AFK's Month Long Test of Will


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere between the cities of Lost and Found
What I mean is that you can set goals all you want but you'll usually fail. You honestly have to believe that you must change. It seems as though they see it as like a chore. Don't look at it from that point of view. Look at it as your improving your life for the better. Basically you have to change your mindset.

Link pain to the things you want to quit. Get it inside of your head that if you keep doing these things your killing yourself. And vice versa for the things you hate doing (such as homework) Link homework to good things. Think positive about it. "Hey I'm doing my homework and I know that somehow this is going to help me in my future in some way."

They have so MANY different things. I like the way they broke them down and got specific but when you break so many things down then you worry "am I doing this, am I doing that."

It's really good that their taking this step though don't get me wrong. A lot of people won't even try. "They just say I should do this and I should do that and they just should all over themselves." (Anthony Robbins)

Just get the right mindset of "hey I'm going to do this not because I see it as a challenge but because I love myself and I see the bigger picture. And the bigger picture is this is going to improve all aspects of my life for the better."

Most of this stuff I remember hearing from tapes of Anthony Robbin's so I'll guive credit where credit is due. If you can find some of his material I think it would be very helpful.

Keep it up gentleman.....

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Originally posted by InsidiousNstinct
What I mean is that you can set goals all you want but you'll usually fail. You honestly have to believe that you must change. It seems as though they see it as like a chore. Don't look at it from that point of view. Look at it as your improving your life for the better. Basically you have to change your mindset.

Link pain to the things you want to quit. Get it inside of your head that if you keep doing these things your killing yourself. And vice versa for the things you hate doing (such as homework) Link homework to good things. Think positive about it. "Hey I'm doing my homework and I know that somehow this is going to help me in my future in some way."

They have so MANY different things. I like the way they broke them down and got specific but when you break so many things down then you worry "am I doing this, am I doing that."

It's really good that their taking this step though don't get me wrong. A lot of people won't even try. "They just say I should do this and I should do that and they just should all over themselves." (Anthony Robbins)

Just get the right mindset of "hey I'm going to do this not because I see it as a challenge but because I love myself and I see the bigger picture. And the bigger picture is this is going to improve all aspects of my life for the better."

Most of this stuff I remember hearing from tapes of Anthony Robbin's so I'll guive credit where credit is due. If you can find some of his material I think it would be very helpful.

Keep it up gentleman..... your middle name Truth? I mean, I'm sure we all think that way, but you've got it here so eloquently. Thanks for the clearing up and comments. I was sitting down today and felt for my flab (@ 12% bf, going for 10%) and I was like, "man, I need to go workout. I don't care if people are over or if it is late. It's for the better."

I think that post should be made a tip. btw. Day 1 is finally complete. ahhh the sweet, sweet taste of victory:)

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
DAY 2: February 3, 2005

- No masturbation/porn (Day 45). RECORD: 45 DAYS
- No junk food at all for a month (exception = diet ginger ale).
- Follow Daily Workout Routine.
--> Weight Training: lunge, single calf raise, straight leg deadlift
--> Elliptical, 15 min. (HIIT)
- Get at least six hours of sleep everyday.
- Do all homework first before turning on the computer.
- No AIM chatting.
- No forum browsing except to update this.
- No computer games or video games.
- No swearing.

Had to blow it.
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Don Juan
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
DAY 1: February 4, 2005

- No masturbation/porn (Day 1).
- No junk food at all for a month (exception = diet ginger ale).
- Follow Daily Workout Routine.
--> Abs: incline curl, incline situp
--> Forearms: hammer curl, wrist curl, reverse wrist curl
--> Elliptical, 15 min. (HIIT)
- Get at least six hours of sleep everyday.
- Do all homework first before turning on the computer.
- No AIM chatting.
- No forum browsing except to update this.
- No computer games or video games.
- No swearing.
Last edited:


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2004
Reaction score
This is ridiculous, what a waste of your time and energy. You're basically just turning this month into the crappiest month of your life.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by souporman
This is ridiculous, what a waste of your time and energy. You're basically just turning this month into the crappiest month of your life.
You should try it and see how you feel. I'm doing the same thing as him, it's amazing how good you feel. You have nothing to worry about, because you've been doing everything on time, etc. And if you think masturbating is all important, well, I suggest you get a new point of view or join us in our pacts of will.

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Originally posted by souporman
This is ridiculous, what a waste of your time and energy. You're basically just turning this month into the crappiest month of your life.
Listen here souporman. The only thing I feel "crappy" about is not completing all of my tasks. But I can turn that crappy feeling into motivation. Now like Kiwi said, try it out. If you don't like it and still think it is worthless, then I guess that is what you are like. Whatever floats your boat man.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
I want to stop swearing.

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Hey thanks to everyone for your support. I haven't been doing too well, but I guess I should try harder for both you all and myself. Today was easy, mainly because I had a killer headache. It only didn't hurt in my sleep.

DAY 1: February 5, 2005

- No masturbation/porn (Day 1).
- No junk food at all for a month (exception = diet ginger ale).
- Follow Daily Workout Routine.
--> Weight Training: shoulders, triceps, chest
--> Elliptical, 15 min. (HIIT)
- Get at least six hours of sleep everyday.
- Do all homework first before turning on the computer.
- No AIM chatting.
- No forum browsing except to update this.
- No computer games or video games.
- No swearing.


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2004
Reaction score
Playboy Land
Okay AFK, am happy you started this test of will... but lets say you have completed everything in your test what will come next...

Lets say you didn't masturbate, you stopped the junk food, you followed your workout routine, got 6hours of sleep, you didn't aim chat,swear or played games lets say you completed all of these stuff well what can you accomplish after stopping these stuff?
The only thing you can truely gain something from it is from doing all your homework and exercising..
I would like to start this test of will aswell but I can't find any REAL reasons to stop these stuff.. I actually stopped masturbating am in day 36 at the moment but I haven't yet seen any effects out of this... give me some motivation so I can start this test and continue it aswell.. thanks..


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
It's called independance. That's what your motivation is. Sure it doesn't change anything so much that the entire world changes but it does have some serious long term effects. Freedom, for example.

Yeah, you don't need AIM and all that crap. But could you drop it for X amount of time? Just to see if you could?

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Lik is right. Actually to tell you a secret my main goal is to develop some self-discipline so I can do better in school. And the exercising is good for me anyways. I'm trying to become sort of an intellectual. Take away the games and replace it with some news or going outside for sports and stuff. You know, stuff like that.

I got up to day 45. I didn't see any difference. I just did it to see if I could I guess. It gave me confidence. That porn has no control over me. Same thing applies here. I need complete control over myself.

Now I gotta tell you all something, and it is disappointing and embarassing to say this. I haven't really been giving this my all....kinda cuz I'm sick, but that's no excuse. I've been giving a half-hearted attempt at this pact. I'm sorry for that and I'll try harder. It is getting better though. I can reach 2 days instead of 1 now. That means I only waste 3 days per week. Which is not good, but it is progress.
DAY 1: February 6, 2005

- No masturbation/porn (Day 1). (dunno wtf happened. Wet dream or not...I can't remember but I woke up and my PJs were sticky.)
- No junk food at all for a month (exception = diet ginger ale).
- Follow Daily Workout Routine.
--> Weight Training: forearms
--> Abs
--> Elliptical, 15 min. (HIIT)
- Get at least six hours of sleep everyday. (I got 8 hours total. Woke up at 3 AM and stayed up until 5 because my head hurt so much I put on some music. Then went back to sleep)
- Do all homework first before turning on the computer.
- No AIM chatting. (helped my buddy on AIM around 4 AM with a project and talked to blueox who's registered here about a club incident.)
- No forum browsing except to update this.
- No computer games or video games.
- No swearing.

Yeah today sucked.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by AFK Protector
>>> Hopefully, after 1 month, this routine will become a habit and I will be have great study, eating, sleeping, and overall living habits. Good luck to all. This is my log.

>>> AFK's Test of Will begins Thursday - 1.27.05.
you failed, you just talked to me the other night !


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: AFK's Month Long Test of Will

Originally posted by AFK Protector
uh...yeah read the post above yours.
i know but think of it as doing it for the good of the people :)