Gamed Girl upstairs. How did I do?


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
Hey all,

So there is this girl that works upstairs at a company near mine. Not the same company so don't start with the never date women you work with. Cuz we dont work together. I've seen her few times a month and thought she was cute, she smiled at me and I've said Hi a few times to her. No real conversation because I've always been busy with clients.

Anyways, a few days ago, I went up to her work not only to game her, but I did need something that her company was selling. We sat face to face across one another at a table discussing what I wanted to purchase. We talked about a lot of personal stuff, non business related. I feel the convo would of gone on for hours had I not been c0ck blocked by her business phone ringing.

She was closing her shop, but stayed for a long time to talk to me. I feel I did well, we are the same age, had the same car, and even went to the same college unknown to either of us. I didn't see any IOIs (ie. hair touching, etc) Again I wasn't really looking that hard. but she seemed interested. I thought she was shy, but she was real high energy, not super high but like I said from my impressions of passing her.

Now my question is, How do you determine whether a girl who is kind of high energy if she is interested or not? I mean is she acting this way towards everyone!? or not thats what I'm having a hard time figuring out. I've always been able to tell with girls who arent so out going. But I'm having a difficult time figuring this thing out.

One thing I did notice is she did hold strong eye contact, and I tended to look away at times. Now I'm having a hard time determining if that is interest level or if she is just in her sales/manager mode and does this with every guy.

I will have the time to talk to her in the next few days, because I need to pick up my order. So do I go for the number close when I see her next and just say fck it and see where it goes? Need some advice, Im ok at speaking to women just TERRIBLE at building ATTRACTION.

Need some pointers!!



Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
KillShot said:
Hey all,

So there is this girl that works upstairs at a company near mine. Not the same company so don't start with the never date women you work with. Cuz we dont work together. I've seen her few times a month and thought she was cute, she smiled at me and I've said Hi a few times to her. No real conversation because I've always been busy with clients.

Anyways, a few days ago, I went up to her work not only to game her, but I did need something that her company was selling. We sat face to face across one another at a table discussing what I wanted to purchase. We talked about a lot of personal stuff, non business related. I feel the convo would of gone on for hours had I not been c0ck blocked by her business phone ringing.

She was closing her shop, but stayed for a long time to talk to me. I feel I did well, we are the same age, had the same car, and even went to the same college unknown to either of us. I didn't see any IOIs (ie. hair touching, etc) Again I wasn't really looking that hard. but she seemed interested. I thought she was shy, but she was real high energy, not super high but like I said from my impressions of passing her.

Now my question is, How do you determine whether a girl who is kind of high energy if she is interested or not? I mean is she acting this way towards everyone!? or not thats what I'm having a hard time figuring out. I've always been able to tell with girls who arent so out going. But I'm having a difficult time figuring this thing out.

One thing I did notice is she did hold strong eye contact, and I tended to look away at times. Now I'm having a hard time determining if that is interest level or if she is just in her sales/manager mode and does this with every guy.

I will have the time to talk to her in the next few days, because I need to pick up my order. So do I go for the number close when I see her next and just say fck it and see where it goes? Need some advice, Im ok at speaking to women just TERRIBLE at building ATTRACTION.

Need some pointers!!

The part in bold - Here's the answer:


That's how you find out if she's interested, instead of over-analyzing and wondering about IOI's and waste hers and your time with "chat" for hours, during business hours, no less.

You should have number closed right there.

Since you have to see her in a few days, just ask her out then.
That way, you won't have any doubts as to what her interest level is.

If she says yes, she might be interested. If she says no, then she's definitely not interested.


Don Juan
Dec 29, 2009
Reaction score
Okay, Killshot. Lets get you ready.

Your first mistake was imagining the scenario and playing it out through your head. Don't think I don't know that you have already done it. No doubt in some of these imaginary scenarios she turned you down, in some she might say yes but what you should do is stop with the thinking, or more precisely, OVER-thinking of the situation, listen up.

The act of asking her out happens once and thinking negatively about it is only going to have one effect on the outcome - a negative one. So from your OP she seems to have some interest but the only way you will KNOW is if you ask.

You march youself in there, you push the whole idea of asking her out aside and you be natural with her, the way you were before the notion of asking her out entered your head. When you DO ask her out it should be as your leaving, like, "Well its been fun, oh! what are you doing on <pick a day>?"

Her: nothing

You: There's something I like about you, I want to do something with you...(and offer her a suggestion)

She says yes or no. If its a no then WALK THE F/UCK AWAY. There is no shame in being rejected, man, however there is shame in trying to MAKE her want to be with you.

If its a yes then great, have a rocking time together, make sure that your time together is spent DOING something. the cinema etc is great for a second date and you shouldn't be spending loads on a first date. Your initial date should be one where you are doing something. For me I always invite a girl around to mine in the daytime to help me cook something and watch a movie. You see, we are doing something and it offers the opportunity for plenty of touching and hell, if you mess up dinner its BOTH your fault and the pressure is on nobody (this has happened to me lol)

If its a no YOU friend-zone HER, and that means treating her the same as you would treat any other friend, be polite when you speak to her afterwards but don't funnel all your energy into a girl who said no. Just because you are not in the position to f/uck her doesn not mean you aren't in the position to f/uck her female friends. She can be another notch in your social belt lol

Don't over think it and don't let it damage your calm. Asking a girl out is natural and healthy, it isn't illegal and it only hurts for a short period if you let it hurt you at all.