AFK's Month Long Test of Will

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Yeah. I changed the gaming thing permanently for the whole month. Plus, yesterday was just day 1 and I changed it like in the beginning of day 1, so I'm going to count it as one day.

But you are right, if I fail one day I'm going to start over like the masturbation thread. I don't know how many times I've started over for that thing, but now I am on day 39 finally.

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
January 28, 2005

- No masturbation/porn (D-39 Complete).
- No junk food at all for a month (exception = diet ginger ale). (My parents made fries and chicken wings for dinner, but I made carrots, corn, and some scallops instead. I also bought some whey protein today.)
- Follow Daily Workout Routine.
--> Abs: incline crunches, incline situps
--> Elliptical, 15 min. (HIIT)
- Get at least six hours of sleep everyday. (got 10 hours :) )
- Do all homework first before turning on the computer.
- No AIM chatting. (I used AIM, but it was for school purposes and I wasted no time chatting or idling)
- No forum browsing except to update this.
- No computer games or video games on school days (2 hours max on weekends total/days off). (I used up my last 30 minutes today. No more gaming for 7 days straight :( . ||| Ok I played some more CS. close...yet so far away)

Once again just a clarification based on October's (the creator of the Test of Will) advice:

If I mess up I must start over from day 1. If I alter my plan, I must start over from day 1.

So far, it doesn't seem too hard, but once school starts again on Monday (we just had finals) I believe it will get harder. Not being able to visit any other thread makes me feel like I am on an island. But that is what I am looking to be: a self-sufficient island. Bad analogy, but you get the point.

I must start over now. Day 1 begins tomorrow.

btw, I got some whey protein and I made a mixture of it with milk. But it was super thick. Is that normal? It was like I was swallowing the powder in chunks. I don't think it is normal. Someone ask in the H&F forum...or a bodybuilder please answer me.
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California Love

Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2004
Reaction score
The Bay Area
Hey again my man,

From what I can see, it seems like you were following your plans pretty well! I was once fanatic of a crazy-a$$ diet regimen and my results were similar to that under a more moderate one.

-A little bit of CS is all good; I actually find it to be one of the more time-efficient games if u play 20/15min maps instead of 30.
-AIM in moderation is fcking awesome. Also, if u talk to a girl frequently, I would advice not sharing screennames with her at all. That way, you'll have so much more to talk about in person, and you'll want to see each other in person instead of chatting on aim.
-Whey powder: it mixes/tastes best with milk. The choco flavors tend to dissolve better. When you pour, do it slowly instead of dumping it all in and then stirring. Even better, if you can take it, is heating up the milk. That way, it's less likely to clump up. Also, you can use a fat spoon and mash the clumps against the wall of the cup.

Since it's your weekend off finals, I think you deserve a break. You may want to prep a little on upcoming subjects so that when you get back into school, everything will feel easily and logical. There's nothing better than starting off the new semester smoothly.

Good luck,

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Hey California Love thanks for the whey protein info. I just dumped 2 big scoops in a cup and then dumped 1 cup of milk on top of that. lol no wonder. Ok, I'm going to use the blender next time and add milk slowly like you said. I also think I am using too small of a cup. I used a mug yesterday, but tonight I'll try it with a tall glass after I blend it.

Ok now that I'm starting over, I'm going to change up my plans a bit too.

DAY 1: January 29, 2005

- No masturbation/porn (D-40 Complete).
- No junk food at all for a month (exception = diet ginger ale). (I had a cookie for some reason. I ate half and spit the other out...but alas it was too late.)
- Follow Daily Workout Routine.
-->Weight training:
Push-ups, Bench press, Fly, Lateral Raise, Shoulder Press, Triceps Extension, Lying Triceps Extension
--> Elliptical, 15 min. (HIIT)
- Get at least six hours of sleep everyday.
- Do all homework first before turning on the computer. (I did half my HW, then logged on to check my e-mail. But I had other stuff to do...soo...FAILED)
- No AIM chatting.
- No forum browsing except to update this.
- No computer games or video games. (I swear this sucks. I wanted to play today, but my internet was down. Now I am busy again. Crap. ||| NOOOOO NOT AGAIN. The connection still didn't work, so you know what I did?!? I frickin played CS 1.1 and it was painful, but I still played :( . omg...what is wrong with me...)
- No swearing.

:( ..........another day..........another failure. I'm not going to give up though. This is just like the wank thread. I've failed like 50 times before today...when I've finally completed 40 days and 40 nights. Ok that's enough for me. I need to mentally prep myself.
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AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
DAY 1: January 30, 2005

- No masturbation/porn (Day 41).
- No junk food at all for a month (exception = diet ginger ale).
- Follow Daily Workout Routine.
--> Abs: Incline curl, Incline situp
--> Elliptical, 15 min. (HIIT)
- Get at least six hours of sleep everyday.
- Do all homework first before turning on the computer.
- No AIM chatting.
- No forum browsing except to update this.
- No computer games or video games.
- No swearing.

This is a pact with yourself. Pacts are not broken.

UPDATE: Even though I failed again today, I did everything I had to do with probably greater efficiency since I had to make up for the time lost. Good stuff...but it can get better. Tomorrow school starts, semester 2 will begin, and changes will be in place.
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Don Juan
Nov 25, 2003
Reaction score
Lol, I like the way you're disciplining yourself. I don't think some masturbation in a while can hurt tho. When I haven't spanked the monkey in a week I can't sleep. :)
I know how **** you can feel if you have been gaming for hours and basicly ruined your time. But some gaming is not that bad, just make sure you do a lot of homework/training before it. Then you really enjoy it!

anyway, good luck!

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
DAY 1: January 31, 2005

- No masturbation/porn (Day 42).
- No junk food at all for a month (exception = diet ginger ale).
- Follow Daily Workout Routine. (Couldn't do it. We had people over.)
--> Elliptical, 15 min. (HIIT)
- Get at least six hours of sleep everyday.
- Do all homework first before turning on the computer.
- No AIM chatting.
- No forum browsing except to update this.
- No computer games or video games.
- No swearing. (Wow I messed up on the easiest one.)

This is a pact with yourself. Pacts are not broken.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
South Carolina (Charleston)
hey good luck and keep it up man.

by the way, Testosterone does not = hornyness

and masturbating does not lower testosterone, despite what you all think.

Avoiding it can be good for control(of your mind/willpower) in a way tho, which is what this post is about i gather.

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
DAY 1: February 1, 2005

- No masturbation/porn (Day 43).
- No junk food at all for a month (exception = diet ginger ale).
- Follow Daily Workout Routine.
--> Weight training: bent-over row, lying row, curl, concentration curl, incline curl
--> Elliptical, 15 min. (HIIT)
- Get at least six hours of sleep everyday.
- Do all homework first before turning on the computer. (Shoulda done math first, but I did an essay first).
- No AIM chatting.
- No forum browsing except to update this.
- No computer games or video games. (Just finished and turned in like 5 I needed some relaxation.)
- No swearing. (It must be a school thing...I caught myself a lot though.)

This is a pact with yourself. Pacts are not broken.
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Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
keep it up AFK

I took you up on your suggestion, started my own test of will, (I'm on day 5) though it is sort of becoming a self improvement thing. I set my rules slightly differant though, adding a few new things every few days, that way I build it up and don't screw myself in one day. Keep it up man, you'll make it.

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Re: keep it up AFK

Originally posted by TinyFzzyKiwi
I took you up on your suggestion, started my own test of will, (I'm on day 5) though it is sort of becoming a self improvement thing. I set my rules slightly differant though, adding a few new things every few days, that way I build it up and don't screw myself in one day. Keep it up man, you'll make it.
Good to hear, TinyFzzyKiwi. This is really frustrating, but like you said just keep it up I guess.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
good luck AFK good luck

I was wondering where youve been as of late on AIM

well good luck and I'll keep looking at this post I would join you but I just can't do it.

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Thanks comic relief. This failure stuff is getting to me. I now realize I have lots of competition in the world so I guess that is my motivation to work harder.

DAY 1: February 2, 2005

- No masturbation/porn (Day 44).
- No junk food at all for a month (exception = diet ginger ale).
- Follow Daily Workout Routine.
--> Abs: incline crunch, incline situp
--> Elliptical, 15 min. (HIIT)
- Get at least six hours of sleep everyday.
- Do all homework first before turning on the computer. (Shoulda done math first, but I did an essay first).
- No AIM chatting.
- No forum browsing except to update this.
- No computer games or video games.
- No swearing.

This is a pact with yourself. Pacts are not broken.
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AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
I reviewed how I've been doing . . . and it makes me want to cry.:( I think I will go cry now. Then maybe take something away from it. (jp about the crying:D )

Seriously though . . . why am I so weak. Why am I so easily influenced. Why is my motivation forever fluctuating?!?? WHY?!?!?!? ROOAARR


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere between the cities of Lost and Found
Seriously though . . . why am I so weak. Why am I so easily influenced. Why is my motivation forever fluctuating?!?? WHY?!?!?!? ROOAARR

Do or do not. There is no try. --Yoda--

Either you DO it or you DON'T. Don't give up man. One way I stay motivated is looking at the BIGGER picture. Whats the bigger picture? Think to yourself how much better you will feel later in life if you stick to this. Invision how your life is going to change and how you want it to be..

You have to plant the seed....then water it daily...



Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
I think you're making it a little too hard. You've obviously been unable to do the videogames thing, so here's what I would do.

Allow yourself to play videogames during the week, but only after you've done everything else you can possibly do that's more important (you homework, studying, workout/excercise, maybe some reading, etc.), and still set a limit on it. And bump up the amount of time you can play on weekends to 3 or 4 hours, but maybe include watching TV in that.

Go out for a jog or shoot some hoops or something if you're finding yourself bored when you've already played all your hours.

And for the junk food, perhaps say you can having one small serving of junk food every day or every other day or something (as in like 2 cookies or something like that). And I wouldn't count dinner like fried chicken to be junk food. Sure it has more fat, but you're still getting your vital nutrients. So cut dinner foods out from that unless it's like fast food or something.

That's what I would do at least.


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
Oh, and I think I'm gonna do one myself, but a little easier:

- No masturbating (EXCEPTION: if I'm going out with a girl or am going to be hanging out with girls that night and am pretty positive I've got a shot at some play. Then I can before, so that's still no more than about once a week)

- No porn

- No talking on AIM (EXCEPTION: finding out stuff for school, or if I can't reach someone any other way and absolutley need to talk to them)

- workout every other day (lifting weights, crunches, pushups, etc.)

- excercise every day (different from workout; basically like going running, playing bball, etc.)

- complete all homework and studying before doing other things

- 1 hour of computer max per day; 2 on weekends

- 1/2 hour of TV/videogames max per day; 1.5 on weekends

- at least 8 hours of sleep per night

- go to bed by 10:30 on school nights, 1:30 on weekends (EXCEPTION: sleepovers)

- wake up by 7:45 AM on school days; 10 AM on weekends

- only one serving of junk food per day

- can only get fast food once per week

And I'm not sure yet, but I depending on how things go, I may allow myself to use AIM, TV/videogames, and computer between 12 AM and 1:30 AM (when I'll be going to bed) if I'm finding I use up my time restrictions early. If I don't then I probably won't ever get to watch any movies, and I love movies.


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere between the cities of Lost and Found
Guys ask yourself this question......

Do I FEEL this way....?


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
AFK, sorry for my ignorance but...What is Elliptical?