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  1. O

    How many times should you call b/f giving it up

    Was that like a trick question? The answer is once. I don't even know anyone anymore that has a land line. Every one has a cell phone. The thing about cell phone is that you can carry them anywhere. If the person you call doesn't answer it means they are in a situation that doesn't allow it...
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    Did not had kiss close on second date (bad sign?)

    I think you should maybe ask your penis for his opinion on this last statement. I believe he would strongly disagree.
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    "Pretend" Value

    There's a big difference between being the real Alpha and having a load of mates. I was extremely popular in highschool. I was the jock that dated the hottest cheerleaders. Etc. But no real friends. Honestly, most guys are AFCs, and you probably aren't in the same mindset. Sure guys...
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    Any chance of me saving face? I came off as insecure AFC...

    Why would she bring it up in the first place? How did that conversation go anyway? "Hey babe! How was your weekend?" "Oh, ok. Got my hair styled, when to a movie with my BFF, and snuggled on my bed with an ex-boyfriend that I used to screw." She's trying to provoke a reaction. Would have...
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    At least im never going back to high school...

    Funny...the first thing I thought when I read this was: "it's the first rule of fight club! Don't talk about Fight Club!" The question is, why would you be embarrased of going to this site? I have an uber easy office job that allows me a lot of time to surf the web. So...I spend a lot of...
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    Am I a pedophile?

    Technically you're an ephebophile! :D Actually very normal.
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    how to do this

    I've been seeing this same basic question come up quite a bit. There's this girl I'm attracted to, but...., and....,should it keep trying to get with her? Plates, dude, P-L-A-T-E-S. Women are squirly narcisitic vain attention seeking creatures...god love em! They're attracted to men who...
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    On the contrary sir, she said she doesn't want to date me RIGHT NOW Easy...tell her it's now or never. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. In the end who is insane fun if you do it right.:D
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    "Pretend" Value

    Essentially there are two Alphas. There's the leader of the pack and then there's the leader of the PACK. Think about it from the other side of the equation. A group of AFCs who have no abilities with women are not going to want to be mates with the leader of the PACK. They'll respect him...
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    Pros and cons of being a late bloomer.

    Was watching 40 year old virgin while reading the forum...LOL Society and media have perpetuated the myth that when it comes to sex, practice makes perfect. And that just isn't true. My guess is that you're afraid that since you haven't had sex yet, you're not going to be good at it...
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    life has taken a downward turn, i cant get up

    I've had that problem before too. It sucks....but hey, it happens to the best of us. Rarely is it a physical problem as others have mentioned. My suggestion, and what worked for me, is to become more engaged. I was somewhat in the same situation as you are. I have a very stress free life...