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  1. K

    Newly single target

    Hey guys, quick break down. Met girl at my bbq, she put her number in my phone. waited several days started texting, her responses were almost 8 hours long to reply but all seemed very intrigued, asking me lots of questions, laughing, etc. Then I text her answering about 3 questions she...
  2. K

    Cougar Advice

    lol dont want to run for my life, so maybe best for her to be seperated or have her own place before i make a move?
  3. K

    Cougar Advice

    Any advice?
  4. K

    Cougar Advice

    so met this older women at the bar friend and I were in the middle of 4 seats and she asked us to move down nicely so she could sit next to her friend. I said how about you sit in the middle. and she complied. Fast forward to great conversation, she is talking to me super close...
  5. K


    Met her at the fair today, she was with her ex boyfriend. Going to try and and do her once or twice more but basically putting no effort into her.
  6. K


    alright, so I know your first instinct is to say spin more plates. I agree, should have from the start. Situation: Met girl from co worker, got number. Texted multiple times. After texting girl she said lets hang out, picked her up and took her to bar and had drinks made out. Begged me to...
  7. K

    Need advice about girl

    Thanks guys, keep it coming. Sounds like no contact for at least a week until she talks to me?
  8. K

    Need advice about girl

    So met this new girl a few weeks ago. Friend of a friend. Got her number that night I met her. Texted her every now and then....Week and half ago, we met up went out to a bar and made out. Then took her on a date this past Wednesday and it went amazing lasted 6 hours and we made out in the...
  9. K

    Random Hot Girl Question

    No didnt say I will not fall for her to quickly. I basically said she is a number and that I dont fall for girls quickly. We hung out last on Sunday and watched tv and just really hung out sober.
  10. K

    Random Hot Girl Question

    Best move next? I have been texting her more then she has been me. Lay off for a bit? Wait for her to come back? Want to win this girl over, but Ive been with so many crazy girls recently I'm trying not to fall for this girl to quickly. I told her that. She doesn't have many friends and I go out...
  11. K

    Random Hot Girl Question

    Ok, so me this girl 2 weeks ago on boat from a coworker. Got her number....been texting and stuff. the following Friday picked her up from her apt, took her out to a bar, had fun, went to the parking lot to leave and we made out...took her back to her apt, in the parking lot made out some more...
  12. K

    Sticky situation

    Ok met this new girl at work, she told me from the start she was into me. Took her out 4 times, she told me she wants to take it super slow, which Im cool with. All 4 times great interactions, she tells me week 3 she isnt ready to date anyone. Week 3, I meet another new girl briefly for like...
  13. K

    Interesting situation - need advice!

    Hey, Ok so met this girl at work, things clicked from the start. We got along super great and went on 8 dates within 2 weeks with her each lasting 3+ hours each time. We clicked super well and she told me she liked me, on the last date I took her to a wedding. So here is the kicker her last...
  14. K

    Cougar Help

    Ok an update. Basically fast forward to this past saturday the day of her party, she returns to normal. She is making fun of me for being young and being real nice to me. I'm the second to the last at her party, things go good from the start, throughout the whole night things went decent...
  15. K

    Cougar Help

    Things today got better between us, we laughed and joked a bit. I'm still keeping my distance, but there is a holiday party at her house this weekend. And I'm still debating on whether or not I'm going to go. A lot of my co-workers will be there we are all young under 30 and if I don't go I know...
  16. K

    Cougar Help

    Ok, so this Cougar started at work in early October, she is 38 I am 26. From the get to we got along great, very flirty. This girl is fine, only been married once, no kids, new to the state just moved here 6 months ago. So we have been really flirty and have been hanging out after work for happy...
  17. K

    Hired gun for game

    Hiring a hot girl to impress you guy friends? but why?
  18. K

    Rhe Universal Opener !!! At Last !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    No idea what the hell you just said.
  19. K

    FACEBOOK Attention Grabber

    Why not just PM her with something like "hey, are you the same (insert name here) that I knew when I was a kid."
  20. K

    Gamed Girl upstairs. How did I do?

    Whats the best way to do this?