I have a hate club


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
I have 6 people who hate me :eek: 5 girls and 1 guy. The guy hates me cause of 1 of the grls. Most of them hate me for doing the anti dump thing. If they dont qualify I keep them as friends. Normaly I tell 1 of the girls whos a friend, about the new girl and she cant handle it, and they say something like, "I thought you were tidy", then i reply, "I am a cool guy", then they say no your not, go off on 1 then. Then I normaly verbally destroy em.

Dark Nimbus

Senior Don Juan
Jan 20, 2002
Reaction score
That's the price we pay for not putting girls in the lime light who can't handle not being admired and desired. I usually have the problem that girls get mad at me when I tell them I don't keep female friends around. Seems to hurt their little egos just as much, and they turn into raving *****es who just can't accept the idea of a guy not wanting them in his life. They desperatly try to be-friend me as if I'm a challenge for them, but when they realize I'm not going to change my mind they get pissy. You just have to get used to it though if that's how you choose to live your life.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
It's annoying cause I have that guy after me. Course he'll get his head kicked in, but its still annoying.

Panda 2000

Senior Don Juan
Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
It shows your superiority over them.


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2001
Reaction score
Verbally destroy them?? Superiority over them? It sounds to me that you're simply hurting the girls.

This thread reeks of poorly hidden lack of confidence.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
Well Ack, that is just your opinion. I have just been me around them, and if they cant handle that, then their not worth it.

Like last night i was chatting to 2 friends on MSN. They were coming out with stuff like,

If you meet a girl and you don't click as you call it, doesnt mean you should next her.

If you dont think a grl is hot enough you shouldnt next her, or if she puts on weight and you were going out with her, you shouldnt leave her.

S0lid you shouldnt play hard to get, its not attractive.

S0lid if a girl is talking about marriage and long term commitment on the first date, it just means shes caring. (I replied no, that means shes clingy and obsessive).

S0lid yes that girl started tounging another guy the second time you met her in a club, but thats ok, perhaps she was unsure of you. (contradiction or what?)

and they said Im being too judgemental, and thats a bad characteristic to have. (irony of what they are doing)

Then I turned offensive,

(to the guy 1st)
Ok guys, lets get a few facts straight. Your with jane (fake name) and you have broken up.......what is it? 3, 4 times? in....the space of 12 weeks. If it didnt work out the 1st time, mark my words it wont last (shes cheated on every guy shes been with). O and dan did you not cheat on her?

love love love blah blah bull

Then the girl is like well me and will have are engadged and love eachother, and we're getting married next year!

Well girl, your only 16 and your getting married, havnt u broken up like 10 times over the space of 2yrs? Mark my words it wont last!

I went on to say that i dont want a under the thumb relationship. Like the grl in the convo, she wont even let her b/f look at another girl, not even over the net, hows that marriage gonna work? And the guy in the convo, his g/f once said, do you want a g/f, when he didnt listen to her.

I told them I dont want a relationship like them, (they were shocked as if there is no other way). I said a "layed back" relationship.

then to end the convo I had, S0lid why dont you have a g/f then?

I replied well, I could have 1, I have saved myself from some bad 1s, but im looking for miss right not miss right now.

then I had "s0lid you dont know what your talking about".

So Ack, if these are your views, you have a long way to go my friend!