Abundance is the most important factor


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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And what do you think determines your mental state? Is it not daily habits that improves your value? So doesn’t that make abundance a process and not a mere mindset that anyone can adopt? Can a lazy person have the same mentality as Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant? These guys take 1000 shots a day. They don’t wake up in the morning thinking about their mindsets. They put in work.

If it was as easy as adopting a mindset, everyone would do it. But it takes hard work. You need to take daily action to be on top of your game.

The daily grind of self improvement is the hardest thing in the world but it pays the biggest dividends. No lazy person can simply adopt an “abundance mentality” and somehow get laid with an abundance of women. It’s a pie in the sky promise.

Everyone wants to be the beast, but not everyone wants to do what the beast does on a daily basis.
Yes but the entire premise of this topic was built off the idea that abundance is simply a result of having options. I'm saying it's not.

I never said mental state has nothing to do with working towards actionable goals and having a purpose/path in life; the phrase "chase excellence, not women" is relevant here. I left that part out because everyone has a different way of achieving it and I kind of assumed people knew that already. I never meant to imply mindset is a simply "hack", as I've stated I think fake it till you make it is cancer, but, there is a degree of self-talk and perspective that goes into having the right mindset too. As I said, there's a lot of moving parts beyond just "having options".


Don Juan
Feb 13, 2023
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Yes but the entire premise of this topic was built off the idea that abundance is simply a result of having options. I'm saying it's not.

I never said mental state has nothing to do with working towards actionable goals and having a purpose/path in life; the phrase "chase excellence, not women" is relevant here. I left that part out because everyone has a different way of achieving it and I kind of assumed people knew that already. I never meant to imply mindset is a simply "hack", as I've stated I think fake it till you make it is cancer, but, there is a degree of self-talk and perspective that goes into having the right mindset too. As I said, there's a lot of moving parts beyond just "having options".
My argument has always been it starts with you. You have to be the man of your dreams before you can be the man of any woman’s dreams and have options. Perhaps we are all talking about the same things but it appears we are all talking in circles. lol.


Don Juan
Feb 13, 2023
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We are and I blame Amsterdam Assassin for it
While it may be tempting to blame others and criticize, I would advise taking the high road. At the end of the day, your character is your pot of gold. You don’t want to give away your gold to anyone.

Just think about it. If you react to posters in an online forum full of incells and keyboard jockeys, how can you be unreactive to Life?

Life is going to hit you 10 times harder. My humble advice is just to laugh and smile confidently when someone in this forum attacks you. It’s a habit one must cultivate - don’t take anything personally. And it will lead to a more high value character, which eventually leads to abundance.

We live in a world of the “crab” mentality where people will try to bring you down out of hate. By reacting to them, you get in the way of your own mentality, mindset, and abundance. In other words, you lower your own frequency and vibration. You always want to vibrate on the frequency of abundance of not giving a fvck.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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While it may be tempting to blame others and criticize, I would advise taking the high road. At the end of the day, your character is your pot of gold. You don’t want to give away your gold to anyone.

Just think about it. If you react to posters in an online forum full of incells and keyboard jockeys, how can you be unreactive to Life?

Life is going to hit you 10 times harder. My humble advice is just to laugh and smile confidently when someone in this forum attacks you. It’s a habit one must cultivate - don’t take anything personally. And it will lead to a more high value character, which eventually leads to abundance.

We live in a world of the “crab” mentality where people will try to bring you down out of hate. By reacting to them, you get in the way of your own mentality, mindset, and abundance. In other words, you lower your own frequency and vibration. You always want to vibrate on the frequency of abundance and not giving a fvck.
I was joking lol. I have respect for him as a poster, one of the few posters on this board that I really like. I don't think his comments were directed at me anyway but there are a couple posters who I've blocked after repeated toxicity.

Relevant quote:

"What does it matter what others think of you? Let them see you as they will; it is what you know to be true that matters. Their opinions do not add or take away from the man you are. The cause of their judgments is their own misery, not any defect in you." - Seneca


Don Juan
Feb 13, 2023
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I was joking lol. I have respect for him as a poster, one of the few posters on this board that I really like.
All good bro. I can tell you have a good head on your shoulders. We’re all here to inspire and uplift each other. Sometimes we get into semantics but I think the universal principles are always the same.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 23, 2023
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All good bro. I can tell you have a good head on your shoulders. We’re all here to inspire and uplift each other. Sometimes we get into semantics but I think the universal principles are always the same.
I would not say in anyway this board is about "inspiring and uplifting" from my viewpoint haha


Don Juan
Feb 13, 2023
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I would not say in anyway this board is about "inspiring and uplifting" from my viewpoint haha
Most guys are sexually frustrated these days. But that’s not a problem. How easy or hard it is to get laid fluctuates. The problem is the amount of male “victims”. The victim mentality is the real disease.

Women were programmed to be susceptible to domination. And men have succumbed to being a victim? lol. It makes no sense.

Case in point- men used to pillage and plunder and take everything after a war victory.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Most guys are sexually frustrated these days. But that’s not a problem. How easy or hard it is to get laid fluctuates. The problem is the amount of male “victims”. The victim mentality is the real disease.

Women were programmed to be susceptible to domination. And men have succumbed to being a victim? lol. It makes no sense.

Case in point- men used to pillage and plunder and take everything after a war victory.
Men are programmed to be inspired by women in order to be maximally productive. When that is removed, so is 1st world society before too long.

The current intergender situation is the real disease. The "victim mentality" is a mere symptom.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
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This is so damn true. Put that in the SoSuave Book of Gold. Thats really the only kind of woman worth having. The rest are too much work for minimal return.
Be very careful, every girl that has shown high IL to me right away has backfired. it shows addictive personality. You just cant trust em. Once the buzz has worn off, she’s off to the next buzz. We used to call them branch swingers in my day. But For the majority of stable girls, they have a natural barrier that only their ideal man can plow through. They have these (bitchy) walls to protect them to insure they have the most ideal man for the future ( and perhaps their lives). So you can see why they’re so picky and annoying


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Then why do athletes and celebrities like Will Smith or Tiger Woods get onetis for toxic women? There are literally millions of women who would marry them in a heartbeat and yet they get attached and ruined by women who run circles around them. As much as I want the simplest explaination to be the best...I think there's more to it being desired alone.
Abundance comes from a place of satisfaction. Just because someone is adored by millions doesn't mean they come at their fame from a healthy place of satisfaction, most of their drive comes from dissatisfaction. Another thing is that just because someone becomes a celebrity, their fame doesn't come with wisdom or good judgment.

Especially in emotional affairs, many celebrities act like children. Knowing that, how strange is it really that male celebrities get obsessed over women who are definitely not good for them? Even when they have similar backgrounds and are comparable in fame, like Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, you can see that Matt approaches relationships from a more mature perspective whereas Ben is much more immature and has volatile relationships with toxic women.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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If you actually have options, you would reject women for looking at you the wrong way. You have the imprint of high interest from hot women in your sub consciousness and your mind has internalized the proper principles and mindset of a man with abundance.
So, the proper principles and mindset of a man with abundance is to go for hot women with high interest. And how is that working out for you?
Your behavior is solely based on how much abundance you have. You put up with crap behavior or low interest because you have no options.

Abundance is not a mindset. Abundance comes from being highly effective with women. And being highly effective comes from having high value. And having high value comes from daily habits that increases your value.
So, when do you reach abundance? How many options do you need before you experience the satisfaction of having enough? And isn't it that satisfaction, the knowledge of having enough and not needing anything more, that gives you the actual abundance?


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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By 2006, Eminem was super famous, super wealthy, relatively young (33), and could have had his pick of the ladies. Yet he went back to the broad he had a miserable first marriage with.
And a child with. And Eminem loves his daughter. You may accuse him of having bad judgment, but just because someone gets fame and fortune doesn't mean they are or become smart. Most 'celebrities' have average intelligence and skills, but they have a talent for something, like creative rapping in Eminem's case. Does that make them smarter than average in relationships? Of course not.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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I’m a sales director and I can spend every meeting preaching mindsets. But none of that matters if the sales people aren’t learning something new everyday, improving daily upwards in skills, and having a strong daily self development routine.
It shows. You approach relationships from a business perspective. Quid pro quo. It works fine. I know, I've been like that for a while.

What do you think is more effective, telling a fat guy to improve his mindset or telling him to hit the gym?
Is that the only choice we have? Mindset or Action? Isn't that a rather simple approach?

Fat chicks can have standards too (and many do), but that doesn’t create abundance. Raising your personal value is what creates actual abundance.
Many people claim standards they don't adhere to, because they are rooted in low self-esteem plus entitlement. Those type of standards are different from actual standards, so just having standards doesn't create abundance. Self-esteem is rolled up into this. If you raise your personal value, you raise your self-esteem to form healthy standards that can be adhered to.

It’s 10,000 times harder to change a persons mind than to change their bodies or daily habits. And when you change your body and daily habits, the mind changes automatically. It’s called calibration.
You cannot do either. You cannot change another person's mind or their body. They have to desire changing either or it won't happen.
If people don't have the proper mindset to improve themselves, you cannot change them. So first you have to give them the mindset that with the proper effort they can experience improvement, or they won't even try to change their body.

SS and other forums are echo chambers where people hold tightly to their own often rigid beliefs and alternative ideas are not even considered.
That is exactly why these discussions come back again and again. If a person doesn't desire change, they won't get the mindset to put in the effort to change.

I appreciate your responses. I come from the zen tradition of being mindless. The equation with women is very simple. Increase your value = getting laid. You don’t have to waste a single brain cell. There are millions of people in therapy that never get anywhere.
I agree. If it's just getting sex, that's not too difficult to attain. Intimacy and relationships are way more difficult and do require a disciplined mind in order not to lose your control. With the lack of emotional self control in most people, it's easy to see why so many relationships fail.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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Most guys are sexually frustrated these days. But that’s not a problem. How easy or hard it is to get laid fluctuates. The problem is the amount of male “victims”. The victim mentality is the real disease.

Women were programmed to be susceptible to domination. And men have succumbed to being a victim? lol. It makes no sense.

Case in point- men used to pillage and plunder and take everything after a war victory.
Part of the reason for the difference of modern men vs historical men: The pillaging and plundering you mentioned (which, as you said, used to be the norm after a war victory), despite being praised historically (as it should; the winner is supposed to take the spoils of war), is viewed as evil/theft/a war crime today (all because losers of historical wars are butthurt...and for some strange reason, society has started pandering to/empowering losers)

In other words, winners still want to take everything after a war...but are prohibited from doing so anymore.

As for the difficulty vs ease of getting laid, it's going to fluctuate widely from man to man. George Costanza will never have the same options as Tom Brady, no matter how much game George Costanza develops.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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Be very careful, every girl that has shown high IL to me right away has backfired. it shows addictive personality. You just cant trust em. Once the buzz has worn off, she’s off to the next buzz. We used to call them branch swingers in my day. But For the majority of stable girls, they have a natural barrier that only their ideal man can plow through. They have these (bitchy) walls to protect them to insure they have the most ideal man for the future ( and perhaps their lives). So you can see why they’re so picky and annoying
Perhaps your explanation (addictive personality; quick to move on to the next buzz) would explain why the woman I had my last date with chatted with me nonstop for the next few days, only to end up hating me on day four.


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2020
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You're now a Jedi my friend!!! Even if you do not have a bunch of women at the moment one flakes on you eventually if you put yourself out there they will come, it's a numbers game but to have the numbers in your favor you have to put yourself out there and of course be your best self. It's all about mindset first, and it looks like you have that figured out.

Thirst makes men do some strange things, the thing is the thirstier you are the more desperate and simpish you act and it's a turn-off to women kind of like it's a turn of to men when a woman is to needy. Same energy

As I've got older I learned the secert to curbing this thirst is to be present and calm, and realize that you can't force it. The more I'm in my "Chill" (or as most people would call it stoic but I'm far from) the easier it gets

Let's be honest a lot of guys who say they are quitting dating weren't in the game to begin with. I have spoken to some incels myself a few years ago and they give up after 10 rejections, 10 rejections!!!! I use to get rejected 10-50 times a night back in the day when I was a "Game addict" but I'm talking about these guys got rejected 10 times in their live and now it's doom and gloom and we are talking about men in their early 20's working at chick fillet, living with their parents not going to school etc

Do not expect a woman to make you happy, it's better to be a man of joy and peace and have a woman enhance it, instead of relying on another person for complete emotional fulfillment

Also a lot of "MGTOWs" are one ******* away from going back to the plantation. In 2016/2017 I used to be friends with a latino guy who was a "Super MGTOW"(he even made youtube videos but didn't get a lot of views) the guy found out his baby momma was cheating on him and swore of women. He then went to the Philippines in 2017 (before Passport bros became a thing) smashed 10 women in a month, and met his now wife a doctor. The guy left MGTOW, deleted all his youtube videos and no one knows where the **** he's been since lmfaoooo
How do you put yourself out there? Where are the chicks? Should we go knocking door to door to find them? Drag them out of the house?


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2022
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How do you put yourself out there? Where are the chicks? Should we go knocking door to door to find them? Drag them out of the house?
I am intrigued to hear his answer to your question.

His comment that he used to get rejected 10-50 times per night suggests he's talking about night clubs (If so, I'd like to hear an alternative for those of us for whom night clubs aren't our cup of tea)


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2020
Reaction score
I am intrigued to hear his answer to your question.

His comment that he used to get rejected 10-50 times per night suggests he's talking about night clubs (If so, I'd like to hear an alternative for those of us for whom night clubs aren't our cup of tea)
I think I'd be ok to go to nightclubs tbh, feels like it's the only place left to meet women?
There's just no nightclubs in my small town, so I have to travel an hour to find one.