
J Bay Bay

Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
OK so I am not officially in College yet bit there is a girl that I have been going out with no bf-gf just doing stuff together. Well she is going to a college about 30 min from mine (we are both moving 3hrs from our little town in TN). She tells me she doesn't want a relationship at the time she doesn't want to be tied down in college you know for party reasons. So she tells me she wants me to come over so we watch a few movies and I work on her laptop to get her ready for school. Well the next day I'm texting a girl friend asking her if the other girl is interested in me. Girl 1 texts me and i did not notice and talked about her good and she told me I never made a move and that that ship has sailed. She said she doesn't want to date me right now, I think i'm ok with her for later and we may hang out before we leave. Which come to my question, should I make a move now? She said that if I push her she's just going to push farther away. So if we get alone do I go for it or just give her the time she wants?


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
J Bay Bay said:
She tells me she doesn't want a relationship at the time she doesn't want to be tied down in college you know for party reasons.

She said she doesn't want to date me right now
She isn't interested in you at all. If she was, she wouldn't be making up excuses.

So if we get alone do I go for it or just give her the time she wants?
Go for it, you've got nothing to lose.

J Bay Bay

Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
Captain said:
She isn't interested in you at all. If she was, she wouldn't be making up excuses.

Go for it, you've got nothing to lose.
On the contrary sir, she said she doesn't want to date me RIGHT NOW, and she's always laughing when I talk, she laughed for like 5 mins because i said WingDings....... she seems pretty interested.


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2009
Reaction score
On the contrary sir, she said she doesn't want to date me RIGHT NOW

Easy...tell her it's now or never. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. In the end who is insane fun if you do it right.:D


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
onebigfatcat said:
Easy...tell her it's now or never.
Well...I wouldn't go this far with it. I don't think trying to force her into a relationship with you by giving her an ultimatum will "inspire" her to commit to dating you.

You should listen to Captain,he's right. She wouldn't be giving you any excuse if she was into you as much as you think she is.

You can't put a timetable on emotions dude. You said that she said she didn't want to date you "RIGHT NOW". Ok,so when then? In a month? Two months? Her attraction for you is low,dude,that's if she has any at all. Let's say two months. It's August right now. So you think that when the beginning of October rolls around,she's going to come to you and go,"Ok,two months have passed. It's time now. I'm ready to start dating you again."?

Of course not.

She's knows what she's doing. She knows that by telling you she doesn't want to date you right now,that she's risking losing you. You could find somebody else. If she's willing to take that chance,sorry dude.

She's just not that into you.

Another thing: You talk about her laughing when you talk to her. Yeah,so?

That doesn't mean anything.

She can go to a comedy show and laugh all night at the performers on stage. That doesn't means she's attracted to/wants to date the guy on stage telling the jokes.

Yeah,a girl can laugh because she's interested in you,but she can also laugh simply because you said something funny.

These two are NOT the same.

Just be a good soldier and listen to the Captain. :D