13 Reasons To Avoid Single Mothers


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2005
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Long Beach, CA

Case by case basis? That's like saying I shouldn't avoid speed addicts, because NOT ALL OF THEM are bad people - I should judge them on a case by case basis.

The fact that you were weak, stupid, or insane enough to become a speed addict in the first place shows me what you are. Similarly, the fact that you were weak, stupid, or insane enough to become a SM shows me what you are.

And for those who's husbands died in car crashes, or whatever the case may be (this amounts to roughly 0.02% of SMs) - TOO BAD. Life sucks. You got dealt a bad hand. Just like the kid who gets cancer at 15. You're now stuck with another man's kids, don't expect me to pick up the slack.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
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Loss Vaygus, NV
SoCalMike said:
Similarly, the fact that you were weak, stupid, or insane enough to become a SM shows me what you are.
You all seem to equate single mothers with the struggling, over-worked, underpaid, women living in a two room tenement, who can barely get by. Just another over-generalization that shows that you have'nt actually looked at the situation.

There are plenty of single mothers who are quite successful, happy, and in no way down on hard times. Relating them to speed addicts is really quite stupid, honestly.

If you all don't want to date single mothers, seriously, no one is faulting you for that, it's your choice and you have every right to exclude anyone you want to. But stop acting like you're trying to "inform" the public of the huge dangers of dating them, because you really just have no clue of what you're talking about, and you're feeding an assload of misinformation to people who doesn't know any better.

And no, it's not that I'm desperate, I'm just a sex addict, and will date anyone I find attractive, right out of highschool to 40yo, single moms to married moms, I don't care. I don't let made up excuses limit me. I'll judge every woman case by case.

Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
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New York
I didnt read everything but just keep in mind not every girl you meet has to be LTR. If i seen a girl who has a kid or kids it doesn't matter if I want to fuvk Ima fuvk simple as that, don't limit yourself. You don't even really need to do much with the kids just plow that nice MILF and go back to your business. Trust me there is this old guy in my building about 40 something fuvking the lady upstairs hb7 with 2 bratty kids and all he does is come hit it and leaves, he doesn't deal with none of her problems. Keep note this is the 2nd time he has cheated on his wife, by fuvking younger moms.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Something else I seem to notice as well.. with the society we live in (not necessarly bad), most women single women worth their salt, by age 30 will have a) a kid or more b) a divorce.. either or. hot women that are intelligent don't aren't too common.

put it this way.. the same arguement you make about single women is the only way to go, I can flip it on you and say, you have to ask yourself, being it a woman's maternal intstinct to play "house", why it is that at 30, this women is childless and without a man?

Unless a woman is studying to be a laywer or a doctor or something along thoose lines, there isn't too many good reasons why a woman (not a man) shouldn't be taken by the age of 30.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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A fate worse to a woman then not being married is being referred to as an "old maid". If she can't find a husband to get married too then the next best thing for her is getting knocked up.

Fyi, You really have to be careful if you are banging a woman in her mid to late 30's with no kids, because if an accident occurs and your condom breaks, she will not have an abortion (they can't risk having one since their biological clock is about to tick its final tick.)


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
You are right.. Hell not too long ago I got caught in a situtation where a 25 year old thought she got pregnant.. she intentinally poked a hole in the condom that she brought and just insisted we had to try these new condoms out... she wasn't pregnant thank god, but i Learned a valuble lesson.. use your own condoms god damnit.. and hide them.. hide them really really well

Let me give an analogy to the generalzation thing. What I do for a living (horse racing), generalizing can be the difference between you going home broke or going home with thousands of dollars. I dont' get the luxury that many of you have as being theorical scholars, I have to deal with generalzation to some extent on a daily basis, race after race.

Now, I am going to get a little technical, but this is the only way I can prove my point.

Now, just like real life, there are some generalzations that are tried and ture.. like, good horses win races, fast horses win races, the general public is the best handicapper, etc.

But one hurdle I distinctly remember having to overcome is the "layoff" generalzation. What i mean is, horses that haven't raced in over a month, coming back to race.

The general rule is, they aren't sharp enough to win, so don't bet. And I stuck by this rule for years. Until I got sick and tired of trying to take short cuts and tired of hroses I would have liked otherwise winning at juicy prices.

But when you break it down, there is so much more to it than just the horse coming off a layoff.

What if you have a horse, like, Saint Liam (who is retired now), that at the most, raced 5 times a year.. at the most. Because he only raced in the best races.

I have to ask this question to myself at least once a day.. is an unshapre Horse A better than a Sharp horse B? I am sure just becuase Michael Jordan hasn't played basketball in a couple of years, you wouldnt bet against him beating say.. Kareem Rush, one on one.. you'd be a fool. yet it happens every day in horse racing.

IN regards to single women, it's like this. What are the circumstances with her having a child? What are the circumstances with her being divorced? Just becuase someoen got married at 23 and divorced at 27 doesn't mean they are bad people. Doesn't even mean they made a mistake?

Generalzations.. what if her husband died? Is she still damaged goods? What if she caught him stealing money from their bank account to go to strip clubs every week, putting the childs college tution in turmill, not to mention their marriage.

What if she adapated a kid out of the good ness of her heart? Still damanged goods?

Like i said, generalzations will get you nowhere in life but where you are

So Many Ways

Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
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No serious relationships with single mothers for me, no way. I don't even like kids nor do I want kids of my own. I certainly don't want to raise someone else's kids. No way.

If it's an FB or an ONS type situation, I'd do it but I would not consider a serious long term relationship with a single mother.


Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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Carriere, MS
It's All About the Man!

What can I say......? It takes two to tango!

Of course your response is soley from the man's point of view! I am a married woman with two children.

Women, today, need to quit and go back to chastity! If all the women decided to quit having premarital sex, then men would have no choice but to get married and "do the right thing!" It is so sad that women today put their morals and ethics on the line for their own self-gratification. The saddest part is that they put their children in the middle (men and women). What kind of role models do we have today? Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes - pregnant? What kind of message are we sending out to the world?

Yes.... Women will trap you, today. Protect yourselves, guys! If you find a woman that has good morals and ethics, treasure her. Marry her and stay with her for the rest of your life. She will never make you regret it.


Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
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Villa Regis
I was surprised by the amount of duiscussion this particular thread sparked up. So I thought I'd bring it backl.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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I was just reflecting how nice it is around here without WyldNutz running amok.

Tell her a little about yourself, but not too much. Maintain some mystery. Give her something to think about and wonder about when she's at home.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2007
Reaction score
I posted a thread about gaming a couple of single moms recently. The only reason i would avoid them is because they throw my game off. I have this tendency to look at them not as sexy but as women in trouble and needing a gentleman.

That is the only obstacle. Single moms tend to make me want to be captain save-a-hoe. Otherwise, if they're sexy why the heck not?

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
15 Reasons To Avoid Single Mothers

15) Baby Damage

Child birth has a traumatic effect on the female form. Pregnancy leaves stretch marks, saggy breasts, and c-section scars. I've also heard that the nookie is even stretch out and it isn't the same anymore. Then there's the weight gain. Some chicks NEVER LOSE IT, or they never get their former hot shape back.

14) Babies Interrupt Nutbusting

I've had this happen to me. I was banging a chick and her kid interrupted my sex. Needless to say I was pissed. If some kid is going to interrupt the meanest head you've ever gotten, that kid should have your last name.

13) Scheduling and Logistical Problems

Chicks will use this as an excuse to get out of date with you or they may legitimately can't find a baby sitter. Either case it isn't your problem. By avoiding single mothers you effectively eliminate to excuse from ever being used.

12) Is He The One?

This is only a problem if your trying to pursue something other than a booty call. Wanting to spend time with you, but not wanting to bring strange men around her kids, you find yourself only seeing this chick after 10 or 11PM. You want to move forward, but she has to make sure your the "one." This could take months. It's bad enough these chicks are "interviewing," you to be a potential boyfriend, but these chicks are now gauging your parenting and fathering skills? AH, HELL NAW!!! F*CK YOU AND THAT!!! I suggest dealing only with chicks that are readily available to hang out.

11) Rent-A-Daddy

Realizing her mistake, realizing that kids (especially boys need fathers,) The chick gets desperate. Any and every guy has the potential to be "daddy."

10) Double Your Heart Break

Your with the chick then everything falls apart. You not only do you have to deal with losing the chick, but you've formed a bond with lil' Jimmy. You and Jimmy play HALO together, watch the A's toss the ball around, go to the zoo, and things dads do with sons or daughters. On top of maybe missing the chick, you miss the kid. The cold part about it is, you may miss the kid more than you the chick.

9) Unnecessary Expenditures

Contrary to that sh*t women spew about "not needing a man to spend money or take care of their kids," guess what's going to happen if relationship moves forward,YOUR GOING TO BE SPENDING YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY ON HER KID!!! Your six months to a year or year an half into a relationship with this chick. You mean to tell me NOT EVEN ONCE, your going pay this kid a video game, this month's issue of Batman, a cake for her birthday, some school clothes, or a Christmas present? Or course you will, especially if they father isn't around. Also early in the relationship, if your feeling the chick, if she can't get a sitter, either you or she will suggest bring the kid along. Suddenly those romantic evening you had planned for that fly little lounge get tossed for family outings at Chuck E. Cheese.

8) You Know What She Going To If She Gets Pregnant

There's a school of thought that says single mothers are easy to f*ck. The irony is that the same chicks that believe in premartial sex, when they get pregnant, suddenly have an epiphany, find Jesus, and won't have an abortion. Knowing this fact, do you really want to be this father of this woman's child?

7) Decision Making and Judgment Skills Are On Display

This chick got knocked up by somebody that she was "supposedly in love with." Not only is she a bad judge of character, she's GROSSLY irresponsible. The same guy that's an inattentive, insensate, abusive a$$hole now, is the same guy she thought the world of and had unprotected sex with.

6) You'll Never Be#1

When your trying to build a relationship with somebody, you should be the focus of the woman's life. It should be about you and her. If she has a kid, you'll NEVER BE #1!!! That's not a bad thing either, but it's something I don't want to deal with. Neither should you.

5) Resentful Little Bastards

I recently experienced this. Though it happen to me personally. This chick I'm messing with, her best friend is involved with a co-worker. Thing is baby girl just broke with her "baby's daddy," for good after eight tumultuous years.
The daughter though a bright and sweet little girl, is a f*cking brat. Even though her parents had a f*cked up relationship, (due to her father and his issues,) it was all she knew. Due to her age, (the little girl is eight,) all she want is her mom and dad to be together. Being upset, jealous, resentful, and wanting a return to normalcy, the little girl told her grandmother, (my bed buddy's friend's mother,) that her mom loved her new boyfriend more than her.

If your dealing with a single mother, not only do you have to win over the chick, you have to win over the kid(s), something that may or may not ever happen. When your dealing with a chick, you shouldn't have to worry about a third party trying to sabotage your relationship.

4) Reduction In The Number Of Children You Want To Have

We all have an idea of the number of kids we want to eventually have. If you get involved with a woman with children, you can significantly reduce the number of children that you planned on having. If a chick already has 1,2,3,4 kids, how many more do you expect her to have? Or what if she's one of those woman that have problem pregnancies and getting pregnancy effects her health or puts her life in jeopardy? Adoption is cool and I'm a big proponent of it, but there's something about having your on kid.

3) Your Not My Dad

You hook up with the chick. Eventually the issue of discipline is going to come up. Some kids being resentful or just being a bratty prick is going to eventually pull the "YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!! YOUR NOT MY DAD!!!" card. Personally, if I did date single mothers and some dumba$$ kid pulled that stunt on me, I would say, "Your right. I'm not your father. Since I have no authority over you and you refuse to listen to me, you need to pack your sh*t and go live with your dad." This would be a deal breaker for me. In addition some chicks or the dad would have problem with you disciplining their kid. I'm sorry, if some kid broke one of my G.I. Joes, I'm whooping his a$$.

2) Baby's Daddy

When your dealing with a chick and your getting know her, you shouldn't have to deal with kid's father. Some guys can't get over the fact that their ex has moved on. Before he was an inattentive jerk and didn't give a jolly goddamn about her. Now that you've entered into the picture, the dude wants to be the ideal boyfriend and a "father of the year," nominee." The guy stars stalking her and wants to fight you. Even if the chick and guy are on good terms, the guy feels as if he can always smash. He knows her. He knows what she wants to hear and what makes her happy. The next thing you know, your having this conversation. "I've decided to try and make it work with Jimmy's dad." Best way to avoid the situation is to avoid single moms.

1) Tag, Your It!!!!

This should be the BIGGEST deterrent to EVER dealing with a single mother. In some jurisdictions, I think California is one of them, if you start dealing with a chick with kids, move in with her and things go south. THE CHICK CAN SUE YOU FOR CHILD SUPPORT!!!! She can claim that the her and child have "become accustomed to you supporting the child." YOU COULD END UP POSSIBLY PAYING CHILD SUPPORT FOR A KID THAT ISN'T EVEN YOURS!!!! Imagine being extorted money because you were doing what you thought was the "right thing." The state doesn't give a rat's a$$ about the relationship being over or you being a "good guy." They just don't want the chick on welfare. So as far as your concerned, "TAG, YOUR IT!!!"

The only reason why one should EVEN CONSIDER single mom, it's because it's FOR SURE A$$ and she's the one doing the pursing. She's being the aggressor, she asked for the number, she's calling, she's setting up the date. Even then, she's just there until something better comes along. Instead of putting all the time and effort into M.I.L.F.s That effort would be better spent on G.I.L.F.s


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
lol there are so many desperate men around now willing to settle for any women that women with kids have no problem finding simps to marry them and take care of them and the other dudes kids...


Master Don Juan
Oct 15, 2009
Reaction score
Yea.. My older bro married a single mother. He was childless too.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
I don't see the harm in using single moms as pump and dumps if they're hot.

Maximus Rex said:
13)Tag, Your It!!!!This should be the BIGGEST deterrent to EVER dealing with a single mother. In some jurisdictions, I think California is one of them, if you start dealing with a chick with kids, move in with her and things go south. THE CHICK CAN SUE YOU FOR CHILD SUPPORT!!!! She can claim that the her and child have "become a customed to you supporting the child." YOU COULD END UP POSSIBILY PAYING CHILD SUPPORT FOR A KID THAT ISN'T EVEN YOURS!!!!
100% false. This will not happen to you in California or, I would wager, anywhere else in the US.

At this point you probably have a woman (or multiple women) chasing you around, calling you all the time, wanting to be with you. So let's talk about how to KEEP a woman interested in you once you have her. This is BIG! There is nothing worse than getting dumped by a woman that you really, really like.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
