As a single mother I feel it is my duty to respond to this nonsense. I will use myself and my own situation and circumstances to counter these sophomoric stereotypes.
How is it nonsense when guys are experiencing it?
I'm actually in better shape now then I was when I gave birth the first time. I have 4 children and actually weigh less now then I did when I got pregnant the first time. Yes, a woman's body does change a bit after giving birth, but so does a woman's body who has not given birth. Stretch marks exist on women who have not had children as well...and men get them too...gaining and losing weight causes them and it has nothing to do with pregnancy. All women's breasts lose their "perkiness" over time...again...nothing to do with's time and gravity. It can be avoided by working out and keeping your pecs toned. Guys that get man boobs after stopping working out can fix the problem by working out again. Women can improve their breasts in the same way.
Great your in shape, most chicks who have kids aren't. Actually they said "F@ck it and let themselves go because they feel comfortable." If chicks did get back into shape after the kid, you wouldn't hear guys complaining about her getting fat after the chick.
I've been a single mother since 1994. I've NEVER had to cancel my plans for lack of childcare. I have had to postpone plans due to being called in to work, though. Women without children have to postpone and cancel plans just as much due to work. So do men for that matter.
Again, this is reflecting reality and isn't pretinent to the arguement.
Never had this happen either. I have been interrupted by phone calls and knocks on the door, though. Women AND men without children also deal with those kinds of interruptions.
Again, this is reflecting reality and isn't pretinent to the arguement.
I've never allowed my ex husband or my 5 year old's father to interfere in my relationships. Again...this has never been an issue. I've dated men with psycho ex girlfriend's though. One of them actually was afraid to let his ex know he was involved with someone else because she would harass him even more. I've found that ex girlfriends are actually far worse than ex husbands or ex boyfriends when it comes to attempting to interfere in relationships their exes get involved with. So yet again...this is not an issue reserved exclusively for single mothers. Everyone can have this issue pop up.
I guess all those stories of "baby mama or baby daddy drama," are of based.
Now this one is just plain retarded and insulting. Sure...all single mothers troll the streeets looking for some strange, random guy to be a daddy to her kids. With all the perverts, pedophiles and psychos in this world, single mothers are more concerned with protecting their children from possible predators than finding someone to play daddy. Get a damn clue!
They do. They need help financially and emotionally with the kids. Women when they date guys are looking for potential husbands, babydaddy's or boyfriends. Guys are looking to smash.
This is in direct conflict with your last claim. If a single mother doesn't want to bring strange men around her kids then how on earth can she also be trying to make this same guy the new daddy?
It's not. She's trying to qualify "daddy canidates." After she gets comfortable with the dude, she'll start trying to ease the kids into the situation.
This is the only issue I won't argue with. It IS difficult on both men and women who get attached to the child of someone they have a relationship with. However, if the single parent is a good person they have the best interest of their child/children at heart. A good parent would not cut you out of the life of the children. I would never do that to any guy who got attached to my kids and who my kids got attached to.
Never had this happen either. I make it clear to my kids that they are to respect adults...and if I'm involved with a man they are to view him in the same regard as they would their aunts, uncles, grandparents, teachers or any other adult. I also explain to the man that there will be no arguing in front of the kids or allowing them to try to pit one against the other but that I will have final authority as they are my responsibility. That being said...I have never and will never allow my children to disrespect or mistreat any man I get involved with. Neither will I allow any man to disrespect or mistreat my children. That is how it should be and it works quite well.
Thank you for vaildating this point.
Erm...why are you not taking full responsibility for your own protection against unwanted pregnancy? It's quite simple to prevent, afterall. If you refuse to have sex without using a condom then the chance of an unwanted pregnancy is extremely low. Bottom line...if you don't want a child it is up to YOU to take the proper steps to ensure it doesn't happen. That means don't have sex at all. If having sex is not something you are willing to avoid then you assume certain risks. One of those risks is an unwanted pregnancy. There are things you can do to protect yourself against that risk and intelligent men use condoms. In the even that protection knew it could happen and are equally to blame and must be a man and take responsibility for the outcome. A lot of women view abortion as murder, like I do...and will not murder their own flesh and blood. That is a risk you take and you know that everytime you have sex...whether protected or not. Deal with it.
Again I thank you for validating my point. You've just told every guy in this room if you get knocked up your having the kid. I do take precautions and have the "if case of pregnancy what will you do?" talk. Even then due the capricous nature of chicks, if she changes her mind your f*cked and your you'll be extorted money for the next 18 yrs. Actions speak louder than words, the best indicator of what her course of action will be is "Lil Jimmy." By the way, way is that people who view abortion as murder and have problem with it are the same people that are having anal bukkai tapes? It abortion is that big of problem to you, it would seem that you wouldn't have pre-martial sex.
Sometimes that can be the case, but sometimes it's not. In my case, I was very young, was a virgin, didn't have any experience to speak of and married a man who was very good at hiding his true colors. The second I married him he began to change...and was very abusive. I take responsibility for the mistakes I made and have not ever repeated them. Some women get cheated on or left. In some cases a woman ends up a single mother because their partner died. Let us not forget that men also have the habit of getting involved with bad women just as frequently as women get involved with bad men. If that were not true there would be no need for sites such as this. You don't have to be a single mother or even a woman to be a bad judge of character. Each and every one of you on this site have been a bad judge of character at one time or another. Should all women steer clear of you because you have made mistakes or been fooled before?
MOST SINGLE MOTHERS ARE SINGLE MOTHERS BECAUSE 1) THEY CHOOSE TO BE!!! NOBODY IN AMERICA FOR THE PAST 34 YRS HAS HAD A BABY AGAINST HER WILL. 2) Unlike an idioit chick, sooner or later a man will realize that situation is hopeless and bounce. Unfortunately the onus is on the female, because she's let with the kid.
Again...this has never happened for me, either. If I take my children on a family outing I pay the cost, period. That is my responsibility as their parent. Not only do I not want some guy to pay for my children...I wouldn't allow them to do so even if they wanted to unless I was married to the guy. Since I have no interest in ever getting married again, this will never be an issue.