AFK's Month Long Test of Will


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
I think this is a great idea and I encourage everyone to follow in AFK's footsteps in some manner.

AFK, I think you're missing one fundamental idea. It's not that you should stay away from things like video games, etc, but rather on your list of priorities they should come very low. From my impression, if things were how you'd want them to be, you wouldn't have time for video games because other priorities would be taking their place.

Try to come up with enjoyable activities that you can do in place of the things you find to be a waste of time. Since you are still in high school, things like money and transportation might be a problem, but there should be some things that you can enjoy that will do something to improve your life.

Also, make sure you draw a line between the things you do for entertainment and enjoyment and the ones you do solely to better yourself. Some can be counted as both, but be aware which is which and balance them well.

Way to go.

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Re: Re: Re: Re: AFK's Month Long Test of Will

Originally posted by BLUEox117
i know but think of it as doing it for the good of the people :)
Good way of looking at it man. But all my life I've been an outlet for people's emotions and problems. It is time I put my own well being first for a change. It may seem selfish, but it's just for a month.

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Originally posted by Nocturnal
I think this is a great idea and I encourage everyone to follow in AFK's footsteps in some manner.

AFK, I think you're missing one fundamental idea. It's not that you should stay away from things like video games, etc, but rather on your list of priorities they should come very low. From my impression, if things were how you'd want them to be, you wouldn't have time for video games because other priorities would be taking their place.

Try to come up with enjoyable activities that you can do in place of the things you find to be a waste of time. Since you are still in high school, things like money and transportation might be a problem, but there should be some things that you can enjoy that will do something to improve your life.

Also, make sure you draw a line between the things you do for entertainment and enjoyment and the ones you do solely to better yourself. Some can be counted as both, but be aware which is which and balance them well.

Way to go.
You're right Nocturnal. I've taken those things away and have nothing to fill the space. So naturally I guess I want to do them to refill that spot. I just need to replace them with something I like, but it also productive. Wow. A revised pact is coming up shortly.

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America

DAY 1: February 7, 2005

- No masturbation/porn (Day 1). (close call. Then I thought about long term pain, short term gain)
- No junk food at all for a month (exception = diet ginger ale). (I think sickness is related to soft drinks. So I don't drink them/eat candy anymore. Maybe when there's a party I will)
- Follow Daily Workout Routine.
--> Elliptical, 15 min. (HIIT)
- Get at least six hours of sleep everyday. (felt energized. :) )
- Do all homework first before turning on the computer.
- No AIM chatting: Replace with phone calls. (Sorry Blueox)
- No forum/xanga browsing except to update this: Replace with reading a magazine or book. (I kept on checking up here, but then read a some newspapers.)
- No video/computer games: Replace with guitar practice or workout. (Didn't really feel the urge. Okay maybe once)
- No swearing: Replace with a slow count to 10.
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Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: AFK's Month Long Test of Will

Originally posted by AFK Protector
Good way of looking at it man. But all my life I've been an outlet for people's emotions and problems. It is time I put my own well being first for a change. It may seem selfish, but it's just for a month.
what r u talking about
if u gonna cut off aim its like cutting off a part of the way u interact with people, you are handicapping yourself.

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: AFK's Month Long Test of Will

Originally posted by BLUEox117
what r u talking about
if u gonna cut off aim its like cutting off a part of the way u interact with people, you are handicapping yourself.
I'm going to use the phone more now. In that way, I am actually becoming independent of AIM and will develop better people skills because I have to talk to people now that AIM is off limits.

Cutting AIM is cutting off a way I interact people, but using AIM was cutting off ways I interact with people too. I didn't speak to them as much, I didn't greet them as much, I didn't smile as much, etc. Now that's all going to change my man.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: AFK's Month Long Test of Will

Originally posted by AFK Protector
I'm going to use the phone more now. In that way, I am actually becoming independent of AIM and will develop better people skills because I have to talk to people now that AIM is off limits.

Cutting AIM is cutting off a way I interact people, but using AIM was cutting off ways I interact with people too. I didn't speak to them as much, I didn't greet them as much, I didn't smile as much, etc. Now that's all going to change my man.
but some peole on aim cant talk to u by phone, or wouldnt want to for that matter !

like me :(:( im so lonely come back !:confused: :D


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere between the cities of Lost and Found
Keep it up AFK everyday this makes you stronger ....


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2004
Reaction score
Playboy Land
I remember I had a "problem" with video games and spefically speaking with Counter-Strike like you have now a year before.. anyway I played like 3-4hours a day cs and then after 3-4months I got bored of it. Now I have Counter-Strike but I only play it like half hour week TOP. You see when you do some things alot you get bored of them as the time passes...I know lots of guys that used to be party animals before they went to college and when the college started, they were bored of that stuff and putted ALL their energy on studying... If you try to force yourself and dont play video games now..., then you might miss them and play them on a later time when you get older... what do you think about this guys..?

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Originally posted by TheCalmGuy
I remember I had a "problem" with video games and spefically speaking with Counter-Strike like you have now a year before.. anyway I played like 3-4hours a day cs and then after 3-4months I got bored of it. Now I have Counter-Strike but I only play it like half hour week TOP. You see when you do some things alot you get bored of them as the time passes...I know lots of guys that used to be party animals before they went to college and when the college started, they were bored of that stuff and putted ALL their energy on studying... If you try to force yourself and dont play video games now..., then you might miss them and play them on a later time when you get older... what do you think about this guys..?
hmm..good point. But the point here is to develop so much self-discipline that I can control those urges in the future. Besides, I don't have a third of a year to waste.

Here's how I look at the test of will. Even if I only complete 1 or 2 days a week, I am better off for a third of the week than I was before. So as long as I stick it, this is a win-win situation.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Keep it up AFK!

I'm revamping my pact like you did, mainly cus i failed the masterbation part after 8 days. You mind if I post it in here rather than a new thread? Just gotta figure out exactly what my goals are right now. If it's cool with you, I'll post my revamped pact in a few days.

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Originally posted by TinyFzzyKiwi
Keep it up AFK!

I'm revamping my pact like you did, mainly cus i failed the masterbation part after 8 days. You mind if I post it in here rather than a new thread? Just gotta figure out exactly what my goals are right now. If it's cool with you, I'll post my revamped pact in a few days.
Hey how's it going Kiwi. No I don't mind if you post your pact in here. However, I think it'd be better for you to keep track of your progress if you start a new thread yourself. As you can see, this is pretty crowded and there's a huge (but very encouraging and useful) gap of posts between my daily updates.

That's why I suggest you start your own. Sure I won't be able to see your progress (until the month is over) but this is for yourself. If posting in here helps you in some way, I guess you can if you want, but it'll probably be confusing.

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
I am so psyched for this...


DAY 2: February 8, 2005

- No masturbation/porn (Day 1).
- No junk food at all for a month (exception = diet ginger ale).
- Follow Daily Workout Routine.
--> Weight Training: Back, Biceps
--> Elliptical, 15 min. (HIIT)
- Get at least six hours of sleep everyday.
- Do all homework first before turning on the computer.
- No AIM chatting: Replace with phone calls.
- No forum/xanga browsing except to update this: Replace with reading a magazine or book.
- No video/computer games: Replace with guitar practice or workout. (I felt the was painful, but less painful than long term pain I would've experienced by playing)
- No swearing: Replace with a slow count to 10. (I'm saying 'crap' a lot more now.)
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Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2004
Reaction score
Sup, good luck! I started all over too man, third times a charm or whatever the saying is.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
ok afk

I'm thinking I'll post in here for your reading enjoyment, seeing as how you can't visit other threads,lol, as well as starting my own thread. Day one starts tomorow, finishing up the final revisions on my plan tonight.

My Self Improvement Pact

Day 1 starts tomorow, though I'll be doing some of the things today. Stupid forum made me change all my codes to vb instead of html, sigh, had it all edited and everything, oh well. If anyone has suggestions on places to look for jobs that could help me, please share. I have a feel people I can ask, but the more info the better. I guess that's it for now, See you all on the other side.


1. No Masterbation/ Porn-Pending
Objective-Increase Will Power, and all the other benifits of this.
2. At least 6 hours of sleep every day-Pending
Objective- just a good habit to have, cut down on tiredness-
3. All homework before turning on the computer-Pending
Objective- Keep grades up, help to avoid procrastination (exception = homework requiring computer)
4. No more than 1 hour a day of computer games during week, 2 per day on the weekend-Pending
Objective- Find other hobbies away from the computer, etc. (exception = halo 2 parties and the like at friends house)
5. Weekly workout routine (At least 3 days a week)-Pending
Objective- Get stronger, faster, better looking
a. Pushups-Pending
one rep of each: 30 20 10
b. Situps/crunches-Pending
3-5 sets of 20
c. Weight lifting with hand free weights (dumbells?)-Pending
I'll figure out exact numbers once I start, that way I can get an idea of how much I can do and how much is pushing myself alittle.(barbell looking things) (I'm gona have to look up a few online, unless someone can suggest some)
d. Agility Ladder- Pending
(agility ladder is basically a ladder that you move your feet through in differant patterns to increase your speed, jumping ability, etc.)
6. Daily Workout routine:
objective-prepare for soccer, increase cardiovascular ability
a. Running-Pending
1+ miles, or 10 minutes jump rope (sister tells me 10 mins jump rope= 30 mins jogging)
7. Study for tests in advance-Pending
Objective-Keep grades at A/A- average
a. No Cramming
8. Work on homework as soon as it's given, don't procrastinate on projects-Pending
Objective-Procrastinate less/not at all
9. Practice guitar and soccer everyday, possibly basketball and golf as well-Pending
Objective-Increase skill with each.
30 minutes for each.
10. Find a job that will help to better my euntreprenuer skills (I'm wanting to start my own business when I get out of highschool/college) or People skills (Want to get better at talking to people in general)-Pending
11. eye contact/saying hi to at least 10 people everyday, preferably strangers/hot girls-Pending
Objective- Increase confidance

BTW, started my own thread for this as well, but I wanted to give you something to read, lol.

Kiwi Out
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AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
DAY 3: February 9, 2005

- No masturbation/porn (Day 3).
- No junk food at all for a month (exception = diet ginger ale).
- Follow Daily Workout Routine.
--> Abs
--> Elliptical, 15 min. (HIIT)
- Get at least six hours of sleep everyday.
- Do all homework first before turning on the computer.
- No AIM chatting: Replace with phone calls. (had to get some files for school from a friend. Turned down all chat invitations...made some people bitter. Oh well)
- No forum/xanga browsing except to update this: Replace with reading a magazine or book.
- No video/computer games: Replace with guitar practice or workout.
- No swearing: Replace with a slow count to 10.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere between the cities of Lost and Found
Man you don't need to be giving up. Did you think everyday was going to be a piece of cake? Did you think you would ALWAYS be motovated? Everyone has their down days and rough times.

Think of it this way....rough times or whatever you want to call it are workouts for your mind. If a person wants to get strong he has to workout...he has to have resistance when he lifts, exc. That's all this is bro, just resistance trying to pull you down. Push it'll make you stronger. And once oyu get stronger you can do MORE.

All in the mindset man.....keep it up.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Comon AFK, you can do it man

1. think about the consequences of quitting now, think about the future gains of not quitting.

2.If that doesn't work, try thinking about the rest of this that are in this with you, even though I know that this is about you.

If that doesn't work, go back to number 1, I found a good motivationt hread awhile back that I could post in here to if you want me to. Or is that breaking your rules?