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*Rex Man slowly puts the razor down and cleans off his nose*
Greenlake, I gotta say it's good to see some more spunk comin outta this forum. I must say I like the diff. angles of approach you used. I had an approach myself last nite at the student center , it went a little like this......
#6 You Kidding Me?
(So me and my main wingman Zalos to the mutha fukkin Wilder are in the student center and decide to stop by McDonalds. In the Center, I see a cute girl on the phone eyeing me like a T-Bone dripping with A-1 so I muster out a weak "Hey" She smiles. I keep walking because shes on the phone. The Mcdonalds girl is slightly cuter and there's no line, and only 1 girl waiting so I get ready.)
RM: What's with that look?
Cuter Cashier: (Smile) What look?
RM: I'm gonna be your new coworker
CC: Really
RM: Yeah I wasn't looking foward to working here, but now that I've seen you I might be pulling for overtime.
CC: (Big smile) Shut up, Boy!
(I order my food, look to my left, and who do I see? The cellphone girl.....Agressive)
Agressive Girl: You get your food?
Agressive Girl's Friend: Yeah, Let's go.
AG: (Starts walking off with AGF, while looking back at me.) What you waiting for?
CC: I see you got a few friends.
(I look at the Cashier.)(I Look at the AG)(I look back at the CC)(Then I look back at the AG)
RM: Zal-
Zalos Wilder: Just Go
(Cacth up with AG and AGF)
RM: So uhhhmmmmm, yeah, you go here?
AG: I graduated, I'm just visiting my cousin (AGF)
RM: Ah i see so yo-
(two kids zoom acroos)
RM: Whoa! Are those yours??
AG: Yeah, but anyways what's your name?
RM: Um, (RM) (I'm standing there thinking
two kids?!?)
AGF: That's so cute!
But long you gonna be out here?
AG: Well when you ask me for my number you can call and we can talk about it.
(Zalo is walking up)
RM: Alright, that's cool. Soooo what's you number
(I get the number and we walk away from the girls)
ZW: Good work, Daddy!
RM: Just give me my damn food. Besides you shoulda talked to the other one.
Whatever, Pops.
Ok, Ok, I'll admit, I didn't quite EARN that one. BUT you can't argue with results.
Shoot 'er Down