plus, it's only a month and I'm putting off girls for a bit (this month) so I won't suffer. You can take it off if you have time, but my schedule is pretty busy so no time for wanking! ....

...even though I cheat sometimes..:(

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
DAY 4: February 14, 2005

- No masturbation/porn (Day 1).
- No junk food at all for a month (exception = diet ginger ale).
- Follow Daily Workout Routine.
--> Elliptical, 15 min. (HIIT)
- Get at least six hours of sleep everyday.
- Do all homework first before turning on the computer.
- No AIM chatting: Replace with phone calls.
- No forum/xanga browsing except to update this: Replace with reading a magazine or book.
- No video/computer games: Replace with guitar practice or workout.
- No swearing: Replace with a slow count to 10.
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Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
who cares
Originally posted by TonyTheTigerOI

Sunday-Tues - Beat off once
Wed - Beat off twice
Thurs-Sat - Do not Beat off.

yea there i can agree with you....and actually without knowing that routine is sort of what i do. But i read somewhere that testosterone levels peak about 5-6 days after youve stoped wanking or having sex. In my opinion thats too long.