
King X

New Member
Dec 5, 2009
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Hey guys. I have a lot of friends at school. The thing is that when I'm not in school I get kind of anti-social. I don't go on aim as much as I should and I barely if ever go on facebook. I use my phone most of the time when I want to hang out with friends. Most of the time I don't even want to go out even when friends invite me to hang out with them. The major reason I feel like this is that I probably won't keep in contact with my high school friends once I get into college and further on in life. Is this weird of me to think like this? I would love to hear some thoughts.


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2009
Reaction score
high school and college is when you're supposed to meet lifelong friends
if you dont really like the people you hang out with, then make new ones

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
ah, no yogi. Actually most people you meet in high school you will never meet again unless you're from a small town and return to it, or your life ends shortly after high school and you get a job or something.

If you enter college, your lifelong friends will have SOME from college (esp if you join a frat), but MOST of your friends later in life will basically be your relatives, your neighbors, and your professional friends (co-workers).

Yes, I had the same mentality in high school, basically "these people I will never see again, let's just get my stuff done and get out." and if it weren't for facebook I would not remember 99% of their names if I met them. I don't use facebook that much and have something like 30 friends, and i have yet to actually talk to one of those people after high school (in person).

I had a lot of friends in high school and college though, so don't let this mindset keep you from knowing people. Rather you should keep in mind these are temporary relationships and you should not take them seriously or give a damn seriously what they think enough to affect your life decisions.