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  1. Y

    Any Creative ideas?

    only problem is that I have no idea which house she lives in...
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    I tried a thing!

    You did fine dude. The goal is to just keep practicing talking to girls
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    Any Creative ideas?

    So a hot 16 year old just moved in on my block. (I'm 17). There was a Halloween party on my block that I didn't go to because I had to be at school for something. Now, do you have any clever suggestions as far as introducing myself?
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    This is so Illogical

    The ROOT of the problem is what? I think it's that we spent so much time together and I'm confusing sexual attraction with emotional investment. Whenever i think about her, all i can remember is the sex, no conversations, no funny moments etc. I just miss the feelings associated with the sex...
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    This is so Illogical

    I broke up with my gf a few moths ago. we were sleeping with each other weekly and had been going out for 6 months. Thinking back on it, she made me feel like hell because she didn't find me funny and was constantly barking commands at me. I have no idea why i went out with her for so long...
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    Moving too fast?

    we've only been officially dating for a week, but we've been flirting and kinoing for months, and i have kissed her before
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    Moving too fast

    ok thanks for the replies. I'll just talk to her about it
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    Moving too fast

    I have an idea... What if i make plans to go have dinner at her place and meet her parents? also, we've only been officially dating for a week, but there has be some serious flirting/ sexual tension for a few months, so its not like we're strangers.
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    Moving too fast

    ok so today i made out with my girlfriend of one week for the first time, everything was going well, but i couldn't help myself from trying to get into her pants. she stopped me, and i tried again a few times. i should have just stopped right there. On the way home, she was really quiet. so my...
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    Moving too fast?

    ok so today i made out with my girlfriend of one week for the first time, everything was going well, but i couldn't help myself from trying to get into her pants. she stopped me, and i tried again a few times. i should have just stopped right there. On the way home, she was really quiet...
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    should I let her contact me?

    yeah dude... it sounds like she's trying to play games with you. you could ask her out if you're really interested, but i suggest you move on
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    I do believe I've just had an epiphany

    ok, so after lurking here for a few short months and reading the DJ bible (I'm about half through now) i have figured out all of my problems I've been flirting with/ kinoing a lot of girls at school, and one day i got it in my head that i had a lil crush on one of them. Only after reading...
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    How to react to this?

    right, but should i just let the whole thing go and next them? a lot of people think im dating one of them or that they're interested...
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    How to react to this?

    EDIT: my question relates to whether or not this will hurt/ help my chances with them. its not like i dont have other options, but these two seem pretty cool and id be ok dating either one
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    How to react to this?

    ok so im in HS and i hang out with these two girls, flirt with some time, fair amount of kino on both lets call them A and B. dont know if they're attracted to me, dont care but wouldnt mind knowing so basically we were sitting after school and there was this girl lets call her C who i...
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    Simple But Effective Phone Tip

    actually sounds like a very very good tip I'm in an acting class, and one of the things they tell us is to find something to keep busy while onstage when you're not talking. so you dont seem like you're just waiting for your next line, but actually doing something
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    Questions about High School

    bump im also in high school and would like to know what the older DJ's have to say
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    What if you're not awesome?

    listen man, I can tell you that what I am about to tell you is the single most important fact of life. YOU CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY it sounds simple, but its all you need to know. If you tell yourself that you suck as an artist, then you'll suck as an artist. But if you truly believe you...
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    high school and college is when you're supposed to meet lifelong friends if you dont really like the people you hang out with, then make new ones
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    Should you cancel a 3rd date or every 2-3 dates?

    could not agree more there is absolutely no reason to cancel a date if youre unavailable if she doesnt want to see you anymore, chances are its not because youre too available