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    I have a hate club

    Verbally destroy them?? Superiority over them? It sounds to me that you're simply hurting the girls. This thread reeks of poorly hidden lack of confidence.
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    Indeed we should, Viking. In my opinion, the norwegian girls doesn't sit on those huge pedestals that they apparently do in the US. This may be because we don't have that much of a dating culture, so many girls just longing to be asked out. I don't know. I've never been in America...
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    Hot dang! So there are norwegians here after all. I live in Oslo, more or less. You?
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    someone help me!!

    The best advice I can give is to forget about it. Winning her back is hard, if not impossible, and probably not worth it. Go kick it with your buddies, pick up some other girls, work out, whatever. Just to get your mind off things.
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    Is she interested? Your tricks, please!

    Let's see... you haven't read the DJ bible, have you? You will find the link on the top right on this page, so get to it. You will find all that you seek there, and more. PS. For the sake of all that is good and pure, DON'T make her think you are only friends. If that happens; game over...
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    Tell me about it :cool:
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    Any norwegian potential wingmen out there?
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    You WANT a gansta LOVING woman? You deserve her.

    What the hell IS this!? Why are people constantly starting new threads to discuss the same fukking topic (gangsta/women)? And in the tips section of all places..
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    Change the ranking system, please!

    How about if you only get the title "Senior" or "Master" if someone else recommends you?
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    Fist Fights ?

    I would stand straight with my arms down, look him in the eyes and say calmly; "You are so cute when you get angry. But I don't have time for this." Then turn around and talk to one of my friends or something. This way, if he does hit me (from behind), he will look like what he is; the...
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    f>ck the cell phone

    Relax you guys, its just a trend thing and will be over soon. Here in Norway we had the same thing going on a couple of years ago when cell phones were considered social proof and shyt. People were calling eachother everywhere and talking real loud just so everyone could notice their fancy...
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    tough situation...

    Personally, my friend's exes are more or less forbidden fruit. If they break up, I would wait until I knew my friend was totally and completely over her before I make a move at all.
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    Boot Camp!

    Ok, I'm in. but I'll have to start on friday since I have this horrible exam and need to study BIG TIME until then. Guess it'll be a lot of hi's this weekend for me, then...:)
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    Chat room

    Is it possible to fix so that the chat room will be working for Netxcape too? I'm running Linux instead of Microsoft and I would like to get access to the chat room
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    Better title than "Master Don Juan?"

    How about if someone has to recommend you? ------------------ "Some say I got a bad attitude, But that don't change the way I feel about you, And if you think this thought might bring me down, look again 'cause I ain't wearin' no frown!" -Ugly Kid Joe
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    a story and some advice

    Yay Pumbty!! You showed that arrogant man-destroyer! Guess you tought her one hell of a lesson now... Btw, there ain't no such thing as a perfect 10 Ack ------------------ "Some say I got a bad attitude, But that don't change the way I feel about you, And if you think this thought might...
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    Haha... kickass post Challenge guy I agree with you totally. One has to be the GOD of his own damn universe, not just some pathetic minion. You can't lose any ****in' thing except your pride if you don't ask for the # Nice to see that there are still MEN around. And a lot of them are on this...
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    What was your breaking point from nice guy to dj?

    I was born again November 5th, when the girl I thought was THE girl, and who used to like me, told me she had got a boyfriend. No, it didn't smash my heart (actually, I hardly cared), and I surprised myself; I never knew I could be that cynical and cold. So, I became my own hero. That's right, I...