AFC buys my gf $450 necklace


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
Aboleo said:
Seems kinda' sh!tty for her to string that other dude along for his money. Alot of women do this, but if it were me I'd tell her to quit toying with the loser or keep him... in the end I'd probably tell her to take a hike anyway.

Atleast you've got a backup plan. :up:
how can he tell her that when he has another gf too?


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
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I've only read through all the responses on this thread briefly, but I have to say, I side with Bible Belt on this.

To me, it seems like Bible Belt believes and knows he is the quality male in this situation. And by that, I mean I can tell he thinks of himself as the prize. There's a big difference between Bible and a guy who comes on SS and freaks out about a bunch of AFCs buying things for his GF. Bible is not worried. Instead, he is just going with the flow and letting her come to him, without any concern that she is banging these AFCs. Why? Because he is the prize and he knows he stands head and shoulders above the rest of these dudes, so he's not afraid of a situation like the one he is currently in.

I think I've done a bad job of explaining myself, so let me give another example.

Recently, I've started dating this girl who I've known since college. Her IL has always been very high with me, but for whatever reason we just never got together in the past. We hooked up/madeout a lot, but never developed anything serious with each other.

We bumped into each other at the gym the other week. She gave me her phone number. I called her. We went out a few times a few weeks later, and I've gone out to bars and stuff with her. We've hooked up a little bit, but nothing really to brag about.

I added her on Facebook last week and noticed she was listed as "In a Relationship" with some guy who still goes to our college. Did I care? I noted it, but it doesn't really bother me because simply put, the other guy isn't me. I'm the prize, he's not. I'm not really jumping at the chance to make her my girlfriend anyway.

Though, I wouldn't dare start a thread about her on here because the responses would be pretty predictable. Things like "Bro, if she is cheating on him, she is going to cheat on you". But that's really not the case. Honestly, I don't blame her for cheating on the guy either when she had the chance to go out with me. That sounds arrogant, but that really is what I think a DJ should believe.

Bible Belt's situation is similar. He knows he is the prize, so he is unfazed.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Thanks, Mike.

I actually told her flat out once - "go ahead and spend time with those other guys. The more you do, the more you will appreciate me."

She just called me from the bar, much drunker, and described the scene she was making with her slvtty dancing with her chick friends. Is that AW behavior? Yes, but I let her have her fun. She's hot and legitimately bi, and there are probably two dozen desperate rednecks fantasizing about her as I type. This is one more chance to be jealous, one more time that all of the AFCs would blow it with her by being insecure. I told her to have fun and call me later.
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
I just got back from my other gf's house, had dinner and great sex with her, then ditched her to call the girl this thread is about.

Instead of going out with the AFC, she is out drinking with her girlfriends, spending his money without him. She told me that I didn't even have to come and get her, that she would take a cab to my house, again, paid for with his money. She said she wants to get drunker first, and the AFC guy is texting her constantly as usual, so we shall see. That's apparently why he got her this new phone, her old one did not have texting.

After having just been with the other girl, I don't care nearly as much about where she spends the night. Now it is more a matter of curiosity about how much she can walk all over the AFC. I thought for a while that he might actually buy himself a lay, but upon closer inspection, a backbone is likely required, and he has none.
Dayum. Bible's laying the pipe all over town.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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Dang, this site is WAY more entertaining than anything on TV! (although on my tv everything is in frikkin japanese)

This would be a 100% hilarious example of what TO do (BBelt) and what NOT to do (AFC) if it wasn't for the poor kids involved. All this money changing hands and the kids don't get jack.

My only other misgivings are whether or not this gal is giving said AFC any false hopes that she might someday cave and marry him. That would be kind of uncool, but only kind of. Caveat Emptor, and all that.

Hope the kids turn out ok...


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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reset said:
Dude no one's winning in this situation. Think about the type of people you want to associate with because their character is a reflection of your own.
Finally someone says it! I was reading through this thread just now and kept waiting for someone to say those words so that I wouldn't have to.

To the OP. You do have feelings for this girl. You do care. At this point I think you are even debating on whether she could or should be your gf again.

All I can say is this girl is low low class. She is using the guy. Flat out stealing from him. Anyone with an ounce of self respect would say NO to these gifts. She has no respect for herself or her fellow human beings.

IF I felt as though you didn't care about her I would say fine keep on sexing her. But you do. So.......


Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
I agree with reset.

To me you are not as interested in your 2nd chick and so you only really use her to make your main plate jealous or to offset the feelings you have for your main plate. I think a higher quality plate would do wonders for your situation because it will put things in perspective


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Yeah, you guys are right. She is fun, but not quality. I keep quality on the side.

She never called back! She thinks I blew off my other gf to be with her, so as far as she knows, I should be pissed. This is why I started screwing other girls when this girl I and were exclusive - once she thinks that she has me, she loses respect for me and starts behaving like this.

Now I have mere idle curiosity about where she spent the night. Baby Daddy was at the bar hitting on her. He's a big fat loser, but she admits he turns her on. Also, AFC was texting her non-stop. I am actually kind of rooting for AFC guy, at least he paid a lot of money. Baby Daddy doesn't even pay child support.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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Bible_Belt said:
Yeah, you guys are right. She is fun, but not quality. I keep quality on the side.

She never called back! She thinks I blew off my other gf to be with her, so as far as she knows, I should be pissed. This is why I started screwing other girls when this girl I and were exclusive - once she thinks that she has me, she loses respect for me and starts behaving like this.

Now I have mere idle curiosity about where she spent the night. Baby Daddy was at the bar hitting on her. He's a big fat loser, but she admits he turns her on. Also, AFC was texting her non-stop. I am actually kind of rooting for AFC guy, at least he paid a lot of money. Baby Daddy doesn't even pay child support.
Stay away and rid yourself of this drama!


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
But I'll miss the sex. My friends are divided between, on one hand, the ones who have not and don't want to fvck her. They say "run." On the other hand, the other ones who have either fvcked her or want to, they understand. This girl will do anything in bed, anything. To say that she likes it rough is an understatement. Sometimes during sex I will put her in jiu-jitsu arm and shoulder locks. The pain makes her cvm.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
Bible_Belt said:
But I'll miss the sex.
miss it enough to kill for her?
miss it enough to die for her?
just joking , sorry but you left that one wide open to interpretation.
but i wonder how far some afc's concerning a girl like this...


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
But I'll miss the sex. My friends are divided between, on one hand, the ones who have not and don't want to fvck her. They say "run." On the other hand, the other ones who have either fvcked her or want to, they understand. This girl will do anything in bed, anything. To say that she likes it rough is an understatement. Sometimes during sex I will put her in jiu-jitsu arm and shoulder locks. The pain makes her cvm. have friends that have fvcked her too? And other ones that think they have a shot too?

High quality woman here boys! She pleases everyone!



Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"during sex I will put her in jiu-jitsu arm and shoulder locks"

Nothing says love and intimacy more than a broken arm via devastating jiu-jitsu technique!

You are a totally out of control wild man Bible Belt and I mean that as a compliment lmfao.

Keep doing what makes you happy and if it is this crazy dangerous sh!t then so be it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
This girl will do anything in bed, anything. To say that she likes it rough is an understatement. Sometimes during sex I will put her in jiu-jitsu arm and shoulder locks. The pain makes her cvm.
Hey I have one of those! Don't give her up man. It's especially good to have it with no actual commitment too. A reg with no strings who's freaky is the tops.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Danger said:
I'm very curious BB on what you do in this situation? She thinks she screwed you over. So do you go the "mad" route? Or do you go the route where you just don't care? What do you convey to her to get her back in line?

I understand the merits of both, but I would very much like to know how you handle these.

Well, I have not called her today. The worst thing would be to call her crying like a little girl, "you didn't cheat on me, did you? wah!"

Not caring is mostly the right way. But it's not like I don't notice, and I'm not going to pretend it didn't happen. She has avoided calling me all day, which means she is with another guy. But she's smart, and knows that I know this. She is avoiding talking to me, because I should be mad and hurt. What she does not know is that I blew off my other gf after having sex with her, not before. That's my trump card that I probably won't even play. She does not need to know that. Tonight, she'll be baby-sitting her kids while I am out with that girl, and she'll be sad that I am with someone else. She tries to hide it, but I am the one guy she tends to be a female afc over instead of a female dj. I think in every relationship, one side will turn afc.

When I do talk to her again, I'll probably just laugh at her. If it was baby daddy she spent the night with, I'll laugh at that - she really does despise him for being a deadbeat dad loser. More likely, it was the afc that this thread is about. Then I'll tease her for being for sale and being stuck with a boring guy. She'll call and tell me that she slept with the afc, expecting me to be devastated. My reply will be something like, "well, he did buy you diamonds. Has he proposed again yet?" The joke is really on her for settling for the Mr Nice Guy who she already admits bores her. Even if they get together, she will eventually cheat on him with me.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
Even if they get together, she will eventually cheat on him with me.
Ok, but why do you want to be the guy that she cheats with? Isn't there enough drama here without having to go that route?

Just seems like a lot of aggravation and stress over a girl who lets face it, is not the highest quality woman you will run across. Has kids, sleeps with your friends, uses a guy to buy her gifts and doesn't think twice about it.

Basically, she is a loser. And you are degrading yourself by associating with her, let alone worrying about what she is doing with her many and various boy toys. You care about this girl, even if you don't want to admit it on this forum. It's not something to be ashamed of as we all have weaknesses. I just think its high time you see this woman for what she is. Trash.

Run away. Fast.