AFC buys my gf $450 necklace

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
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My Name is Nobody said:
Holy crap. I haven't even bought the girl I'm seeing a flower and it's been 2 months! She was b!tching about not getting flowers yet on the 4th date and I shrugged it off. I wonder what kind of AFC's she's been dating. She did buy me a shirt when she was out of town though, maybe I should get her something? I've decided I want to keep her around.

Plus I broke up with her before Valentines day and didn't get her a thing. Now she's back.

To buy or not to buy that is the question. Maybe some flowers wouldn't hurt this weekend it's been 2 months opinons?
girls like flowers, and flowers are ok.

but make sure that the reason you are buying her flowers is because you want to reward her, and not to trying and impress her :cool:


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Small thoughtful gifts are ok, in my opinion. Expensive is bad.

is this woman divorced or is she an unwed mother? And where's the baby's dad?

She's divorced. Baby Daddy is watching the baby tonight. He's a giant afc as well, asks her to marry him all the time.
Mar 12, 2007
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Crazy Asian said:
girls like flowers, and flowers are ok.

but make sure that the reason you are buying her flowers is because you want to reward her, and not to trying and impress her :cool:
Bible_Belt said:
Small thoughtful gifts are ok, in my opinion. Expensive is bad.

Now that I think about it, it took her 3 days to call me back this week, so maybe the flower idea is bad right now. Why should I reward that behavior?

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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Check this..Dude buys one of my plates a $14,000 engagement ring and asks her to marry him. Just found out. She expects him to buy her at least a $25,000 wedding ring. She's already showed him what she wanted.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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I can understand pointing out how ridiculous buying the gifts is. What I don't understand is the pleasure you're taking in someone else being used.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
me? I just take pleasure in winning. Also I take pleasure in no longer being that guy who tries to buy love. That used to be me.

I guess she said yes to the ring?


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
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How are you winning if she's still f*cking him? She's for everyone, not just you. Man, I wish LMS was here.

What would he say?

Oh YES!:
Hors love everyone and no one at the same time!
Sooooo... you're winning because you have her affection more so than the chump does? Regardless, he's still getting it. I mean if you're fine sharing her than it's all good. Oh, and wait till a higher bidder comes along. Have fun with that.

I'm sure you will since that's you're thing.


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
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Bible_Belt said:
Small thoughtful gifts are ok, in my opinion. Expensive is bad.

is this woman divorced or is she an unwed mother? And where's the baby's dad?

She's divorced. Baby Daddy is watching the baby tonight. He's a giant afc as well, asks her to marry him all the time.

Then you know this is a pattern, right? I wouldn't invest much in her unless you see a diamond in the rough ie that she just might turn her life around and make something of herself. And that's only if you are developing feelings for her. There's several indications of this. One of the biggest is that in your thread title you call her your "girlfriend" then in the first sentence of your OP you reduce her to just a "plate". It's almost as if you know that your feelings for her are getting stronger but you don't quite feel right about it. To be honest I think you DO have feelings for this girl, that's one of the reasons why you posted the thread in the first place. And I know that because 1.) you even admitted that her seeing that other guy tonight when you planned to take her out got you POd, and 2.) You've even given her some praise about being smart and attractive which is why I used the diamond in the rough metaphor.

You've got to figure out what you really want out of this relationship. Is it just the sex and spending some time together? Or do you have deeper feelings for her? Since she's got "King AFC" buying her stuff and her ex is also an AFC as far as you know, then she might really want that. And that would mean that she already knows what SHE wants and she's manipulating you for her own means. And yeah, you mentioned already that you know she's a manipulator.

The bottom line is, if you really do have feelings for her, are you hoping that she'll drop the AFCs for you and clean up her act? Because if she has a pattern of having AFCs in her life and getting gifts from them she might think she either sees some of it in you-and don't take it the wrong way, I'm saying it as an honest opinion to help you out- OR she could be looking for the right AFC to marry (or at least have an LTR with) and then dump you.

Figure out what your feelings for her really are and what you want out of this.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
How are you winning if she's still f*cking him?

I don't think he's getting laid, though. He can have all the non-sexual affection he wants. I think being ok with sharing a woman is part of plate-spinning. She shares me, so I can't complain about sharing her.

btw, she was my exclusive gf, then I started fvcking another girl. She was really mad, but got over it. Now she still calls me for sex.


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
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Bible_Belt said:
How are you winning if she's still f*cking him?

I don't think he's getting laid, though. He can have all the non-sexual affection he wants. I think being ok with sharing a woman is part of plate-spinning. She shares me, so I can't complain about sharing her.

btw, she was my exclusive gf, then I started fvcking another girl. She was really mad, but got over it. Now she still calls me for sex.
That almost answers my suspicions about your reasons for starting this thread in the first place.
Mar 12, 2007
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Bible_Belt said:
I think being ok with sharing a woman is part of plate-spinning.
This is where I'm not down with the plate spinning. If I'm seeing a girl that I like, I don't want her banging anyone else. And while we are all here trying to spin plates, aren't WE just another plate to them too? That doesn't resonate well with me.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
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Yeah there's something about establishing your masculine but letting one of your lionesses screw another male? Doesn't sit well with me. That's just me though.

Bible, the time she said she was in the hotel room with him...she screwed him. You REALLY believe her when she said that was the only time? She's a golddigger. A self actualized GOLDDIGGER. She takes. You really think she'd tell you the honest truth if you asked if she was screwing him more than once or twice?
Mar 12, 2007
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ThunderMaverick said:
Yeah there's something about establishing your masculine but letting one of your lionesses screw another male? Doesn't sit well with me. That's just me though.
And the thought of kissing her when she might have just sucked off her other boyfriend is DISGUSTING. Don't tell me they won't do it.. if they have approval to sleep around on us they will do anything and probably get an ego boost from it all.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Of course I am making some guesses about the truthfulness of what she says, but I have known her ten years; she's not a random new chick.

She called back tonight and said she couldn't come over. Then I talked to her for a while, and she invited me over just to see her new piercing, but reiterated that she was not coming home with me. After 20 minutes in my car in her driveway, she was asking me to take her back to my place. After I did, we fvcked like we always do, just like I said we would in this thread's original post. Then I took her home.

The point of this thread is that an AFC spent $1,000 on this girl today, yet I am the one who fvcked her. During sex, she wore the diamond necklace that he bought her tonight.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
I suppose you mean to imply it was because she was doing the afc? I don't take offense at the suggestion, maybe I am mellow from just getting laid, but I don't think she was. Her little brother was with her all night; I could hear him in the background when she called. She lives with him and her grandmother, where I just picked her up. This girl is in love with me, not the afc who dropped a grand on her tonight.

I like the necklace. It looks good on her, and I told her so. Now it will always make me think of tonight. afc guy explained that it was a three-diamond 'past, present, and future' necklace, each diamond symbolizing those stages of their relationship. I think she looks good in it naked. I am going to try not to break it during sex - she likes it rough :)


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
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Bible_Belt said:
afc guy explained that it was a three-diamond 'past, present, and future' necklace, each diamond symbolizing those stages of their relationship. I think she looks good in it naked.
Wow dude, does he know about you?

If so that is beyond AFC that is either retarded or psychotic.

p.s. good story, have fun with her by all means but do you mean to LTR her again? She seems like she is definitely using those poor guys, and while I will agree that all is fair, especially when you are a struggling single mother, karma is a *****.

I guess it's easier to sit her and judge her than be in her shoes, but damn. That's kinda wrong, Lol. You go girl.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
When she and I dumped our other plates for a while, I think she explained to him that she had to stop seeing him because she had feelings for another guy. Last week, I was dropping her off and talking to her in my car as he pulled up in his. Beyond that, I doubt he knows much. He certainly does not know about the sex she and I are having.

He should at least know that he is spending all of his money and not getting laid. He keeps telling her that he wants to marry her and have more kids. Maybe blowing all of your money on a chick is crazy, but I bet it happens a lot. I have seen a couple stories of strippers who "date" their customers while not at work. The date consists of the guy buying her stuff without getting any sex, just to talk to her. A couple of guys profiled dropped their life savings on strippers like that, ten and twenty grand over a year or two.
Last edited:
Mar 12, 2007
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Bible_Belt said:
When she and I dumped our other plates for a while, I think she explained to him that she had to stop seeing him because she had feelings for another guy. Last week, I was dropping her off and talking to her in my car as he pulled up in his. Beyond that, I doubt he knows much. He certainly does not know about the sex she and I are having.

He should at least know that he is spending all of his money and not getting laid. He keeps telling her that he wants to marry her and have more kids. Maybe blowing all of your money on a chick is crazy, but I bet it happens a lot. I have seen a couple stories of strippers who "date" their customers while not at work. The date consists of the guy buying her stuff without getting any sex, just to talk to her. A couple of guys profiled dropped their life savings on strippers like that, ten and twenty grand over a year or two.

He's gotta be getting something if he's spending all that money... BJ in the back room then you kiss her on the mouth?? Not saying it's true just sayin'...


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
ThunderMaverick said:
She's a golddigger. A self actualized GOLDDIGGER. She takes.
how can she be a gold digger when she comes from nothing, has nothing, and asks for nothing?
she isn't asking that guy to spend his money on her, and she isn't asking for anything... this chump is offering.
he is calling her up, asking her if he can take her to go shopping partly because he feels bad for her and her children, and partly because he would give his left nut to be around her.
she could say no, but getting some groceries and a new outfit for her kids, well it sounds like winning the lottery when you have nothing.
its like sitting at home eating oatmeal for every meal and then someone inviting you out to dinner for steak.
if she tells him he shouldn't spend his money on her, he tells her that he doesn't really need all of it and wants to share it with her.
so she isn't what you call a gold digger.
she is more of an "advantager" which is one that will accept something they need or take advantage of someone to get what they need.