How do I ask this chick out at work?


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
I work at a retail store, and there is this chick that I think she is really cute. Whenever I'm talking to her I'm kinda nervous and shy.

I was wondering what is the best way to approach her and ask her out? I dont know if she has a boyfriend or not. Would it be good to ask someone who knows her better at work to find out if shes single or not? Or would that be a bad idea because they would inform her that I'm interested in her?

If Im not able to talk to her because not enough privacy is it ok to write her a note with my number on it and give it to her?


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
Also I get nervous alot when I get into a girl I like and wanna ask out. I mean I dont each as much and lose a few pounds because Im nervous. The doc gave me some Xanax last year should I try taking one before work?


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
I didnt get a chance to ask her out today? I only talked to her briefly and that was when she asked how my xmas was. Store was busy and lots of people around so I didnt get a chance to.

Hopefully she works tommorow. If I decide to write a note what should I say on it?


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
How old are you? Notes are for middle schoolers. First of all, you dont need to rush to ask her out, if this is at work you can use slow game. You will see her multiple times. Start talking to her and building some rapport, instead of asking her out on a date, start by getting to know her. Read magic bullets on social circle game, it recommends that you take her out with work friends in a group setting. For example, go out to lunch or on a break with her and a few mutual friend co-workers. Don't ever goto the note route, that shows weak game.


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
KillShot said:
How old are you? Notes are for middle schoolers. First of all, you dont need to rush to ask her out, if this is at work you can use slow game. You will see her multiple times. Start talking to her and building some rapport, instead of asking her out on a date, start by getting to know her. Read magic bullets on social circle game, it recommends that you take her out with work friends in a group setting. For example, go out to lunch or on a break with her and a few mutual friend co-workers. Don't ever goto the note route, that shows weak game.
Its almost impossible to get the same meal time, and only 1/2 hour meals.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
I'd like to take up your case free of charge!

Onegoal said:
I work at a retail store, and there is this chick that I think she is really cute. Whenever I'm talking to her I'm kinda nervous and shy.

Dammit, you're losing your value by doing this. Work on your self confidence and just play it as if you have a lot of options already.

I was wondering what is the best way to approach her and ask her out?

Make like Nike and just do it! The more you contemplate, the more likely she'll reject you. She will take a man who got balls over a shapeless blob of insecurity.

I don't know if she has a boyfriend or not.

If she's attracted to or at least interested in you, she won't bring up the boyfriend (real or fake).

Would it be good to ask someone who knows her better at work to find out if shes single or not?

FUCK NO!!! That displays that you have no balls and the guys you ask could say anything, from false hope to things that can poison you, draining your self-esteem's hit points little by little.

Or would that be a bad idea because they would inform her that I'm interested in her?

See above and add this to your list of possible reasons.

If I'm not able to talk to her because not enough privacy is it ok to write her a note with my number on it and give it to her?

God dammit! Passing notes is so middle/ elementary school. Are you a boy or a man? This sounds like stalker behavior.
Read betwe- Case closed.

women haze

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
This is not gonna end well.....:nono:


Senior Don Juan
Jun 28, 2008
Reaction score
actually i knew a girl who fell pretty hard for this stammering idiot who cold approached her asked for her number and nearly tripped over himself walking away

Some girls like to take a shy stuttering guy and mold him into a man wh)re


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
Well I asked someone at my work whos friends with her if she has a boyfriend and she told me she is seeing someone. I told my coworker I thought she was cute, and why I wanted to ask her out. Do you think she will go and tell her now? I mean not a big deal.

Also even though i know she has a boyfriend, should I maybe try and hit on her a little, or flirt or ask her out later? I mean she would then at least know my intentions for future reference.

Erik V

Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
Onegoal, the bigger problem here is that shyness. Let's forget the girl for a while. Do exercises, eat healthy food, go jogging, read the DJ Bible, and talk to women in the street. When you have said hi to thirty women you have never met before, that shyness will be pretty much gone. Then you can ask the girl at work, if you still want to - maybe you will have hooked up with some other gal in the meantime. The best way is to just ask if she wants to have a cup of coffee somewhere after work is over - don't say that it is a date. That is what I have done. (Didn't work with that particular girl, but hey, you have to try many times before you strike gold.)

The Don Juan Bible - learn it, live it, love it:


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
So whats the status? Did u project yourself as a weak male and give her a note? what is the rush here? take your time and build RAPPORT this isnt some random girl at the bar you will see once, you work with her, you have plenty of time.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
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Los Angeles
K2000kidd said:
actually i knew a girl who fell pretty hard for this stammering idiot who cold approached her asked for her number and nearly tripped over himself walking away

Some girls like to take a shy stuttering guy and mold him into a man wh)re

In the movies they do! In real life, well, usually those girls are more of the type who has a lot of masculine/domineering energy, and preys on weaker, submissive males. Not judging, just reporting.

That "stammering idiot" tripped, so what? Have you ever tripped before? He had the balls to approach cold, and knew what do do, game wise. Believe me, it wasn't all because he tripped that she fell for him. That's a big difference from being a "shy creepy fvck" as Player Supreme calls them.