I've only read through all the responses on this thread briefly, but I have to say, I side with Bible Belt on this.
To me, it seems like Bible Belt believes and knows he is the quality male in this situation. And by that, I mean I can tell he thinks of himself as the prize. There's a big difference between Bible and a guy who comes on SS and freaks out about a bunch of AFCs buying things for his GF. Bible is not worried. Instead, he is just going with the flow and letting her come to him, without any concern that she is banging these AFCs. Why? Because he is the prize and he knows he stands head and shoulders above the rest of these dudes, so he's not afraid of a situation like the one he is currently in.
I think I've done a bad job of explaining myself, so let me give another example.
Recently, I've started dating this girl who I've known since college. Her IL has always been very high with me, but for whatever reason we just never got together in the past. We hooked up/madeout a lot, but never developed anything serious with each other.
We bumped into each other at the gym the other week. She gave me her phone number. I called her. We went out a few times a few weeks later, and I've gone out to bars and stuff with her. We've hooked up a little bit, but nothing really to brag about.
I added her on Facebook last week and noticed she was listed as "In a Relationship" with some guy who still goes to our college. Did I care? I noted it, but it doesn't really bother me because simply put, the other guy isn't me. I'm the prize, he's not. I'm not really jumping at the chance to make her my girlfriend anyway.
Though, I wouldn't dare start a thread about her on here because the responses would be pretty predictable. Things like "Bro, if she is cheating on him, she is going to cheat on you". But that's really not the case. Honestly, I don't blame her for cheating on the guy either when she had the chance to go out with me. That sounds arrogant, but that really is what I think a DJ should believe.
Bible Belt's situation is similar. He knows he is the prize, so he is unfazed.