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  1. K

    Gamed Girl upstairs. How did I do?

    Hey all, So there is this girl that works upstairs at a company near mine. Not the same company so don't start with the never date women you work with. Cuz we dont work together. I've seen her few times a month and thought she was cute, she smiled at me and I've said Hi a few times to her. No...
  2. K

    What's the right move?

    Let her make the moves, just keep being a smooth casanova, dont put valentines day on a pedestal unless your in love with her.
  3. K

    Girl that works near me

    Right on, appreciate the advice, any other posters have trouble with my situation?
  4. K

    Girl that works near me

    There is this girl that works upstairs at another company from mine. She often cuts through mine to get to her work and has smiled at me on many occasions, Ive usually been to busy with customers as I'm in sales. I've said hi to her a few times as she was leaving but nothing much, because Ive...
  5. K

    How to Score with Middle-Aged Women?

    me to teehee
  6. K

    My Gym Bunny - Why Do Women Do This?

    Why not talk to her and CONFIRM 100% she is married. Maybe she is a single SLUTE looking to get fooked. You're assuming things at this point based on hearsay.
  7. K

    Nearing 30 and still live at home

    People put to much emphasis on living at home like its a bad thing. I've had nothing but bad experiences in apartments, 60 year old ladies calling the cops on me when I have a few people over. Your reason for living at home is an honorable thing, your a family man, what girl wouldn't like a man...
  8. K

    I have the ability to be really attractive...but need help. (pic inside)

    Opener to be used at the club/day game : DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORDS THAT ARE COMIN OUT OF MY MOUF!
  9. K

    How do I ask this chick out at work?

    So wtf happened?
  10. K

    How do I ask this chick out at work?

    So whats the status? Did u project yourself as a weak male and give her a note? what is the rush here? take your time and build RAPPORT this isnt some random girl at the bar you will see once, you work with her, you have plenty of time.
  11. K

    How do I ask this chick out at work?

    How old are you? Notes are for middle schoolers. First of all, you dont need to rush to ask her out, if this is at work you can use slow game. You will see her multiple times. Start talking to her and building some rapport, instead of asking her out on a date, start by getting to know her. Read...