Nearing 30 and still live at home


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
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People put to much emphasis on living at home like its a bad thing. I've had nothing but bad experiences in apartments, 60 year old ladies calling the cops on me when I have a few people over. Your reason for living at home is an honorable thing, your a family man, what girl wouldn't like a man that supports his family. My sister lived at home til 28 and paid no rent, then dropped a large sum of money for a downpayment on a house. The way I look at it is this, your only a loser if you live at home and leech off your parents. But for real start looking into a high paying job, or something better pay then what you do now. Our generation has so many more options with online school/night/weekend college that you can work full time and work towards your degree. Best of luck.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 10, 2009
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Kailex said:
It's not just a "Mexican" thing... I've seen it throughout many areas of the Hispanic community. I'm Hispanic myself, and guess what, I moved out on my own at the tender age of 17. I have a friend who is 30 and has NEVER moved out.

But he holds his condition as a reason to hold him back from dating.

It's not about what you are doing that matters sometimes, it's about what you are trying to do to improve the situation that can make the difference.
You have options. People have posted options. Use them. Better yourself, adopt an incredibly positive attitude. You are on the right track.

Okay, this I need to work on. I really need to get back on track in terms of my career goals.

jester1x said:
Dude, get your life on track first then cash in your "CSO." A college degree is like an insurance policy for your own life and welfare.

You can apply for and get turned down from higher class of employment. :) Without a degree, don't even bother approaching the building. You literally wouldn't make it past the front door for any real career type of employment.

Wanting your kids to move out at 18 seems to be unique to American culture. My Mom isn't from this country (from Japan) and I never felt pressured to move out at any particular age.

I finally moved out (out of the state too) at age 29 with a college degree. I went to four different schools and it took eleven years total. My Dad passed away during that time as well. Take classes part time...then get a loan later on so you don't have to work. Get school out of the way first then get on with your life if that is your true goal.

There is no need to make any excuses for your living situation to anyone. If you were 37 and in this situation then I would be worried. Your Mom should be moving in with you at that point.

Your story sounds similar to mine, even if only superficially, only I'm nowhere near a college degree. This will be my most pressing goal once again.

KillShot said:
People put to much emphasis on living at home like its a bad thing. I've had nothing but bad experiences in apartments, 60 year old ladies calling the cops on me when I have a few people over. Your reason for living at home is an honorable thing, your a family man, what girl wouldn't like a man that supports his family. My sister lived at home til 28 and paid no rent, then dropped a large sum of money for a downpayment on a house. The way I look at it is this, your only a loser if you live at home and leech off your parents. But for real start looking into a high paying job, or something better pay then what you do now. Our generation has so many more options with online school/night/weekend college that you can work full time and work towards your degree. Best of luck.
Yeah, I have friends who live on their own who have had some bad experiences on their own (particularly with apartment complexes). I will need to start saving up some cash as often as I can do so.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
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Regardless of your race, your still a fvcking MAN, and MEN should not be living off their parents. MEN should be out of their moms basement and out making a living for themselves. Take out a loan, go back to school or college, graduate, and find a decent job.